I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 7: Find weapons


Arctic Circle.

The originally lonely extreme cold zone is now extremely lively, with army-green tents everywhere.

In addition, there are many people digging ice caves under the command of a group of officials.

Here, a tent alone can freeze people to death. In the absence of a thick stone house, the ice cave can also be used as a place to keep warm. At least it can block the biting cold wind.

Almost all the senior leaders from the Eastern Hemisphere came here, but they all had a tacit understanding and kept a certain distance between the camps.

The command center of the Chinese camp.

"Thirteen space passages appeared within the Anzhong Military Region. Under the command of Chief Yang Xiaotian, they have all been controlled and fixed defense lines have been established. It is certain that as long as those bugs appear, they will die..."

"Well done!" Yao Zhenguo slapped him. At this time, it's really worth being happy to have such good news.

"What about the situation in other military regions?"

"There are a total of fifty-five provincial military regions, 835 training bases, and 1,500 underground secret bases in the country..."

"Among the provincial military regions, forty-four military regions have successfully controlled the space passages to ensure that the insects cannot spread..."

"What is the situation in the eleven military regions?"

"These eleven military regions are still fighting because the space channels appear too densely..."

"Eight hundred and fifty-three training bases suffered heavy casualties due to insufficient equipment and strength..."

"Because the secret base is underground, there is no sign of being invaded by the insects and it is intact!"

Yao Zhenguo's expression became solemn. Humanity's existing equipment was all made to fight against humans. Ordinary guns and bullets could not pose much of a threat to this kind of carapace-bearing insect.

Only heavy-fire artillery shells can truly effectively kill black beetles. People from the scientific research department have temporarily named that kind of "cockroaches" black beetles.

Nowadays, if the problem of insufficient power of guns and weapons is not solved, it will be difficult to send troops to regain lost territory.

The officer continued: "In addition, we have now lost contact with the country. Our preliminary judgment is that it is the black dark matter that affects the signal..."

"Isn't the satellite still usable?" Yao Zhenguo looked at the real-time satellite image on the computer in front of him, a little confused.

The officer explained: "The satellite is indeed usable, but we can no longer receive any signals in the country. Even the super signal tower we built underground cannot receive it..."

Yao Zhenguo nodded, "I understand, how are the casualties now?"

"Because we warned in advance through the TV media, most residents in our country stayed inside the house, and the casualty situation was much better than that of countries in the Western Hemisphere... "

"However, those people gathering on the highway are basically..."

There is no need for the officer to say it clearly, those people are probably in danger!

"Pay close attention to the situation in various places. If you have any developments, please report to me at any time!"

Nanyuan City-Experimental Middle School.

At this time, half an hour had passed since the space passage appeared. There were eight beetles emerging from the passage in the playground. Except for one of these beetles, which was still wandering around the teacher's dormitory, the others were all gathering together. Downstairs in the student dormitory.




The black beetle that had fought with Du Gang seemed to know that it could go upstairs after entering through the door of the human building. It kept banging its head against the iron door on the first floor.

Every time it rang, the hearts of the students upstairs were shaken.

It is precisely because it keeps making noise that other black beetles also gather here. In addition to the door of the boys' dormitory, there are also black beetles hitting the iron door under the door of the girls' dormitory.

Dormitory 601 upstairs is already crowded with students.

This is the dormitory where Du Gang lives. Ever since he showed his prowess, students have spontaneously ran over, as if they feel very safe staying with him.

"Du Gang, please think of a solution. The door downstairs is not strong..."

At this time, no one had the time to ask why Du Gang could become bigger. Everyone only knew that he was very powerful and could fight giant "cockroaches", so they all regarded him as the backbone.

Du Gang was looking at so many expectant eyes and felt a little anxious.

What solution can he think of

There are only seven minutes left for the transformation. The reset time is twelve o'clock at night, and there are still four or five hours left.

His strength has indeed increased many times, but he can't even break through the beetle's defense unless he has some weapons...

Du Gang quickly said: "Are there any sharp weapons? My transformation time is limited, and although my strength is very strong, I can't kill these beetles in a short time with just my fists. Do you know if there are any weapons suitable for me to use after my transformation?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly started thinking.

Soon, Ma Li said: "I know where it is. There is a steel pipe at the end of Class 7. I often see them playing with that thing after class..."

Du Gang shook his head, "It's too short and too thin, so it can't be used!"

If it were solid, it would probably work, but he had also seen the steel pipe mentioned by Horsepower. It was hollow and would probably break if hit with a beetle.

Soon, someone else suggested: "Can we use kitchen knives in the cafeteria?"

"kitchen knife?"

Du Gang thought for a while, but did not rush to deny it, and continued to ask: "Is there anything else? It's better to be bigger and harder!"

"I know!"

A boy outside the door shouted.

Everyone immediately made way for him, and he hurriedly walked in and said quickly: "The newly built laboratory building in our school has an extra steel column. It is very thick. It is three to four meters long..."

Du Gang asked suspiciously: "Is there any? Why don't I know?"

He also went to the laboratory building to test his transformation during class today, and after that, he found a set of workers' camouflage uniforms to wear in the laboratory building. In his memory, there were no thick and long steel columns.

Seeing that Du Gang didn't believe it, the boy quickly explained: "On the roof of the experimental building, I sat on the steel pillar there last night..."

Before Du Gang could question, other students asked out of curiosity, "Why did you go to the roof of the laboratory building yesterday?"

"I went with my girlfriend..." The boy's voice became lower and his face turned red.

A thick steel column three to four meters long. Du Gang made a brief judgment and felt that this weapon could be used.

So he said: "Okay, everyone, you wait here, I will go to the laboratory building to get that thing..."

After saying that, he opened the window again and jumped up.

Before he could jump down, Anya said with concern: "Be safe!"

Du Gang nodded slightly and jumped out directly.

The black beetles below became excited when they saw a "food" jumping down from upstairs. They all stood up and wanted to take the first bite.


Unfortunately, they were disappointed. The man in the air turned into a giant more than three meters high in mid-air. After stepping down a black beetle, he jumped on the spot, ejected and jumped more than ten meters away. Jumping towards the direction of the laboratory building.

Immediately, all the black beetles gave up banging on the door and chased in the direction where Du Gang disappeared.

(End of chapter)