I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 98: A huge fireball ten meters in diameter!


"Damn, they rushed too fast!"

The army of land reclamation troops following behind said angrily.

They also saw the conditions of several wind power users at the front.

"Come back quickly, let's join forces!"

The person with a high-pitched voice was the first to shout.

Because in front, in addition to the few wind power users whose life and death are unknown, there are dozens and close to a hundred wind power users.

After hearing this, those people finally stopped holding on and quickly set up the wind and retreated towards the rear.

Soon, the two sides reunited.

"Wind-type attacks are not good, brother, look at my fire-type abilities!"

A man with red hair said proudly.

His hair was black before, but after awakening the fire power, his hair gradually turned red.

Compared to the soft and insubstantial attacks of the wind element, he was full of confidence in his big fireball technique!

The group of wind power users were defeated and were speechless for a moment.

One of the wind power users who looked relatively calm said: "Don't be careless, this dinosaur is not simple, be careful of capsizing in the gutter!"


The red-haired man laughed and said calmly: "Don't worry, my fire element is different from your wind element. You can rest for a while, and then leave it to my fire element people!"

After saying that, a group of red-haired fire power users all stood up. These people were the same as the red-haired man at the head.

He has red hair and a stern expression, as if he is the boss of heaven and the second child of me.

"The fire element obeys the order and forms a formation!"

The people in their land reclamation unit did not do anything, and the leaders did not ignore them. While allowing them to open up land, they also conducted various trainings such as joint operations.

Among them, some methods can even be fused together from the same source.

For example, in the fire system, if you use the same moves together, and use perfect coordination, you can combine these moves to form a more powerful attack.

Soon, the fire element members all lined up neatly, forming a square-shaped queue, with a total of nine horizontal rows and nine column rows.

"Prepare the nine-second attack formation!"

Nine-second attack array, a combined attack studied by fire-based troops.

All fire elements are divided into nine rows at equal intervals. Each row counts for one second. The last row launches the attack first, followed by the eighth row, seventh row... all the way to the first row. When nine layers of fireballs are superimposed, a fireball will form. A super fireball, the Nine Columns means that they can produce nine such fireballs at one time.

Moreover, this is not over yet, each of their columns is tilted at a fixed angle, which will result in nine super large fireballs being superimposed and eventually forming a super large fireball!

This huge fireball was jointly released by their ninety-nine and eighty-one fire warriors. The superimposed power is very terrifying.

This is why they look down on the attack power of the wind element!

When the other superpowers saw the fire series formation, they also stopped and made room for their attack.

Although they really want to become a dragon-slaying warrior, they cannot disturb their comrades when they are preparing to attack!

In this way, under the gaze of everyone, the ninth platoon used the fireball technique with pride.





After all, they had transformed from soldiers into superpowers, and they still retained their simple style. They didn't have names that were too exaggerated, and everyone shouted loudly in chronological order.

Each shout represented a row of fireballs being released.




Finally, all the nine vertical and nine horizontal fire-type superpowers were released.

Nine super-large fireballs flew towards the dinosaur.

Moreover, the direct direction of movement of these nine fireballs is towards one point.

Finally, after flying more than ten meters in the air, the nine super fireballs met and merged into one super large fireball!


"What a big fireball!"

All the superpowers looked at the fireball created by the fire element in surprise.

They had heard that the fire faction was the only faction among the many factions that could jointly attack, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

"It's actually possible to fuse together!"

"Eighty-one fireballs melted into one big fireball!"

The leader of the fire camp stood at the front of the line. He turned his head and glanced at the surprised superpowers from other departments behind him. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he winked at all the other red-haired superpowers behind him.

"One, two, three, get up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the eighty-one fire warriors collectively opened their mouths and shouted loudly:

"The east wind blows and the war drums beat, who can the Huangshan Fire Camp be afraid of?"

"Come again!"

"Fire camp, fire camp, scorching sun, chopping insects and dragons, invincible!"

"Come again!"

"Fire camp, fire camp, self-discipline and self-improvement, unite and help each other, and win glory for the country!"

Suddenly, the entire venue was filled with the neat and shocking slogans of the fire camp.

"Those guys at Fire Camp secretly thought of a new slogan!"

There were many superpowers who had known the warriors from the Fire Camp before, and they all looked envious at this moment.

In front of many comrades, shouting such a slogan is an honor!

"No, it's because of Grandma Te. When we go back to the camp today, we must come up with a slogan!"

The chief of the Tu camp was the most angry. The leader of the Huo camp was an old rival with him and could not be suppressed like this. He quickly ordered: "All the people in the Tu camp, I think now, must be able to suppress the slogans of the Huo camp!"

No one cares about the life or death of dinosaurs.

In other words, they believed in the fire camp and the power of the huge fireball.

In their eyes, dinosaurs must die!

After all, they have all taken physical education classes and know that sometimes the superimposed attacks cannot be simply added, but must be multiplied.

The super large fireball, with a diameter of ten meters, was jointly launched by eighty-one fire-type superpowers. If this fireball couldn't kill the dinosaurs, then there was no need for them to fight!

When the people in the camp heard what the camp commander said, they immediately lowered their heads and thought hard.

Suddenly, someone's eyes lit up and he said: "Batalion Commander, Battalion Commander, I have a good slogan!"

"Say it!"

"Building earth camps and casting toilets will benefit the country and the people, and the merits will last forever!"


The local battalion commander felt like he was being fed a mouthful of shit, and angrily yelled: "Damn you, delete the word "toilet" from my battalion slogan, otherwise I will make you wash the toilet every day... "

The others were not so anxious to let their men come up with slogans, but stared at the trajectory of the big fireball with wide eyes.

A huge fireball ten meters in diameter!


Finally, under everyone's gaze, the huge fireball collided with the dinosaur.


As soon as the two collided, there was a fierce explosion.

Immediately afterwards, a huge fireball with a diameter of ten meters exploded in an instant, spreading in all directions like a volcanic eruption.

"Hide quickly!"

For a moment, all the superpowers set up their superpowers and began to avoid the aftermath of the huge fireball.

When a shield warrior blocked a scattered fireball with his shield, he raised his head and looked at the dinosaur.

This glance instantly made his originally calm face become ferocious.


He was shocked: "The dinosaur was unscathed!"

This sound was very abrupt in this battlefield, like Li Qingzhao in the Song Dynasty who had just finished drinking and returned to the boat late at night, accidentally wandered into the depths of the lotus root, startled a group of gulls and herons, and faked the sound of scolding his mother one after another.


"What the hell!"


"Am I dreaming?"


No one wants to believe that such a powerful fireball exploded without even breaking the skin of the dinosaur!

But the fact was right in front of them, shocking and despairing.

(End of chapter)