I’m Acting Gay on a Dating Show

Chapter 23


Shen Yang couldn't remember how long ago, he had read a Weibo.

The owner of the po put together a set of nine-square grids for "the most attractive moment of a man". Shen Yang doesn't remember the exact details. There are probably men holding their daughters with one hand, men kissing cats gently, men wearing ties in front of the mirror, etc... But every one in my impression The pictures are all pleasing to the eye, and the one he likes the most is a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes playing the piano.

At that time, he turned around and left a message saying that attractive people will always be appreciated, regardless of gender, if you put on a white suit and play the piano, you will be more handsome.

But now, he really saw the picture he had imagined, and the reality is even better than the photo that was deliberately found and refined at the beginning, and it is more impactful.

Because the person playing the piano is Su Hanying.

At this moment, Shen Yang forgot the pressure of the expensive suit on his body, the dense cameras around him, and the other people in the same room with him.

In his eyes, he could only see one person.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of the piano gradually stopped, but the room was still quiet.

Until ten seconds later—

"Brother Su! Leave us a way out!"

Yang Tianchi exclaimed, Shen Yang just woke up like a dream, but saw Su Hanying came to him at some point, and asked with a smile: "Do you like it?"

Shen Yang: "..."

The onlookers who were completely ignored: "..."

"Hi, I like it." It took Shen Yang a long time to answer with a blushing face, and he felt that his performance was not quite right. He was actually embarrassed to look at Su Hanying, and his eyes wandered: "I didn't expect you to be able to play the piano?"

Su Hanying: "I learned it for a few years before, but I can't play it well, I'm laughing at it."

"I think it's very good..." Shen Yang doesn't have much musical literacy, but he really thinks that the sound of Su Hanying's piano is smooth and pleasant, which is better than what he has heard in many cafes and western restaurants. Thinking that Su Hanying seemed to be glowing all over when he played the piano just now, Shen Yang said enviously: "I also wanted to learn to play the piano before..."

Su Hanying smiled: "I'll teach you when I'm free."

Yan Jiaqi, who felt that she had been stuffed with dog food, really wanted to say "I want to learn too", but her intuition told her not to make fun of herself. She looked at the two boys standing face to face, and suddenly her eyes flickered.

Strange, why is the picture so harmonious and beautiful? Obviously the suit is not a style, not even a classic black and white match... Wait! Yan Jiaqi swept across their bow ties sharply... the same style! Cufflinks... same style! There are also leather shoes...they are also the same style!

emmmmm solved the case! I, Holmes Jiaqi, can also solve the case! ! !

What kind of escape room are you doing? If it's the theme of everyone coming to find Ji... no, I will definitely not let the cub be beautiful!

She forcibly suppressed the pride in her heart, and joked: "Brother Su, did you play for Shen Yang? You prepare a suit and play the piano, and you don't pay as much attention to chasing girls as you do."

Su Hanying said indifferently: "Shen Yang contributed the most when finding the clues just now, this is a reward."

Shen Yang, who was still at a loss, was inexplicably relieved when he heard what he said, so he bit the bullet and said: "Yes, it's just a reward."

Yan Jiaqi hooked his lips meaningfully, "Okay, can we have dinner then? I'm already hungry."

Everyone was very satisfied with this dinner, because the chef was Su Hanying, and his skills were better than Duan Weiwei who claimed to be good at cooking Western food. Shen Yang ate two steaks alone.

After the meal, Yang Tianchi touched his full stomach and sighed infinitely: "Brother Yousu, I can't lose weight at all. I haven't eaten so much in many years. When I was an athlete, I would have to eat three steaks for a meal, otherwise Physical strength can't keep up."

"How big of a stomach do you athletes have?" Yan Jiaqi sighed, and then said: "What are you doing after eating? Why don't you just go back? Isn't the beautiful arrangement next door a waste

Duan Weiwei smiled coquettishly: "Since it's a party, how can there be dancing?"

She secretly looked at Su Hanying—they are on duty today, why should the other party ask her to be their dance partner when they dance later

However, Su Hanying gave her a heavy blow again, and the other party actually sent an invitation to Shen Yang.

What's even more strange is that, except for her, everyone was booing and applauding, and Yan Jiaqi even excitedly urged Shen Yang to agree quickly, obviously intending to oppose her!

However, Duan Weiwei saw Shen Yang's distressed face, and thought that there was still a normal person after all, but then she didn't know what Su Hanying said to Shen Yang, and the latter immediately agreed.

Duan Weiwei: "..."

Get mad!

Seeing that Su Hanying and Shen Yang both entered the arena, Yang Tianchi wanted to invite Yan Jiaqi, but then he remembered that his duty partner was Longnu, so he changed his mind temporarily.

So the remaining two girls... either don't dance, or they can only form a team.

Duan Weiwei looked at Yan Jiaqi's hand outstretched to her coldly, and reluctantly reached for it.

"Hurry up, let me shoot this part carefully, and give Yan Jiaqi and Duan Weiwei more close-ups." The director was originally dissatisfied with Su Hanying's dating a boy again, and wanted to stop it, but at this time he was a little excited —I really didn't expect that the chaotic match of several people would have such an anti-routine effect.

Not to mention Su Hanying and Shen Yang, the key point is Duan Weiwei and Yan Jiaqi. He also sees all the open and secret fights between the two of them on weekdays. Now they have become dance partners, which is both fresh and exciting for the audience. Discussion! After thinking about it, he decided to add another hot spot to the scene, so he beckoned for his assistant and gave some instructions in a low voice.

At this time, Shen Yang was whispering to Su Hanying: "I was startled just now, and I thought something was wrong, so you just don't want to embarrass girls."

"A gentleman can't neglect any lady. The first dance has a special meaning. It's not good for me to choose anyone, so I choose you." Su Hanying made an excuse at random. If he wants to deceive others, he has to think about it. After all Usually his attitude towards girls is not very gentlemanly, but cheating Shen Yang... is enough.

He held Shen Yang in his arms, and said in a gentle tone, "What kind of dance will you dance?"

Shen Yang moved her fingers uncomfortably, and said, "It's the most common ballroom dance, but it's not very good... I was dragged by my roommate to learn it for a few days before."

"It's okay, let's dance casually." Su Hanying said and put a hand on Shen Yang's waist.

"Wait!" Shen Yang was ticklish and moved away very sensitively, "Well... I can only dance like boys."

Su Hanying raised her eyebrows, and said kindly: "Okay, you hang on to me."

Shen Yang relaxed, hugged Su Hanying's waist happily, cleared his throat and said, "Cough, you follow my rhythm now."

Su Hanying: "Okay."

At first Shen Yang was quite cautious, but seeing that he had not made any mistakes, he gradually relaxed. He even thought about chatting and joking, "Brother Su, your waist is so thin, is it the kind of male dog's waist that is rumored on the Internet?"

After a pause, Su Hanying returned to normal before Shen Yang noticed it, and said inexplicably, "Do you know what a male dog's waist is?"

Shen Yang really checked it out, and said confidently: "It's just a compliment to a man with a good figure, and the waist line is similar to that of a male dog."

Su Hanying smiled, "The male dog's waist has another extended meaning, which generally refers to the strong sexual ability of men. Are you sure you want to discuss this with me?"

Shen Yang's expression froze, "...No."

After a pause, Shen Yang became restless again, "Brother Su, you exercise almost every day, must there be a fishing line? I don't seem to have paid attention to it."

Su Hanying was silent for a while, and when she spoke again, her voice was inexplicably lower, "Shen Yang, dance seriously."

Shen Yang: "... oh."

But how can you be serious when you are serious? It's funny when men and women dance, isn't it

Shen Yang's eyes shifted to the side, and he saw Yan Jiaqi and Duan Weiwei dancing with a murderous look on their faces, as if they were fighting. He quickly turned his eyes, and saw the dragon girl and Yang Tianchi on the other side... Well, this picture is very pleasing to the eye.

When he was using two things at once, he suddenly felt that the soles of his feet were pierced, and instinctively lowered his head, only to realize that his feet were stepping on someone else's shoes...

"I'm sorry!" Shen Yang quickly apologized, especially when he saw the imprint on Su Hanying's shoes—how expensive that is!

Su Hanying didn't even move her eyebrows, "It's fine."

The other party's generosity made Shen Yang feel more guilty, and the double burden of "afraid to step on his feet" and "shoes are so expensive" made him nervous. But everyone knows that the more nervous you are, the easier it is to make mistakes. After stepping on Su Hanying's feet again in a short period of time, Shen Yang finally couldn't bear the torment in his heart, and said pitifully: "Why don't you stop dancing?"

"The program team is still filming, and this material is very important." Su Hanying took advantage of the situation and suggested: "Let me dance the man's side, and I will take you to dance."

Shen Yang had the nerve to refuse, and nodded resentfully.

This time, Su Hanying didn't touch Shen Yang's waist, but put one hand on his back and half held him with the other, "It's started?"

As soon as Shen Yang said "OK", he felt the hand on his back press hard, his body unconsciously leaned forward, and almost fell into Su Hanying's arms.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yang looked up in doubt, while Su Hanying was staring at him with downcast eyes, and said calmly: "You were too far away just now, ballroom dancing is not like this, I will teach you."

Shen Yang: "..."

The two were almost stuck together at the moment, Shen Yang was inexplicably embarrassed, so he retreated a little, but Su Hanying said: "Don't move."

The other party's breath brushed against his cheeks while speaking, Shen Yang's ears were slightly red, and she tightly squeezed Su Hanying's hand in a panic.

"Relax." Su Hanying chuckled, leading Shen Yang to take smooth dance steps, "I won't step on you."

Shen Yang smiled sarcastically, why is he afraid of being stepped on? !

Yan Jiaqi, who was secretly fighting with Duan Weiwei at the side, saw this scene by accident. She was stunned for a while, and then a strange energy seemed to awaken in her body. She pressed Duan Weiwei into her arms excitedly, and felt that even she was afraid of it. Unexpected scream: Cub! Mama will never grab a man from you again! Ma Ma wants you to get married immediately! Say ido! doi is also completely ok!

Duan Weiwei, who was suddenly attacked, was stunned, and when she felt the softness of Yan Jiaqi's chest, she instantly "realized": big breasts are amazing! I want you to show off!

As for Yang Tianchi's group, they are the most serious and devoted among them. The handsome men and beautiful women embrace each other like an idol drama.

The performances of the three groups of dance partners were all included in the footage, and at the moment of "hug" between Duan Weiwei and Yan Jiaqi "turning hostility into friendship", the director was finally satisfied and nodded to his assistant.

In the next second, the staff all cut off the thin strings that bound the decorative balloons, and the sky was filled with colorful balloons for a while.

Shen Yang and Su Hanying looked up together, and looked at each other in unison, the former couldn't help laughing: "You designed it?"

"No." Su Hanying said indifferently: "It can be seen that middle-aged men have wrong aesthetics for romance. If I design it..."

Shen Yang's appetite was whetted, and he waited expectantly for the answer, but Su Hanying suddenly smiled, with some malicious intentions in his smile—

"All the balloons here will be pink."

Shen Yang: "..."

shock! Did I accidentally expose something again

But when he plucked up the courage to test, Su Hanying refused to say anything.

This day's theme Pa lasted until ten o'clock. Not long after they returned to Xiaoyanglou, Shen Yang received an invitation card from Yang Tianchi.

At that time, he had already replaced the full set of "small apartment down payment" and was lying on the bed reading a book.

"Creative City?" Shen Yang flipped through the card, "The dress code is casual sportswear? Is tomorrow a fitness spa?"

Su Hanying stood in front of Shen Yang's bed, glanced at Shen Yang's sunken waist, and said softly: "I remember his swimming pool is in Creative City."

Shen Yang vaguely remembered that Yang Tianchi had indeed said that his swimming pool had some novel gimmicks, so tomorrow's theme is swimming pa

"But he didn't let him wear swimming trunks?"

Su Hanying: "I guess he is prepared."

Shen Yang suddenly felt melancholy, because he couldn't swim...

"Brother Su, can you swim?" After asking Shen Yang, she regretted it. Isn't this nonsense? Can Su Hanying have any

However, Su Hanying didn't answer, he asked instead: "Can't you?"

Shen Yang: "..."

Su Hanying understood, "I'll teach you tomorrow."

"Okay!" Shen Yang wanted to learn to swim a long time ago. He went to the beach with his friends to play, and everyone splashed happily in the water. Only he couldn't swim. However, he felt that it was embarrassing for a big man to use a swimming ring, so he could only play near the beach every time, and he felt extremely regretful.

In fact, he wanted to sign up for a swimming class several times, and he heard that the coaches were very rough, and would push people directly into the water, and even beat them with poles.

Shen Yang was submerged in water when he was a child, and had an instinctive fear of water, so he couldn't accept this kind of teaching method. He discussed carefully, "Then tomorrow... can you be gentle with me?"

Su Hanying froze for a moment, her voice hoarse: "Am I not gentle enough for you?"

Shen Yang's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he hurriedly avoided his eyes, "I'm just worrying casually..."

Su Hanying's expression was difficult to understand, and her words were also incomprehensible: "Maybe tomorrow, you don't want me to be gentle."

The author has something to say: Su: Heh, don’t you want to see my mermaid line and male dog waist? I will satisfy you.

Doi, do you understand? cough…