I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 122: Overlord’s banquet! (Second update)


"There is no machine to shield the resonance point in Nalan Galaxy. You can jump directly to Nalan Star!"

"These buttons control weapons of different powers. You can use cannons that are powerful enough to destroy meteor-level warriors and make them disappear!"


Du Gang could actually understand everyone's worries. They were afraid that he wouldn't be able to bear to kill those purple-level warriors, so he asked him to use ship-based cannons so that he wouldn't hear the screams, so he wouldn't be afraid.

But in fact, he has long been accustomed to hearing other people's screams, and he is also used to killing people!

He's already getting used to it when he can cause disaster with a random kick.

"Okay, you guys go down, I'm going to start it!"

He waved his hand and chased away all the people who came up.

As the representative, Yao Zhenguo finally spoke: "Du Gang, you must come back safely!"

"I see!"

After everyone left, he drove the three-star E-class spacecraft into the sky.

The coordinates of sixteen Nalan galaxies have been entered by them. In addition, the coordinates of Overlord have also been entered.

What Du Gang has to do is to use voice control to control the intelligence and perform fool-like operations.

Soon, the spacecraft arrived in outer space and flew quite a distance. Du just turned on the button to search for resonance nodes.

Now he has to jump. Although he has strong defense and even gravity.

However, there is no estimate as to whether he can block the damage caused by the jump.

After all, others used defense shields to resist this damage, but he relied on his physical body to resist.

"The resonance node has been found. Do you want to start jumping?"

The electronic sound of the system sounded. Du Gang took a deep breath, firmly grasped the armrest next to him to fix his body, and ordered: "Jump!"

The next second, the spacecraft disappeared. At this moment, Du Gang invisibly felt a crushing force invading his body. Before he could appreciate where this force came from, the system beeped again. sounded, and at the same time, the crushing power disappeared.

"The jump is over and we have reached the designated destination!"

Du Gang was startled and touched it up and down. There was no harm done, and he was relieved.

"Make the wall transparent, I want to see outside!"

Fortunately, the system understood his words and immediately turned the surroundings of the ship transparent.

As soon as he could see the outside world clearly, a huge aqua blue planet appeared in front of him.

From the pictures he had seen before, he was sure that the planet in front of him was Nalan Star!

On the periphery of the planet, there are five huge satellite bases floating, and above them, there are countless cannons with very thick calibers.

Du Gang recognized it. This was a very powerful satellite base used to defend against alien spacecraft. It was also a product passed down from the Zilan Principality. Each one was worth at least several thousand Zilan coins.

Unexpectedly, there are five such bases in Nalan Star!


A sound that could only be converted into electronic signals received by the spacecraft was transmitted.

The reason why I received such a question was because Du Gang removed the Nalan family logo on this three-star E-class spacecraft.

Among the gadgets that Pang Ze bought before, there happened to be a tool that could eliminate the spaceship clan emblem and create a new clan emblem.

Therefore, the pattern on his spaceship is a spear, which looks exactly like his Spear of the Ancient God.

Obviously, the personnel guarding the satellite base were also confused because they had never seen such a clan emblem.

"Open the hatch and stay where you are!"

After giving instructions to the shipboard intelligence, Du Gang jumped off the spacecraft.

As soon as he entered the cosmic space, his body followed the inertia and flew forward for a certain distance.

He sensed it carefully, and he didn't feel too uncomfortable. Instead, he felt as excited as a fish in water.

It's like he was supposed to live in the universe.

Without breathing through his mouth and nose, at this moment, all his pores opened up, and suddenly, a burst of cosmic energy naturally poured into his body.


Suddenly, a more comfortable feeling emerged spontaneously, and even Du Gang, who was as strong as Du Gang, still couldn't hold it back and let out a moan.

At the satellite base, a purple-level warrior quickly said: "A person jumped out of the unknown spacecraft without wearing a transparent oxygen mask..."

Suddenly, everyone in the five satellite bases became nervous. Only strong men above the meteor level would dare to enter the universe like this.

Suddenly, the camera showed that the person in the universe opened his mouth.

"Analyze what he said!"

Quickly, the system's automatic analysis program starts.


An authentic moan rang out.

"..." Everyone was speechless for a while, not knowing what the situation was.

Before anyone could figure out what was going on, the system's automatic analysis program once again heard a voice, "Transformation!"

After Du Gang left the spacecraft for a while, he transformed into a giant.

As soon as he transformed, the feeling of being able to control gravity appeared again. Bathing in the cosmic space, his body even felt more comfortable.

Without seeing his body move, he directly used the power of gravity to fly towards the satellite base. In an instant, he reached the first satellite base.

Without waiting for the base to react, the Ancient God's Spear suddenly appeared and stabbed towards it.


A not too violent sound came out, but it quickly disappeared.

He understood that this was because there was a certain amount of air inside the base, which allowed sound to propagate for a short period of time, but soon disappeared as it was diluted.

In the universe, human beings are not unable to speak. They can open their mouths and speak. However, the sounds they speak cannot travel too far because there is no medium. However, although the pressure waves they emit cannot be received by humans, they can be captured by machines. return.

General satellite bases and spacecrafts have the ability to capture sound pressure waves in vacuum.

In addition, there is a portable headset that can also complete this work, but such equipment is very expensive, and only some strong or wealthy people can afford it.


At this time, the other four satellite bases reacted immediately and issued the order to fire.

These four satellite bases were all equipped with super weapons that were dangerous enough for meteor-level experts, and at this moment, they were all released.

Du Gang sensed it in an instant. Subconsciously, he wanted to release the gravity and dodge, but he hesitated.

Somewhere in the air, he felt that an attack of this magnitude could not harm him.

So, he stopped, stood there, and waited quietly.


Four beams of light that lit up the entire dark universe appeared instantly and hit Du Gang in an instant.

Affected by this impact, even though his size reached 10,000 meters, he was still shaken and moved backward.

However, this is because he did not release gravity.

If the gravity is released, he can firmly attach himself to the planet next to him.

"Nothing more than that!"

Du Gang smiled, once again having a profound understanding of his own defense power.

Then, without throwing the spear, he directly aimed at the four satellite bases and released the gravitational force.

The next second, these four bases flew towards him uncontrollably.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After four consecutive explosions, there was a pile of space junk in the space.

Those who managed to escape were directly exposed to the universe because they were not wearing any equipment. After struggling for dozens of seconds, they all suffocated to death, and their bodies were instantly covered with a layer of frost.

After securing these satellite bases, Du Gang quickly flew back to his spaceship and began to lock the Nalan Castle on the ground.

After doing all the work, an extremely powerful beam of light was shot from a muzzle at the front of the spacecraft, speeding towards Nalan Star.

A few seconds later, the castle on the ground, where direct members of the Nalan family were gathered, exploded in an instant, and everyone who was still there died at that moment.

At this point, the people who symbolized Nalan Mingliang, the great elder of the Nalan family, completely disappeared.

After confirming that he hit the enemy target, Du Gang did not stop anymore, but gave the order to jump again. This time, it was the planet where the second elder of the Nalan family lived.

When he arrived at this planet, he discovered that the protective power of this planet was far inferior to that of Nalan Star. There was not even a satellite base on the periphery of the planet.

Following the same pattern, he ran around in a circle one by one and wiped out all the direct members of the sixteen planets in the Nalan Galaxy. Then he stopped at the edge of the Nalan Galaxy and looked at the entire galaxy.

The Nalan Galaxy is considered a medium-sized galaxy, with a total of twenty or thirty planets. It is quite beautiful when viewed from the edge, but it is a pity...

After admiring the galaxy for the last time, Du Gang gave the order to jump towards the Overlord Galaxy.

… …

August 8th in the Earth calendar is a special day.

This day is not only Du Gang's birthday, but also the time when he leaves the earth for the first time!

At the same time, it was also the day when Bawang and Nalan Yanran got married.

As soon as dawn broke, Overlord welcomed many guests!

Second-level forces like this usually use equipment that shields resonance nodes, so it is difficult to jump to the core area all at once.

Just because today is Overlord's happy day, it is only open for a limited time.

Many first-level forces, in order to congratulate the Overlord, set out early, prepared gifts, put on formal clothes, and took the initiative to come to the door.

Of course, the Overlord did not receive them!

Although it was a good day at the moment, as the head of the family, he still didn't want to show up.

This is because the time has not yet come.

According to the custom of entertaining guests at wedding banquets in the universe, the Overlord will meet with all the guests in the universe at midnight in the afternoon and hold a ceremony.

However, this does not prevent the first-level forces from entering in advance.

The Overlord did not disappoint. In the banquet hall prepared for the guests from the universe, all the food and wine were prepared for the guests to enjoy.

In addition, every five steps, there is a maid standing to provide services to guests at any time, and is responsible for changing meals, cleaning, cleaning and other tasks.

There are actually many first-level forces in the Wasteland Star Territory.

Anyone who becomes a meteor star has the qualifications to form a first-level force.

This led to some meteorite stars who were unwilling to stay within the clan to set up their own businesses and establish new first-level forces.

The final result was that before the hour was up, the entire banquet hall was filled with hundreds of first-level forces, large and small.

When the Overlord gets married, these first-level forces will naturally not just send their subordinates to come, they will all come in person.

There are thousands of guests who have arrived, but the number of people on the Meteor Star alone has reached four to five hundred.

However, if you look closely, you will find that these guests only occupy half of the banquet hall, and the other half, whether the table or the height of the steps, is obviously higher than where they are.

These slightly higher, empty tables and chairs are all prepared for the second-level forces!

In addition, in front of the main platform, there are four higher platforms, which are seats reserved for the four major third-level forces.

Although he was not sure whether they would come, the Overlord still followed the custom and made room for them.

The time soon reached the afternoon setting time, and it was very close to the official opening.

At this moment, the banquet hall was half full, and almost all the first-level forces sent people. Some families, and even the Meteorite star group came to show their respect.

These people, who had already been drinking for thirty years, were not as open-minded as before and became more restrained as the Youshi hour approached.

Because, at this moment, it is time for the second-level forces to enter the scene.

"The President of Wasteland Bank, Mr. Jin Ke, is here~~!"

Soon, the second-level forces officially began to enter the scene. The first person to arrive was Jin Ke, the president of the Wasteland Bank, who was known for his kindness. He was able to open the Wasteland Bank to all the galaxies in the Wasteland Star Territory because of his ability. Strong strength and an eloquent mouth.

After he arrived, he did not sit directly in the second-level power seats. Instead, he walked into the first-level power crowd very friendly and started laughing with many family heads present.

"Lord Dragon Snake of Dragon Snake Galaxy is here~~!"

Another second-level force leader arrived. Unlike Jin Ke, he did not have any big business and did not need to greet people with a smile. He walked directly to the seat of the second-level force, sat down slowly, and drank to himself. .

Just like that, distinguished guests arrived one after another, and there was not much time left before the banquet officially started.

When all the representatives of the second-level forces entered the venue smoothly, Overlord felt that it was almost done, so he took Nalan Yanran with him, dressed in luxurious clothes, and walked towards the banquet hall.

When he came to the banquet hall, he first went to the high platform area where the representatives of the second-level forces were, and briefly communicated with everyone, and then took Nalan Yanran out of the door again.

"Overlord, congratulations!"

During the march, Jin Ke, who was among the first-level forces, suddenly stood up and said something with a smile.

When the Overlord saw that it was him, he also smiled back.

But Jin Ke's eyes flashed, and he said with a faint smile: "Overlord, look at your posture, who are you going to greet?"

In the Wasteland Star Territory, the only ones worthy of being welcomed personally by meteor-level powerhouses are the four third-level forces!

But usually, even if it is a Meteor Star wedding, these forces will only send a Meteor Star person to attend... This level is not worthy of a Meteor Star person going out to greet it in person!

The Overlord smiled and said: "Ares, the Martial God of the Pantheon, has a personal relationship with me..."

Thanks to Wei Jiayao for the reward of 200 starting coins, thank you!

(End of chapter)