I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 96: Master, turn around!


"You mean, these monsters all come from the moon?"

Du Gang had a look of disbelief on his face and looked at the indifferent Lu Zhou next to him.


Lu Zhou nodded and said: "There is a dark matter channel between our earth and the moon... At present, it seems that this channel is a one-way transmission, which can send the creatures hidden inside the moon to the earth... "

The reason why he told Du Gang this information was because Du Gang had discovered the regular appearance of golden beetles before, which showed that he had some brains.

Another reason is the conjecture that the earth has suffered such suffering... At present, the alien species on the earth most likely to arrange such things are giants!

Therefore, he wondered whether this giant was some kind of advanced creature in the universe, and Du Gang was its successor. The so-called disaster might be a trial...

If Du Gang's strength reaches a certain level, will the trial end and will the space channel disappear

Hearing what he said, Du Gang once again deepened his previous suspicion that the earth was a place of trial.

Just as he was promoted from the second level to the third level, something happened in the space passage, and a dinosaur that was a hundred meters high appeared.

"Let's go back first. Don't tell anyone else about this news..."

Lu Zhou said hello and walked towards the plane.

Natural disasters and disasters under the control of advanced civilizations are two different concepts.

Natural disasters are faced by mankind together, and there is always hope for an end.

But if it is a disaster caused by a higher civilization, it would be too desperate, and I am afraid that many people will lose their fighting spirit.

Moreover, if the news is known to ordinary people, it will cause widespread panic, and even lead some psychologically fragile people to a dead end, causing greater losses.

"I know, except when the military announces it, I won't talk nonsense!"

Du Gang himself is not a talkative person, and he will definitely not talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

After the plane flew for a while, Du Gang suddenly said: "This doesn't seem to be the route back to Meimu Mountain, right?"

When it came, it was flying all the way north, but now it was flying southeast.

"The remaining fuel in the plane is not enough to fly back to Meimu Mountain. Let's go to Dahuang Mountain. There is a Huangshan Survivor Base there. We can replenish the fuel!"

After hearing the pilot's explanation, Du Gang nodded, closed his eyes again, and began to rest with his eyes closed.

Then, after flying for more than half an hour, the plane landed on a mountain top more than a thousand meters above sea level.

This is the airport at the Dahuang Mountain Base.



Before the plane could stand still, everyone heard an explosion in the distance.

"It's the sound of a missile exploding!"

Lu Zhou said lightly and quickly got off the plane.

"You are?"

The people on the ground were confused as to why another plane came just after the plane from the Arctic Circle left.

Lu Zhou quickly took out a document, took a look at the staff, and said: "We have a confidential mission to go to the north. We are out of gas. We will stop here to refuel!"

"this… "

The ground staff looked embarrassed and said, "I can't make the decision on this. So, you go to the next floor and wait for a while, and I'll go find the leader for instructions!"

Soon, someone took them to the next floor.

Similar to the structure of Meimu Mountain, the second level of Dahuang Mountain is also where the Shenji Camp of this base is located.

When Du Gang and the others walked in, most of the members of the Shenji Battalion were present. They did not go out to meet the dinosaurs.

Dahuang Mountain is also lucky. The nearest space channel to them is ten kilometers away.

Therefore, the head of the military region here did not use superpowers to face the enemy, but chose the Rocket Army.

The roar that Du Gang and the others heard before was the sound of the Dahuang Mountain Rocket Force attacking the dinosaurs.

Not long after, a man who looked like a staff officer walked in.

"I'm sorry, everyone, the commander is commanding operations on the front line, and I am responsible for receiving you..."

Lu Zhou stepped forward and exchanged a few polite words with the staff officer.

"I wonder what mission you went to the north to perform?"

The staff officer wanted to see if he could find out anything useful.

Lu Zhou shook his head, "It's nothing. It's a scientific conjecture. If it's useful, after discussion with the Imperial Masters, the news will probably be sent next time!"

Seeing that he was unwilling to say anything, the staff officer did not force it, so he nodded and said: "Okay, everyone, wait here for a moment, I will send someone to refuel your plane..."

Soon, the staff officer left again without asking their names.

Du Gang and others stayed.

Not long after, another man in military uniform hurried in and shouted: "Everyone gather!"

Immediately, many of the superpowers who had been parked in the Shenji Camp all stood up and quickly lined up together.

"Everyone, the Rocket Force has failed. That dinosaur is not afraid of missiles... It is coming in the direction of our Dahuang Mountain... The time has come for the country and the people to test us... "

"Always be prepared!" the members of the Shenji Battalion present shouted in unison.

The soldier nodded and said: "The commander ordered the Shenji Battalion to go to the established route and conduct a sniper attack!"

"Everyone is here, let's go!!"

Soon, the entire second-level camp became empty, and all the superpowers from the Shenji Camp ran out.

Lu Zhou and Du Gang looked at each other for a few times, but neither of them spoke.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the plane's fuel was replenished and everyone got on the plane again.

"Can they... be beaten?"

Du just got on the plane and asked casually.

Lu Zhou said solemnly: "It should be difficult. In my opinion, this kind of dinosaur is already a top yellow-level existence. In our country, there are currently the strongest yellow-level superpowers in the four major military regions on the border. , none of the other bases..."

Currently, only the four major military regions on the border have hunted and killed egg-casting worms and obtained citrine due to their vast territory and relatively small side effects from the use of nuclear weapons.

Similarly, currently only their four major military regions have yellow-level superpowers, and there are not many of them. Even if they want to study topaz in the Arctic Circle, they don't even have one.

Du Gang listened to the sound of explosions coming from time to time, and suddenly said to the pilot sitting in front of him: "Master, turn around, make a detour, and fly over the battle zone!"

He was ready to intervene. Dinosaurs might be deadly to others, but they were not difficult to kill for him!

The pilot was stunned for a moment, then realized that Du Gang's "master" was calling him, and then turned his head.

If he hadn't seen the scene of Du Gang easily killing dinosaurs in the planetarium before, he would have wanted to curse.

As a pilot, he spent tens of millions on training from initial training to certified flight. In Du Gang's eyes, he was just a "master"...

The others were relieved when they saw Du Gang volunteering to help.

After all, they are all comrades wearing military uniforms, and they do not want their comrades to die like this.

But since Du Gang didn't speak, they couldn't say anything more.


Thanks to Song of Violence for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thanks to Gentle Like Me for the reward of 100 starting coins. Thanks!

(End of chapter)