I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 15: The form deteriorates


Arctic Circle-Huaguo Camp Command Center.

"Good news! Good news!"

Li Mingzhi once again held a pile of documents and ran towards Yao Zhenguo excitedly.

"You are so old, why are you still so unstable!"

Yao Zhenguo laughed at him first, and then asked, "What's the news this time?"

"Commander-in-Chief, look at this!"

He didn't rush to say anything, but took a set of photos and handed them over.

Yao Zhenguo took it and started reading.

The first photo shows a man in military uniform suddenly breathing flames out of his mouth when facing an insect attack.

The second photo shows a woman in an urban area suddenly growing wings on her back and flying.

After he looked at all the photos, he frowned, "What are these?"

Li Mingzhi said with joy on his face: "Old Yao, these are us humans, they have awakened their powers!!!"

"Superpower?" Yao Zhenguo was stunned.

"That's right, it's the kind of superpower that's often imagined in novels!"

Before Yao Zhenguo could continue to ask questions, Li Mingzhi started talking in full.

"The Ministry of Scientific Research has discovered that in the current environment, certain qualities within the human body, when combined with dark matter, will awaken supernatural powers. However, the specific substance and the method of awakening are still unknown. Research… "

"However, my initial guess is that you can only awaken if you are in dark matter, because here... no one in the Arctic Circle has awakened supernatural powers..."

"In addition, the planes returning from various military regions have brought a batch of important information on the front line. Among them is a kind of red crystal, which insect brain was taken out. The scientific research department is stepping up research..."


At this moment, an alarm sounded.

Yao Zhenguo immediately interrupted him, quickly turned around and asked, "What's going on?"

Soon, a communications sergeant replied: "Commander-in-Chief, there are more than a dozen space passages where military regions are located across the country, and new strange beasts have appeared at the same time!"

"Is it that kind of flying mantis?"

"No, it's a large insect five meters high..."

Nanyuan Military Region.

There are a total of sixteen space passages here. In the face of powerful firepower, all of them were controlled. The bugs coming out of each passage were basically killed.

But, today, the situation has changed.

An insect that was five or six meters wide, 20 meters long, appeared. Its whole body was covered with a golden shell, and it looked like it was covered with a layer of golden armor.

As soon as this bug appeared, it broke through the good defense lines established by the military region.

Not to mention bullets, even if a cannonball hits it, it will only make it tremble, but it will not cause effective damage.

"The density of these bugs is too high!"

"Then there's no way to break the defense?"

Wang Dezheng, commander of the Nanyuan Military Region, looked at the destroyed defense line in the distance and was anxious.

In the distance, this kind of golden beetle just moved casually, crushing and destroying the tanks bombarding the road.

Countless new types of cannonballs were fired at it, but they were of no use at all and could not break its golden shell at all.

"Ordinary ammunition is difficult. The density of this alien beast is simply terrifying... Unless you use missiles or even nuclear warheads!"

missile? Nuclear warhead? Putting nuclear bombs on your own military base is sick!

"No, no, you can't use nuclear warheads. Inform all troops to use depleted uranium bombs!"

"Depleted uranium bombs? Chief, this weapon contains radiation..."

"I know there is radiation. Don't you see that conventional ammunition is useless? The radiation of this thing is limited, at least the diffusion area is not large..."

The radiation capability of this thing is indeed not as powerful as that of nuclear weapons, only about 5% of the level.

However, this is enough to cause pollution to the human body.

Once contaminated by depleted uranium, it may cause polyuria, glomerulonephritis, and renal failure.

These are just some of them. This kind of radiation can also cause cells in the body to become cancerous, greatly increasing the chance of getting cancer.

In a space passage in the distance, the golden beetle took the lead in charging, while the black beetle followed. The entire defensive position was disrupted, and countless tanks and artillery were destroyed.

There were even many soldiers who rushed forward with grenades and explosives in hand...

Wang Dezheng couldn't stand it anymore, with tears in his eyes, he said resolutely: "Let's do it, the soldiers' sacrifices cannot be in vain!"

Although there are nearly 50,000 people stationed in the Nanyuan Military Region, at least 10,000 are logistics troops, and most of the remaining 40,000 are regular troops.

There are not many arms that can truly operate missiles and heavy weapons!

Although they had previously proposed the use of missiles, they could only use lightweight missiles with their own guidance systems.

However, most missiles rely on satellite guidance. They were originally manufactured to attack a country 14,000 kilometers away. However, the satellites are now unable to contact the ground at all, which directly eliminates most of the amazingly powerful missiles. arms.

Finally, when the first depleted uranium bomb successfully hit the golden beetle and penetrated its body, successfully blowing it to pieces, all the soldiers shouted.

However, before they could get excited for long, new golden beetles poured out from more space channels.

At the same time, the Flying Mantis also appeared. As soon as this creature appeared, it directly shot down dozens of flying fighter jets with its short-range speed.

Finally, Wang Dezheng issued an order that he had never wanted to issue.

"Shrink the defense line and hold on to the base camp!"

There are more than a dozen space passages in the entire military region. He initially planned to control these space passages and then go to the city to rescue civilians.

But now, these dozen space passages cannot be defended.

The rescue of civilians can only be discussed later. What we need to do now is to hold the military area, ensure combat effectiveness, and wait for rescue or orders from the central headquarters.

In an instant, the entire army moved into action. According to the first rehearsal, most of the space channels were abandoned, and they only gathered near three space channels as the final line of defense.

All places in the world that are in darkness now have countless space passages. In these passages, from the beginning, only black beetles appeared, to the end, more and more bugs emerged, such as golden beetles, flying mantises, springtails, etc. aisle.

The military region that originally had the situation under control was completely in chaos at this moment.

Most military regions made the same decision as Wang Dezheng and chose to reduce the defense line.

In some military districts, even before they had time to make such a decision, a large number of insects broke up the formation and fell into a bitter battle.

At this moment, the situation was worse than imagined, and the situation was getting worse.

In the military area, there are heavy weapons and you can do some resistance.

The location where the space channel appears is very fair and random, and will not only appear in military areas.

In urban and urban areas, countless residents lost their lives and became food for insects.

The worst thing is that those people who are blocked on the highway have no place to hide and become the food of the insect carnival.

(End of chapter)