I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 106: A kick comparable to a nuclear bomb explosion! (Please order first, 50


The moment he was discovered, Du Gang moved.

His body was like a cheetah. One second he was at the window, and the next second he appeared at the door.

"Fire dragon!"

The woman guarding the door was not slow to respond, summoning a two-meter-sized fire dragon and heading straight towards him to kill him.

As soon as this fire dragon appeared, it lit up the surrounding area red, and the strong high temperature made the air burn with a "sizzling" sound.


The fire dragon circled in mid-air, then roared violently, and quickly crashed into Du Gang's body.

But at this moment, Du Gang seemed to be blind and rushed directly towards the fire dragon.


The two collided quickly, and the fire dragon exploded in an instant.

On the other hand, Du Gang was able to withstand the fire dragon attack, but his body remained unscathed.

"How can it be?"

Rose shouted out in shock and looked at him in disbelief.

The fire dragon attack is one of her most powerful attacks. Even the most powerful shield warriors dare not use their bodies to block it, but the man in front of her...


Du Gang sneered, and taking advantage of her moment of absence, he rushed to the woman, stretched out one hand, and strangled her neck.

Few people know that he is actually very powerful in his human form!

Everyone thought that he was weak in combat before he transformed.

This is also an illusion he deliberately created to save himself.

In fact, before he transformed, he had already reached the yellow level in terms of pure strength, and his defense had reached a terrifying level.

He once secretly tested it in human form. If he stepped on a hundred-meter-tall dinosaur, he would be driven into the ground at most, but it would not be able to cause much harm to him!

The difference between him before and after the transformation was only reflected in his size and strength. His defense in the human form before the transformation was almost the same as after the transformation.

Du Gang had just restrained Rose, and before he could ask her about Ming Yuwei's location, the door to the palace opened.

Ming Yuwei opened the door and walked out.

"Du Gang?!"

Her originally calm demeanor became angry the moment she saw him.


She shouted sharply, and her supernatural power was activated instantly, freezing the air in Du Gang's area.

Du Gang found in an instant that he could no longer breathe, but he did not panic. The oxygen remaining in his lungs was enough for him to survive for three days.

In addition, his feet are stepping on the ground and constantly absorbing oxygen.

Although he was not affected, the rose he was holding was dying.

Her face turned purple in just a few seconds, her mouth was wide open, she was trying desperately to breathe, but she couldn't get anything in. The intense discomfort made her throat squirm up and down.

After a while, she felt like she was dying.

His heartbeat slowed down, his pupils dilated, his eyes blurred, as if he would faint in the next second.

Over there, Ming Yuwei didn't care about Rose's life or death, but with anger, she used her superpower again.


As soon as he finished speaking, Du Gang felt a strange feeling, as if he had been in water before, and the next second, the water turned into ice, solidifying his body inside.

He tried to move. Although there was a lot of resistance, he could still move if he wanted to.

He could bear it, but the rose next to him couldn't.

The throat that was originally squirming gradually stopped at this moment, and the strong heartbeat also became weaker at this moment.

Her eyes instantly turned red, and patches of dark red and dark purple blood appeared on her face.

She looked at Ming Yuwei not far away, and before losing consciousness, she moved her lips and said something silently.

The next second, his body trembled, and his whole body lost its strength and was held up by the invisible resistance in the air.

How cold-blooded!

Du Gang sighed in his heart. The woman in his hand was obviously Ming Yuwei's subordinate, but she didn't even care. She attacked indiscriminately and even took the lives of her own subordinates.

He should kill such a cold-blooded and hostile woman as soon as possible.

At this point, he no longer hesitated, and with a movement of his body, he broke through the air resistance and rushed towards Ming Yuwei.

This movement, like an arrow from a string, instantly appeared in front of Ming Yuwei.

Just like before, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Ming Yuwei's neck like an eagle catching a chicken.


Ming Yuwei's reaction was not slow. Although she was shocked that Du Gang had broken her air restraint, she still released her superpower again.

All she saw was a wave of air, centered on her body, spreading out in all directions.

Du Gang was caught off guard and was carried away by the air wave. He hit the wall of another palace before stopping.

With Ming Yuwei's sharp shout, the air around Du Gang returned to normal, and then he said: "Ming Yuwei, you..."

He originally wanted to ask, do you still remember that I saved you

But after thinking that the evil god would tamper with her memory, she gave up. This woman was probably filled with hatred for him, so she better forget it and don't ask.

At this point, he no longer hesitated and said again: "Transform!"

In an instant, a two-hundred-meter-tall giant appeared.

As soon as they appeared, the two palaces under their feet were squeezed and collapsed.

"this… "

Ming Yuwei was shocked!

She looked up with a look of disbelief.

In her memory, Du Gang was just a giant a few meters tall. Even if he became stronger, he might only be more than ten meters tall.

Unexpectedly, he was two hundred meters tall!

One of Du Gang's feet was as high as a mountain in her eyes.

At this moment, one of the mountains actually lifted up and crushed down towards her.


She wanted to run, but found that her power, which was so easy to use, didn't work at this moment!

Not only that, her body became sluggish under the pressure of this heavy force.

"Air power?"

Ming Yuwei was shocked.

The giant's mere act of lifting his foot and stepping down created an effect like air freezing.

Looking at the 'mountain' getting closer and closer in front of her, her eyes were gradually filled with despair.

This kind of superpower... shouldn't be something humans can have!

The evil god must be dealt with by the God of Light!

At this moment, she finally understood that for an evil god like Du Gang, only another god could stop him!

At this critical moment, Ming Yuwei's eyes suddenly darkened, and then lit up again. This time, her eyes shone with a different kind of light, and the color of despair dissipated, filled with a strong confidence.


Du Gang stepped down hard.

The image of trampling the enemy into a pulp did not appear, and his feet stopped some distance from the ground.

Then, before he could wonder what happened, a powerful shock wave spread from beneath his feet.


Affected by this momentum, his body swayed and he took a few steps back before regaining his balance.

Looking down, Ming Yuwei was standing there, surrounded by a clearly visible circular transparent shield.

This transparent shield stood up around her body like an egg.

"That is?"

Du Gang's attention was always on Ming Yuwei's eyes.

Indifferent, confident, contemptuous, even with a hint of fanaticism and greed.

This is not the look in her eyes! !

Du Gang instantly realized that Ming Yuwei was possessed by an evil god.

This time, he didn't rush forward, but asked: "Who are you?"

'Ming Yuwei' raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said with a faint smile: "I am a god!"

Du Gang thought of what Wang Yixuan said about his parents before, his expression darkened, and he asked solemnly: "Did you kill my parents?"

After hearing this, 'Ming Yuwei' responded directly, nodded and said: "Yes, I killed him!"

Du Gang was silent for a second, without any impulse, and asked: "Why?"

After 'Ming Yuwei' saw Du Gang's transformation into a giant with her own eyes, she became a little excited and looked at him as if she were looking at her own baby.

"There is no reason, whoever God wants to die must die... and I am God!"


Du Gang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time!

When he opened his eyes again, a fierce aura spread out.


He roared angrily and rushed towards Ming Yuwei at high speed.

… …

Nangang City may be said to be big, but it may be said to be small, but it is not small.

A two-hundred-meter-tall giant suddenly appeared. Half of the people in the city could clearly see him.

But at this moment, the superpowers were fighting and couldn't care less to watch, while the ordinary people were hiding under the quilt and shivering, and no one dared to go out and take a look at the giant.

That roar was like a bolt from the blue in this relatively silent place, shaking everyone to a halt.

The random sounds made by the two-hundred-meter giant can be called sonic weapons, not to mention that he roared angrily.

At this moment, everyone, whether they were ordinary people or people with super powers, covered their ears and looked in pain.

Some people even had red blood flowing from their ears, which was due to the shock from the sound.

"Is this the God of War?"

The superpowers who came to perform the mission with Du Gang and others all felt a sense of powerlessness at this moment.

A duel with such a giant

Many superpowers who had thoughts of fighting in their hearts became bitter at this moment.

"What he said, one man will kill everyone... is true!"

At this moment, everyone recognized Du Gang's strength.

They believe what they saw with their own eyes more than rumors!

"Is this yellow level?"

There was a ridiculous feeling in everyone's heart.

Can Huang Level injure everyone in the city with just his voice

Everyone suspected that Du Gang could roar everyone to death even if he didn't use his tall body and just roared.

Fortunately, Du Gang just shouted once and said nothing more.

… …

Du Gang came to the top of 'Ming Yuwei' in one step, and stepped on her position with hatred.

The nearly thirty-meter-long soles of the feet were covering the ground as if the sky had collapsed at this moment.

'Ming Yuwei' didn't hide, as if she was frightened.


As soon as he stepped down, Du Gang's expression became solemn. Just like last time, the sole of his foot stopped in mid-air and did not step down.

He slowly moved away, and 'Ming Yuwei' stood on the ground unscathed. Surrounding her was still the egg-shaped transparent protective shield from before.

"Haha, this is the difference between mortals and gods..."

'Ming Yuwei' said lightly, looking at Du Gang, the word "satisfaction" was written in her eyes.

'She' believes that once she masters such a body, she will be invincible at the same level!

Du Gang ignored it and attacked several times in succession, shaking the ground but not harming Ming Yuwei at all.

'Ming Yuwei' still mocked lightly, "No matter how powerful a mortal is, he is still a mortal. Perhaps in the eyes of mortals, you are very powerful..."

"But in my eyes, you are nothing!"

'She' smiled and said: "My divine power seems very small, but the higher the level is than your brute force, no matter how small it is, it cannot be broken by ordinary force!"

Du Gang looked at the unusually swollen 'Ming Yuwei' in front of him and fell silent.

It's like being hit.

But in fact, he focused his attention on the source energy column, where the balance was clearly displayed as 9.1 million.

This was what he had been hunting dinosaurs for the past four days, and had exchanged topaz for it with people from other bases.

He had been enduring it and only raised a dozen meters in height every day, just for this day.


He added all the source energy at once.

[Du Gang]

[Level 4 Ancient God]

[Battle level: 1110 meters]

The battle level suddenly changed from 200 meters to 1110 meters. This is not just a simple increase of five times, but if converted into strength, it is more than five hundred times! !

Du Gang slowly opened his eyes and looked at the tall but tall god underneath! ', a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You said that mortal strength cannot hurt the gods?"

"today… "

"I want to kill gods!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body expanded again, from the previous height of 200 meters to 1,110 meters in height.

Just like before, he raised his foot again and stepped heavily on 'Ming Yuwei'.

This time, 'Ming Yuwei' panicked.

Du Gang is really too tall.

The tallest building on Earth is the Burj Khalifa, also known as the Dubai Tower, with a height of 828 meters.

Dugan is taller than the Dubai Building!


At this moment, 'she' finally couldn't stand anymore and wanted to avoid the kick.

However, 'she' finally had the idea Ming Yuwei had before.

The body becomes sluggish!

Gravity: The attraction between two objects relative to the product of their masses!

Gravity is the only force that controls the movement of celestial bodies. This force is not the pull between celestial bodies, but the distortion caused by the celestial bodies themselves to their surrounding space-time!

At this moment, Du Gang's 1,110-meter-tall body naturally produced a very large gravitational force after moving!

This gravitational force restricted 'Ming Yuwei', slowing it down and making it impossible to escape.


After a violent noise.

The ground cracked instantly, and cracks spread from the center of the explosion in all directions.

A circular pit tens of meters deep and nearly a hundred meters in diameter appeared on the ground.

Around this deep pit, the palaces that once stood proudly turned into ashes and disappeared.

At the same time, a strong shock wave spread from the center of the incident in all directions.



Houses collapsed like blocks built by children.

In an instant, all the buildings within a 500-meter radius with Du Gang as the center were reduced to ruins.

The glass of all the buildings in Nangang City was shattered in this instant.

Countless sand mixed with glass fragments spread further away.

These originally inconspicuous things, at this moment, turned into deadly weapons.

"Bang bang!"

The superpowers who were close to each other were all shot into sieves at this moment, whether they were enemies or friends.


In the distance, the superpowers who were watching all used all their strength to hide towards the building.


The violent explosions and roars lasted for three minutes before gradually subsided.

As for the entire Nangang City, the scene at this moment was as if it had been bombed by a nuclear bomb. No place was intact!

Apart from the fact that there was no radiation, the damage caused by Du Gang's foot was almost the same as that of a 10,000-ton nuclear bomb.



Wails and cries gradually started to sound when the shock wave stopped.

'God' is dead!

After being stepped on, it turned into blood mist and dispersed.

But the aftermath he caused also resulted in at least hundreds of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries.

Du Gang was silent.

He looked at the messy Nangang City, his teeth chattering unconsciously.

In the distance, the people who barely survived looked at him with fear in their eyes.

When gods fight, mortals suffer!


At this moment, they looked at Du Gang as if they were looking at the God of Death.

Fear, fear, fear, worry, timidity...

… …

Inside the lunar base.


Nalan Hongwen spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I am dead?"

Although he was possessed, the feeling of death was too real, as if he had really died.

"Ancient God..."

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and muttered to himself.

He didn't expect that the ancient god was so powerful!

According to the information, this ancient god is currently at the green level, right

He actually broke through his Yuanli protective shield!

Yuanli protective shield is something that only seven-color purple-level experts can understand!

Although the strength of this protective shield is not as big as the gap between gods and mortals as he boasted, it is still indestructible below the purple level!

But now, he was trampled by Du Gang.

"Seize the body..."

Ming Yuwei is dead, and his plan to seize the body failed!

"No, I still have a chance!"

Nalan Hongwen cheered up again and dialed his mother's phone number.

In the information given to him by advanced civilization, there are two ways to seize the body.

The first is to require the target ancient god to suffer a huge psychological and spiritual blow, and then seize the body.

The second is to cripple it, and then attack it after losing resistance!

His initial plan was to focus on the first method of seizing the body, because he could not come to the earth in person, otherwise he would attract people from the Universe Civilization Protection Association.

But at this moment, he changed his mind. Such a powerful ancient god was enough for him to take risks!


Communication is connected.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Nalan Yanran looked at her son who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and asked in confusion.

"I was hurt by the ancient god of Earth!"


Nalan Yanran looked at him in disbelief.

Nalan Hongwen nodded and said: "I have already used the possessed descending device, and the Yuanli protective shield was also opened, and he stepped on it and destroyed it!"

"How can it be… "

He continued: "That ancient god should have just broken through to the green level, but his strength is already comparable to the purple level!"

"Mom, help me seize him!"

Green level is comparable to purple level!

Nalan Yanran was shocked!

He is so strong at the green level, what if the Ancient God reaches the green level? Is it comparable to the Meteor Star

What about blue level? Or what about when he reaches purple level? ! !

Nalan Yanran thought for a while and said: "Once we enter the earth, the people from the Universe Civilization Protection Association will appear in ten minutes at most..."

"The fight must end within ten minutes..."

"When the time comes, you will pretend to be a local giant. I will blame everything on Nalan Hongwen. I will say that you are dying and are not mentally normal. I want people from the primitive planet to be buried with you..."

She had never heard anyone say this about seizing a body except in this intelligence report. Therefore, she believed that even people from the Universe Civilization Association in this wasteland star field would not know!


Nalan Hongwen suddenly became happy when he heard that his mother was willing to take action.

When he thought of that huge body that was more than a thousand meters high, he couldn't control himself with excitement!

"Just wait, I'll get ready and I'll be at your place in an hour..."

… …

(End of chapter)