I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 11: Academic tyrant Du Gang!


After registering their names, the other students were a little excited, as if it was an honor to come downstairs.

People are like this sometimes. They worry not about abundance but about inequality.

After discovering that the people upstairs might be treated worse than themselves, everyone had an extra joy on their faces.

However, the banging of the building door quickly brought them back to reality.




Maybe they smelled the "food" getting closer to them, and the black beetles outside the door hit harder.

This powerful sound, like a big drum urging death, kept hitting everyone's hearts.

Except for Du Gang, all these students couldn't help but want to stay away from the iron door.

"Go and move your things. Just move all the heavy objects in the dormitory on the first floor!"

As Du Gang spoke, he came to the iron gate and looked at the condition of the iron gate. He knew that these people did not dare to go to the door, so he took the initiative to go there.

The lock is fine and the door is fine, but the hinges connected to the door frame have two nails sticking out on one side and three nails sticking out on the other side. The remaining three nails are about to come out!

"Made in China..."

He glanced at it and couldn't help but secretly feel lucky that it was made in China and the quality was good enough!

After a while, a student over there brought a metal cabinet over one meter high.

"Put it over here!" Du Gang pointed to the position next to the door frame and said.

The two people carrying the cabinet over there stopped and looked over there very hesitantly. They caught a glimpse of the black beetle's legs through the crack in the door, which made them tremble immediately.

Immediately afterwards, other people stopped after carrying their things over. They did not dare to approach the iron door. Although they all knew that the black beetles were outside and could not get in for the time being, they were just afraid.

When Du Gang saw this, he didn't force them. He stepped forward and lifted it with both hands. He found that it was not as heavy as expected, so he lifted it up very easily.

His physical strength has indeed been strengthened. Although it is not as strong as after the transformation, it is still far beyond that of ordinary people.

After feeling his strength, he carried two cabinets in one hand and walked to the door alone.

"He~~tui" facing the middle door crack, spitting at the bugs outside, Du Gang placed one cabinet on each side of the door frame.

Then, he stood in the middle of the door crack, blocking the door crack with his body, holding the door with both hands, and turned around and said: "I'm holding it here, move it quickly!"

After he did this, the students were indeed much less timid.

Although there were still a lot of crashes, no black beetles could be seen, and everyone temporarily lost their source of fear. They stepped forward one by one and moved what everyone thought was a heavy object in their hands.

"I don't want any clothes, don't you?"

"What are you bringing the water glass for? Give me a drink?"

Du Gang stood at the door, roaring angrily and scolding: "Do you know about heavy objects? It's really not possible to get a book with a big guy!"

The two cabinets at the door are still empty. If they are filled with books, they will weigh a lot.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the students rushed up in a hurry, got the books, and stuffed them into the cabinet with their bodies bent.

In just a short time, both iron cabinets were filled.

Outside the door, feeling the "food" close at hand, the black beetles went berserk. Instead of hitting the door one by one in a ladylike manner, they now swarmed up.

Although the door was not wide enough and the area it could bear was not large, it could not block enough bugs. Even if the bugs hit each other, the force transmitted by them would make Du Gang's body pressing against the door buckle together.

"That does not work!"

Du Gang realized that if he didn't transform, he couldn't suppress it with his own strength, so he quickly shouted: "Bring a bed quickly!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Everyone quickly put down their things and hurriedly moved a bed.

"Push it over and push it against the cabinet!"

As Du Gang said this, he stood to the side, leaving a spot where he could push the bed over.

Soon, everyone worked together to push the double canopy bed to the door.


Without Du Gang shouting, other students began to consciously push the bed hard.

"Don't have too many people. Your energy will be wasted. Four or five people can hold the bed while the others continue to move things and throw those books onto the bed!"

Du Gang took advantage of the crowd's impact and instantly jumped onto the cabinet. Pressing the door, he shouted: "Bring me two more cabinets and pass them over from the middle of the bed!"

The metal cabinet is only over one meter high, so it’s no problem to stack two more at the door.

With the support of these things, the courage of others also improved a lot. Several boys kept carrying the cabinets close to Du Gang and handed them to him.

After Du Gang opened the cabinet door, he stacked the two metal cabinets on top of the other two cabinets.

This time, he didn't need to talk. The other students took the books and stuffed them into the two cabinets very consciously.

After everyone's efforts, the iron door on the first floor has been completely blocked.

Even in the end, even if no one needed to push the bed, the door could no longer be knocked.

There is no need to have too much when you start. At this moment, the place is already filled with books. At a glance, they are all filled with books.

"Approximately how many books are here?"

After he was free, Du Gang felt a lot more relaxed and asked casually.

Everyone's expressions were also relaxed at this moment. Although there were a lot of sweat stains on their faces, they were all filled with smiles.

"It should have been several thousand!"

"There must be. We have moved all the books on the first and second floors, and a lot of them on the third floor!"

Du Gang smiled and nodded, praising: "Everyone did a good job, thank you for your hard work!"

At this time, someone was still a little worried, "Du Gang, can this thing be stable?"

"Yeah, we won't be here forever, right?"

Although the door was blocked, everyone was still a little frightened at the thought of being separated from the insects by a wall.

The corner of Du Gang's mouth raised slightly, and he said calmly: "The school's teaching materials are usually made of three-plus-one-five-seven-page offset paper. A single page of A4 paper weighs 80 grams. It is estimated to be three to four hundred pages, about seven to eight hundred grams, which is equivalent to a little more than one kilogram... "

Everyone stared at him dumbfounded, looking confused.

He glanced at the pile of books, and in the midst of everyone's confused expressions, he said calmly: "This pile of books, even if there are three thousand books, weighs nearly two tons. The width and height of the iron gate are almost two meters, and the area is four square meters. Meters, according to the size of the 'cockroach', we know that its impact point is its head, which means that the door's force-bearing area is at most one square meter. According to the impact force formula, Ft=Mv, based on my contact with them It can be roughly judged that v=12.34 meters/second, M is approximately equal to 500KG, t=0.5 seconds, F=12340N, 1KG=9.8N, and the impact force of the 'cockroach' is calculated to be 1259.2KG, which is 1.2 Ton, and according to the standard, the iron door of our school can withstand an impact of two tons at best. In addition, we have nearly two tons of books here. Do you think it can be stable? "

"Holy shit, oh shit, you're so awesome!"

"Du Gang, you are still a top student!"

Everyone looked at him with admiration.


Du Gang smiled lightly and said nothing more.

Straight A student

The things he just said were all nonsense, just to reduce their fear of 'cockroaches'.

(End of chapter)