I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 4: before dark


"Xiao Gang, you stay at school until your mother and I come to pick you up. We'll leave now for the airport..."

"Xiao Gang, we don't have any plane tickets anymore. Let's take the train over..."

Nanyuan City is the capital of Jiangnan Province. Du Gang came here to study in boarding high school. His hometown is Luo'an City, a subordinate city in Jiangnan Province, which is more than 500 kilometers away from Nanyuan.

As soon as the news broke, Du Gang's parents couldn't wait to go to Nanyuan to find their son. A disaster was about to happen, and at least the family had to be together.

"Xiao Gang, there are no trains going south. Let's find a way to drive here!"

On the other end of the phone, Du Gang had already checked. It was said everywhere on the Internet that the highway was so jammed that it was impossible to move. So, he refused and said: "Mom and Dad, don't get on the highway. It's still dark before dark." For three hours, even if we get on the expressway, we won’t be able to get here before dark... "

He thought for a while and continued: "You just listen to the country and stay at home. I'm here at school and in the dormitory. I'm not going anywhere!"

When Du Gang said this, his parents also calmed down, "Okay, Xiao Gang, go to the supermarket now and move as much food and drink as possible to your dormitory..."

After some discussion, the family of three finally decided not to move for the time being, go back individually, prepare food, and spend the night first.

After hanging up the phone, Du Gang, wearing a construction site camouflage uniform, hurriedly ran towards the school supermarket.

This outfit was picked up in that half-finished building. Although it was a little too small, it was at least better than running around naked in just underwear.

When we came to the supermarket, there was no boss here anymore, only four or five students who were also staying in the dormitory were moving things.

Several people looked at each other, but no one said anything. They were frantically filling their bags with food and drink.

Fortunately, the school supermarket is big enough, so what a few people can get is just a drop in the bucket.

It has been three hours since he transformed.

Since the news broke three hours ago, almost everyone in the school has fled.

Although their experimental middle school is a boarding school, most of the students are locals and basically either go home on their own or are quickly picked up by their parents.

Those who stayed were basically students like Du Gang who came to school from other cities. Even so, some people still ran away.

After loading a few bags of food and water, Du Gang immediately ran towards the dormitory with his things.

He also wanted to stay in a place with a higher floor, but there was no good place to go. He didn't know where to go. Although the school dormitory was only six floors, the advantage was that he was familiar with the environment here.

Arriving at the dormitory on the sixth floor, as soon as he opened the door and entered, he saw Ma Li sitting on the bedside crying.

"Ma Li, what's wrong with you?"

When Ma Ma saw Du Gang appearing, he breathed a sigh of relief and cried: "My parents can't make it..."

Du Gang frowned slightly and said quickly: "Tell your parents to tell them to stay at home. It will get dark in three hours, and those monsters will appear by then!"

His parents and Ma Li's parents were from the same work unit, and they both lived in a house assigned by the work unit. The two of them had grown up, so there was no reason why his parents wouldn't call him his parents.

"Tell me, my parents said that your father went to find them and asked them to stay together..."

"Then why are you crying?"

Du Gang put down his things and said quickly: "Stop crying, follow me now to move things in the supermarket!"

After Ma Li saw the food and water he brought back, he finally woke up, stood up and followed them.

When the two arrived at the supermarket again, there were still only four or five people moving here. They didn't think much and directly joined the queue.

Soon, the two of them grabbed a lot of things and ran towards the dormitory, carrying their backpacks.

This time, when he was going downstairs, Du Gang couldn't help shouting, "Those who are still in the dormitory, don't stay there, go to the supermarket to get something to eat and drink!"

Although most of the students are locals, there are also many from out of town, so it is impossible to just have seven or eight of them.

He guessed that these people were probably frightened, and they hid in the dormitory and did not dare to go out.

Sure enough, after hearing the shouting, the people in the dormitory went out to check. After discovering what they were doing, they immediately took action.

When passing by the girls' dormitory, Du Gang walked in and shouted the same way.

When the two of them walked towards the dormitory with their things again, many students were already running towards the supermarket on the road.

When these people saw Du Gang again, they all smiled involuntarily and expressed their gratitude.

Just like that, when most of the dormitory students started carrying food, other timid students finally went downstairs and joined the queue.

When Du Gang came to the supermarket again, he found a loudspeaker. He thought about it and used the loudspeaker to remind him.

"Students who live on the first, second and third floors should try to live on the upper floors. All the locals have left, and there are a lot of vacancies on the upper floors. Live higher up!"

After shouting, he directly set the paragraph to be played repeatedly, placed it at the entrance of the supermarket, and then moved his things towards the dormitory with Ma Li.

"Du Gang, you seem to be a little different!"

Ma Ma found that he was like an ignorant child compared with Du Gang. While he was still crying, Du Gang was already thinking about how to survive, and he kindly reminded his classmates.

Du Gang didn't realize anything was wrong with him, and casually replied: "I am the sports committee member, is it abnormal to be calm?!"

Ma Li looked at his appearance and suddenly wondered: "Wait, why do I feel that you have grown taller again?!"

"Have it?"

Du Gang was stunned for a moment, then said: "Grow taller as long as you grow taller. It's normal when you grow taller!"

As he spoke, he carried a lot of things and ran forward.

Finally, when the sun was about to set, all the students made at least three or four trips to the supermarket and almost finished moving everything in the food section.

Du Gang, on the other hand, relied on his better physical fitness to make more than a dozen trips. Except for his and Ma Li's bed, the other six beds were all filled with food.

Some people even seemed to have lost their minds and were still moving things. Finally, under Du Gang's reminder, everyone returned to the dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, Du Gang found a lock in the dormitory's room and locked the door on the first floor.

After returning to the dormitory, almost everyone did the same thing, drawing the curtains, leaving a crack, and watching the situation outside.

This time there was no need for Du Gang to remind him, and the entire dormitory building became very consciously quiet.

At this time, no one is in the mood to fool around anymore, and no one wants to be stupid.

And the sun, under the gaze of everyone, gradually disappeared...

(End of chapter)