I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 6: Giant Du Gang


At this moment…

She blinked hard several times and took a closer look.

A very tall "giant" was crossing in front of her, blocking the "cockroach"'s attack.

She froze.

For a person over three meters tall, this is definitely not true...

When Du Gang jumped out of the window, flew in mid-air and transformed into a "giant", all the fear and worry in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Even in mid-air, he had strange thoughts in his mind.

According to the square-cube law, my height of 1.75 meters is now doubled in proportion, the surface area has increased to four times, and the volume and weight have increased to eight times...

Then his power is also amplified eight times its original size

Soon, this conjecture received some verification.

He just exerted force with his feet, and then he crossed a distance of nearly ten meters. In just three steps, he flew in front of Anya.


When he arrived, he stopped thinking and kicked the "cockroach" back several meters.

The "cockroach" was kicked back a few meters without warning. The next moment, it became angry!

Looking at the "giant" in front of it, it tilted up directly, its front body aimed at Du Gang, and countless hind legs exerted force at the same time.

"Rubbing!" With a sudden movement, he shot directly towards Du Gang. He opened his sharp mouthparts and wanted to bite him to death.

At this moment, Du Gang could no longer care about his nausea. Before the "cockroach" could bite him, he reached out directly, grabbed its ten centimeter-wide legs under its jaws, and threw them to the side.


The "cockroach" was thrown away and hit the ground. However, an attack of this degree was not fatal to it.

It just shook its legs, then stood up and charged towards Du Gang again.

This time, it still chose the previous posture, ejecting and attacking in the air.

"Bang!" With a sound, it followed the previous ending again, flew out and hit the ground.

Its vitality is so tenacious that you must use a sharp weapon to kill it!

Du Gang came to his senses and realized that if he fought hard like this, he would never be able to kill it. Cockroaches, commonly known as Xiaoqiang, were notoriously tough, so they really couldn't kill it with just strength!

Thinking of this, he kicked the "cockroach" away again, turned around, picked up Anya, and quickly rushed towards the dormitory.

The good news is that although this "cockroach" has many legs, it can only walk and cannot perform long-distance jumps like Du Gang. It was thrown away by him a very large distance at once.

Arriving downstairs in the dormitory, Du Gang didn't stop. He pushed his feet hard and jumped up in a leap, flying towards the sixth floor. At the same time, his body continued to get smaller in mid-air.

"Bang!", "Stab!", "Bang!"

The three actions of falling, sliding, and hitting the door were very coherent, and the two of them returned to the dormitory intact.


Du Gang's clothes turned into strips of cloth again!

"Du... Du Gang?".

At this moment, Du Gang was lying flat on the ground. Under the tattered cloth strips, there were muscles like stones.

"Du Gang, Teacher An!"

At this time, Ma Li finally reacted and shouted.

(End of chapter)