I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 82: Nangang City that changed hands (please recommend, reward and comment


Nangang Province is adjacent to Nanyuan Province, further south.

After Ming Yuwei left with Anya, she asked Du Gang and others about the direction they were going to go, and then headed towards Nangang Province.

Fleeing north

She wasn't going to do that!

She wanted to find a place where no one could interfere with her and complete her thoughts.

Nangang Province Gathering Camp.

Like the Nanyuan Provincial Military Region, a large number of civilians were organized here, and the relationship between crystallization and supernatural powers was also announced.

But unlike Nanyuan Province, there is a larger Dawn Stone in Nangang Province.

They don't need to move north. The Dawn Stone is enough for the surviving humans in the area to live safely.

Under the command of the Nangang military, a large number of surviving residents of Nangang Province were concentrated in Nangang City.

Unlike Nan Yuan Province, which only has about 300,000 survivors.

Nangang City has gathered half a million survivors...

Ming Yuwei, on the other hand, took this opportunity to gather dozens of people around her, all of whom were women.

At this moment, a group of women were gathering in a place without outsiders, discussing in secret.

"Anya, you have seen what these sisters have gone through along the way. You really don't want to help me?"

"I... saw it, but..."

"Sister Anya, come with us!"

A girl of fifteen or sixteen said timidly.

Ming Yuwei said firmly: "Even if you don't help, we will do it. It's just death. Everyone here has died once..."

Following Ming Yuwei's words, other women also spoke one after another.

"Yes, it's just death. If Ming Yuwei hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago!"

"Death, if it weren't for Ming Yuwei, I would have died long ago..."

Looking at this group of women who were not afraid of death, Anya hesitated.

Ming Yuwei ignored her and started giving orders directly in front of her.

"Sister Na, Xiaolu, Bingbing... you are responsible for opening the way. Anyone who blocks the way will be killed..."

"Xiaoxiao, Ling'er, Xiaotong... you stay on the outside and delay us..."

"Mengmeng, come with me. When I get in, you will be responsible for controlling everyone..."

"You will die!"

Anya suddenly interrupted.

No one pays attention to her!

She looked at these women with firm eyes, sighed, and finally said: "I... I will join you!"

She was the only person present who had illusion powers.

It had been three days since she followed Ming Yuwei and left Du Gang and the others.

In the past three days, Ming Yuwei took her and saved many women.

She didn't understand if Ming Yuwei had awakened other powers. No matter how far apart they were, she could always find those women who were suffering.

In three days, they rescued more than 30 women who were bullied.

Moreover, with the help of Ming Yuwei, everyone has awakened, and most of them have auxiliary powers.

Read minds, control minds, capture souls, charm...

As time went on, she felt the team was heading into some unknown territory.

Because Ming Yuwei promised everyone to build a kingdom of women, protect women, and punish men!

This time, they plan to invade the Nangang City Military Headquarters and control all the people in the headquarters...

And Anya finally couldn't bear it and joined them.

The reason why she is not firm is because among these people, she is the only one who has not been persecuted, and she is the only one who is still a virgin!

July 13th.

That night, Du Gang was wildly harvesting golden beetles in the space channel near Luo'an City.

As the strongest member of the survivors of Shuguang City in Nanyuan, Wang Dezheng told him the information from the Arctic Circle.

In a week, bugs would no longer have the concept of sleeping during the day, which meant that they had to get to Meimu Mountain within a week.

After learning the news, Wang Dezheng took advantage of dawn to give another order and mobilized everyone. The women were responsible for brewing insect jerky and collecting daily necessities, while the men were responsible for welding cars.

All the trucks used to pull goods, including some high-quality military off-road vehicles, were gathered together and began to be fully modified.

There are no additional weapons or armor, but two or even three layers are added to the original body of the vehicle.

It does not need to be how big or comfortable these multi-layered spaces are. It only requires that these multi-layered spaces can accommodate a person's height when night falls.

Everyone started to move. Although the civilians didn't know why the leaders suddenly issued such an order, they knew that they could survive only by working.

On the same day of July 13th, some changes occurred in the Nangang Province Survivor Base.

The Nangang military suddenly wants to conduct individual tests on all survivors. It is said that there is a kind of bug that can penetrate into the human brain and control humans, so it needs to be tested.

But the actual situation is...

"Have you ever assaulted a woman?"




"Have you ever assaulted a woman?"


"From today on, women are your masters. You must listen to what they say. You must do whatever they ask you to do. You must not do anything against them. In addition, you must use your To protect women with their own lives..."

"Yes, my master!"


With the cooperation of a series of illusions, lie detection, mind reading, memory planting and other powers, Ming Yuwei took the lead in brainwashing all the men in the camp.

The first one to start was the commander of the military region, then his soldiers, and finally, all the male survivors did not escape this disaster.

In just one day, Nangang City has completely changed. All men will lower their heads and show respect when they see a woman.

In the Nangang City Command Center, the man Fang Hao, who was originally sitting in the main seat, now stood respectfully and bowed to the side.

In her original position, Ming Yuwei was sitting upright, and below her were Anya and other women.

She looked at the people below and asked calmly: "How many newly discovered women can read minds and control illusions?"

A woman with wavy red hair and bright red lipstick said with a smile: "I don't know if it has something to do with us women's delicate minds. There are indeed enough women awakening this kind of power, and almost three hundred sets can be combined. …”

Her name is Rose, she is Ming Yuwei's new woman, she is very capable.

"However, this kind of brainwashing can last up to a week!"

Ming Yuwei didn't care and said calmly: "Then just once a week and let them continue like this!"

After finishing speaking, she continued to look through the confidential documents in the command center.

It was then that she realized that various places were connected to the Arctic Circle.

Soon, she found information about Nanyuan Province.

"Du Gang... turned into a giant?"

She waved her hand to exclude everyone around her, and then she began to check the information seriously.

She watched for half an hour, but her expression became more and more solemn.

He murmured: "Du Gang... this person, why haven't I heard of him before he was reborn?"

Thanks to Qingfeng and Passer for the reward of 1,000 starting coins. Thank you? evil? I rewarded 500 starting coins again, thanked the book friend 20201107220452713 for the reward of 500 starting coins, thanked the Taoist Master Chen for the reward of 500 starting coins, thanked the book friend 20190622214622204 for the reward of 100 starting coins, thanked the book friend 20190601160951694 for the reward of 100 starting coins currency. Thanks!

(End of chapter)