I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 92: Learn boxing skills and people from the Arctic Circle


Shenji camp.

After confirming that there were no free insect crystals in the future, Wang Dezheng sent out the Shenji Battalion to form a small team of three to five people to cooperate in killing insects and collecting crystals.

Therefore, the entire Shenji Camp became very empty.

"Many parts of the human body actually have power..."

"Try to place your hand naturally on the table, lift a finger, and flick it toward the table..."

"Try raising your wrist again and flicking it down with one finger..."

Wang Hu briefly introduced Du Gang and said with a smile: "You just need to have a rough understanding. In short, our bodies are very powerful, but we just can't use them all... "

"In terms of simple punching, using the wrist to exert force is called collapse fist..."

As he spoke, he stood on the spot, slowly raised his hand, and held it horizontally at 120 degrees.


His fist struck out with a crisp sound.

"Beng Fist, when exerting force, the energy is stored and concealed, and the force is released rapidly from a short distance. The force is fast and intense. It is a typical boxing technique that penetrates the force!"

Wang Hu said calmly: "Learn Bengquan. When someone attacks you, you can react quickly and mobilize huge power to fight back. You can also use Bengquan's powerful penetration to carry out an attack like beating a cow across a mountain!"

Du Gang immediately imitated a punch with great interest.


A muffled sound came out.

Wang Hu shook his head, "This is not Bengquan. The sound of Bengquan is crisp and powerful. Your power is too scattered. If you really master Bengquan, it won't be like this sound, and the power will be much stronger." point!"

"Don't rush to practice now. I'll tell you some basic things. Once you have some understanding of these theories, you can practice again!"

Du Gang nodded, he really felt the difference in the two people's boxing.

His punch was powerful, but the power was scattered, while Wang Hu's punch was small, but very concentrated. It even felt like he hit an air blast without exerting much force.

"Punches can be produced in various ways such as the wrist, elbow, shoulder, waist, hip, legs, etc. If you can master them all, then your control of power and the use of power will improve to several levels!"

Wang Hu smiled and said: "These are just introductions. They let you understand that many places in the body can exert force. Once you learn these, I will teach you the method of strength."

He thought for a while and asked: "What do you think about footwork?"


Du Gang laughed and said, "I've seen it on TV and I know there are things like Lingbo Weibu, Bagua Step, Shrinking into an Inch and so on!"

Wang Hu shook his head, "I don't know whether these footwork exist, but the footwork I want to tell you is a method of attack and a method of dodge!"

"Footwork is done naturally in conjunction with attacks or to dodge attacks!"

"I just talked about Bengquan, but most of the force is exerted from the waist, or by twisting the waist and turning the hips to borrow force from the ground. At this time, footwork must be used!"

"Using the simplest straight punch, you try to point your right leg forward, your left leg backward, and stand with your feet thirty centimeters apart..."

Du Gang quickly followed suit.

Wang Hu assumed a basic fighting posture, with one fist in front and one behind, with a high fist to the nose and a low fist to protect the ribs.

"You stand like me with your right fist in front and left fist behind..."

After Du Gang followed the instructions, he felt a little strange. He seemed to be a person who was stuck while running, very insensitive.

"Is your waist uncomfortable? Does it feel very twisted?"

Wang Hu looked at Du Gang, who was standing in a strange posture, and said with a smile: "Try to stand with your right foot in front, your right fist in front of you, and your body on your side. Is this comfortable?"

After Du Gang made the gestures as he said, sure enough, his body seemed to become a little lighter.

"The posture you took at the beginning can also exert force, but it cannot use the power of the waist and the ground, so it is very uncomfortable..."

"The current posture is a standard fighting posture. It can be adjusted according to the specific situation. You can use most of the force to fight against the enemy!"

Wang Hu smiled and said: "As the saying goes, if you pass the boxing but not the footwork, you will beat the master with the footwork. The importance of footwork in actual combat is very strong..."

"Only if you keep practicing can you master the steps and make your moves effective!"

Soon, Wang Hu taught him some of the simplest punching postures and matching footwork.

"As the saying goes, you can only talk but don't practice the fake moves. The postures must be practiced every day and become your own instinctive reaction!"

"Only when you master all these attack postures and don't need to use your brain to think about how to stand, how to exert force, and how to punch, then you will be considered a beginner and know how to punch!"

Although Du Gang was a sports committee member before, he basically discussed math problems with the physical education teacher.

I don’t know much about these theoretical knowledge related to sports. Now that I heard so much useful information, I immediately absorbed it like a sponge.

Originally, in his opinion, the instructor might talk about some complicated and profound things in metaphysics, but he did not expect that what he said was very simple and easy to understand.

He said with some excitement: "Instructor, if I learn these boxing styles, what else will I learn?"

Wang Hu smiled and said, "Don't be too ambitious. If you want to become proficient in these things and finally develop them into your own abilities, don't even think about it for less than half a year... However, after you practice, I will teach you the basic footwork..."

Then, Du Gang began to practice boxing, while Wang Hu gave instructions and corrected him when his posture or force was wrong.

In just one hour, Du Gang memorized all the key points of all the boxing techniques, to the point where he could perform them smoothly even without the presence of an instructor.

Wang Hu nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, you know all these boxing techniques. The next step is to become proficient. Practice at least three hours a day. If you stick to it for a long time, I believe you will be able to reach the level of instinct in up to half a year." degree!"

In fact, he said less for half a year because he was afraid of dampening Du Gang's enthusiasm.

You must know that his talent is very good. It took him a year to successfully get started and develop these boxing techniques into his own instincts.

At this moment, Wang Dezheng slowly walked in with a group of people.

When Wang Hu saw this, he quickly stood at attention, stood upright and solemnly performed a military salute.

Wang Dezheng and others returned the greeting, and then walked quickly to Du Gang.

"Du Gang, this is Lu Zhou, a scientist from the Arctic Circle..."

Du Gang turned around and saw a gentle young man in a white coat standing there.

"I'm going to the Tianquan Astronomical Center. The place has been occupied by insects, so it needs a strong person to protect it..."


Du Gang muttered something.

Tianquan is in the north and is still a base for launching satellites, but it is no longer empty now!

"I know your price, 50,000 red crystals per night. As long as you escort me safely and come back safely, 100,000 red crystals will be yours!"

Fifty thousand red crystals is about the same as what you get from fighting for one night.

However, the price of fighting for one night is the price, and the price of scientists who help mankind is also the price. He has no reason not to agree.

"Okay, when will we leave?"


Thanks to Haha Fatty for coming and the reward of 500 starting coins, thank you to Banle for the reward of 500 starting coins, thank you to Shishiwushang for the reward of 300 starting coins, thank you to PlayWatch Tiantian for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you for the life CV. I tipped you 100 starting coins, thank you!

(End of chapter)