I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 376: Final words


Final words

It's over.

Two million words.

It collapsed completely.

This book was born while writing four books at the same time.

At that time, you still had to rely on shooting more and earning some living money by writing about guns.

At the most, I wrote 60,000 words a day, slept only three hours a day, and fell into some kind of obsession...

I want to say a lot, but when it comes to my mouth, I can't write a word.


This book is still a bit regretful.

I jumped too early, I thought I could stabilize myself by updating 20,000 hours a day.

I thought that if I updated 30,000 hours a day, I could continue to sprint.

As a result, when the daily update reached 60,000 words, there was no way out.

The reading dropped tenfold, and finally I came to my senses.

Not everyone is an eagle.

If you can't be an eagle, try another direction.

So, in the second half of this book, I began to change the subject frantically.

I tried all the topics I had read and wanted to write about.

Devouring wind, sky-covering wind, heroic style, martial arts style, fantasy style, infinite style, game style, etc.

Like a stitching monster, various different styles are mixed together.

I suspect that the more than 20 readers of you who have been following the story since the collapse to the finale may have been following it until now with the mentality of "I want to see what you can become".

I also didn’t expect that I would end up writing a million words for more than 20 readers, just like the first book that I wrote from zero to a million words.

The effect was not great, but I persisted.

The disadvantage is that it has a very low return rate.

The advantage is that I found a writing direction.

I can do 30,000, 40,000, or even 60,000 words a day, and I can do it with all my heart, but it has no value and no meaning other than a running account.

Perhaps, with such incredible hand speed and mental speed, he can do well on websites that make quick money.

For example, it takes three days to upload, five days to put on the shelves, and one month to collapse the text and cut off the books.


I don't want to do this.

I think this is going to be a vicious cycle.

Trapped in a vicious cycle.

The more you pursue word count, the worse your writing becomes.

But because I made quick money, I couldn't calm down and write stories.

this is not good.

I'm not saying that other people are bad, but I'm saying that this path is not suitable for me.

The world is home to the world, but there are still some dreams in my heart.

Want to achieve.

Want to chase.

I hope that one day, people will take my book and say, "Look, this is written by Orange Cat, it's such a classic!"

Instead of saying, "Fuck, this slang is so over the top, I lost another ten dollars."

Before writing this book, Dink had the idea, and with the help of a military order, the matter was finally announced.

In fact, I was able to compete for the top spot on the power list.

I have a manuscript saved...

I can write 36,000 words a day, or even, if the quality is reduced, I can write 60,000 words.

However, I feel it is meaningless.

The number of words means nothing.

Quality means everything.

At my level, I write 36,000 words a day, and the quality is not as good as I imagined.

Even if it is a self-motivated behavior, I torture myself by sleeping three hours a day.

I admit, I am a paranoid person.

Ever since childhood.

This time, however, I changed directions.

No longer pursue word count or speed, but pursue real quality and tell a good story.

I have an idea, I hope, I can write books for the rest of my life.

I hope I can survive the crazy involution of these eight million authors.

I hope to be able to write that when I am sixty years old, someone will curse and say: "This orange cat is not dead yet, and is still competing for recommendation spots with us born in the 30s..."

The new book "Weird and I are Brothers" has been uploaded, a serious book, please support!

The new book "Weird and I are Brothers" has been uploaded, a serious book, please support!

The new book "Weird and I are Brothers" has been uploaded, a serious book, please support!

(End of chapter)

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