I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 116: Overlord!


"My son is dead..."

The first thing Nalan Yanran said was to tell the story of her son's death.

When the Overlord saw this, he was not surprised. He still used the same tone as before and said comfortingly: "Please forgive me..."

"I came here this time to ask the Overlord to take action and avenge my son!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Overlord shook his head and sighed: "Oh, sister, you don't know something. I may have caused too many evil crimes in my early years and suffered retribution..."

"I actually gave birth to a dwarf. The most helpless thing is that this dwarf is actually my bloodline..."

Nalan Yanran was stunned. She really didn't know about this.

The Overlord continued: "So, for the sake of future generations, I have been fasting recently and cannot do anything..."

Nalan Yanran frowned. If Overlord couldn't take action, then her visit would have been in vain. Apart from Overlord, she really didn't know who to look for.


At this time, the Overlord coughed and said again: "However, if you can spend money to coat the statue of Barnard with gold, you should..."

The meaning behind the words is obvious.

Nalan Yanran also understood and said quickly: "I'll pay for it!"

"Okay, feel free!"

The Overlord laughed and said, "Sister, tell me, what happened to your son?"

So, Nalan Yanran told the story she had prepared for the Universe Civilization Protection Association.

"As long as Overlord can help me cripple that giant, I'm willing to pay!"

Before, she wanted to ask the Overlord to kill Du Gang, but now she thought about it, Du Gang was very strong. If she could cripple him, could she use Nalan Hongwen's information to seize his body

Even if you can't, you can keep it and sell it. She believes that there will definitely be many Frankensteins who will spend a lot of money to buy it.

The Overlord remained unmoved and asked, "Have you ever fought against that giant?"

"Yes, we fought for a while. His strength... is very strong. I used the meteor blast, but it failed to hurt him. Of course, he didn't hurt me either... His realm should not be high, but his strength is very strong. Just restrain him!"

Nalan Yanran did not hide Du Gang's fighting power, otherwise it would not make sense why she did not take action herself but instead asked for help from a stronger person.

"Meteor blast..."

Overlord thought for a while and then said: "You mean, he is one thousand meters tall?"

She recalled it for a moment and replied affirmatively:

"It's only higher than a thousand meters!"

Overlord became interested, "I really need to see this kind of creature..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head again, "No, I'm not free these two days. One of my concubines is about to give birth..."


Nalan Yanran was speechless, but she understood what he meant and said, "I am willing to offer a one-star E-class spaceship!"

Such a spaceship is equivalent to one hundred purple orchid coins, which is not a low price.

Meteor-level experts usually go out on a mission alone, and the reward they receive is only one or two purple orchid coins.

For meteor stars, if you kill someone, you can get one hundred purple orchid coins, and the price is indeed affordable.


Overlord suddenly laughed, "Why do I see that the two spaceships outside have the logo of the Nalan family? You trade your family's spaceship with me. If I take it, what will they do to me?"

As early as seven days ago, he consciously investigated Nalan Yanran's situation and understood that her behavior was defection and that she had also brought important resources of the family with her. Therefore, he was not satisfied with a spaceship.

Nalan Yanran naturally understood what he meant, and was helpless. Logically speaking, a one-star E-class spacecraft was enough to pay for this mission.

But now, the Overlord has a huge appetite and is not satisfied.

And she was in a dilemma. After being away from the family for so long, things would definitely be exposed.

If she hadn't made a deal with Overlord, she might have been blocked by her family members as soon as she left the Overlord galaxy.

After thinking for a while, Nalan Yanran said: "I am willing to offer Overlord a one-star E-class spaceship, a primary Zerg incubator and a yellow-level Earth Dragon incubator."

Incubators are generally made to cultivate the entire planet. The two incubators she mentioned are of similar value, both around one hundred purple orchid coins. However, because they have been used, the value has naturally dropped a part. However, the two incubators added together are not much. It's worth one hundred purple orchid coins.

This time, she directly offered the price of two hundred purple orchid coins. This price was enough for her to invite a senior meteor star to take action.

The reason why the Meteor Star is called the Meteor Star is because the attacks it can unleash are comparable to falling meteors.

However, even meteors can be large or small, and the damage caused can be strong or weak.

As for Overlord, although he has a record of winning at the same level, he is still in the primary stage of Meteor. Two hundred purple orchid coins are just a lot more!

Overlord pondered for three seconds, and then said: "This price is indeed not low, it is enough for me to make a move..."

"But have you ever thought about the future?!"


The Overlord nodded and said seriously: "Your current behavior can be regarded as defecting from the Nalan family. Even if you are executed, it will not be an exaggeration..."

"After this, the giant will definitely be dead, but what about you? What are your plans? Do you think the Nalan family will let you go?"

Although the two incubators can only be sold for one hundred purple orchid coins now, she used two hundred purple orchid coins at that time.

If you add a one-star E-class spaceship worth one hundred purple orchid coins, and a two-star E-class spacecraft worth one thousand purple orchid coins, she secretly took away the family's thirteen hundred purple orchid coins!

You know, the Nalan family has only become rich in these years. They have replaced more advanced mining equipment, and the speed of making money has increased. Otherwise, in the past, making money only relied on the strong to complete tasks.

If one person at the Meteorite level had one purple orchid coin per month for one mission, she would have to spend a hundred years doing missions without eating or drinking to pay back this pile of purple orchid coins.

Therefore, even now, one thousand three hundred purple orchid coins is still a very large sum for the Nalan family!

This money is enough for their family to install a satellite base outside the main star that can be dangerous to meteor star powerhouses.

Nalan Yanran was silent for a while, roughly understanding what Overlord meant, but she still asked, "What do you mean?"

When the matter came to this point, the Overlord no longer hid it.

He smiled and said: "The two spaceships, including the two low-level incubators, and almost more than a thousand purple orchid coins, all belong to me!"

She asked rhetorically: "What can I gain?"

The corner of the Overlord's mouth raised slightly, and he said with a faint smile: "You can avenge your son, and I can block the pursuit of the Nalan family for you..."

"On top of that, you also own the entire Overlord Galaxy!"

"Huh?" Nalan Yanran narrowed her eyes and looked at him doubtfully.

Overlord suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Be my queen and rule the Overlord galaxy with me!"

He meant what he said!

He does have no shortage of women, but women like Nalan Yanran with meteoric strength are very rare!

There is indeed a gap between men and women, and it is easier for men to become stronger.

This leads to a serious imbalance in the proportion of strong people in the universe.

The higher the realm, the fewer strong women there are!

There are still some meteor-level female powerhouses in the Wasteland Star Territory. For example, meteor-level female powerhouses are only found in those third-level forces.

Not all meteor-level men can marry even strong meteor-level women. After all, there are more wolves than meat.

They can choose the strongest meteor star man to marry.

Nalan Yanran has had many meteor star suitors over the years, but she has never agreed. One of the reasons is that she is very comfortable being a queen, and on the other hand, she has not fallen in love with those men.

At this moment, the Overlord suggested this, and she was a little moved.

Overlord's appearance is not ugly, on the contrary, he is a bit handsome. When he is not smiling, he does look quite domineering.

"As long as you agree, I will use the highest standards of the Overlord Galaxy to hold a wedding for us, and invite everyone I can to come and bless us..."

Under normal circumstances, only marriages between strong men and strong men can openly invite people from other forces.

Like this, the wedding between a meteor star and a meteor star must be a grand banquet in the Wasteland Star Territory!

Nalan Yanran quickly weighed the pros and cons.

There are many benefits to marrying the Overlord. You can not only get revenge, but also avoid being hunted by the Nalan family. You can also become the queen of a secondary force and be respected by everyone.

But the downside is that for her, one problem is freedom. Once she gets married, it will be difficult to leave the Overlord Galaxy in the future. Another problem is that she can no longer play with male concubines in the future.

These two problems can be discarded for the situation she is facing.

After thinking for a moment, she agreed.


When the Overlord saw this, he laughed, stepped forward and hugged her.

He smiled directly and said: "Queen, don't worry, from now on, you will be my overlord's person. Anyone who dares to bully you is against my overlord..."

Nalan Yanran was suddenly hugged by someone, and her muscles tensed up instantly, but after hearing these words, she relaxed. She was not a virgin, so she would not sleep with anyone. She would not be bad if she slept with a star-rated man. !

Thinking about it this way, the resentment in her heart gradually disappeared, and her gaze towards the Overlord began to change.

"Ba... Bawang, when will my son's revenge be avenged?"

The Overlord waved his hand and said with a slight smile: "It's just a native giant. When your wedding is over, I will kill him to cheer you up!"

"Queen, our top priority now should be to enter the bridal chamber first and then hold the wedding..."

After saying that, regardless of other people's opinions, he directly picked up Nalan Yanran and walked towards his bed.

When the others saw this, they all looked at each other and left the palace very consciously.

… …

The network in the Wasteland Star Territory is more open and chaotic than the network on Earth.

No one here cares what color your website is or what illegal stuff you create.

Although the entire local area network was built by the Universal Civilization Protection Association, they had no intention of taking care of it, and instead allowed everyone to play freely.

Basically, every force has dedicated people who operate websites and produce many entertainment programs.

As long as there is something someone wants to watch, even if they are eating daddy, someone will live broadcast it...

At this moment, Du Gang was hiding in a corner of an abandoned city, watching sports live broadcasts using the projection on his watch.

This kind of picture cannot be found on the earth, so only in the wasteland network can people watch it freely.

Obviously, this kind of business is very profitable and can arouse people's primitive desires.

Ordinary people, after a stressful and tiring day at work, come home and watch a video like this, they will immediately relax a lot.

"Why do you like watching this kind of thing?"

Beside him, Chu Zixuan looked helpless. Du Gang's projection video showed a huge arena, in which two men were holding weapons and fighting crazily.

It can be seen from the power of their actions that this is a battle between two purple-level warriors!

Du Gang curled his lips and said, "It should be why you don't like to see this kind of thing!"

"This kind of program is the most popular in the universe!"

"See for yourself, among the stars who came out of the arena, which one is not trending in searches every day?"

Similar to tools such as Weibo on Earth, there is also a hot search ranking list on the Wasteland Network called Wasteland Hot Search. It is one of the most popular websites. It was established very early and is affiliated with the Association for the Protection of Universe Civilization.

Chu Zixuan rolled his eyes, opened the watch he was wearing, and found a program on reproductive anatomy. A man in a white coat performed a surgical operation on a pig-like creature, and he watched it with relish.

Du Gang glanced at what he was looking at and whispered, "Pervert!"

Then, he continued to watch the battle happily.

Chu Zixuan is the secretary assigned to Du Gang by the Earth Alliance, responsible for helping him deal with sundries.

In addition to him, there is also a platoon of people with special abilities such as eagles and hounds, who provide help and services to him alone!

However, these people are on the plane at the moment and stay in a safe place.

The two of them had just finished hunting a dinosaur, and Du Gang took the opportunity to be lazy and watch a bunch of videos.

No one dared to urge him to work, but everyone in the Earth Alliance turned their backs to the sky, looking like they were working hard to build a beautiful home. They wanted to work 24 hours a day, making him feel embarrassed to be lazy. .

The two watched the video for more than ten minutes before starting again and returning to the plane.

The corpses of dinosaurs are naturally valuable, but they don't need to be processed. Other troops who specialize in processing will naturally come over soon.

Back on the plane, Yingying smiled shyly and said, "You are back. I received news from the headquarters that the purchased crystals have been returned..."

After knowing the value of the Purple Orchid Coin, the people from the Earth Alliance purchased a bunch of crystals of different grades to try out the effects.

The quantity purchased in the first batch must be limited. If they rush back now, given the situation of everyone, they will definitely be able to use it first.

Du Gang glanced around and found that everyone looked eager. He immediately smiled, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go back, take a rest, and come out in two days!"

Thanks to Feiyi Fun for another reward of 500 starting coins, thank you to Mr. Xiaoma for another 200 starting coins, and thank you to Lu Tongtong for another 100 starting coins. Thank you!

(End of chapter)