I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 89: Add fuel to the fire with Du Gang's new discovery!


On July 15, the Nanyuan Military Region reported to the Arctic Circle that it planned to burn Changyang City.

The Arctic Circle was quick to approve.

If the city is gone, it can be rebuilt, but if the people are gone, it is really gone. Humanity has already died to this point and cannot die anymore!

So, after receiving the approval, the Nanyuan troops began to take action again.

Large-scale collection of gasoline, in addition to empty food oil in major supermarkets, was also collected.

In addition, under Zhuge Shui's suggestion, dozens of tons of water were specially collected.

Changyang City is very big, and burning it all with gasoline would consume too much fuel.

Therefore, the Nanyuan General Staff formulated a simple plan.

Go around the city, sprinkle gasoline on the outside, and then start lighting a fire. When the flames burn fiercely, start adding cooking oil.

The ignition point of cooking oil is 350 to 400 degrees, so the gasoline must be allowed to burn for a while.

Then, after successfully igniting the cooking oil, start adding water!

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees, while the boiling point of oil is 300 degrees, and water is heavier than oil. If you add water to burning oil, the water will sink and then evaporate quickly. At this time, the oil will become tiny The oil droplets become airborne and mix with air to form flammable gases, which ultimately cause the flames to become more intense.

This is the economical and affordable plan they came up with to burn down Changyang City.

And after calculation, the burning time was roughly determined to be no more than ten hours.

On July 16, the Nanyuan survivors successfully arrived near Yangping County, which is less than 100 kilometers away from Changyang City.

The Nan Yuan Kong Command headquarters was relocated as a whole, and together with the Dawn Stone, it was temporarily stationed at the former air force base of the Changyang Provincial Military Region, so as to facilitate subsequent operations.

Starting at three o'clock in the afternoon, people collected gasoline, food, oil and other items and quickly loaded them onto various aircraft.

In addition to the oil and water, some flammable and explosive materials were also brought on the plane.

Finally, at seven o'clock in the evening, all preparations were completed.

Planes filled with cooking oil and water were all waiting quietly at the nearest air force base, waiting for orders from the command headquarters.

At the same time, the people in the car in the camp were also looking forward to the north.

In the past two days, they also received news that the military was preparing to burn Changyang City.

At the same time, I also know that after passing Changyang City, I can successfully resist the news of the destination.

They all had looks of anticipation and anxiety on their faces. Regarding this operation, they both hoped it would be successful, but they were also worried that the fire would be too big and uncontrollable.

At 19:30 on July 16, Wang Dezheng, commander of the headquarters, finally issued the order.

"Set off!"

Following his order, the aircraft of the Nanyuan Military Region Air Command quickly took off and flew towards Changyang City.

"Dongsheng 2533 has arrived at the designated area, please give instructions..."

"Dongsheng 4568 has arrived at the designated area, please give instructions..."

"Dongsheng 5866 has arrived at the designated area, please give instructions..."


Soon, all the planes arrived at their scheduled locations.

In the command center, Wang De was listening to these voices and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

After all, it is not easy to order a city to be burned down, even if it is a city with no people and only rats!


He shouted and suddenly laughed: "I, Wang Dezheng, from today on, I have done something that no one else can do in this life!"

Burning a city is a scene that can only be seen in ancient times.

Moreover, even in ancient times, there would not be such a scale.

You know, an ancient city could accommodate 300,000 people, which was considered a big city.

In its heyday, Changyang City was home to nearly 10 million people!

Such a big city will be destroyed in one day!

"Commander, do you want me to help you count?"

Li Youcai suddenly interrupted.

He actually wanted to shout "three two one" so that when he meets people from other military regions, he can also brag to each other.

Wang Dezheng glanced at him, didn't give him the chance, and shouted out loudly.


Following his command, the planes far above Changyang City all started to take action.

But in Changyang City, the rats wandering around were completely unaware of all this.

Gasoline smell

They know that it is a human thing, but they don’t know what it is used for!

The flames burned in an instant.

Just like knocking down Nomi dominoes, as soon as a fire started here, it quickly ignited over there.

In an instant, everything around Changyang City was on fire.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The rats in the city were all like headless flies, screaming wildly and scurrying around.

But where can they escape to

When the staff formulated the plan, the first thing they said was to surround the city with gasoline, just to worry about them escaping!

Rats are different from giant tigers, which can be driven away by Du Gang's urine.

But rats can't do that. If they are not driven away to death, the human survivors will inevitably be attacked when they pass by.

By then, it will be humans who will die.

On the fighter plane, the pilots couldn't help but mutter to themselves as they listened to the screams from the ground.

"We... are all for humanity!"

The people far away at the command center also fell silent for a moment.

From a distance, they could hear the screams of rats.

This is not one or two mice, but hundreds of thousands, millions or even more!

But there is no way!

They can't communicate!

If they don't die, it will be humans who will die!

At this time, there is no cruelty or cruelty, it is all about survival!

At this time, only Zhuge Shui remained calm. He observed through the video that the temperature in the city was almost low, and reminded: "Commander, you can add more fuel!"

After hearing this, Wang Dezheng suppressed his dull heart and said firmly: "Pour on the fuel!"

With this order, the planes started again.

This time, it’s adding fuel to the fire!

Various food oils ignited instantly after being sprinkled, directly raising the intensity of the fire that was originally ten feet high again.


Next came the order to water.

This order is not an order to extinguish the fire, but an order to make the flames burn more vigorously.

This is the urging order for all the rats in Changyang City!

As water mist sprayed all over the sky, the fire on the ground broke out again. This time, the fire jumped directly to a height of a hundred feet!

This strong fire can still be seen even if the camp is dozens of kilometers away in Yangping County.

Everyone in the camp was silent.

Some people think it's cruel, and some people think it's the only way they can survive.

But no one objected!

Between the 300,000 people in the Nanyuan camp and the hundreds of thousands or even millions of rats in Changyang City, only one of them could survive. Everyone chose to let themselves live!

Not far from the camp, near a space passage, Du Gang is still hunting at this moment. After two days of hunting, he has reached [war level: 83 meters]. He has heard about the burning of Changyang City, but at this moment, But I don't have time to care about this.

I saw him holding a watch, looking at it, and talking about it.

"Five, four, three, two, one, Scarab!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden beetle slowly crawled out of the space passage in front of him...

Suddenly, his eyes widened. He didn't expect that this idea was actually confirmed!

For the past few days, he had been hunting bugs at night and found that the number of orange crystals he obtained was about the same every day.

Except for the night of July 12, when he only hunted for ten hours, for the next three nights, he set out early to hunt before dark.

At first he just thought it was a coincidence, but when he matched the number of scarabs with the length of the day, he discovered a very strange phenomenon.

On July 12, the day length is 13 hours, 35 minutes and 8 seconds.

On July 13, the day length is 13 hours, 34 minutes and 27 seconds.

On July 14, the day length is 13 hours, 33 minutes and 45 seconds.

On July 15, the day length is 13 hours, 33 minutes and 4 seconds.

And the orange crystals he hunted in these three days were 814, 813, and 813 respectively!

This number is exactly the same as the number of minutes in the day!

This is equivalent to a golden beetle appearing in 1 minute!

And just now, he timed the appearance of a golden beetle, calculated according to 1 minute, and sure enough, the golden beetle appeared after his countdown ended, exactly every second!

"So, this shows that the worm nest at the other end of the space channel is not a natural product..."

Du Gang murmured to himself, feeling that he had discovered something amazing!

(End of chapter)