I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 65: Invasion of Dark Will (please recommend)


Wang Dezheng had just chatted with King Vajra for a while when his adjutant ran over in a hurry.

"Oops, those two girls were kidnapped by Du Gang?"

"what's the situation?"

The adjutant said hurriedly: "Du Gang got the news from somewhere and knew that his two classmates were still alive. He just kidnapped them!"

"I'm going to catch him!"

As soon as King Kong heard this, he set off immediately.


Wang Dezheng stopped him, frowned, and said nothing for a while.

At this time, Xu Wei, who had been following Wang Dezheng, said angrily: "He is so brave, he dares to do something here!"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Wang Dezheng, even King Kong looked at him with strange eyes.

Xu Wei was stared at by them and touched his nose, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Wang Dezheng said calmly: "In this case, you go after him and I will collect the body for you!"

Xu Wei immediately flattered him and said, "Ahem, I'm just talking casually!"

Once the two sides break up, it will be difficult to end it.

He thought for a while and then said: "Then you let those two girls be captured by him? What if he violated them or killed them?"

Wang Dezheng shook his head, "Let's break up. Don't send people to chase you. King Kong, you'd better not act secretly, otherwise I will punish you!"

King Kong looked embarrassed, "Aren't I afraid that he will go astray? Besides, didn't you just tell me that you wanted to guide him?"

Wang Dezheng nodded, "Yes, it is to guide, but not to control... The adjutant who came to report was not the officer patrolling the camp, which shows that he was still in control and did not cause other casualties..."

"But, are you going to let those two girls die like this?"

"I want to ensure that most people can survive... Stop talking, everyone go down and put this matter under control!"

He felt very sad inside, but he had to make a choice, whether to go to war with Du Gang for the sake of two innocent girls, which would eventually lead to corpses everywhere and even create a terrifying enemy for mankind, or whether to go to war with Du Gang even though he knew that Du Gang was still alive. If you have enough sense and restraint to allow him to take this action, will you be able to force him to defend his family and country in the future

Obviously, he chose Du Gang!

Especially in this kind of doomsday situation, he has no choice!

Even if someone else were here, they would make the same choice as him!

This is the consciousness they should have to sit in this position!

Even if the kidnapped girl was his daughter, he would make the same decision as he did now. This is his fate, all for the sake of mankind!

After King Vajra and others left, Wang Dezheng suddenly whispered to the adjutant next to him: "When the next time a plane is sent from the Arctic Circle, you can quietly tell them to set up a satellite over there to keep an eye on Du Gang..."

[The dark will is invading...]

[The dark will has been cleared...]

[The dark will is invading...]

[The dark will has been cleared...]

Du Gang was now in the state of a ten-meter-tall ancient god, holding two women in his hands.

In his left hand, he held Wang Yixuan. From here, there was an inexplicable energy flowing continuously, as if there were ants crawling in his palm!

Sensing the system prompts in his mind, he glanced at Wang Yixuan and became thoughtful.

Soon, when passing a bridge, Du Gang stopped and ducked under the bridge.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Before Du Gang could speak, Wang Yixuan looked at him in shock.

Du Gang glanced at Mu Chuxue. This once arrogant guy who said he wanted to protect everyone seemed to have become a fool. His eyes were dull and his body was still trembling.

"What did you do to her?"

Du Gang knew through the system's prompts that Wang Yixuan could not hurt him, so he asked about Mu Chuxue's situation.


A strange smile suddenly appeared on Wang Yixuan's face, and then she waved her hand. Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly appeared from her hand and shot towards Mu Chuxue.

Before Du Gang could react, a shadow was drawn out of Mu Chuxue's body. Then, the two shadows merged into one shadow, and then quickly returned to Wang Yixuan's body.

At this time, Wang Yixuan's enthusiastic voice came out, "She has gone to see the True God of Darkness!"

In response to this voice, Mu Chuxue's body gradually became illusive and turned into black light spots, which gradually disappeared.

Wang Yixuan seemed to have given up attacking Du Gang and shouted loudly: "You heretic, the True God of Darkness will notice you sooner or later. At that time, you will die!"

Du Gang heard that the meaning of her words was like the cruel words said by cult believers in movies before they died, and he quickly asked: "How did my parents die?"

Here, Wang Yixuan's body surface just emitted a black halo. After hearing these words, the halo temporarily froze.

Before he finished speaking, Du Gang stretched out his fist and punched it down!

In an instant, the standing figure was directly smashed into a ball of blood mist.

The dark halo that originally appeared around her also dissipated with the explosion of her body.

Du Gang silently glanced at the blood on the ground, without stopping, and ran towards Nanyuan City.

Along the way, he passed through countless space passages and dodged countless golden beetles. He ran for an hour without stopping before finally reaching Nanyuan City.

He went straight to the Experimental Middle School, and sure enough, he saw his parents' clothes and two wine-shaped pendants in the corridor on the fifth floor of the boys' dormitory.

"Dukang Mei is drunk and Liu Ling is drunk!"

This was the reason his parents were together, and their names were written on the wine.

"Father! Mother!"

Du Gang murmured, without waiting for any response.

He stood quietly in the corridor for half an hour, constantly recalling the scenes together.

Finally, when a black beetle crawled in front of him after all the hardships, he finally woke up slowly.

"Bang!" With a sound, he kicked Black Beetle to death. He took the clothes and pendants left by his parents and came downstairs to the playground.

Then, he transformed into a giant, manifested the Spear of the Ancient God, and began to dig.

Soon, two cenotaphs appeared.

Du Gang knelt on the ground, "Dad, Mom, I am very grateful to you for giving birth to me and bringing me into this world..."

"I know that you in heaven don't want me to live in depression all day long. I will cheer up..."

After saying that, Du Gang kowtowed three times, then stood up and thrust out a spear, turning the entire tomb into ashes instantly.

"I will kill that dark god to avenge you!"

He is a real man, and real men should not waste their time in sorrow.

ps: The system automatically harmonized more than 200 words in this chapter, and even the title was harmonized. Thanks to the book friend for reminding me, otherwise I wouldn’t know it. I’ll revise it a little.

(End of chapter)