I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 49: Comparable to the explosion of a cruise missile!



A loud noise that could be heard thousands of meters away suddenly exploded.

In addition, this strong sound wave directly shattered all the glass in the entire commercial street.

Even the people who had been hiding in the room were so shocked by the huge wave that they covered their ears, and even crawled to the ground in fear.

At the same time, a mushroom cloud slowly rose as the two behemoths collided.

An even stronger shock wave suddenly spread from the center of the explosion.

The surrounding ground rolled up as if it had been hit by an air raid. The road originally made of cement fell apart at this moment, shaking all the soil buried deep into the sky.

At the center of the explosion, affected by the strong shock wave, a circular pit with a diameter of ten meters suddenly appeared, and all the buildings in the center were reduced to fly ash and disappeared.

Before anyone could see the situation clearly, a huge object suddenly ejected from the center of the explosion.




All obstacles in the way of this behemoth, whether they were telephone poles or buildings, were all smashed to pieces.

The originally intact commercial center was directly hit by this huge figure, creating a ruined road about a hundred meters long!

It was only when the huge figure hit the Xingyuan Building that it was able to stop its speeding pace.

Even so, the tall and solid Xingyuan Building was shaken three times by the impact, knocking everyone standing upstairs to the ground.

"Who's winning?"

Everyone at this moment, regardless of the pain of falling to the ground, kept echoing this question in their hearts, because it was related to their life and death!

Chu Zixuan got the answer first, and with a sweep of his mental power, he knew who it was.

His brows were furrowed, and his mental power was being explored back and forth. After confirming that Du Gang was still alive, he moved his mental power to the other side in a straight line to detect it.

He wanted to determine what state the Scarab was in after the fight with Du Gang.

At this moment, the whole city had been covered in dust by the shock wave, and the entire sky was covered in gray. It was impossible to see any situation at all. He could only rely on mental detection to see clearly.

"Chu Zixuan, how are you?"

The others quickly realized that only Chu Zixuan could figure out the situation on the field, and quickly asked.

Chu Zixuan ignored them. After detecting in a straight line, he saw nothing. Then, he readjusted the direction and detected in a straight line again.

This time, he finally saw it!

"How can this be?!!"

Chu Zixuan's eyes widened and he looked into the distance with a look of disbelief.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone asked anxiously, and when they followed his gaze, they saw nothing but dust.

"Tell me, what happened?!!"

Hearing everyone's anxious words, Chu Zixuan finally reacted and said in shock: "The insect... the insect didn't move!"

"Not moving?"

After Chu Zixuan took a few deep breaths, he explained again: "At the place where they collided, the insect still stayed there. It was unscathed... No, part of its head was broken off!"

After Chu Zixuan carefully scanned it, he determined that the insect parked in the distance was much shorter than the previous twenty meters long. It was now only eighteen or nineteen meters long.

"Is it alive?"

Everyone asked again.

He shook his head bitterly, "The breath of life is very strong. The insect's head seems to be missing, but it is still alive!"

"Wait, where is Du Gang?"

"He is also alive, with only minor injuries. However, the iron pillar you made, Ma Li, has been smashed!"

"Hoo ho!"

Du Gang leaned against the wall of Xingyuan Building, breathing heavily.

He was not just slightly injured as Chu Zixuan said. His internal organs had long been ruptured, but there was a strong force in his body that was helping him repair his body.

The reason why Chu Zixuan thought he was fine was because when Du Gang transformed into a giant, he could not detect the condition of Du Gang's body. Seeing that there was no blood outside his body, he thought he was only slightly injured.

"Twenty tons? Thirty tons?"

Du Gang didn't care about his internal injuries at this moment, but calculated the weight of the golden beetle.

According to the square-cube law, his current weight after transformation is roughly between 2.2 tons and 2.5 tons, and the golden beetle is more than ten times heavier than him!

This is also the reason why, after the two behemoths collided, he was the only one who was sent flying more than a hundred meters.

Du Gang glanced at the iron pillar in his hand, which was already one-third rotten, and felt helpless.

His own impact, coupled with the iron pillar weighing nearly ten tons, was finally pushed away by the insect. One of the reasons was that the weapon did not withstand the test and the power was lost, resulting in the fact that he could not defeat the insect in the end!

Fortunately, the force is mutual. Although I was seriously injured, the insect didn't feel well either!

Although Du Gang had no mental power and could not sense the current situation of the insect, before they separated, he clearly saw that a section of the insect's head was blown open by himself.

At the same time, I once again lamented the hardness of this kind of insect. The ten-ton iron pillar was rotten to pieces, and the insect was only missing a section of its head...

"Du Gang, are you okay?!!"

At this time, Anya's cry came from upstairs.

When they saw that Du Gang had been silent for a long time, they were a little worried. They didn't care whether the sound might attract insects, so they shouted out directly.

Du Gang exhaled a breath of turbid air again, feeling that the internal organs in his body that had been blown to pieces had been repaired to pieces by unknown forces. He took a breath and said loudly: "I'm fine!"

This loud and thundering sound immediately made the people upstairs feel relieved.

Outside Nanyuan City.

The Nanyuan Military Region has re-established a defense line outside the city, and in the center of this defense line, there is an insect vacuum zone, and there is not even a single insect here.

If someone comes to the center of this area, they will see a fist-sized Dawn Stone, which is protected by layers of people.

This is why the Nanyuan Military Region still sent troops here after learning about the expansion of space channels in the Western Hemisphere.

Nanyuan Military Region Temporary Command Center.

"Chief, there are other signals..."

"what's the situation?"

"According to radar, there is an explosion source more than a hundred kilometers away from us in the north..."

"What energy level?"

"Equivalent to the power of a Tomahawk cruise missile..."

"Did we fire missiles there?"


"Are there other foreign objects firing missiles down there?"

"No, no foreign flying object was found. The explosion originated from the local area!"

Wang Dezheng frowned. Could it be that there is a weapons depot there

Because of an accident, it was set on fire and exploded? ! !

"Is it possible that the explosives in the local police station were ignited..."

"Report to the chief, it's impossible. Our local regulations require that each police station has limited firepower and insufficient ammunition. It is impossible to sustain such a powerful explosion!"

Wang Dezheng nodded and said in a deep voice: "Mark that location and wait to see what's going on when we pass by tomorrow. Now we continue to carry out the task of escorting the Dawn Stone and drive into the center of the city. We must save as many people as possible! "

(End of chapter)