I’m Acting Gay on a Dating Show

Chapter 25


Coming out of the locker room, Shen Yang was still in a trance.

Su Hanying's words made him almost smoke, and he didn't know how he put on his swimming trunks...

He walked into the arena in a daze, and when he heard a whistle, Shen Yang turned his head in a daze, and saw that Longnu and Yan Jiaqi had already changed into swimsuits and were sitting on the edge of the pool. The latter shook his legs and said with a smile: "Brother Su You belong to the Snow Elf male model team, right? This skin color, this figure... tsk." After evaluating, she looked at Shen Yang again, paused and said, "...Come on."

Shen Yang: "..."

Yang Tianchi, who was still giving theoretical guidance to Duan Weiwei, glanced at Su Hanying jealously, and muttered: "Why do you two change clothes for so long, slower than girls..."

And Duan Weiwei exaggeratedly covered her face with her hands, "Brother Su, you are too foul! I am too embarrassed to look at you!"

Su Hanying twitched the corners of her mouth and didn't respond much, which can be said to be very low-key. But Yang Tianchi didn't want him to dominate the show anymore, so he decided to quickly change his clothes to score points for himself, so he put on his swimming trunks and said, "You guys warm up first, I'm going to the locker room."

He left with Duan Weiwei, and Shen Yang froze for a while before starting to slowly stretch his muscles.

When he stretched his ligaments, Su Hanying suddenly came over, put his hands on his shoulders and pressed hard—


The heart-piercing screams echoed in the venue, frightening Long Nu and Yan Jiaqi trembled together, and looked at Shen Yang.

Shen Yang's tears are about to burst out of pain, what about the gentleness that was promised? It feels like the ligament is about to tear! He raised his head resentfully to accuse Su Hanying, but the other party had plausible words: "You are too foolish."

"Then you don't want to do it suddenly without saying a word." Shen Yang said dissatisfied: "It hurts me to death!"

Su Hanying stared at the faintly red corners of Shen Yang's eyes, and tightened her hand on Shen Yang's shoulder slightly, "Sorry."

"...It's okay, you can suppress it." Seeing someone apologizing so solemnly, Shen Yang didn't want to say anything more, and when his aura weakened, he seemed more bullying.

"Puchi—" Yan Jiaqi, who had been watching for a long time, couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You two are pressing back and forth in public, what are you doing?"

After she finished speaking, Su Hanying glanced over coldly, but Shen Yang didn't understand the suggestive joke at all, and said naively: "Press your legs, or you'll have cramps in a while."

The Yan family fell silent.

cub! You are so simple that Ma Ma feels ashamed!

After Shen Yang finished the warm-up exercise with difficulty and pain with the "help" of Su Hanying, Yang Tianchi and Duan Weiwei also came over, and the former returned the A4 paper in his hand and said: "Your test results are all here. Today Brother Su and I have to complete the task of consuming 800 kcal, Dragon Girl 600, Jia Qi 500, Wei Wei and Shen Yang 400. As long as one person fails to meet the standard, the others will have to accompany them and cannot leave until everyone Until the task is completed! Is there any problem?!"


Continued silence.

This made Yang Tianchi, who was shouting passionately, very embarrassed. He rubbed his nose, "Brothers and sisters, can you save some face?"

Shen Yang raised his hand cautiously, "Why am I only 400..." Is it equal to the weakest girl? !

Yang Tianchi said coldly: "According to scientific data, you are the most imaginary."

Shen Yang: "..."

Even men don't want to be called false!

Shen Yang was instantly ignited with the fighting spirit in his chest! Walk towards the shallow end of the pool… with a vigorous stride, and dive slowly!

The swimming pool is of a standard structure, and the shallow water area is about 1.2 meters deep, which does not make Shen Yang feel pressured. He adapted to the water temperature, looked at Su Hanying who was still standing by the pool, and smiled flatteringly.

The signal wave for help was received immediately, Su Hanying nodded lightly, and followed into the water.

The rest of the people didn't understand their "mute language". It wasn't until Su Hanying started the basic lecture that they learned that Shen Yang, like Duan Weiwei, was a "landlubber"...

Therefore, two teaching sessions were staged at the same time.

deepwater zone.

Duan Weiwei hugged the edge of the pool tightly, and said in horror: "I can't step on the bottom at all!"

Yang Tianchi frowned, "Weiwei, the more you are afraid of water, the more difficult it is to learn, you have to learn to feel it and get close to it..." He broke Duan Weiwei's hand cruelly while speaking, and pushed hard: "Relax, Human beings have a strong desire to survive, and they will be able to drown themselves a few times... "

Shallow water.

Shen Yang was floating on the water, holding Su Hanying tightly with both hands: "Don't let go!"

Su Hanying comforted: "Don't worry, I won't let go."

He took a step back, feeling that Shen Yang was a little nervous, and said again: "Don't be afraid, try to keep your body relaxed, I will take you to swim in the middle, the water depth is about 1.5 meters, you can feel the resistance and buoyancy."

deepwater zone.

Duan Weiwei poked her head out, just took a deep breath, when Yang Tianchi pushed her into the water again, "Hold your breath!"

middle area.

Shen Yang raised his head and took a deep breath, and heard Su Hanying's encouragement: "Very good, get used to the process of holding your breath and inhaling, and don't mess up the rhythm."

deepwater zone.

Yang Tianchi: "Any swimming style is fine. Beginners don't need to pay attention to this, as long as they can swim, it's fine. In your case, let's do dog planing first."

middle area.

Su Hanying: "Butterfly is the best, but it's too difficult. Let's try freestyle first and pay attention to kicking."

deepwater zone.

Duan Weiwei: "Gulu Gulu Gulu..."

middle area.

Shen Yang: "Pu Tong Pu Tong Pu Tong..."

The different teaching styles on both sides made Yan Jiaqi and Longnv laugh non-stop, but at the end of the laugh... Duan Weiwei could barely swim two or three meters, and Shen Yang could only climb the escalator, waiting for Su Hanying to help him correct it. Swimming…

At this time, Su Hanying put one hand on Shen Yang's waist and the other on his abdomen, so that his body could be parallel to the water surface.

He tried his best, but Shen Yang was always absent-minded, focusing on the two hands that did not belong to him.

"Don't move." Su Hanying felt that Shen Yang tried to twist away, and locked his waist tightly.

"I, I feel itchy..." It's not that Shen Yang is being hypocritical on purpose, he has been afraid of itchiness since he was a child, especially now that the two of them have skin-to-skin contact, besides itching, there is also some inexplicable feeling, which makes him feel even more uncomfortable.

Su Hanying was about to appease, but Yang Tianchi, who had successfully taught a student, couldn't stand it anymore, "You are so lingering, are you planning to stay up all night?"

Shen Yang felt embarrassed immediately, and said in shame: "I'm so useless, I can't learn..."

"It's not that you are useless, it's that Brother Su's teaching method is wrong." Yang Tianchi said in a rare serious way: "Why is swimming the easiest for children to learn? Because adults have too many distracting thoughts, and there are various worries and fears that prevent you from relaxing. So we When teaching adults to learn to swim, you must be ruthless, let you abandon distracting thoughts, concentrate on feeling the water, or focus on surviving. Wait until you have body memory, and then learn to swim with your brain."

Shen Yang suddenly realized, no wonder Yang Tianchi, who usually takes care of girls, treated Duan Weiwei like that just now...

Yang Tianchi: "Ordinary adults want to learn swimming as soon as possible, they have to teach like me. If you want you to trust your 'coach', can Brother Su let you drown?"

After Shen Yang was taught, although there was still fear in his heart, he really didn't want to drag everyone down, so he said to Su Hanying ruthlessly, "I believe in you!"

Su Hanying didn't interrupt just now, and now she said slowly: "Are you sure you don't want me to be gentle with you?"

Shen Yang suddenly understood the meaning of Su Hanying's words last night, and nodded awkwardly.

He wanted to say some bold words at first, but he saw Su Hanying sinking into the water, and then a strong force dragged him into the bottom of the water!

"Save... Gulu Gulu..."

The pool of water quickly submerged Shen Yang's head, engulfing him from all directions, making him struggle instinctively.

However, the hands around his waist tightly hugged him, and Shen Yang couldn't get out of the water at all.

As the oxygen in his lungs gradually thinned, Shen Yang only felt severe pain in his heart and lungs, his eyes turned black, and the feeling of dying became stronger, and his fear almost destroyed his reason. Just when he was trying to use violence to break free from Su Hanying's grip, he suddenly felt his body loose...

Shen Yang seized the opportunity and frantically paddled upstream, just after taking a few breaths of fresh air, he was dragged into the water again!

"Brother Su is a bit too ruthless..."

Yan Jiaqi, who was on the sidelines, stared at Shen Yang's embarrassment, not to mention being so surprised, she really didn't expect that Su Hanying, who was usually taken care of by Shen Yang 100%, would be so terribly cruel! Seeing her feel sorry for the cub...

"SKR Werewolf." Yang Tianchi silently gave Su Hanying a thumbs up.

As for Duan Weiwei and Longnu, both of them were too shocked to say anything.

Shen Yang, who was isolated at the bottom of the water, couldn't hear anyone's comments. He seemed to be in an independent world, quiet and dangerous, and his only thought was to breathe, to breathe.

Su Hanying seemed to know where his limit was, and every time he let go when he felt that he was about to die, letting him go through life and death in an instant, and cycle back and forth.

I don't know how long it took to toss, but Shen Yang gradually got used to this rhythm, the time of holding his breath became longer and longer, and his body gradually relaxed due to exhaustion and inertia. He even gained a sense of security from Su Hanying's indifferent and rough methods, so as to resist the fear of water, and subconsciously, he was more willing to trust and rely on the other party, just like suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

When entering the water again, Shen Yang suddenly felt something was wrong.

He slowly opened his eyes, and found that Su Hanying was swimming opposite him, paddling the water with both arms at will, and did not imprison him like before.

And myself, I was able to use the buoyancy of the water to stop sinking...

Shen Yang was overjoyed and overjoyed, "I..."

It's a pity that he was choked by the water as soon as he said a word, and hurriedly swam to the surface.

"Cough cough cough..."

Shen Yang choked so hard that his throat almost burned, but his heart was extremely excited!

He still remembered the feeling of that moment just now, and learning to swim is a matter of a moment!

Feeling someone pat him on the back from behind, Shen Yang knew it was Su Hanying, he turned his head slightly and said, "Cough, have I learned it?"

Su Hanying smiled, "At least I can float in the water."

Shen Yang felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and couldn't wait to say: "Try again?"

Out of the "violent" state, Su Hanying became very talkative again, he nodded, "I'll accompany you."

The two looked at each other, took a deep breath together, and sank to the bottom at the same time.

When the pool water submerged Shen Yang again, he was no longer afraid, but calmly opened his eyes.

For the first time, he clearly saw the underwater world, and he also clearly saw the person underwater.

The gently swaying water waves lifted Su Hanying's soft bangs, exposing his smooth forehead. Tiny bubbles floated beside Su Hanying, touching his shapely and smooth muscle lines like an elf, and kissing his handsome and delicate facial features.

It's so good to see... Shen Yang was slightly dizzy.

The distance between them was less than half a meter, and they stared at each other silently in the clear water, with only the reflection of each other in Yingrun's eyes.

Suddenly, Su Hanying's eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, the corners of her mouth were turned up, and at the same time, she raised her hand to stroke Shen Yang's slender eyelashes.

Shen Yang was stunned, and let the other party's fingers caress the corners of his eyes, to the temples, and then to the back of the ear, the back of the neck...

He watched Su Hanying getting closer and closer to him, feeling dazed and flustered, feeling that this state was not right and he should avoid it, but he couldn't move as if he had been cast with a fixing spell...

But in the end, Su Hanying only grabbed his wrist, and the two surfaced together.


During the ups and downs of the water, Shen Yang returned to the familiar world, and he couldn't wake up for a while.

"What are you two getting tired of in the water?" Due to the refraction of the light, Yang Tianchi didn't see clearly, and felt that the two of them got too close at one point.

Shen Yang was flustered and faltered. In fact, the two of them really didn't do anything, but they just couldn't say it.

However, Su Hanying was still calm, and joked without expression: "Practice synchronized swimming."

Yang Tianchi made up the picture in his brain, and felt that the whole person was not well...

But no matter what, Shen Yang is finally not afraid of water. Once he passes that hurdle, learning to swim will be easy.

Soon, like Duan Weiwei, he was able to try to swim a few meters. Although he couldn't hold on for too long, he stopped and swam for a few hours. After ten o'clock, he finally reached the consumption of 400 kcal.

When he came out of the swimming pool, Shen Yang still had some unfinished thoughts, especially when he thought of the competition proposed by Yang Tianchi on the way...

"Brother Tianchi, you are a former national team swimmer, why can't you swim Dragon Girl in terms of endurance?" Shen Yang asked very blankly.

Yang Tianchi explained dryly: "Because I practice short distances, my endurance is not very good. Didn't you see that I was first in the speed competition? Brother Su can't catch up with me at full speed!"

Shen Yang became unhappy, and deliberately pointed it out: "But didn't you say that you used to train a lot, and you had to swim tens of thousands of meters every day? And when you lost the push-up competition, you said that you would definitely not lose if you changed to swimming."

Yang Tianchi struggled for a long time and couldn't find a reason to hold his respect, so he said helplessly: "Dragon Girl, you are so talented, why should you be a panda breeder? If you came to our national team earlier, maybe you can win glory for the country..."

However, the dragon girl just smiled, "Raising a national treasure is also to win glory for the country. Pandas are so cute."

Several people chatted and went to the garage. Since Su Hanying was restricted to travel today, they got into Yang Tianchi's car with Shen Yang.

The two sat in the back seat, lowered the car window, felt the gentle night breeze, and looked at the neon lights outside the window.

Gradually, Shen Yang felt the sequelae of excessive energy consumption, his mind began to feel drowsy, and he fell asleep unknowingly, with his head tilted on the shoulder of the person next to him.

Su Hanying turned her head, quietly staring at Shen Yang's sleeping face.

The car was running against the wind and blended into the night in an instant...

The author has something to say: Su: I want to kiss.

I asked the coach specifically, and said that theoretically it is possible to teach like Brother Su, but it is usually the Tianchi boy type...