I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 108: Aliens are coming! (Thanks for paying attention, I have been waiting


On the spaceship.

While others were flying the spaceship, Nalan Yanran made eye contact with Nalan Hongwen.

Years of mother-son relationship made it easy for him to understand what he meant and nodded slightly.

After confirming that her son understood, Nalan Yanran turned to the eight soldiers and said, "I won't need you to fight for a while. I asked you to come. You just help me fly a spaceship..."

"Understood, sir!"

Soon, a soldier was operating the equipment in the spacecraft and brought up all the images of all the satellites on the earth.

"Sir, the satellite system of this primitive planet has been invaded..."

Nalan Hongwen walked over and said, "Bring me the scene from an hour ago..."

After a while, the video of Du Gang's battle an hour ago appeared on the screen.

He pointed at Du Gang and said, "This is the man, track his current location for me!"

The spacecraft also has some built-in detectors, but it is more troublesome to release them and then enter the corresponding orbit. Anyway, the earth has artificial satellites. Although the functions are inferior, it should be no problem to find one.

"Found it, sir!"

On the video screen, Du Gang shrank and walked into his original residential building.

Then, it was fast forwarded a hundred times, and the picture did not change. Du Gang did not leave there!

"Very well, let's go down there and go there!"

… …

Arctic Circle.

"Report, the loot cleaning is over. In total, we have harvested more than 20,000 aircraft of various types, hundreds of tons of gold, and countless jewelry..."

"I know, push all the corpses into the glacier to prevent death..."

Yao Zhenguo took the report and read it while walking, and soon came to the command center.

Li Mingzhi saw him coming in and quickly greeted him.

Yao Zhenguo looked up at him and asked, "How is Du Gang doing there?"

"He returned to his home in Luo'an City and never came out. He was probably sleeping..."

"Nan Yuan has a plane passing by, and he should be trying to appease him..."

"There's a situation!"

At this moment, a technician suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?"

Yao Zhenguo and Li Mingzhi quickly approached.

"There's a UFO!"


Soon, the technician adjusted the video screen, and suddenly a long spaceship appeared. Its appearance was very similar to that seen in common science fiction movies.

Before anyone could take a closer look, the spaceship in the screen disappeared instantly.

Technicians quickly tracked it down, and when the spacecraft next appeared, it was a faint shadow.

"The spacecraft has entered the outer atmosphere!"

"The speed is very fast, it has reached the ionosphere..."

"Entering the middle level!"

At this moment, more than one technician is operating, and others are also moving and working together.

From time to time, an image appeared on the big screen, revealing a fleeting scene of a spaceship.

Like a relay, everyone kept using satellites and equipment in different orbits to capture the spacecraft.

"To the stratosphere..."


Yao Zhenguo quickly asked: "Where did they fall?"

"Longitude 25.154853"

"Dimension 101.548612"

"Where is this?"

"Report, Nan Yuan Province!"

Yao Zhenguo said quickly: "The highest alert is activated. Immediately send planes to various local bases to report the situation and put all their nuclear weapons on standby. Be careful!"

Needless to say, all the video surveillance screens in the entire control center were focused on Nanyuan Province.

… …

Du Gang was a little happy after killing the evil god.

But when he saw the city that he accidentally injured and turned into ruins, and the crying people everywhere, he was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that after he reached the thousand-meter combat level, a casual kick could produce such great power.

Unexpectedly, so many people were accidentally injured and died.

However, his eyesight has evolved and become very good. He can see everyone's expressions and reactions one by one.

Fear, fear, pain, hatred…

Looking at those complicated eyes, he was afraid!

He chose to flee the scene!

Subconsciously, he ran back to his home in Luo'an City.

Along the way, his heart was filled with guilt and regret.

If he could do it all over again, he would definitely not choose to step on that foot. Perhaps, he would distract the evil god.

This kick not only caused him extreme pain, but also made him truly realize that he was no longer a human being!

When he returned to his small nest in Luo'an City, he blew away the dust on the bed. He didn't mind it being dirty, so he lay down directly on it, covered his head with the quilt, and fell asleep.

As soon as he fell asleep, he began to dream.

In the dream, the evil god did not come, and nothing happened after that kick.

After they liberated Nangang City, they received continuous cheers from all the residents.

Then, he continued to live his previous peaceful life.

Hunting dinosaurs at night, and practicing boxing during the day, he also embodied spears and practiced shooting, stabbing, and poking skills.

In this way, after a long time, he finally reached the fifth level of Ancient God and reached a height of 100,000 meters.

Just as he laughed and walked forward.

Something terrible happened. He stepped out and the earth was trampled through...

The earth collapsed, volcanoes erupted, and mountains collapsed!

The real end of the world came, the Blue Star exploded, and mankind perished, leaving him alone, standing alone in space, unable to tell whether he was crying or laughing.

Before he could start to feel sad, a man suddenly emerged from the ruins of Blue Star and attacked him, muttering, "Give me back my life!"


Before Du Gang could clearly see the appearance of the man in his dream, his body was hit by a huge force and he was ejected directly towards the ground.


The old house where Du Gang grew up and lived for 15 years collapsed at this moment, followed by the entire unit building in the community.

And he also woke up at this moment.

With a movement of his body, he quickly flew up and landed on a ruined wall that had not completely collapsed.

Mixed with the smoke, he looked around, and soon he discovered an object suspended in mid-air that he had never seen before, but he knew it was a spaceship at a glance.

It is about a hundred meters long and twenty or thirty meters wide. It just floats quietly in the air, violating the principles of mechanics.

"Is this the guy?"

At this time, a hoarse yet charming female voice came out from the smoke.

He looked down and saw a man and a woman standing on the intact ground in the distance, wearing strange-looking but powerful combat attire.

The woman is in her twenties, has a delicate face, and her beautiful long hair is tied back with a hair tie. She looks very capable.

The man, on the other hand, looked to be in his forties or fifties, with a vulgar look on his face, and the eyes he looked at were full of greed and desire.

This look seems familiar!

Du Gang narrowed his eyes and quickly remembered that the evil god who possessed Ming Yuwei before had such a look in his eyes!

"Who are you?" He asked as calmly as possible.

The two people opposite him didn't answer him, and the man said something that he found very strange.

"Mom, he was the one who killed Weiwei, you have to make the decision for me!"

"..." Du Gang was speechless for a while, wondering if he was hallucinating. An old man in his forties or fifties called a young woman in her twenties to call her mother and make the decision for him...


Nalan Yanran looked at Du Gang from a distance through the smoke. She had almost finished the scene and couldn't waste any more time!

Thinking like this, she moved her steps and her whole body bounced up instantly. With a "bang!", a sound barrier exploded behind her, and the next second, she appeared in front of Du Gang.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of fists came down, and Du Gang didn't even have time to react, and he was directly hit into the sky.

Before it was over, Nalan Yanran seemed to ignore gravity, following closely behind, floating in mid-air, and attacked Du Gang with a series of fists.

When Du Gang finally reacted after being hit in the air, he had been punched hundreds of times, and his body was being beaten around uncontrollably.


No matter who the person is, if you attack him, he is the enemy!

The moment he reacted, he shouted.

On the ground, a giant more than a thousand meters tall suddenly appeared.

Nalan Yanran was caught off guard and used her inertia to hit Du Gang's knee dozens of times before stopping.


She looked at the endless giant in front of her and felt a little confused.

She actually didn't read the so-called information carefully.

In her mind, the giant should be only a few meters, or at most dozens of meters.

But now... a foot that was more than 150 meters long stepped down towards her.

"protecting mask!"

In an instant, she summoned a protective shield, and at the same time, she stepped into the air to avoid the kick.

As soon as she moved, an invisible binding force surged towards her.


Nalan Yanran was startled, and instead of asking for help, she quickly opened a force field exclusive to meteor-level experts!

Suddenly, around him, a green aura visible to the naked eye, like a burning flame, spread out, protecting his body in the middle.

Inside the spaceship.

Eight purple-level warriors, holding some melon seeds and cola, sat on the small bench and watched with gusto!

"Damn it, such a tall giant?"

"This is much higher than the giants I've seen..."

"Coming, coming, Master Nalan has released the force field!"

"The force field is a unique ability of the meteor star. Not only can it distort attacks, but it also has very powerful defense. This is a more advanced ability. No one can hurt her except those who also master the force field..."

As soon as they finished speaking, a scene that shocked them happened.


Du Gang's kick fell.


Nalan Yanran only had time to utter one word before she was hit by the powerful force that followed, and she smashed into the ground fiercely.

Du Gang looked at the dozens of meters deep pit that he had stepped on. In the center of it, an 'egg shell' stood erected there!

Nalan Yanran was unscathed!

How can it be!

This time, it was Du Gang's turn to be surprised. The power of his kick was comparable to a nuclear bomb explosion.

This woman was at the center of the explosion, taking all the force but not being harmed.

"I am going to kill you!"

A sharp sound came from the bottom of the pit.

Although Nalan Yanran was not harmed, the psychological damage she suffered was countless.

The Nalan family owns seventeen planets with a population of tens of billions. With such a huge population base, a total of seventeen meteor-level experts were born.

And she, Nalan Yanran, is one of the only seventeen meteor-level experts in the family.

She hasn't been hurt like this in a long time!

There was no one in the entire Wasteland Star Territory who was not respectful when meeting her.

This was the first time since she became famous that she was in such a state of embarrassment in front of her subordinates!

As soon as she finished speaking, Nalan Yanran disappeared instantly. When she appeared again, she was already standing in front of Du Gang.

An energy knife appeared instantly and stabbed into Du Gang's eyes.

In Du Gang's eyes, the woman under the pothole was like a mosquito loaded with a rocket engine. She flew in front of him in an instant, holding up the long 'gun' on her tail, trying to prick him. Eye.

Subconsciously, he closed his eyes.


The energy knife held by Nalan Yanran made a crisp sound like a metal collision when it came into contact with Du Gang's eyelids.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

Continuous attacks continued non-stop.

During this period, Du Gang was not idle either. He slapped the 'mosquito' in front of his nose with a 130-meter-long palm.


Nalan Yanran stepped on the tip of Du Gang's nose, trying to avoid the slap.

But something made her desperate again.

An invisible gravity emerged again, causing her body to slow down in mid-air.


Like a cannon hitting a mosquito, the two collided.

Surprisingly, this 'mosquito' was not injured, but was impacted by the force and flew out in an instant, disappearing in the blink of an eye at a speed of three or four times the speed of sound.


Nalan Hongwen was shocked!

He stood on the ground and stared at the disappearing figure in the distance, dumbfounded.

Listening to this bitch's bitch tone, Du Gang's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "Are you the evil god?"

Nalan Hongwen's pupils shrank subconsciously.

He had clearly seen the gap between himself and Du Gang and gave up the idea of fighting with him. When he heard this, he shook his head repeatedly, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

Unfortunately, Du Gang's eyes had evolved many times. Even through the thin clouds and more than a thousand meters away from the ground, he could still clearly see the anxiety and panic in Nalan Hongwen's eyes.

Sure enough it was him!

It turns out that the so-called evil gods are just aliens!

After reaching this conclusion, Du Gang breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, an unknown fire surged up again.

Earth's disaster must be caused by these aliens!

The death of his parents was also caused by the alien under his feet!

It was him who caused the chaos in Nangang City!

With old and new hatreds linked together, Du Gang raised his foot again and stepped heavily on Nalan Hongwen.


When Nalan Hongwen saw this, he was horrified, screamed, and frantically raised the protective shield, using all his abilities, and fled away from the range where the foot fell.

But it's no use!

Even the damn meteor star powerhouse couldn't avoid Du Gang's gravity power, so how could he avoid it

Just as he was about to step on it, a shocking roar came from far to near.


It's Nalan Yanran's voice!

Protected by that force field, she was still unscathed!

At the same time, Du Gang felt a pain in his heel, and something pricked him.

He understood that this was the mother of the 'evil god' down there.

"Let you taste the pain of losing a loved one!"

Du Gang snorted coldly and pressed down hard on Nalan Hongwen with his toes.


A deep pit measuring more than ten meters appeared.

The power attached to his toes is indeed not as powerful as his kick, but it is enough to crush a 'mosquito'.

Under the attack of this toe, Nalan Hongwen's protective shield instantly shattered, and his body also turned into flesh in an instant. Then, under the crushing force of gravity, it exploded into blood mist and disappeared!


A shrill female voice came out from Du Gang's heel!

"I want you to die!"

The next second, Nalan Yanran ran towards Du Gang with red eyes and overwhelming hatred.

"Meteor blast!"

This time, she finally used the strongest attack method matched by a meteor-level powerhouse - meteor blast!

On the spaceship.

The eight purple-level warriors, who were munching on melon seeds, couldn't help but stand up. No one even noticed that the Coke in their hands was spilled.

They all stared at the ground in shock, muttering to themselves.

"died… "

"That guy actually killed him!"

"Meteor Explosion, she used this move, she's going to fight for her life!"

"Meteor blast is the strongest attack method that only meteor-level experts can use. It is a method of exploding a force field that has been condensed with great painstaking efforts..."

"This move is often used to risk one's life, and ordinary people may not be able to see it once in their lifetime!"

"Yes, the last time I saw it was when I followed the clan's caravan to the Feiguang Galaxy... I was very lucky to observe an interstellar thief using it in a battle with the planet guardian... "

"I heard that every time you use the meteor blast, half of the force field will be consumed... Moreover, it will take a long time and consume a lot of resources to be able to practice it again..."

"More than that, one of the reasons why the Meteor Star is called the Meteor Star is that the power generated by this strike is comparable to that of a falling meteorite!"


At this moment, an alarm sounded. This was the alarm they had deployed outside the earth.

When a soldier saw it, he said, "Oh no, the people from the Universe Civilization Protection Association are here!"

ps: All rewards received after listing will be counted together with monthly tickets and recommended tickets at the end of the month.

ps2: I owe 195 updates before it goes on the shelves. Well, try to pay them back within forty days.

Thank you for paying attention. I have been waiting for you to reward you with 10,000 starting coins. Thank you Beisheng A for another reward of 5,200 starting coins. Thank you for another reward of 2,000 starting coins. Thank you for another reward of 2,000 starting coins. ,grateful? evil? I rewarded you with 1,000 starting coins again. Thanks to Qidian.com for the reward of 500 starting coins. Thanks to book friend 20201031151813754 for the reward of 500 starting coins. Thanks to Secretly for the reward of 200 starting coins. Thanks to book friend 160803194100715 for the reward. 100 starting coins, thank you Third Taigong for the reward of 100 starting coins before his death, thank you Millennium/for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you Lord of All Things for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you book friend 20200919202542859 for the reward of 100 starting coins , thanks for the reward of 100 starting coins for being too lazy to think of the nickname No. 1, and the reward of 100 starting coins for not being able to retreat. Thanks!

(End of chapter)