I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 37: Xingyuan Building


Xingyuan County is affiliated to Nanyuan City. Due to its proximity to the provincial capital, this small county has a small permanent population.

The most prosperous area is just a street that runs from north to south. The tallest building on this street is a twelve-story hotel called Xingyuan Building. Obviously, the local residents cannot use so many guest rooms. This hotel Only the lower six floors are used as guest rooms, the seventh floor is an Internet cafe, the eighth floor is a gym, and the ninth to twelfth floors have been rented out to some companies as offices.

At this time, the fire escape from the first to second floors of the hotel was not only locked from the inside, but also blocked by mountains of tables and chairs.

This was blocked by people who didn't have time to leave the building yesterday!

After the news broke yesterday, not everyone went home. There was a company upstairs and they had no idea what was going on. Their company was very strange. Every time they went to work, they had to collect their mobile phones and only give them back after get off work. The boss said this The purpose was to prevent employees from being lazy at work. As a result, a group of people, including the boss, locked the building.

In addition to the employees of this company, there are also many people stranded in the Internet cafe on the seventh floor.

A ridiculous scene happened here yesterday.

"Run quickly, the end is coming!"

"Oh, push the tower, push the tower!"

"Run quickly, the world is going to end!"

"I got it, brothers, jump out of the airport!"

"Brother Dog, aren't you going to run?"

"Where am I going? Don't leave either, play games with me!"

A group of Internet-addicted teenagers and a few gangsters stayed like this.

Unlike yesterday, when the place was bustling with activity, this Internet cafe was a little quiet today.

Four thin boys are squatting in a corner of the Internet cafe at the moment. They are the Internet-addicted teenagers who stayed to play games yesterday.

At the bar, three gangsters were smoking cigarettes while sitting on the computer table, smoking heavily.

Not far behind them, there was a vacant space next to a pile of messy tables and chairs, and a white female corpse was lying there, exuding a deathly aura.

She is the front desk girl of this Internet cafe. She did not leave here for some unknown reason yesterday, but now she has turned into a corpse.

"Brother Dog, are you really okay? There has been no movement downstairs for a long time..." A man with a dragon tattooed on his arm looked at Brother Dog with an uneasy look on his face.

"Yeah, is the end of the world over? Will the police find us?" Another gangster quickly added.

Brother Gou's eyes widened, and the flesh flew across his face. He looked ferocious, stretched out his hands, and slapped each of the two boys on the head.

"What the hell, I didn't think of the police just now, but now you think of the police?"

After he finished speaking, he took a long drag on his cigarette and said again: "Throw this body down at night!"

He was also a little worried that the apocalypse would end like this, and he was afraid that the police would find him after he returned to normal.

"Then do they want to..."

The tattooed man pointed at the four thin boys squatting in the corner of the Internet cafe and made a gesture with his hand on his neck.

Brother Gou's eyes turned cold and he took a few quick breaths before his bloodshot eyes returned to calm. He shook his head and said, "Don't worry, let's wait until night to see it!"

At this moment, some noises suddenly came from the stairwell outside the Internet cafe.

The three dog brothers stopped immediately, lifted their machetes lightly, and quietly walked toward the door.

"Deng Deng Deng Deng..."

Although it was slight, the sound of footsteps could still be clearly heard inside.

There are people coming from outside!

The three dog brothers immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he tightened the machete in his hand and stared at the glass door of the Internet cafe.

After listening for a while, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, coming from upstairs.

Soon, the footsteps stopped on the seventh floor. The owner of the sound seemed to have seen the lights in the Internet cafe. He took two steps and leaned on the glass door to peek quietly.

After watching for a few seconds and finding nothing unusual, the person outside the glass began to push the door.

"Don't move!"

As soon as he walked in, a knife was placed across his neck, and three men appeared directly next to him.

"I'm a human, I'm a human, brother, don't do anything!"

The person outside the door was wearing a suit and a greasy hairstyle. He was startled by the sudden knife and quickly explained.

Seeing that the person who came was a coward, Brother Gou breathed a sigh of relief, pulled him in, and said viciously: "I know you are a human, so where did you come from!"

The man in the suit quickly explained, "I work on the twelfth floor and came down to get some food..."

"Twelfth floor? You didn't leave yesterday?"

"No, our cell phones are usually taken away by the boss and locked in the cabinet. By the time we see the message after get off work, it's already too late!"

"How many of you are there?"

Hearing that there were other people in the building, Brother Gou suddenly became nervous, but when he thought about his awakened power, he quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Including the boss, we have a total of sixteen people..."

"Is there a woman?" At this time, the tattooed man interrupted.

"What the hell!"

Brother Gou directly raised his hand, as if he was going to hit him.

The tattooed man shrank in fright, but the dog brother didn't fight in the end. Instead, he looked at the man in the suit, waiting for his answer.

The man in the suit already had some bad premonitions. His throat trembled and he said, "Yes, there are five female colleagues above us... No, six, and a cleaning aunt!"

"Are you kidding me? What kind of company can you afford to hire a cleaning lady?" Brother Gou raised his thick arm and slapped her.

The man in the suit staggered due to the beating. Ignoring the red mark that quickly swelled on his face, he quickly explained: "No, she's not from our company. That aunt is from the gym on the eighth floor. She doesn't have a mobile phone. She was bumped into by us on the first floor yesterday afternoon. , brought to the twelfth floor..."

After some explanations, Brother Gou and others realized that when these people learned the news yesterday, the sun was almost setting and they had no time to leave. Finally, everyone went to the first floor, blocked the stairs on the first floor, and then sat down The elevator went up.

Brother Gou was stunned for a moment, and his face turned ferocious again, "You're fucking kidding me, the stairs are blocked, how did you get up there..."

"We blocked the stairs on the first floor and took the elevator up to the second floor..."

"Then why didn't you block the elevator too?"

The man in the suit noticed that these three bastards looked very difficult to deal with, but they were not very smart and had some vata. However, he still patiently explained: "We have studied that bugs have long bodies and cannot go up the elevator. , and we jammed the elevator door on the twelfth floor to ensure that the elevator cannot go down... Uh, but now the elevator is broken! "

"What kind of company are you?"

“Cylinder Customer Service Center…”

Brother Dog sniffed and said, "Take us up and have a look!"

As he said that, he turned around and said to the four Internet-addicted teenagers squatting in the corner: "You four, come along too!"

Then, a group of eight people walked up the stairs towards the twelfth floor.

(End of chapter)