I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 119: Understand the power of gravity and terror! (4600 words


While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they began to get angry.

"Damn it, a two-star E-class spaceship worth a thousand purple orchid coins was destroyed like this?!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Fire and destroy him for me!" an elder said angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, Nalan Mingliang stopped him, "Stop, do you want to destroy the giant whip?"

"The Kitty Hawk is gone. If we get the giant whip, we can still make up some..."

After everyone heard this, they immediately gave up the idea of using ship-based cannons to attack Du Gang.

They had no doubt about the power of ship-borne artillery.

A three-star E-class spacecraft can only cover a distance of twenty light years at a time, but its price of ten thousand purple orchid coins is ten times that of a two-star E-class spacecraft.

If you look at it purely in terms of distance, it is obvious that a two-star spacecraft purchased with one thousand purple orchid coins spanning ten light years is much more cost-effective than a three-star spacecraft.

But there are still people who persist in buying it. One of the important reasons is because the three-star E-class spacecraft has weapons on it that are comparable to the blows of meteor-star powerhouses!

Although I have never heard of a meteor star being killed by the weapons of a three-star spacecraft, there is never a shortage of news about meteor stars being killed by a three-star spacecraft!

"What should we do?"

"Let him run, and when he stops, we will kill him with our own hands!"

Nalan Mingliang said fiercely: "I will cut off his giant whip with my own hands and make it into wine!"

On the ground, after hearing this, Du Gang almost couldn't help but take out the Spear of the Ancient God and stab them down.

But he knew that the explosion of the spaceship would not harm these meteor-level warriors.

He wants to control the location of the battle!

When he increased his running speed again, there was a vague feeling that he could jump out of the earth. It was obvious that this was because his speed exceeded the feeling brought by the first cosmic speed.

But he didn't try. Let's not talk about whether he would explode the earth with his feet. What if he jumped out and found that he couldn't come back

To be honest, he actually has an inexplicable fear about the universe.

It's like a person who can't swim is thrown into the sea and suffers from deep sea phobia.

The earth's rotation speed is 565 meters/second, and the first cosmic speed is 7900 meters/second. Under normal circumstances, as long as the speed is faster than the earth's rotation, it can 'catch up with time'.

Du Gang was like this at this time. When he set out, the sun was shining brightly and it was noon.

After running all the way to the west for about ten minutes, I ran directly from the East Eighth District to the East Two District. The sun suddenly ran from the top of my head to the back of my head, and the time also ran from noon to early morning.

Another two minutes passed, and finally, the sun disappeared and the sky became completely dark.

And he also ran to the end of the continent. After more than ten minutes of running from East Asia, he finally reached the edge of the Western European continent.

Looking at the island in the distance, Du Gang roughly understood where he had gone - the empire on which the sun never set!

Based on the time zone, he roughly calculated that it was already tens of thousands of kilometers away from Nanyuan Base at this moment.

He suddenly laughed and said, "Now, you shouldn't accidentally hurt anyone else!!!"

He turned around with a smile, looked at the spaceship floating above his head, and raised his middle finger provocatively!

He had carefully learned about the situation of the Nalan family.

There is no Meteor-level powerhouse in the first-level force. In addition to Nalan Yanran, there are sixteen Meteor-level powerhouses.

Therefore, he did not panic, because the meteor star could not cause harm to him!

The reason why I ran was because I was worried about accidentally injuring people on Earth!

"It's so unreasonable that he dares to provoke!"

The elders present were all pampered people. They had not been provoked like this for many years, and they had not personally fought in many years. But at this moment, they all had the urge to go down and kill him.

In their view, Du Gang was just a native who dared to raise his middle finger.

"I'll go first!"

The first one to speak was Nalan Mingliang. He knew that this battle would go down in history, so killing this giant would become a rare honor.

"No, the First Elder has a distinguished status, how can he do it easily? Let me do it!" the Second Elder said with a faint smile.

"The First Elder's status is noble. Doesn't the Second Elder's status not be noble? Brothers, let the younger brothers do this rough work!" The Seventeenth Elder touched his chin, looking like he was about to jump off the ship now.

They didn't know that Du Gang had actually fought hard with Nalan Yanran, and he wasn't even afraid of a meteorite blast!

In their eyes, Nalan Yanran ran away because people from the Universe Civilization Protection Association discovered her...

Seeing how everyone wanted to take action, Nalan Mingliang shook his head and sighed: "Well, in that case, let's all go down together and take action collectively..."

"Okay, it's a great honor for him to be like this!"

"What if, sixteen meteor-level experts all took action, and he died gloriously and deservedly!"

In the eyes of everyone, Du Gang is like a catfish on the chopping board. He has reached the end of the world and has no way to escape.

At this time, a subordinate reminded: "Elders, our spaceship does not have many spare small aircraft!"


Nalan Mingliang smiled and said lightly: "Why do you need this kind of thing? Wait a minute, if we win, you can send the aircraft down to pick us up!"

With that said, the elders looked at each other, opened the bottom hatch, and jumped in one after another.

It's only 10,000 meters high, they won't be hurt!

On the contrary, they can also use this to display the truly strongest trick of the Meteor Star, 'Meteor Fall'! !

Compared with meteorite blasting that can be used anytime and anywhere, meteorite falling has the necessary conditions to be used, which is to fall from the atmosphere and use gravity acceleration to superimpose. Generally, the greater the mass of the planet, the greater the power they can display. !

You must know that the reason why the Meteor Star is called the Meteor Star is because tens of billions of years ago, the first strong man in ancient times to become a Meteor Star was able to understand the true meaning of the Meteor Star by observing the fall of the Meteor Star, and finally opened up the universe. Training system.

"Meteor falls!"

Almost at the same time, all the elders used the unique trick of falling meteors.

"Everyone, today, let us, we, rise up together to create a new, prosperous, prosperous world!!"

With wind in his mouth, Nalan Mingliang finally finished this paragraph with a trembling voice and a vague voice.

Others did not respond to him. This feeling of unclear words was too cheap!

Looking at the sixteen fiercely burning fireballs falling from the sky, Du Gang suddenly felt a fighting spirit in his heart.


Almost instantly, he chose to upgrade and added the 20 million stored source energy at once.

The raised land originally reached a height of 1,000 meters. It rose again and reached a height of 3,300 meters before stopping.

This time, the ground that was about to collapse instantly exploded.

In an instant, the ground with a radius of 10,000 meters suddenly collapsed, and the sea water not far away poured in at this moment, filling in. In an instant, all the high-rise buildings that were still standing in danger were covered.

However, Du Gang ignored these. With his height of more than 3,000 meters, the sea water dozens of meters deep could not even submerge his ankles.

I saw him holding his three-hundred-meter-thick fist, facing the falling sixteen fireballs, and smashed it with all his strength!




The expected scene of destroying the giant did not appear!

Du Gang's body didn't tremble at all. He steadily caught sixteen one-meter-sized human-shaped fireballs with his fists.

A meteorite of this level cannot cause him any harm at all!




Although he was fine, the sixteen meteor-level experts were shaken to the point of vomiting blood by their own impact and the strong counter-shock force.

If it weren't for the protection of the force field, all of them would be blown into powder.

"How is it possible~~"

Nalan Mingliang struggled to stand up from his fists, looking at the giant head in front of him that was big enough to cover the sky, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Not only him, but the other fifteen elders were also the same. They were all so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

Du Gang didn't care what they thought, he opened his huge mouth, took a deep breath, and shouted to the person on his fist: "Go to hell!"

This sound wave was terrifying. As soon as it was emitted, all the glass in all nearby cities within hundreds of kilometers shattered.

The buildings within a few kilometers of the circle with him as the center were immediately hit by the air wave and flew into the distance.

As for the sixteen Nalan elders who had been hit hard on their fists and were a little confused, at this moment, their eardrums burst instantly, blood flowed across them, and a "buzz~~" sound filled their ears directly, and their bodies The protective mechanism appeared, but before they had time to defend themselves, they were completely destroyed by the sound, making them collectively and permanently deafened at this moment!


"My ears!"

"I can't hear!"

Suddenly, the fist was filled with screams.

At this moment, they finally realized what kind of terrifying existence they were facing.

Indeed, Du Gang has no force field and his power level is not high!

However, his power is powerful enough to ignore quality!

Du Gang, however, did not stop attacking because of their roars. He raised his other hand, palm down, and slapped his fist hard.


Everyone was completely panicked at this moment as they watched the palms spread out, which were three to four hundred meters long.

They all forced their bodies to move, and took advantage of the strong wind blown by Du Gang's slap to escape towards the ground.

Du Gang's slap followed everyone, and when he saw them falling towards the ground, his body bent down.

After all, they are only meteoroids, and their most powerful tricks require the help of the planet's gravity. Naturally, they do not have the ability to fly. What they can do at this moment is free fall.

However, their free fall could not match Du Gang's hand speed.

Almost at the moment when everyone jumped down, the slap caught up with everyone who was still falling rapidly in mid-air. With a "pop!", the sixteen strong men present were slapped into the ground one after another.




In the huge pit that originally collapsed for ten thousand meters, sixteen deep pits of one hundred meters in size suddenly appeared.

The huge shock wave directly evaporated part of the seawater that originally filled the pit to a height of tens of meters, and most of the remaining water was splashed out in all directions due to the impact.

Before these sixteen new craters could emit smoke, the turbulent seawater surged in again, filling up the 10,000-meter giant crater and the sixteen 100-meter giant crater again.

"do you died?"

Du just murmured something, and then he saw sixteen Nalan elders crawling out of the deep pit under the water one after another. Without getting out of the water, they spread their legs under the water and fled into the distance.

Not dead!

He was shocked!

The force field of the meteor star is really too strong!

However, he roughly understood that his power was indeed very strong, but the earth could not bear it!

This caused at least 70% to 80% of the power that originally hit everyone to disperse into the earth.

Therefore, he needs an object that can absorb and reflect all his power.

Without thinking much, he found it instantly, it was his hands!

Hit them with one hand and catch them with the other hand, swatting them to death like swatting mosquitoes!

And in the short second that he was thinking, everyone below had escaped from the 10,000-meter deep pit.

"Escape separately!"

Nalan Mingliang had no time to worry about Du Gang's giant whip at this time. After shouting, he ran away in one direction.

In an instant, the sixteen people who were originally gathered together dispersed.

Du Gang immediately panicked. If he allowed these people to escape, the consequences would be too serious.

With their strength, they can massacre ordinary people on the entire earth!


Another sound wave came out. This time, the people running away did not pause for a moment, because they were already deaf and the sound wave attack could not work!

Just when he was anxious, suddenly, a special feeling emerged in his heart.


This time, he only yelled one word, and it looked like it was a vocal attack like last time.

However, an unexpected scene happened. The sixteen people who had run away in the distance were frozen in place as if they had been cast a holding spell.


At this time, Du Gang suddenly laughed.

"Is this gravity?!!"

It turns out that he already had the rudiment of gravity when he reached one thousand meters in size. The gravity that attacked others and made them unable to escape was the bud of gravity.

And now, after reaching three thousand meters in size, he can finally officially control gravity! !

The law of universal gravitation: There is mutual attraction between any objects, and the size of this force is proportional to the mass of each object!

In ordinary days, people don't feel the gravity obviously because they have similar body shapes.

But in fact, gravity is everywhere and its power is very powerful!

If it were not strong enough, the earth would not be able to pull the moon around it in circles over and over again from a distance of 380,000 kilometers!

One of the main reasons why human beings cannot feel the damage of the earth's gravity when they step on the ground is because humans are accustomed to the earth's gravity. Muscles, bones and body structures are all grown to adapt to the earth's gravity. of.

In addition, it is also related to Hill's Sphere Law. Human beings are too small and attached to the surface of the earth. The gravity of the earth is very weak, and the existence of gravity is almost ignored!

However, if you really want to calculate the force that gravity can produce, it can be calculated as a certain product of the second universe speed and the Earth's gravity range. As you can imagine, this number is very huge.

As for Du Gang, although he is not as big as the earth, gravity has been generated in his body and can be controlled by himself, which is very terrifying.

"Come on~!"

Du Gang shouted lowly.

In an instant, the sixteen elders who were still ten thousand meters away turned their backs towards him and began to fly backwards.

As if they had wings, they defied the earth's gravity and flew towards Du Gang.

"what happened?!!"

Everyone was terrified and their bodies were out of control!




After sixteen consecutive collision sounds were heard, there were sixteen more blood spots on Du Gang's toes.

The originally arrogant Nalan elders all disappeared at this moment!

After seeing them dead, Du Gang finally smiled, "The soil on the surface of the earth will release its force for you, but my toes will not!"

At the same time, he looked up at the sky.

The spaceship that was originally floating at an altitude of 10,000 meters to watch a show, at this moment, jumped as if to escape, and the next second, it appeared in the outer layer of the atmosphere.

"Want to escape?"

Du Gang sneered and activated gravity instantly!

Suddenly, the three-star spacecraft was pulled back towards the earth and landed again.

At the same time, he saw a small metal ball floating not far away and recognized it. This was the monitor he purchased from Pang Ze this time. It was certain that every move he made here could be seen by Nanyuan Base. arrived, so he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said:

"According to the gravitational distance formula F=G*M1*M2/R^2, and the gravitational constant formula G=6.67×10^-11 N·^2/kg^2, it can be concluded..."

Du Gang pondered for three seconds, glanced at the metal ball that was getting closer, and said calmly: "My gravitational range... is very large!"

The second update contains 4,600 words, and the remaining updates due are: 182

Thanks to Orange Cat Kuai Geng for tipping 1,000 starting coins, and thanks for the simple gesture of tipping 100 starting coins, thank you!

(End of chapter)