I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 78: It turns out...this is the real God of War (please recommend


"Report, fifth person died..."


There was no sound from the command center. At this time, they didn't know what to do.

save? Can't be saved!

kill? Can't be killed!

Whether they can survive or not really depends on their luck!

At this time, who can stop it




There was a rapid sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, followed by the command vehicle shaking violently.

"Is the giant tiger coming?"

Everyone in the car was shocked.

"No, still chasing the remaining two..."

The fighter plane didn't know the situation in the camp, so he answered calmly.

Wang Dezheng and others got out of the car quickly.

I saw that Du Gang had turned into a giant at this moment and was running towards the northern forest.

"Du Gang, come back!"

The first one to speak turned out to be Zhuge Shui, who had been playing soy sauce in the past.

He shouted loudly with an anxious look on his face, as if he was worried about someone who was related to him by blood.

Wang Dezheng and others looked at the abnormal Zhuge Shui and were a little confused. He was sure that the two people had absolutely no intersection and would not be related to each other.

So, the only reason Zhuge Shui could do this was because he concealed things about Du Gang.

This shows that Du Gang has other values that they don't know about!

Thinking of this, Wang Dezheng quickly ordered: "King Vajra, if you see that Du Gang is not there, go up and stop him and tell him not to die!"

In the eyes of everyone, Du Gang is only ten meters tall, while the giant tiger is thirty meters tall and nearly a hundred meters long. The two are not at the same level at all!

Until now, they have not discovered that Du Gang has changed from a 12-meter level to a 23-meter level.

For ants, giants are always so tall!

What's more, Du Gang is still far away from them!

"Damn, he's so impulsive!"

Zhuge Shui's face was very complicated, angry and worried at the same time, and he wished he could go up and pull Du Gang back in person.


Wang Dezheng took the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Shui, is there anything special about this Du Gang?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Shui's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't show it. Instead, he said with a puzzled expression: "Can't you see? Du Gang is one of the most talented people among us humans, and he also has The ability to transform into a giant, shouldn’t we be worried about such a talent?”

is that so

Wang Dezheng looked at his face, and it really didn't look like he was lying, but with many years of experience, he felt that this old soy sauce was lying to him!

The others were just worried at first, but after hearing what Zhuge Shui said, they felt that such a talent cannot be lost.

After all, just before, Du Gang made a move to suppress a space passage by himself.

One person is as good as an army. The name of the God of War is really not something I just say casually!

Suddenly, everyone's hearts were lifted.

King Kong had already seen Du Gang, but didn't know what he wanted to do. It wasn't until the commander's order came that he quickly transformed and stopped him.

However, when he rushed to Du Gang and looked up, he was stunned.

The light of noon just shone on the back of Du Gang's head, forming a bright circle of light that looked like a god descending to earth with a dazzling light...

Did he get taller

Or am I getting shorter? ! !

King Vajra lowered his head and looked straight. Du Gang's waist did not appear as expected. What he saw was Du Gang's knees!

Subconsciously, he looked down at his body.

All white hair, no problem!

Then look at the humans not far away.

Looking down, no problem!


He realized that it was not that he had become shorter or that he had not transformed, but that Du Gang had become taller, twice as tall...

"I still have something to do. I'll play with you now!"

Du Gang glanced down at the approaching Vajra King, responded casually, and jumped over.

"Hey, wait!"

King Vajra then remembered the mission passed on by the commander, and quickly jumped up with small steps, slapped Du Gang's knees twice, and said quickly: "Du Gang, don't leave, the commander calls you if I have something to do!"

"I have something to do too, just a moment!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped forward, spanning tens of meters in one step, and disappeared into the forest in a few steps.

Although everyone in the headquarters did not hear King Vajra's voice, Du Gang's voice of rejection came like thunder.

Wang Dezheng thought for a moment and then issued another order: "Where's the eagle? Tell him to get up and follow Du Gang quickly. I want to see the scene!"

There are some other people with the ability to fly under him, but they can't last long.

Only Eagle, whose power consumption method is unknown, can be used continuously for twenty-four hours.

In just ten seconds, someone woke up Eagle and told him about the emergency mission.

The next second.


An eagle chirped, and the eagle quickly rose into the sky and chased towards the forest to the north.

Only then did people in the camp dare to go downstairs to check the situation.

"The God of War ran away!"

"What did the God of War do?"

"Maybe you're going to fight monsters, right?"

"Oh my God, the God of War is so tall. Our building has a total of twelve floors. I feel like he is taller than the building we live in!"



The more than 200,000 people in the entire camp stopped what they were doing at this moment, looked at the direction in which Du Gang was leaving, and started having a heated discussion.

However, from the faces of everyone, it can be seen that they are very excited.

Because, in their eyes, the stronger Du Gang is, the more secure their safety will be.

Not far from the ordinary people's camp, there is a place called the Divine Soldier Camp.

The people stationed here are all the strongest superpowers in the military. Here, at least half of them stay in the camp every day. They don't have to do any trivial tasks. They absorb crystals all the time and increase their strength crazily.

However, at this moment, they all stopped practicing, walked out of the camp, and looked to the north in shock.

"Is this... the God of War?"

Many people had heard of Du Gang's name a long time ago, but had never had the opportunity to see him perform his powers. At this moment, they were all shocked.

"He's too big!"

"Is he really a superpower?"

There are even some superpowers who were not interested in the name Du Gang as the God of War. After seeing his huge size at such a close distance, they were completely confused!

Among them were two strong men who were one of the Eight Kings, and they even felt a little bit unwilling in their hearts.

It's like a student who has been working hard for sixteen years, thinking that the only way out is to take the exam. When he is really reviewed by society, he discovers that those poor students who he once looked down on are already standing at the finish line, and are being interviewed to compare with him. Even better people!

This contrast makes them very complicated.

And there are some superpowers in the Shenji Camp, who are even more ashamed.

Before that, they thought that the name of the God of War was too much. How could a mere newcomer be above the Eight Kings

Some of the names are not true!

But now they could see Du Gang's size intuitively, and the two kings who looked as shocked as them before them, they finally understood that the Eight Kings were not as good as the God of War!

"It turns out... this is the real God of War!"

Thanks (_Master ♀ just rewarded 2000 starting coins, thank? Xie? again for rewarding 500 starting coins, thank Jiangmen J for rewarding 500 starting coins, thank Taobao for another 300 starting coins, thank Tianyu Youhuan rewarded me with 100 starting coins. Thank you!

(End of chapter)