I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 5: Worried students


When the last ray of sunset gradually disappears...

Under the gaze of everyone in the student dormitory, a circular space passage with a diameter of four to five meters suddenly appeared on the playground not far away.

This circular channel stands straight on the ground, and the whole moves in a vortex shape.

"what is that?"

Ma Li shouted in a low voice. He had been crying before, and he was not sure about the specific situation.


Du Gang gave him a gesture and whispered: "Cover your mouth, don't make any sound!"

Ma Ma suddenly became nervous, and subconsciously covered his mouth with his hands, but his eyes did not leave the space passage.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank and his body started to tremble. If he hadn't covered his mouth, he would have screamed out.

In the distance, at the circular space passage, a huge "cockroach" slowly crawled out of the whirlpool.

The body that was half a meter tall and four meters long made everyone's hearts stop as soon as it appeared.

If someone with trypophobia saw the densely packed legs, they would probably die on the spot.

After the "cockroach" appeared, it shook the antennae on its head slightly. Then, it turned around and crawled towards the teachers' dormitory not far from the playground.

The layout of the Experimental Middle School is relatively symmetrical. The playground is in the center, and on both sides are the student dormitories and teachers' dormitories.

The location where this space passage appeared happened to be on the playground near the classroom and dormitory side.

Du Gang and Ma Li looked at each other, with some suspicions in their minds.

They suspected that the "cockroach" could find the location of "food" through its tentacles.

If there are still people in the teacher's dormitory, it can be proved that the "cockroach" really has the ability to locate "food".

"Teachers usually have families outside, and they live on campus just to make up for classes. I guess no one would..."

Du Gang saw that Ma Li was a little frightened and couldn't breathe smoothly, so he softly comforted him.

Sure enough, after hearing him speak, Ma Li was like a suffocator emerging from the water, breathing frantically.

However, even though he was extremely hypoxic, he still consciously controlled his voice, for fear that making too much noise would attract "cockroaches".

Du Gang smiled when he saw this, and laughed in a low voice: "Don't worry, even if there are teachers still staying in the dormitory, they are definitely not that stupid, and they probably won't scream out for us to verify the positioning ability of the "cockroach"... "


Before he finished speaking, a scream suddenly pierced the quiet gray night sky in the distance.

Du Gang was stunned. He didn't expect that there was actually a fool among the teacher team...


He suddenly remembered that the teachers' dormitory was not like the student dormitory with six floors. It was just a two-story old building, and even the door panels were made of wood!


Immediately afterwards, a second scream came, this time it was a female voice.

How many teachers have not returned home

Du Gang was a little bitter. He had carefully studied the news and announcements. Just an hour ago, he watched those Arctic Circle experts analyze that this kind of "cockroach" would be attracted by sounds.

As for the two screams from the teachers' dormitory just now, if nothing else, at least they could be heard clearly on both sides of the street where their school is located.

If there are other space passages outside the school, it may not attract "cockroaches" again.

At this time, Du Gang discovered that a woman suddenly ran out from the teacher's dormitory.

He took a closer look, and by coincidence, it was Anya, the Chinese teacher in their class, a middle-aged female teacher who graduated from Nanyuan Normal University.

"Run quickly, teacher!"

Ma Ma, like Du Gang, recognized him at first sight and whispered a prayer.

However, the next second, Ma Li's mouth closed again.

When Anya ran through half of the playground, behind her, in the space passage, another "cockroach" had half of its body exposed.

"It's over!"

At this moment, the students in the student dormitory all raised their hearts, hoping that the "cockroach" would find Anya later.

However, to everyone's disappointment, the "cockroach" showed enough professionalism. As soon as its body was completely revealed, the mosquito rushed forward excitedly like a mosquito seeing blood.

But just at this time, Anya had not been able to exercise for a long time, her cardiopulmonary and exercise abilities could not keep up, and her breathing was too disordered, so she had to stop and rest.

"Run quickly, teacher!"

At this time, a student in the girls' dormitory next door couldn't help it and shouted.

After Anya heard the sound, she glanced back subconsciously, and her seven souls suddenly disappeared. She was startled and struggled to move again.

However, now she had reached her body's limit of running fatigue, her legs gave out, and she fell directly to the ground.


The students were all watching her at this moment, and when they saw him upside down, they couldn't help but scream.

In the distance, the "cockroach" was already very close to her, and Anya sat on the ground, facing the "cockroach" and moving back bit by bit.

However, she could not move as fast as a "cockroach" with a bunch of legs.

In just a few seconds, the "cockroach" was already very close to her.

There were many girls in the girls' dormitory who couldn't help crying when they saw this scene.

In the boys' dormitory, a feeling of sadness and anger also spread.

"Teacher An, run...run...ah!"

Ma Li was also very anxious at this moment, trembling at the mouth. He knew in his heart that unless a miracle happened, Anya would definitely die. At this time, he had the idea of turning his eyes away and did not dare to look.


At this moment, Du Gang next to him took a deep breath.

"What’s wrong with you?"

What Ma Li asked was like opening a certain valve.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

Du just opened the window and jumped out.

Under normal circumstances, he would have been as incompetent and furious as the other students.

However, he had the Ancient God System and could turn into a giant. During get out of class, he only knew that he had grown taller and stronger, but he didn't know exactly how strong he was.

Now, there is an opportunity to not only save people, but also test the giant's abilities.

As for being discovered, he doesn't care. After all, he has the ability to transform, so he can't go without using it for the rest of his life, right? !

"Du Gang..."

Ma Li was stunned!

Du Gang seemed to be transformed into King Kong in the movie. He carried his huge body and crossed more than ten meters in one step. In just three steps, he flew out and got there just before the "cockroach" bit Anya.

"Oh my god… "

At this moment, all the students were stunned.

She was both surprised that Du Gang appeared in front of Anya, and she was also surprised that his height and body shape were obviously twice that of an ordinary person.

(End of chapter)