I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 94: A discovery that could shock the world! (please recommend)


In front of the Tianquan Astronomical Telescope, Lu Zhou switched the device to manual mode as quickly as possible and quickly looked towards Sirius.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as in the photo. Under the influence of dark matter, the telescope saw Sirius in a black fog.

"Sirius A is like this, what about Sirius B?"

Lu Zhou quickly turned the telescope and began to find the location of Sirius B according to the calculated coordinates.

Sirius actually has two stars, which are twin stars, one blue dwarf and one white dwarf, one big and one small.

The star that people often talk about is Sirius A, because it is big enough and bright enough, almost covering up the brightness of Sirius B.

Soon, Lu Zhou searched for Sirius B in the constellation Canis Major.

Sure enough, like Sirius A, Sirius B's surface is also shrouded in a layer of black mist.

"It's incredible that this black mist can cover the entire planet!"

"what is that?!"

Suddenly, Lu Zhou found a black line between the two planets. Seeing this, he quickly magnified the telescope to its limit.

"How can this be?"

In the telescope, the space between Sirius A and Sirius B is not only shrouded in black fog, but there is also a black line between them!

He observed the black line, a little confused, not knowing what it was.

"Dark matter... Sirius... one big and one small... connected..."

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly turned the telescope again, adjusting it to the detection mode within the solar system.

Soon, he retracted the viewing distance of the telescope and began to observe other planets in the solar system.

"Mars… "

He first adjusted the telescope to the current position of Mars and started observing.

No black fog!

He frowned slightly. Mars was the planet he could think of that was most likely to have life in the solar system...

"The planet in the solar system that is most likely to have life?"

"No, what I should be looking for is a planet that can produce creatures that are a hundred times larger than humans..."

"Jupiter is more than three hundred times the mass of the Earth..."

"Saturn is about a hundred times the mass of the Earth..."

"Is it possible that dinosaurs and insects came from these planets?"

Lu Zhou shook his head. If you were an ordinary person, you would probably think that the larger the planet, the larger the organisms on the land. But in fact, it's just the opposite!

"Under normal circumstances, the smaller the planet's gravity, the larger the organisms on the planet..."

"This is because the body structure of terrestrial organisms needs to bear its own weight, and it also needs to overcome gravity to transport blood to high places in the body. The greater the gravity of the planet, the smaller the organisms will be! Therefore, I should find a planet not far from the earth. , and a planet or satellite that is dozens or hundreds of times smaller than the Earth!”

Lu Zhou narrowed his eyes, and a bunch of information about planets and satellites flashed through his mind. Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the moon hanging high in the sky.

"The diameter of the moon is one-fourth that of the earth, but its mass is only one-eighty-one times that of the earth!"

It is very light, not as light as a natural celestial body.

At the same time, he thought of a lot of information related to the moon.

The center of mass always faces the earth, and the same side always faces the earth, just like the earth is firmly tied with a rope.

On the moon, there are mountains, water, lakes, seas, glaciers, plains, and rift valleys...

Humanity has always envisioned a lunar immigration plan because the moon has some conditions that meet human survival, unlike Saturn or Jupiter, which is surrounded by hydrogen and helium.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou remembered a piece of news from six years ago.

"On October 5, 2014, scientists discovered a giant square structure hidden underground on the moon. The width of this structure alone reached 2,500 kilometers!"

"If...dinosaurs, bugs, these things are hidden in its inner space..."

Lu Zhou quickly turned the telescope and looked towards the moon.

Sure enough, there is a layer of black fog on the surface of the moon!

This layer of black fog was the same as what he had seen on Sirius A and Sirius B before.

Soon, he found a small channel like a pipe in the black mist outside the moon.

This pipe-like fog is connected to the black fog outside the earth!


Lu Zhou quickly sat down and took a few deep breaths.

He quickly suppressed the emotions in his heart, and then closed his eyes slightly.

"Think it over from the beginning..."

"Explorer 2 reached the edge of the solar system and touched a thin film... "

"The changes in dark matter were calculated that day and it was determined that the earth is surrounded by a stream of dark matter... This is the layer of black fog around the earth... "

"No matter what the film at the edge of the solar system is, it has an activation device that activates countless space channels on the earth..."

"Over the years, countless meteorites and meteors have entered and exited the solar system, but none of them activated the device. However, it was activated by Explorer 2..."

“What does Explorer 2 have?”



"Technology product?"

Lu Zhou shook his head and said: "One thing that is certain is that things naturally floating in the universe cannot activate signals, but products of technology can activate signals..."

"So, this disaster is not of natural origin, but is arranged in advance by some more advanced intelligent life..."

"And the source of these space channels is not from the dark universe as I imagined before. It is actually from the moon. It's just that... the existence of these things uses dark matter or energy that people on earth cannot understand... "

"What is the purpose?"

Lu Zhou thought secretly.

"Destroy humanity? To a civilization that can deploy activation devices at the edge of the solar system, humanity is nothing!"

"So... research?"




He didn't continue to guess. Thinking about anything now was a waste of time, so he quickly thought of other directions.

"If the black dark matter channel connecting the earth and the moon can be cut off, will the space channel disappear?!!"

Lu Zhou felt that it was probably true. If the black mist pipe connecting the outside of the earth to the moon disappeared, everything would be over!

"What if the moon is destroyed?"

As soon as he said it, he himself was amused.

Humanity's most powerful weapon is nuclear weapons.

Adding up the total number of nuclear weapons in all mankind, and multiplying it by ten thousand times, would be able to cause such an effect as a Chicxulub meteorite impact. This level of damage would be equivalent to a moon with a diameter equal to a quarter of the Earth. For such a huge creature, this kind of blow can only be regarded as a superficial injury!

Relying on human weapons to blow up the moon? Take a shower and go to sleep.

"What we really need to study is the black mist!"

Lu Zhou narrowed his eyes. No matter what this substance is, since it can be used as a transmission channel by advanced civilizations, then if humans work hard, they might be able to use it and master this technology!

(End of chapter)