I’m Acting Gay on a Dating Show

Chapter 60


[Small chat] I have been waiting for four years, just to wait for an opportunity, I want to fight for my breath, not to prove that I am great, I just want to tell people that what I lost must be taken back! by The True Colors of a Hero·The Count of Monte Cristo·Bumblebee

Floor 1: Ahhh, it's so tm burning! Bee's record can only be broken by bee himself! Just ask if you are handsome

Floor 2: Hackers, the dogfighting team, were beaten to surrender by Caibee! With this kind of black history, it is simply nailed to the pillar of shame, so let's just dissolve it on the spot!

Floor 3: Huh? bee black is called a hacker dog team? Didn't you look forward to the Goobi team hitting my bee? Does your face hurt

Floor 4: It's really going to be dark. I've been crying all night. Cai bee makes people desperate, and Cai bee's opponent is even more desperate.

5th floor: What's wrong with the psychological quality upstairs? If Caibee won the league championship, wouldn't you be deeply depressed? I advise you to join the color bee powder, their day-to-day painting style should help your condition get better.

6th Floor: Report! ! ! GBG's knife edge liked the hacker's inner color bee's blog! Don't give up on the 4th floor! ! !

The "knife edge" is Li Chengzhao, the scout of GBG. He joined GBG in the same year as Bumblebee. He was also on the scene when Bumblebee had an accident, but he was not affected. Now he likes Bumblebee's black material, is it because of slippery hands, or...

Everyone was full of curiosity, regardless of whether they were black fans or eating melons, they all rushed to Weibo.

It's a pity that they didn't find any trace of likes, but the person who reported the letter didn't lie either—Li Chengzhao quickly canceled the likes, but many netizens took screenshots.

Li Chengzhao's behavior made Connotation Bo, which had been silent, attract widespread attention again.

Heizi said that Li Chengzhao is notoriously honest and has never been a monster these years. He probably knows the true colors of Bumblebee. Cheng Zhao just looked at it casually and accidentally slipped his hands.

But the fan's explanation was questioned by Heizi: Why is Li Chengzhao watching Bumblebee's black material? And in the six years since he played professionally, he has never made a hand-slip error.

The two sides quarreled, and the fans asked Heizi to take out a real hammer, but Heizi asked the fans to go to Li Chengzhao, but be careful and ask for a hammer.

Even some people who eat melons can't help but wonder if there is really a problem with Bumblebee, otherwise, if he had an accident that year, why would no one in GBG stand by him? Even his childhood friend Wei Fengmian chose to remain silent? You must know that GBG is not the same as hackers. The latter excludes Bumblebee, and no one believes what they say, but the former is holding Bumblebee visibly. The teammates seem to be very harmonious. Why is their attitude so ambiguous

Many people flocked to Li Chengzhao's Weibo, hoping to find out the truth.

The person they were eagerly looking forward to was being blocked by Wei Fengmian in the tea room at this time.

"Why did you like that Weibo?" Wei Fengmian asked casually, taking a puff of cigarette.

Li Chengzhao still looked honest, scratched his head and said, "Sorry Captain Wei, I just accidentally saw my hand slipping."

Wei Fengmian stared at him for a while, "Why didn't I know when you followed the hacker's official blog?"

Li Chengzhao's expression changed slightly, but he didn't say a word.

Wei Fengmian took another puff of his cigarette, stared at the smoke floating in the air, and said calmly, "I advise you not to be smart."

Li Chengzhao's smile froze, and he reluctantly said: "What does Team Wei mean? Do you think I did it on purpose? I have no grudges with Shen Yang."

"When you joined the youth training camp with us, Xiaoyang was selected in three days, and it took you three months." Wei Fengmian calmly chatted about the past: "If it weren't for the fact that Tik, who was a scout, had a serious back injury and couldn't play. , and there is no suitable substitute in the team, you don't know when you will be transferred to the first team."

Li Chengzhao smiled bitterly: "How can I compare with Shen Yang, who can compare with him at that time?"

"You didn't think so at the beginning." Wei Fengmian stubbed out his cigarette, "You were very dissatisfied with the team's choice of Shen Yang, and you even asked the coach why, and even asked the team's senior management to recommend yourself. After being clearly rejected, you changed from the military division to scout bit."

The smile on Li Chengzhao's face could hardly hold back, knowing that Xu Yunrong probably told Wei Fengmian, he stammered and said: "At that time I was young and vigorous—"

"It's young and energetic, so I secretly urged Xiaoyang to violate the team rules, and incited him to ask the club to raise his salary and change his contract." Wei Fengmian smiled sarcastically, "It's surprising, I know? At that time, Xiaoyang told me everything. , He didn't notice your malice at all, and he was worried that your thoughts would affect your performance, so he asked me how to persuade you. It was I who told him that you had bad intentions, and then he alienated you. "

Li Chengzhao tried to defend himself: "I—"

"It's just that I didn't expect that you are still jealous of him." But Wei Fengmian didn't give him a chance, "Don't think that no one knows what you have done, I advise you to do it yourself."

When Wei Fengmian left the tea room, Li Chengzhao's face immediately sank, he clenched his hands, his eyes were dark.

Contrary to the tense atmosphere in the GBG tea room, the KK tea room is very harmonious.

Shen Yang poured the cold coffee into the sink, with a look of indifference: "They can black out if they want. As long as I can work hard to win and keep winning, even if I am perfunctory in training, play tricks, be ungrateful, or even fuck fans, I will do it all." There will still be a lot of people who will support me blindly. On the other hand, no matter how perfect I am, once my grades are not good, I will be scolded for nothing... These fans in the circle are meaningless, and I will not be judged by them again. influence."

Su Hanying's focus of attention was completely unexpected to Shen Yang, "Fuck fan?"

Shen Yang choked, "I'm just giving you an example, I'm very clean!"

Seeing that there was no one around, Su Hanying pressed the sink table with one hand, and put her arms around Shen Yang's waist with the other, looking down at him: "God bee, I am also your fan."

Shen Yang was stunned for a while before he understood Su Hanying's hint, blushed instantly, and murmured: "You are different, you are my boyfriend..."

Su Hanying smiled and kissed him, "Go to your boyfriend's room?"

Shen Yang asked vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

Su Hanying raised her eyebrows: "Talk to you about shooting commercials, what do you think I want to do?"

Shen Yang: "... oh."

The two went back to Su Hanying's bedroom together. Shen Yang glanced at the piano in the corner, and asked casually, "What else is there for the commercial? Didn't the manager and the director confirm Saturday's shooting? Just the chocolate one."

Su Hanying handed him a few sheets of bound A4 paper, "It's the script, let's go through it first, and if there are disagreements, the manager can negotiate."

Shen Yang took it and flipped through it, and found that five cats were needed to co-shoot the commercial. What Su Hanying meant was that he was going to bring the club's four cats, and asking the advertiser to change the script would not affect the overall effect. .

Shen Yang muttered: "It's so strange that we still have to photograph cats, and cats can't eat chocolate..."

Su Hanying: "The cat is just to create an atmosphere, you look back."

Shen Yang continued to read the script, and when he saw the last scene, he hesitated: "We really want to be in front of the camera... like that?"

Su Hanying knowingly asked, "Which kind?"

Shen Yang pointed out one of the lines to him, and Su Hanying said with a smile: "It's not really kissing, are you still shy?"

"I just think that if two men do such an intimate act, will the advertisement really be reviewed?" Shen Yang said worriedly: "After all... there are still many people who can't accept it."

"Adverts are only broadcast on the Internet. So many gay dramas have been approved, so how can they embarrass an ad that is not out of line?" Su Hanying said: "Besides, the advertisers planned to take advantage of the Qixi Festival to harvest a wave of leeks. The target group is our fans... or CP fans, of course we hope that we can be as close as possible. Originally, the advertiser wanted you to wear a skirt, but I refused."

Shen Yang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the last sentence, "It's impossible for me to wear a skirt."

Su Hanying: "You want to wear it, but I don't want you to wear it for outsiders to see."

Shen Yang: "..."

"How?" Su Hanying urged, "If there is no problem, I will ask the manager to reply to them later."

"I'm fine." Shen Yang put down the script, glanced at Su Hanying, then quickly moved to the side, pretending to be casual and said: "Speaking of which, I haven't passed the Qixi Festival once, and I used to be alone... He pricked up his ears and waited for Su Hanying's response, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

Shen Yang had no choice but to turn around, and saw Su Hanying staring at him with a half-smile, apparently not intending to speak.

Even though he knew that Su Hanying did it on purpose, Shen Yang was still a little embarrassed, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "I wonder if my boyfriend has any arrangements?"

Su Hanying knelt on one knee on the edge of the bed next to Shen Yang, condescendingly said: "Yes."

Seeing Shen Yang looking up with anticipation, Su Hanying smiled: "Fuck Yang."

Shen Yang choked, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Su Hanying understood that Shen Yang was asking about his self-introduction on the first day they met, and said frankly: "Really, my thoughts towards you were very simple at that time, it was just..."

Shen Yang: "What?"

Su Hanying sneered, "I just didn't expect your thoughts to be so dirty."

Shen Yang: "..."

The two stayed sweetly in the bedroom for a long time before leading Da Wang back to the training room.

As soon as he entered the training room, Yingjun said: "姜—bee God!" Yingjun, who almost called the wrong name, broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly held up his mobile phone to cover up: "That...your old teammate helped you speak!"

Shen Yang was stunned for a moment, took a look at the phone, it turned out that a netizen named Lanying-sunshine reposted his blog with hacker connotation, and the content of the repost was very simple—bee is very good.

Sunshine was one of Shen Yang's teammates in GBG back then. He was three years older than Shen Yang. He retired two years ago and now works as a coach for Blue Shadow.

And Blue Shadow happens to be KK's opponent in the next game.

When the KK official announced Bumblebee's comeback, sunshine also reposted congratulations on Weibo, and Shen Yang also followed the other party with Bumblebee's account, and the two chatted for a while. However, in Shen Yang's impression, Sunshine is a person who knows how to protect himself wisely, he did not expect to stand up and speak for him today.

His heart was moved, and he clicked on Weibo and glanced at the comments, and found that sunshine actually responded to many netizens.

For example, a sunspot asked Bumblebee if, as the hacker suggested, he relied on his talent to neglect training? Sunshine replied that Bee is very obedient, he only cares about training and competitions, how could he be negligent

For another example, Chigualu was curious about whether Bumblebee was playing a big game. He said that Bee was very friendly, humble and helpful to everyone, including the cleaning lady in the club.

Another example is that fans wanted to know what Bumblebee was like at that time. He described Bee as a simple elementary school student who would hide and cry when he lost a practice match.


Shen Yang felt that there was no need to say this matter...

"Are you still crying after losing the game?" Su Hanying came over to take a look, and couldn't help laughing.

Shen Yang explained embarrassingly: "I cried that time, and I didn't hide..."

Su Hanying: "Are you sure it's just once?"

"Of course! I was still young at that time, and I was too determined to win or lose." Shen Yang explained anxiously: "I'm not made of water, how can I cry at every turn?"

"Did you cry the day you won the league championship?"


"Did you cry the day you won the finals?"


Seeing that Shen Yang was almost ashamed, Su Hanying finally let him go kindly, put his arms around his shoulders and said a love word full of earth fragrance: "You are not made of water, you are made of sugar."

Shen Yang: "..."

But no matter what, when sunshine opened his mouth, he completely reversed Chigualu's opinion. They tended that Li Chengzhao was just slippery.

The bee fan on the hacker's Weibo took the words of sunshine and slapped Heizi in the face, and the latter could only say: "Who knows if what he said is true, maybe he knelt down and licked the bee because he wanted to have a bee next time." Can you show mercy to Lan Ying?"

This kind of baseless speculation was ignored by no one at all, Shen Yang looked at it for a while, and sent a private message to sunshine with his mobile phone. But the other party probably wasn't online, and Shen Yang didn't wait for a reply until before going to bed.

The next day, the official websites of several WTK regions announced the news of new records one after another. When some old foreign players saw the name Bumblebee, they thought that the website editor made a mistake. They were very surprised when they learned that Bumblebee had officially come back.

Shen Yang didn't care about the reactions of foreign netizens. He spent every day in repeated training, but he never felt boring. Firstly, he liked it, and secondly, Su Hanying was with him.

He has never been so full and happy as he is now-doing his favorite things with his favorite people.

On Thursday, KK played against Blue Shadow at home.

As a team that has just been promoted from the Challenger League to the League, Blue Shadow is not strong, and KK easily won the game.

But Blue Shadow worked hard from the beginning to the end. No matter how bad the situation was, their performance was always stable and their mentality was always positive. They also won the respect and applause of the audience.

When the two teams shook hands after the game, Lanying's young captain blushed and said, "God bee, I'm your fan. I'm glad you're back."

Shen Yang was a little surprised, and smiled shyly: "Thank you for your support."

The team leader looked at Su Hanying again, and puffed up his chest slightly. The moment Su Hanying felt the provocation, the team leader suddenly bowed: "Fish God, thank you!"

Su Hanying: "..."

God, what a fish god...

Captain: "If it wasn't for you, I might never see God Bee!"

Shen Yang: "..."

The gods will never be seen, has he died forever

Although Captain Lanying's way of speaking is full of the artistry of death, both Shen Yang and Su Hanying think that children are quite cute.

When he returned to the lounge, Shen Yang saw that Sunshine was waiting for him at the door. The two former teammates found a secluded place to chat. Sunshine smiled and said, "Seeing that you have fully recovered, I am really happy for you."

Shen Yang also smiled, "I am also very happy for myself."

Sunshine was silent for a moment, "At that time you had an accident, I didn't speak for you, I..."

Shen Yang interrupted him: "It's been a long time ago. Back then, GBG was almost banned from participating in the Spring Split. It was the top management who worked hard to get the chance. Who would dare to say anything against the wind? I understand."

Sunshine smiled wryly, "Anyway, I still want to say sorry to you."

Shen Yang said helplessly: "You didn't apologize to me, thanks to you subduing the assailant that night, otherwise I don't know what would have happened."

Sunshine was stunned for a moment, and his tone was very serious: "bee, KK is a very good team, I hope I can see you in the world competition, and I hope you can get back your honor."

Before leaving, the two teams met again unexpectedly in the parking lot.

Captain Lanying waved vigorously at Shen Yang, and Shen Yang responded with a smile.

He watched Lan Ying's whole team get into the car, and then heard Su Hanying beside him say, "I'll watch after everyone is gone, why are you so reluctant to part with your fans?"

Shen Yang looked innocent: "Aren't my fans here?"

Seeing Su Hanying smiled, he said again: "I just think Lan Ying is very good, united and energetic, and will definitely be very strong in the future."

Su Hanying didn't take it seriously: "Isn't KK also united and energetic?"

"That's why we are very strong." Shen Yang said firmly, "We want to win the championship."

Su Hanying embraced him, his eyebrows and eyes were full of flamboyance and ambition, "He is the world champion."