I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 126: Hero, spare your life!


"Bang bang!"

"Open the door!"

Jin Ke and other star stars, who were originally standing in space watching the excitement, all lay outside the windows of their respective spaceships. After knocking on the door, they quickly got in.

"Too cruel!"

Jinke was scared for a while!

If someone were to play with him like he was pinching an ant, he would be screwed, and he would not be able to see anyone anymore!

Fortunately, he was calm enough and didn't talk too much!

Many other people had the same idea.

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

"Obviously, his training system is different from ours!"

"Yes, he is very big and very powerful, but he should not be able to kill the meteor!"

Some people still see the fishiness in it.

"Even if you can't kill the Meteor Star, it's still scary. Look at the Overlord's appearance now. Where is the domineering appearance from before..."

At this moment, on that satellite, Overlord completely lost the confidence he had before. At this moment, he was hiding thousands of meters underground, hoping that Du Gang could forget him.

He was so desperate. He didn't expect that one day, he would be suppressed so miserably by someone's power. Although his opponent couldn't kill him, it was so helpless to be played like an ant!

Even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't escape at this moment. The strong gravity generated by Du Gang's size made it impossible for him to escape.

"What if this power is released through the Spear of the Ancient God?"

Du Gang's biggest problem now is to integrate his forces to create a qualitative change.

He did what he thought of and quickly summoned the Spear of the Ancient God.

In an instant, the Spear of the Ancient God, which was more than 15,000 meters long, materialized.

The entire satellite surface was suddenly pressed by this new weight, causing a large area to collapse again.


Then, he jumped up and used gravity to increase the distance from the satellite.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but when he left the satellite, he felt it tremble.

"Is that his weapon?"

"How did he get it? Is it a space ring?"

The people in the spacecraft were all stunned when they looked at the spear in the distance that was thicker than the 10,000-meter giant.

They felt that the scene in front of them was like watching a slide show, it was all fake...

"What does he want to do?"

Amid everyone's unanimous confusion, Du Gang moved!

I saw him in the cosmic space, assuming a charging posture, holding the spear with both hands and raising it high. The next second, gravity activated, and his entire body, including the spear, moved towards the star. The satellite rushed away.

Du Gang's 10,000-meter-tall body, in front of this satellite with a diameter of 100 kilometers, is like a three-year-old child standing in front of an adult, wielding a knife and a gun.



Two violent explosions occurred.

A scene that shocked everyone happened.

Du Gang was seen holding a spear and directly knocked back half of the satellite.

You know, this is a satellite with a diameter of 100 kilometers, and its half body is still fifty kilometers away.

In just one stroke, the satellite with a mass far higher than his was repelled!

What shocked everyone the most was not this, but that the satellite in the distance was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Countless pieces of dust, sand and stones attached to this satellite were all violently impacted at this moment, spreading in all directions across the universe.

At this moment, they seemed to have sublimated, turning the matter on the planet into matter in the universe.

"Jump! Jump! Jump!"

At this moment, all the spaceships panicked and immediately issued the order to jump!

This sand, gravel, and soil do not seem to be very dangerous in normal times, but at this moment, after receiving the strong blow from Du Gang's spear, they all roared towards various places as if they were equipped with 100 million horsepower. Rush away.


A one-star E-class spacecraft that started slowly was hit and destroyed in a shower of meteorites formed by larger sand and rocks, directly exploding with a brilliant spark.

"Run! Run! Run!"

At this moment, all the people sitting in the spaceship watching the excitement panicked and immediately gave the order to escape.

For a time, the originally densely packed spaceships, numbering in the thousands, disappeared without a trace in an instant!

This shower of meteorites lasted for three minutes before it ended.

Looking back at this satellite at this time, the original very round sphere has disappeared. At this moment, only half of the sphere is left in the universe!

A small hemisphere disappeared directly, or in other words, was turned into a meteorite and sent away in all directions by Du Gang's spear!

Du Gang was also surprised that the satellite was turned into what it was now, but he was able to accept it because he had some premonitions when he sent out the blow.

I just didn't expect that this satellite could really be destroyed.

Staring at the remaining half of the satellite, he shook his head.

It can be seen that he still only knocked away part of the surface of the satellite, but deep inside, there is still a thick layer of soil surrounding it.

"Where's the Overlord?"

Du Gang looked at the masterpiece he had created in front of him, and was stunned for a moment, and his eyes quickly scanned.

I watched it several times in a row, but I still couldn't find the Overlord, which is only about the size of a sesame seed, on this half-remaining satellite.

It was obvious that the Overlord was mixed with the sand, gravel and soil, and flew towards the universe together.

… …

At the same time, the people living in Overlord, at this moment, all walked out of their homes, walked onto the street, raised their heads, and looked at the sky.

"Oh my God, has our 'moon' been eaten?"

"Why is there a piece missing from the 'moon'?"

Seeing the missing piece of the moon in the starry sky, the people all panicked.

Before they could do anything, countless flaming meteorites rushed towards Overlord in the starry sky.

Fortunately, although these meteorites were numerous in quantity, their mass was not large. They were burned up by the atmosphere almost before they landed on the ground.

In addition, there are a large number of meteorites, all of which are shattered into cosmic dust on the periphery of the planet.

Naturally, the Overlord's satellite base alone cannot do this.

These are all the result of those spaceships.

In general, the location closest to the resonance node is the easiest to jump to.

In the entire Overlord galaxy, there are currently no shielded resonance nodes, only the starry sky outside the Overlord star.

Therefore, thousands of spaceships all appeared in the starry sky over there almost at the same time.

It is safer to use super weapons to attack after keeping a distance.

Therefore, at that moment, these spacecrafts, for their own safety, all released all the weapons that could be released on the spacecraft.

Suddenly, outside the entire Overlord, it was as if a star field war had begun. Thousands of space battleships opened fire in unison, and tens of thousands of energy beams were fired.

These thousands of spaceships, plus the many existing satellite bases, defended for half an hour before finally wiping out all the incoming meteorites.

When they won, except for the twenty or so meteor-level experts, everyone else looked like they were surviving the disaster.

In this kind of interstellar space, if the spacecraft is destroyed, except for the two dozen meteor-level experts who can survive, most other people may die!


"I escaped the interstellar war, escaped the divine war launched by the pantheon of gods, escaped the Seven-Day War, and on this day, I almost lost my life just because I was watching the battle..."

At this moment, everyone started to rejoice and hugged the people around them.

After they calmed down, they all shared the fantastic experiences that happened that day on their respective social platforms.

It is conceivable that the common experience issued by most of the powerful people from all forces is enough to trigger a sensational effect and a series of chain reactions comparable to the explosion of stars throughout the wasteland star field.

… …

A satellite base.

Overlord escaped and fell into it from outer space.

As soon as he entered, he said to the guard: "Where is Nalan Yanran? Report her location to me and send someone to capture her!"

At this moment, all he could think about was catching Nalan Yanran and calming down the giant.

It’s so scary!

You know, he just can't be killed by the giant, but he can be completely controlled.

Whether it's the giant's terrifying strength or his unparalleled gravity, they can all restrain him.

If the giant had been patient and led him to try a few more times, he didn't believe he could survive.

At the very least, if the giant throws him to the stars, he will definitely not survive!

In addition, there are a lot of forbidden places that can destroy him, such as the center of the earth, black holes, etc.

What is a queen but not a queen, what is looked down upon by others and what is respected by others, and what expands the influence of the Overlord Galaxy.

No more playing!

He was completely frightened!

Just stay in this three-thirds of an acre of land and be his local bully!

Soon, a guard came to report: "Wang, Nalan Yanran has left. Just before the meteorite rain came, she had left with the God of War Ares..."

When Ares came out with Nalan Yanran, the people in the banquet hall had disappeared.

After he asked the maids about the specific situation, he was ready to take Nalan Yanran with him to help Overlord.

After all, his queen is quite exciting...

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the satellite base, he saw Du Gang's terrifying spear in the video sent back from the front line.

He didn't know that Du Gang's power was unable to kill Meteor Star.

In his opinion, if Du Gang can make the satellite look like that, then Du Gang is at least a satellite-level existence!

A level more powerful than the comet level!

He was so frightened on the spot that he got on the spaceship and jumped, and together with Nalan Yanran, they escaped from Overlord and returned to the Titan system.

Indeed, the damage Du Gang caused at that time was already comparable to satellite-level strength.

But the problem is that he is very strong when fighting these planets, but when fighting people, his power cannot break through the defense!


The Overlord looked angry, "What the hell, this guy Ares actually kidnapped my queen and ran away?"

At this moment, the giant transformed by Du Gang was flying towards Overlord from far to near.

According to his size, he was obviously only 10,000 meters tall, which was a long way from Overlord, but everyone present was panicked.

The spacecraft that was originally standing near the satellite base immediately took off and moved directly away from Overlord, fearing that the aftermath of the battle would affect them.

But at this time, Overlord was so frightened that he stepped forward and chased directly towards a spaceship that was rising into the sky.

Looking at the totem of the spaceship, we can see that this is King Nie's spaceship.

"Oh!" He stopped in front of the spacecraft.

Suddenly, the surface of the spacecraft became transparent, and King Nie's figure also appeared.

What people didn't expect was that the Overlord said something very unbelievable, "King Nie, don't leave, help me!"

There is a spaceship that hasn't gone far yet. At this moment, he looks confused. He doesn't understand their relationship and why he asked King Nie.

Jin Ke, who happened to see this scene, sneered and cursed secretly, "Old fox, you are so insidious!"

I saw King Nie, who was originally at odds with the Overlord, at this moment, crying and saying: "Brother, I can't help you, that guy is too scary..."

"I'm not asking you to help me fight, but to help me beg for mercy!"

Overlord quickly said: "Old Nie, just ask for a favor for me..."

After hearing this, King Nie hesitated again and again, but stopped.

Although they were hostile on the surface, they formed an alliance secretly.

So, he gritted his teeth and said to his men: "Open the hatch, you go to a farther position and wait for orders, and pay attention to protecting the spacecraft..."

He decided to stay with Overlord himself. At least he was a meteor star and would not die so easily!

"Hang the white flag!"

Looking at the giant getting closer and closer in the distance, the Overlord roared loudly.

The Barnard family cannot be destroyed in his hands!

Now, it's really a critical moment for their family's survival!

Soon, all the satellite bases were filled with white flags at the same time.

Some bases are even densely hung with hundreds of white flags.

In the distance, when Du Gang was still tens of thousands of meters away from the satellite base, he saw the white flags. At the same time, he also saw Overlord, who was also holding a white flag high in his hand.


With a thought in his heart, he did not shrink in size, but still maintained his giant appearance and flew over. However, his flying speed slowed down a lot.

"Overlord, kneel down!"

At this time, King Nie who was beside him said this: "A man is capable of bending and stretching. You can even give the queen to Ares. When you encounter such a powerful opponent, isn't it worth kneeling down?"

He knew the Overlord better than anyone else and knew that his title was the exact opposite of his character.

Not only is he not reckless, but he is an insidious little fox.

At the beginning, Overlord found him when he had just broken through to the Meteor Star level.

He said that he wanted to make the two of them look like life-and-death enemies, but in fact they were secretly allied together.

In this way, if you really encounter an enemy in the future, you will definitely find another person to join forces. As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

So, from that moment on, the story of Overlord's recklessness, Overlord's toughness, and the fight to the death between Overlord and King Nie spread.

I just didn't expect that before I killed an enemy, I would be exposed in advance.

As soon as he finished speaking, Overlord didn't even hesitate.

"Plop!" With a cry, he fell to his knees.


While waving the white flag in his hand, he shouted to Du Gang: "Hero, spare your life!"

(End of chapter)