I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 99: The Shenji Camp is here!


The dinosaur doesn't care what the humans below you think. In its eyes, the creatures under its feet are a kind of ants that can't even reach its toes. If it dares to attack it, it will be trampled to death!

It moves!

He took a step forward and launched a stampede tactics towards the humans on the ground.

For it, humans are too small, so small that they can't even fit between its teeth. Therefore, it has no intention of eating humans, but just wants to trample them to death.

"I do not believe!"

A fire superpower user couldn't believe that the huge fireball from his fire camp did not cause any damage. He whipped out another fireball and threw it towards the dinosaur.

"Hide quickly!"

Too late!

The fire-type superpower, along with the fireball and his companions, were trampled into a pulp.

"It doesn't make sense. There is no creature that is not afraid of fire..."

Some people murmured to themselves, wondering why the skin couldn't be broken open.

In his imagination, no matter how weak the fireball is, it still has temperature and can burn it, right

However, nothing happens!


At this moment, the leader of the fire camp had only this thought in his mind.

Most of their land reclamation troops are red-level, belonging to the first level of superpowers.

The only reason why they can't hurt the dinosaurs is that the temperature of their fireballs is not high enough and the power is not strong enough, so the dinosaurs are immune!

The moment the dinosaur rushed into the crowd, the formation completely broke up!

Everyone was like headless flies, scurrying around, avoiding the claws of the dinosaurs that kept stepping down.

There are so many people here. Every time the dinosaur lands, it can trample on several people, or even more... No one of these people can be spared!

"Damn it!"

At the rear, a group of soldiers were filled with grief and anger as they watched the supernatural beings from the land reclamation force die on the battlefield.

Among them, the soldiers of the Rocket Army suffered the most.

"They went to die for us!"

Originally, it was the Rocket Army who were on the front line, but after the land reclamation troops came, they withstood the suffering that originally belonged to them.

"Captain, I apply to fight!"

Some members of the Rocket Force couldn't stand it and wanted to join the battlefield again to advance and retreat with the soldiers of the land reclamation force.


The captain looked sad and angry, "Don't you think I feel uncomfortable? But at this time, you can't go up and die in vain. If you die, the Rocket Army will be gone. When the time comes, what will the people do if they encounter other dangers?!!"


Many Rocket Army soldiers could only sigh and look at the front line with tears streaming down their faces.

"Commander, the land reclamation troops can't hold it anymore, let them withdraw!"

The second-ranking officer of the land reclamation force could not bear to let his soldiers die in vain.

The commander shook his head, "They can't retreat now. Once they retreat, the dinosaurs will rush towards Huangshan..."

Just like before when he disagreed with the Rocket Army's retreat, someone had to support it, but this time, it was the land reclamation troops!

At this moment, everyone clenched their fists and looked at the battlefield with heart-wrenching eyes and grief!

"The Shenji Battalion is here!"

At this moment, someone shouted loudly.

Suddenly, everyone turned around and looked back.

Sure enough, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were running towards the front line with neat steps.

"Very good!"

"The soldiers from the Shenji Battalion are here!"

"What will happen if they come?"

"You don't understand, they are different from the land reclamation troops, they are elites!"

"They are the best among superpowers!"

"They are the ace troops of my Dahuang Mountain Base!"

When they heard what they said, everyone suddenly became energetic and excited.

"Come on, comrades from the Shenji Battalion, and brothers from the land reclamation force are waiting for you to rescue us!"

When the supernatural beings from the Shenji Battalion saw this, they did not stop and ran directly towards the frontline battlefield under the leadership of the deputy battalion commander.

"Comrades from the land reclamation force, hold on, the soldiers from the Shenji Battalion will be here soon!"

On the front line, the superpowers of the land reclamation force all breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Who among the people present has not participated in the selection of the Shenji Camp

The very beginning of the Shenji Battalion was to select candidates from the land reclamation troops.

Only those who are outstanding among the land reclamation troops will be selected into the Shenji Battalion.

"I heard that the worst in the Shenji Camp are all orange-level superpowers?!!"

"Yes, most of the orange crystals collected by our base are supplied to the Shenji Camp!"

The hearts that everyone was holding suddenly dropped, and their eyes looking at Shenji Camp were full of hope.

"Brothers, hold on until the brothers from the Shenji Battalion come over, and then we can retreat with success!"

At this time, no one would open their eyes and talk about the essence of why they were just running away.

They were indeed running away, but they were running around the dinosaurs!

They understand that someone has to drag the dinosaur, otherwise it will rush towards the base!

And only those with special powers have the chance to stay under his feet for a few more seconds.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion looked at the pioneers with supernatural powers who were being trampled on one side in the distance, but they did not panic.

From the beginning of the end of the world, they have received the best resources and the most adequate training.

So far, the worst ones are all orange level three, and the strongest ones can even reach orange level ten!

Compared with the red class, their strength is terrifyingly strong!

After all, some of them can even break through a shell as hard as a golden beetle!

Dinosaurs just look bigger!

They believe that with their methods, they can hunt dinosaurs!

"Shenji Camp!"

"Shenji Camp!"

Every member of the land reclamation force who was passed by the Shenji Battalion shouted the name of the Shenji Battalion and then quickly retreated.

Suddenly, the name of Shenji Battalion resounded on the battlefield.

But the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion showed no expression. They were elites, they were elites, and praise would not make them lose their sense of proportion!

Their thoughts are all on the dinosaurs!

"The Shenji Battalion's control company attacks, first restricting the movement of this dinosaur..."

As the strongest man in the Shenji Battalion, the deputy battalion commander gave the order very calmly. Instead of stupidly sending people up to fight the dinosaur, he chose to control it.

Soon, countless vines and branches wrapped around the dinosaur.

At the same time, the earth-type superpowers also worked together to make the soil where the dinosaur was located become thinner and softer.

The dinosaur didn't check for a while and actually sank a few meters.

"Very good!"

Whether it was the psychics of the retreating land reclamation force or the Rocket Army and other soldiers standing behind to watch the battle, they were all extremely excited.

Dinosaur activities are restricted!

"Bury it alive!"

Someone roared loudly and looked at the dinosaur with eyes full of hatred!

"Buried alive?"

The earth-type superpowers on the front line are in trouble. Their earth-type superpowers have been used to their extreme. They cannot control the soil that is too far away from the ground!

Being able to sink a dinosaur into a few meters is already their limit!


A thundering roar sounded.

This sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue, shaking the ears of everyone within a kilometer.

Those who were closer could even be temporarily deafened by the shock and unable to hear the surrounding sounds!

The dinosaur is angry!

It was actually attacked by ants!

Moreover, its feet were buried in the soil!

It just moved slightly, and suddenly the vines and branches that bound its ankles broke.

At the same time, it completely lifted its feet and left the soft mud.

Trample these pesky ants to death!

Its mind is filled with such thoughts now!

When everyone was covering their ears in pain, it rushed towards the Shenji Camp.

"Gather attack!"

The deputy battalion commander shouted.

The expected joint attack did not appear. Only a few warriors in twos and threes noticed his gesture and followed up with the attack.

But more people, because they are deaf, did not hear this instruction.

The deputy battalion commander looked at the dinosaurs getting closer and closer in the distance, his eyes full of despair.

"It's over!"

(End of chapter)