I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 39: Stones that can keep away insects


"Haha, don't think that we are from the village and you want to trick us. Now that the world is ending, do you think we don't have mobile phones?"

"That's right, you called the country to come and take care of us!"

The villagers clamored with confidence and did not take Du Gang's words seriously.

After all, the village chief was well-informed and felt that this group of people was not simple, so he comforted him with kind words: "Oh, what you said is not entirely right. The country did build it, but the roads it built have long since rotted. Later, these It’s all paid for by our village ourselves…”

"The reason why I won't let you go is because the bridge is about to collapse. You should go back the way you came and go around somewhere else!"

Du Gang and others frowned again. If it was before the end and the navigation was available, you could naturally go around as much as you wanted. The waterway navigation could help you find a way out.

But it was different now. Not only did their mobile phones have no signal, but even the navigation system could not locate them. With paper maps alone, they would not know where they would go once they deviated from the route.

Because Du Gang was taller, he still saw the situation in the village after being blocked by the crowd.

He saw a large black stone placed in the center of the village. In front of the stone, there were some tributes and incense candles. With his super eyesight, he could see at a glance that those incense candles were still there. The fire did not go out.

It was obvious that this stone had been worshiped by the villagers not long ago.

“What is that stone in your village?”

Du Gang pointed directly to the center of the village in the distance and asked.

The villagers looked back and were shocked. Although they couldn't see clearly where the center of the village was, they knew that the sky stone of their village was there. They were all shocked by Du Gang's vision.

"That's the sky stone of our village..."


Before a villager could finish speaking, he was quickly interrupted by the village chief, who quickly explained: "It's just a decoration of our village..."


Du Gang chuckled and said lightly: "Why do I see the incense candles on it?"

The village chief looked at him warily and tried to calm himself down: "That's where we worship our ancestors!"

The other villagers also stopped talking at this moment. They all stared at Du Gang and others with eager eyes, and they all held the farm tools in their hands a little tighter.

Anyone present would be able to tell that something was wrong with them if they were not blind.

"Du Gang, why don't we take a detour?"

Anya whispered that she was not worried about the safety of herself and others, but was afraid that Du Gang would transform and go on a killing spree.

At this time, Chu Zixuan also completed the investigation. He nodded to Du Gang confidently, indicating that he already knew the situation.

When Du Gang saw this, he laughed, "Are you sure you won't let us pass?"

"You can't get through it!"

"Young man, listen to my uncle's advice and take a detour!"

Du Gang shook his head and said to Chu Zixuan and others: "Get in the car!"

The villagers and others were relieved when they saw them getting into the car. Du Gang's muscles looked very scary. They really didn't want to have a conflict.

The bridgehead was blocked by bags of sand and soil. Du Gang and the others got on the bus. In the eyes of the villagers, they were preparing to turn around.

However, the next moment, a scene that shocked them happened.

Du Gang, who was still standing upright, suddenly grew larger, reaching a height of more than five meters. Then he covered his crotch with one hand, grabbed the car with the other, and stepped on the spot, "Run!" With a bang, the man and the car flew across the bridge together. He jumped very high and very far, and even crossed the bridge and directly reached the other side of the bridge.


All the villagers were dumbfounded and looked at the direction Du Gang jumped to with dull expressions.

The education they received since childhood made it impossible for them to imagine that a normal person suddenly becomes more than five meters tall, then grabs a car and jumps away...

"What it is?"

"How did it get so big?!!"

Some villagers began to panic, with fear written on their faces.

"Is that person a monster?"

"If he crosses the bridge, will Master Tianshi's magnetic field be destroyed by him?"

The villagers were talking about everything.

The village chief looked dull at first, but when he heard someone talking about Master Tianshi, he immediately sobered up.

He shouted loudly: "The one who passed by just now must be the Giant Spirit God, the guard of Nantianmen. After he found Master Tianshi, he wanted to come over and say hello. Now that he has said hello, he left directly!"

As soon as these words came out, the villagers who were originally on the verge of collapse breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of whether it was true or not, they all said, "So that's it. As expected of Master Tianshi, he is not even afraid of the Giant Spirit God!"

"No, Master Tianshi is the Nine Heavens Divine Stone, which is what Nuwa uses to mend the sky..."

"However, the giant spirit god just now had his butt exposed after his transformation..."

"Shut up! Don't be rude to the giant spirit god!"

When the village chief saw these people showing signs of taking the topic in a vulgar direction, he immediately stopped.

Not to mention the ideological and moral issues, just the fact that their criticism of the Giant Spirit God was heard was a very serious problem.

After being warned by the village chief, the villagers suddenly became more serious. No one was discussing Du Gang's naked appearance after his transformation, but they were talking about the greatness of Master Tianshi.

"Thanks to Master Tianshi, we were able to survive..."

After Du Gang took the car across the bridge, he quickly recovered his true form and jumped into the car.

He now has a very helpless problem, that is, every time he transforms, he becomes naked...

When I was at school, after the transformation, the enlarged and widened school uniform pants could still hold up, but since the upgrade and evolution, no clothing can hold up anymore.

After getting into the car, he quickly blocked his crotch with his backpack.

And in the driving position, Anya was blushing. The moment Du Gang transformed, she saw...

"Anya, didn't you see it?" Du Gang asked subconsciously.

"No! I didn't see anything!"

Anya denied it without thinking, and at the same time stepped on the accelerator and started the car.

Du Gang quickly put on a pair of pants, then breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and asked, "Chu Zixuan, what did you find?"

"I scanned the entire village and found something that cannot be penetrated by my spiritual power!"

A faint smile appeared on Chu Zixuan's face, and he continued: "Since I woke up, except for the crystals in the insect's body that cannot penetrate the scan, no other substance can withstand it... In the center of their village, there is a big stone, you See it!"

"Saw it!"

"In the center of that big stone, there is a small stone the size of a fingernail, which I cannot scan through... At the same time, I found that there are no bugs in a large area around the stone!"

Everyone frowned, with some suspicion in their minds.

"I doubt that stone can keep out bugs..."

(End of chapter)