I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 118: Running beyond the speed of the first universe! (Please subscribe


The Nalan family has a total of five spaceships that can achieve space jumps. Two of them were taken away by Nalan Yanran. They have three more spaceships on Nalan Star, one each from one to three stars.

Sixteen meteor-level elders led hundreds of purple-level warriors onto the three-star E-class spacecraft, and also sent people to the remaining two one- and two-star spaceships.

However, the three-star spacecraft disappeared first, followed by the two-star spacecraft. Only the one-star spacecraft remained in space for a long time before slowly disappearing.

When the Samsung spacecraft appeared again, it had reached the outer space of the earth.

Inside the spaceship, Nalan Mingliang sat at the top and gave the order: "Find me the strongest person on their planet!"

For them, the first thing they have to do to destroy a civilization is to kill their strongest person first.

As far as they know, there is only one person in the earth's civilization who has reached the meteor level, and the others don't even have purple-level warriors.

Therefore, as long as the meteor star is killed, others will not be able to use spaceships to escape even if they want to.

There is another reason to kill the strongest person, that is, if you go to massacre ordinary people, and the strongest person escapes without showing up, it may eventually lead to a retaliatory counter-massage by the enemy.

Therefore, killing the strongest first is the smartest choice!

"Great Elder, we found... a giant over a thousand meters tall!"

… …

Nanyuan Base.

Nine of the ten people in the purple-level training plan are already in the process of closely swallowing the crystals and refining them.

Only Lu Zhou was not like this. He was selected to be the director of the latest Institute of Space Technology. He was responsible for the deployment of all newly purchased alien technology products.

Now, he is classifying all the high-tech products he bought from extraterrestrials, registering their numbers, and then assigning them to different experts according to different disciplines.

"Technological products in space will be sent directly to space after registration. We will first check the specific effects. When we have the opportunity in the future, we will buy the same ones and then disassemble them and study them..."

He didn't stupidly dismantle all high-tech products directly. With the current background of the earth, it makes no sense to do so.

Therefore, he had people send any technological products that could be placed outside the planet directly according to the instructions.

"The resonance detector can detect whether the resonance nodes in a star field are trembling!"

Trembling means there is a spacecraft jumping, and no trembling means there is none.

Following the instructions, Lu Zhou released the instrument. Soon, the small car-sized machine, which was similar to a surveillance probe, quickly took off. No fire was visible underneath it, but the machine defied gravity and flew toward the atmosphere.

Looking at the detector that was flying into the sky, Lu Zhou shook his head, "The task of reversing alien technology has a long way to go!"

Taking off like this without spitting fire or jets. Apart from the anti-gravity system, he couldn't imagine how that detector could do it, and it should be faster!

But anti-gravity is not so easy to study.

After a while, the resonance detector left the atmosphere and entered the universe.

According to the instructions, he placed it between the earth and the moon. Although this detector is not large, its detection range is not small, and it can cover the distance between the earth and the moon.

"The green indicator light represents normal operation, the yellow indicator light represents equipment failure, and the red indicator light represents that the resonance node is trembling..."

In addition to the equipment placed in interstellar space, the resonance detector also has a feedback equipment connected to the ground.

Lu Zhou just glanced at the green indicator light and saw it suddenly turned red. At the same time, the alarm sound of "Didi Di Di!" sounded.

"what happened?"

The sound of the siren was harsh enough. Yao Zhenguo and other politicians who were watching the excitement not far away quickly approached and asked.

Lu Zhou glanced at everyone and said calmly: "This is a resonance detector. It can detect whether a spaceship uses space jumping technology to reach us. The red light means that a spaceship is coming now!"

His explanation was simple and easy to understand. Yao Zhenguo understood it immediately and frowned: "Is there a spaceship?"

"Could it be that Pang Ze is here again?"

He quickly said: "Let's go to the control center and have a look!"

Since the disappearance of the space channel, long-wave communication on the earth has been restored, and it is possible to communicate with satellites without reaching the North Pole.

Seeing this, Yao Zhenguo naturally moved the control center to Nan Yuan.

Soon, everyone, including Lu Zhou, arrived at the control center. At this moment, Wang De was watching in front of a piece of equipment with his brows furrowed.

Seeing everyone coming over, he said: "These are all the satellites in outer orbit on our earth. I asked people to change their directions so that they all face space..."

Sure enough, on the big screen, there were dozens of small screens the size of small square grids, showing images of the universe.

All the small screens were filled with the dark universe. Suddenly, an alien spacecraft appeared on a small screen.

Without the leaders having to say anything, technicians would instantly enlarge the small screen.

Soon, a thousand-meter-long spaceship slowly appeared, followed closely by a hundred-meter-sized spacecraft.

"This is… "

Everyone looked quickly and saw that the patterns carved on the outside of the spacecraft looked familiar.

Lu Zhou's superpowers are related to the brain, and his memory has been pushed to the full level. The moment he saw the spaceship pattern, he recognized it and blurted out: "This is the logo of the Nalan family!"

"What? It's them?!"

"What are they here for?"

Before anyone could figure out the situation, a technician quickly reported: "Our satellite has been hacked!"

Suddenly, the satellite that was originally facing the outer space suddenly changed its direction and looked into the earth's interior.

"These bastards are also a first-level civilization. Where did they get this kind of technology!" Yao Zhenguo waved his fist and cursed fiercely.

Lu Zhou said calmly: "They probably don't understand technology. This ability to invade satellites is probably built into the spacecraft!"

The spaceship was built by the Zilan Principality, a second-level technological civilization, so it naturally had the ability to add satellite-invading technology to the spaceship.

Soon, some satellites looked at Nan Yuan and began to scan quickly.

Yao Zhenguo quickly thought about several possibilities and said quickly: "Contact Du Gang immediately and tell him about the upcoming alien invasion!"

At this time, only Du Gang can deal with it.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, there were several consecutive pictures on the satellite image, all of which were focused on Du Gang.

At this moment, he was practicing in a ruins hundreds of kilometers away from Nanyuan.

Then, everyone discovered that more than half of all the satellite images that were originally controlled returned to free-running mode, and only the images related to Du Gang remained stationary.

"They're moving and starting to enter the atmosphere!"

After a moment of analysis, a technician quickly said: "Based on the current situation, they seem to be flying towards Du Gang!"

At the same time, someone reported: "Du Gang's watch was left on the helicopter and he could not be contacted directly!"

… …

Controlling power is simpler than Du Gang imagined.

At first, he thought it would be difficult and take a long time.

But when I really started to try to control it, I found that it was not that difficult.

Especially in a state of tiptoeing, it is easier to master power.

In just half a day, he was able to walk like a normal person in his giant state. Every time a foot landed, all the power was locked in the sole of the foot and would not be released to the earth.

"It's finally done!"

Du Gang breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the power would be too strong and he would be completely unable to control it, and that would be the end of it. It's okay now!

At this moment, he felt something above his head. He raised his head and saw that in the universe, two spaceships, one behind the other, were heading into the atmosphere.

He took a closer look and was shocked.

"Nalan family?"

Because of Nalan Yanran's relationship, he had even seen the Nalan family's emblem before, so he had a deep memory.

"Coming for me?!"

He figured out the relevant points at once, "We can't fight here and lure them away!"

The place where he is staying now is hundreds of kilometers away in the west of Nanyuan, but he still feels that it is not safe!

Thinking of this, he headed straight away from the base and ran westward.

On the first day of the run, he still maintained a tiptoeing posture. Each step he took did not cause any damage to the earth, but the distance he covered was only two or three kilometers away.

"No, it's too slow!"

Thinking of this, he released a little more power under his feet.

Suddenly, his foot fell, and a pit tens of meters deep appeared, and his figure suddenly jumped over ten kilometers away!

In just a few seconds, he traveled hundreds of kilometers!

When the spacecraft in the atmosphere saw his walking steps, they immediately accelerated their speed and started chasing after him.

In their opinion, Du Gang looked like he was running away at this moment!

In a few seconds, the spacecraft quickly arrived not far behind Du Gang.

"This guy runs pretty fast!"

On the spaceship, the sixteen elders were all shocked. This was the first time they had seen a thousand-meter-tall giant.

With their meteor-level strength, they couldn't reach Du Gang's speed. After all, the legs of both sides were not of the same level.

"Fortunately, no matter how fast he is, he can't outrun the spaceship!"

Nalan Mingliang looked proud and said with a smile: "Turn on the voiceover, I want to speak!"

For him, this trip is bound to be successful. Seeing the enemy fleeing, how can he do it without saying a few words!

"Giant below, listen, we are the Nalan family. You have caused our family to lose a lot of purple orchid coins... If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, we might spare your life!"

Spare your life? impossible!

They have already made plans.

"I want those two giant eyes. You know that my eyes were traumatized in childhood... If I eat his eyes, I might be able to restore my sight... "

The third elder spoke first, specifying that he wanted Du Gang's eyes.

When he said this, the others suddenly became excited.

"In this case, then his head belongs to me, and I want to collect his skull!"

"No, I want the skull!"

The skull of such a big giant is more than 150 meters long, so it will definitely be valuable to collect!

The crowd suddenly started to quarrel.

Nalan Mingliang did not make any noise, but ordered: "Drive the spaceship in front of him!"

Quickly, the spacecraft bypassed Du Gang and moved further to the west.

At this moment, it looked like Du Gang was chasing them!

Nalan Mingliang stared at Du Gang's crotch for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

"I want the giant whip, no one can take it from me!"

When everyone heard this, they were stunned and looked around, suddenly shocked.

"Great Elder, that's too much. It's so big, can you finish it by yourself? Give me some!"

"That's right, Great Elder, you are already at your age, if you don't recharge your batteries and eat this stuff, I will kill you!"

Everyone present was not living a luxurious life every day, eating tiger whip, dragon whip and various Yang-tonifying things. At this moment, seeing the giant whip, they were all excited.

When they said these words, they did not shy away from Du Gang and still spoke with the loudspeaker open.

Du Gang was on the ground and heard everything clearly.

But he ignored it and continued running westward, like a dream chaser. With his size, he was more like Kuafu chasing the sun, no, taller than Kuafu!

In his mind, what he wanted to do was to stay away from the base to avoid accidentally hurting people in the aftermath of the battle.

But he didn't know that with his body size of more than a thousand meters, every step he took could cover a distance of more than ten kilometers. He had already run for a minute, and he had covered five to six hundred kilometers!

After running for about four or five minutes, he had already crossed the former national border.

But everyone on the spaceship was impatient.

"How long is this guy going to run?"

"Why don't you go down and fuck him?"

"What the hell, he runs so fast, can you catch up?"

Even though they were meteorite stars, they couldn't stop Du Gang from running like this. Not to mention chasing him, even the effort of charging up and releasing the meteorite blast was enough for Du Gang to run out of the attack range.

"What should we do?"

"Damn it, the Kitty Hawk will use the ship's cannon to blast him!"

"Be careful, don't break his giant whip, attack his calf!"

The Kitty Hawk is a two-star E-class spaceship. It is equipped with a cannon that is as powerful as a meteor-class powerhouse. It consumes more energy and has a longer starting movement, so it is best used to hit fixed objects.

At this moment, Du Gang ran towards the west without looking back. When he heard this, he turned his head and glanced.

Not far behind, a hundred-meter-sized two-star spacecraft was following him. Near his butt, a several-meter-sized muzzle lit up at this moment.

Without stopping, he directly raised his foot and kicked backwards. With a "bang", the rapidly flying two-star E-class spacecraft was kicked to pieces.

"Boom!" There was a loud explosion, and the entire spacecraft was instantly torn apart. The people in the ship were also annihilated by the kicking attack.

The power he possesses has always been very powerful. Although he was unable to hurt Nalan Yanran when he hit her, this was not because he was not strong, but because his power had not undergone a qualitative change and he could not break through the meteor star's force field.

But at this moment, there is no force field on the spaceship, so it is naturally unable to withstand the power of his kick!


Nalan Mingliang and others were startled, and quickly said: "Climb higher, don't be attacked by him!"

When the spacecraft rose to 10,000 meters, it remained at this altitude.

Du Gang, on the other hand, still ran towards the west without looking back. Perhaps stimulated by this, he ran faster.

Every step he took would create a huge pit a hundred meters deep, and every jump he made could traverse dozens of kilometers.

When passing by a cloud layer, his body didn't even try to dodge, he just passed over it and scattered it instantly, which showed how fast he was.

(End of chapter)