I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 110: Communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations (thanks to the Gangster Army


Du Gang was at the center of the explosion, and his body sank into the ground for more than 500 meters.

When the fireball with a temperature of 6,000 degrees exploded, he thought he would go blind.

As a result, no, even in the flames, he could clearly see all the situations in the outside world at this moment.

Including Nalan Yanran, who escaped back to the spaceship after releasing the meteor blast, two planes, one large and one small, took off.

At this moment, he was holding the Spear of the Ancient God in his hand, aiming at the 100-meter spaceship that Nalan Yanran had boarded.

To cum or not

He was a little hesitant. Only one person from the other side could fight him like this. If a few more came, not only would he be unable to withstand it, but the earth would also be unable to withstand it.

The next second, he made a decision!


If Nalan Hongwen was killed by him, his mother would definitely fight to die. Instead of thinking about this, why not kill his mother first!

Thinking of this, Du Gang didn't hesitate anymore and directly raised the Spear of the Ancient God, adjusting its length to two thousand meters long, just within the range of the flames.

Then, he aimed at the 100-meter spaceship where Nalan Yanran was and projected it instantly.


"Someone is attacking the spaceship!" Nalan Yanran's spaceship was, after all, a two-star E-class ship. The Spear of the Ancient God was discovered the moment it flew out.

"Rotate, jump!" Without her order, the soldier controlling the spacecraft quickly performed a wave of short-distance jumps.


Danger after danger, the 100-meter spaceship disappeared before being shot by the Spear of the Ancient God. When it appeared the next second, it had already reached outer space.

"Sir, what should I do?" a purple-level warrior asked.

Nalan Yanran glanced at the earth fiercely and said: "Go to the moon, board the remaining spaceship, and return to the Nalan galaxy!"

The Proxima Centauri galaxy in the eyes of the earth is called the Nalan galaxy in their name.

To be able to fight her way out from tens of billions of people, her consciousness is not low. She knows that she cannot kill Du Gang by herself alone. In addition, people from the Universe Civilization Protection Association are coming, so she simply retreats first and then plans!

The purple-level warrior had already been frightened. After hearing this, he quickly started the spacecraft and flew towards the moon at the fastest speed.

There were no obstacles in the sky. With Du Gang's eyesight, he could easily see the spacecraft appearing in the interstellar space a thousand kilometers away.

"Oh, let them run away!"

He sighed. No matter how strong he was now, he couldn't fly, so he couldn't chase him out.

The Ancient God's Spear was able to pierce the atmosphere. It had already flown to the ionosphere, but its speed had also slowed down, and it was hopeless to hit the enemy.

Shaking his head, he directly retracted the Spear of the Ancient God, and then looked at the kilometer-class spacecraft that was still hovering at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters.


In the spaceship, Pang Ze looked at the two-kilometer spear that had disappeared, his head buzzing.

"What the hell is this aboriginal?"

If he hadn't been a meteor-level fourth-level expert from the Universe Civilization Protection Association, he would have wanted to turn around and go home at this moment.

Not to mention him, even the other purple-level warriors are now shaking and trembling.

"Boss, I... do we really want to go down?"

Several purple level warriors are scared!

If the giant below makes a sneak attack and throws a spear at them, they may not be able to dodge it if the distance is too close. After all, it takes time for the brain to react!

When the time comes, Pangze will survive, but they will not!

Pang Ze did not make things difficult for them. These people were his personal guards and could not be sacrificed casually.

He smiled and said, "You guys stop here, I'll go down in a small aircraft!"

He actually saw that the giant underneath was terrifyingly powerful and had very strong attack power, but his level was not high!

From the fact that he punched such a powerful punch without hurting Nalan Yanran, it can be seen that his power level has not reached the meteor level!

Although his destructive power may exceed that of the Meteor-level, the only people who can harm the Meteor-level are the strong ones of the Meteor-level!

Because of the force field!

The force field is a more advanced thing!

In his opinion, if Du Gang is a thousand-meter-long river, then the force field is a diamond. The river may be strong, but the diamond is so hard that he cannot break it!

This is his confidence as a meteor star!

After Pang Ze got on the small aircraft, he did not rush out. Instead, he paused and asked, "Have you found it? How many giants are there in the world?"

"Boss, as of now, this is the only one at the bottom!"

Obviously, the giants ten thousand meters deep underground cannot be detected with the detectors they carry.

After all, they are not professional exploration spacecraft and do not need to penetrate rocks.

Pang Ze breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that if this planet were all giants, that would be terrible, but it's okay!

He got on the small aircraft and said, "When encountering an emergency, just jump. Go to space first, call for support, and then find a way to rescue me..."

Although he was very confident, he still issued such an order just in case.

"Got it!" The purple-level warriors agreed happily without having to put themselves in danger.

"Open the outer hatch!"

In an instant, the bulkhead under the small spaceship cracked, and after being thrown away, it merged again.

Pang Ze, on the other hand, piloted the spacecraft alone and flew to a position one kilometer away from Du Gang, hovering parallel to his eyes.

"Don't do it!"

Pang Ze opened the glass cover of the small aircraft, stood on the spacecraft, waved and shouted:

"I am from the Universe Civilization Protection Association, and I am here to protect you..."

"Cosmic Civilization Protection Association?"

Du Gang murmured to himself, but given his size, no matter how low he whispered, it would sound like thunder in other people's ears.

Pang Ze endured the pain of his ears being shaken by the powerful sound waves and continued: "I have no ill intentions. We are an association dedicated to protecting primitive civilization..."

"I'm here because someone violated the rules and invaded your planet. I'm here to stop her..."

Du Gang didn't know whether his words were true or not, but the aliens had conveyed goodwill to him, so he wouldn't destroy it easily. After all, he didn't know how many aliens there were outside the universe. How many aliens could they communicate with? good.

Anyway, in his human form, he still retained the defensive power of his giant mode, so he simply returned to his human form!

In the distance, Pang Ze looked at Du Gang who had returned to human size and was shocked!

"He can actually shrink!"


At this moment, the first thing he thought about was the number of humans on this planet.

It would be terrifying if all humans could transform like this giant in front of them...

"What the hell, am I coming to a planet hiding an ancient race?"

With this thought in mind, he drove the spacecraft towards Du Gang's location.

At this moment, the ground is still burning, and thick smoke is still being produced.

Looking at Du Gang, who was wearing blood-red armor and was only human-sized, Pang Ze tried his best to look kind and showed a very ugly smile, "Let's talk in another place?"

He had a rugged appearance, and a scar across his eye. He grinned and looked like he wanted to eat people, which would probably scare a child to tears.

Du Gang nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then, he jumped on the spacecraft very consciously and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

This spacecraft is very small, with only two positions, a pilot position and a co-pilot position.

After seeing him board the spacecraft, Pangze closed the transparent oval glass cover, then quickly took off, replacing the oxygen in a place with relatively good air.

Then he smiled and said: "This is a small aircraft with a small oxygen reserve and poor endurance. It is generally only used inside the planet!"

The speed of the spaceship was very fast, surpassing the flight speed of all fighter planes on the earth. After a while, it arrived at Honeymoon City. The city was still as before, with no signs of damage.

Pang Ze controlled the spacecraft and stopped on the roof of a house with a beautiful environment. Then he turned to look at Du Gang and said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Pang Ze. I am a member of the Universe Civilization Protection Association..."


Before he finished speaking, Du Gang interrupted him and frowned: "Why did you say the same thing as me?"

Previously, I was too focused on fighting with Nalan Yanran and didn't pay attention to this.

Now that I calmed down, I remembered that these aliens all spoke Chinese!

Pang Ze smiled and said: "This is actually normal. The language you speak is a phonetic language. Words, meanings, and objects are closely connected. It is the easiest language for primitive humans to understand and create!"

"It can be said that your language is similar to our language and belongs to the universal language!"

"After all, most civilizations passed through the era of primitive humans and came from that period..."

Seeing his confused look, Pang Ze added: "What I said is true. At least half of the civilizations in the universe speak the same language as you, but with some local accents!"

He added: "However, for someone like you to speak the cosmic language so clearly... I wonder if your planet has been visited by people from other planets before? Did he leave behind the standard cosmic language? , for you to study?”

Then, he shook his head again and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it's not important... What is your name?"

"My name is Du Gang..."

The two parties briefly understood each other for a while, and Pang Ze spoke again: "This time, do you believe in our Universe Civilization Protection Association?"

Unexpectedly, Du Gang still shook his head, "To be honest, I don't understand the significance of the existence of your association?"

According to the laws of the dark forest, once a civilization is discovered, it will inevitably be attacked by other civilizations.

The main reason is that both parties cannot judge whether the other party is a well-intentioned and civilized person!

He didn't believe that they really had such good intentions and would protect the development of other civilizations instead of destroying or enslaving them

"You want to talk about the law of the dark forest?" Pang Ze smiled and pointed out what he was thinking.

Du Gang was surprised: "Do you know this law?"

Pang Ze was startled for a moment, shook his head and said with a smile: "Du Gang, no offense intended, which one of us do you think comes from outside the starry sky?"

What he means is, if you can know something, can I not know it? !

Du Gang nodded and asked: "Since you know the laws of the dark forest, what is the meaning of the existence of the Universe Civilization Association? Is it reasonable?"

"Existence is reasonable!"

Pang Ze smiled and said: "The law of the dark forest does exist!"

"Many years ago, it could be a billion years, or it could be ten billion years... A long time ago, the prevailing law in the universe was the law of the dark forest... "

"Every civilization is both a hunter and a prey. Once exposed, it will be blackmailed by other civilizations..."

"All civilizations are theoretically completely hostile. There is only death and death, no coexistence..."

"But have you ever thought about the existence of a certain civilization that is invincible in the star field?"

"It's a civilization. It is invincible in this area, and then it finds that the development of its civilization has reached a bottleneck..."

"The universe they can control is only that big. Many resources are wasted. Many rare items stolen from other civilizations disappear after one use..."

"Only by their own strength, they could not completely develop the entire universe. In the end, one of the strongest civilizations established the Universe Civilization Protection Association to allow other civilizations to develop..."

Du Gang frowned. There were many loopholes in this passage and the credibility was not high.

Pang Ze saw his doubts and said helplessly: "You are very smart, okay, okay, let me tell the truth. I don't know whether this period is real history, but this is what people think is the most feasible and widely known." According to the speculation circulating, only in this way can the significance of the existence of the Universe Civilization Protection Association be explained, and the rational reasons for the coexistence of various other civilizations..."

Du Gang asked doubtfully: "Aren't you from the Universe Civilization Protection Association?"

"No, you don't think that I am a big shot in the Universe Civilization Association, do you?"

Pang Ze smiled and said: "I am nothing. The Universe Civilization Protection Association where I am is just a branch of this wasteland star field. It is estimated that even our branch president here does not know the situation when the association was first established!"

"Well, let me put it another way. The Universe Civilization Protection Association is responsible for protecting new civilizations. When these primitive civilizations reach the first-level civilization standards, we will appear to provide help to these new first-level civilizations. Of course, we will charge Some reward…”

"You understand, we are exploring new markets. Primitive civilization is a potential market. We need to cultivate them and make them our customers!"

Du Gang is more likely to believe in such statements with profit purposes.

After all, apart from your parents, who would be willing to protect you if there is no interest relationship

"Are we a primitive civilization?"

"Yes, you are considered a primitive civilization!"

Du Gang frowned and said, "I don't understand. Since you want to develop new customers, why don't you show up when we become Homo sapiens and start supporting us so that we can become your potential customers as soon as possible?"

Pang Ze smiled and said: "This is mentioned in the manual of the Association for the Protection of Universal Civilization. There was an example where, according to what you said, support was provided after Homo sapiens appeared in a civilization... "

"But as a result, after that civilization became a cosmic civilization, it became very murderous, emotions were more important than rationality, and it would do things that were harmful to others but not self-interested!"

"What do you mean? They are not fully developed and often risk the lives of their entire family for some reason. Such a civilization actually does more harm than good!"

"In our opinion, in the primitive civilization stage, only war can promote the development of civilization. When a civilization naturally develops from primitive civilization to a first-level civilization, their brains can be considered truly sound..."

No one will be happy if they are said to be mentally deficient.

Du Gang was a little irritated, but couldn't refute.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. When you are weak, any voice is powerless, weak and meaningless!

In the eyes of aliens, the earth is backward enough, that is primitive civilization!

The second update (4000 words), counting as two updates, 195-2=193

Thanks to the Bandit Group Army for the reward of 10,400 starting coins, thank you to the late Qing Anti-Japanese War novel My Favorite for another reward of 500 starting coins, thank you to Fei Yiququ for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thank you to Mr. Xiaoma for the reward of 328 starting coins, thank you!

(End of chapter)