I’m Acting Gay on a Dating Show

Chapter 67


Although Shen Yang was very calm when facing Li Chengzhao, he couldn't help but think too much.

He knew that Li Chengzhao must have bad intentions, maybe there was a quarrel between the other party and Wei Fengmian, or maybe it was trying to affect his mood before the match between KK and GBG. If Li Chengzhao had the latter purpose, he could only be disappointed. He didn't worry about gains and losses because of a few words that he didn't know the truth of, but he was just a little confused.

But because of this incident, Shen Yang was always a little distracted when taking a group photo. It was not until the group photo of the six people was taken and the photographer named PIN and KK to take pictures on the inside page that Shen Yang remembered that the offline magazine was mentioned in the shooting plan. The inside page will be mixed and photographed by the three teams. KK will not only shoot with PIN, but will also shoot with GBG in a while.

Sure enough, after they finished shooting with PIN, the photographer called Wei Fengmian and Li Chengzhao.

The photographer in charge of the group cover is still Chen Liman. She first asked the staff to move the tables and stools, and then looked at Shen Yang and the others one by one. Except for Li Chengzhao, the other three are very photogenic, but magazines do not look at faces. Just looking at the overall composition, what should be highlighted is the clothes rather than the people.

Chen Liman thought for a moment before briefly explaining the composition in her mind.

According to her request, Su Hanying, Shen Yang and Wei Fengmian sat behind the table from right to left, while Li Chengzhao stood behind them holding a stack of books.

Everyone took their positions, and Chen Liman asked Shen Yang, who was sitting in the middle, to put his arms crossed and put his chin on his arms. At the same time, he asked Su Hanying and Wei Fengmian to support their heads with one hand and look sideways at Shen Yang. As for Li Chengzhao, it was the only "movement" in the composition. Chen Liman told him to put the book on his head and make a few exaggerated expressions when shooting later.

After the pose was finished, Chen Liman observed it for a while, and suddenly asked, "Xiao Su, I remember you wearing glasses occasionally, right?"

Seeing Su Hanying nodded, Chen Liman asked the staff to bring him a pair of flat glasses with gold rims for him to put on, and then smiled at the three sitting together: "The kids all look like schoolmasters." of."

As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Yang heard Wei Fengmian chuckle twice, so he turned his head to see that Wei Fengmian was also looking at him, with some intimacy and nostalgia in his eyes.

Shen Yang's heart moved, guessing that the other party was thinking of his previous achievements that were not related to Xueba at all, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. But also because of this moment of comprehension, Shen Yang suddenly felt relieved - no matter what he and Wei Fengmian are now, the friendship back then was pure and real, even if there was a conflict between them because of Xu Yunrong, the other party would not be able to do what Li Chengzhao said. thing.

In a daze, Shen Yang suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, only to hear Su Hanying say: "He is a top student, he can learn everything quickly, except the piano."

Shen Yang's back stiffened, and his face turned red again.

Wei Fengmian, who had been staring at Shen Yang, slowly closed his smile. He glanced coldly at the rose gold ring on Su Hanying's finger. Just as he was about to turn his gaze away, he saw the other's fingertips lightly rubbing against Shen Yang's. Neck - there, there is a little ambiguous pink.

Wei Fengmian is not a very innocent person, so he naturally knows what that means. Although he had already guessed the relationship between Shen Yang and Su Hanying, he still couldn't calm down when the direct evidence was in front of him.

He stared straight at the marks on Shen Yang's neck, and felt pain in his internal organs, so painful that he even wanted to vomit.

But right now there is no extra time for him to indulge his emotions, the camera is already on him, the photographer is reminding him, even Shen Yang turned his head to look at him.

After Wei Fengmian took a group of photos in a chaotic manner, he avoided Shen Yang and Su Hanying far away, and never approached them again.

After finishing the interview, it was already six o'clock. Shen Yang was already physically weak, and now his whole body was sore.

Su Hanying saw his discomfort, and asked after entering the elevator, "Do you want me to carry you?"

Shen Yang quickly refused, he was not so disabled that he couldn't even walk.

After getting into the car, Shen Yang leaned against Su Hanying as if his bones had been pulled out, and heaved a sigh of relief: "I never thought that taking pictures would be so tiring."

"Then we won't shoot anymore." Su Hanying put the cushion in the car behind Shen Yang's waist, and asked the manager if there was any water in the car. He took advantage of the time when the manager was getting water and quickly kissed Shen Yang, put his arms around his boyfriend's waist and asked softly: "Does it still hurt?"

Shen Yang stayed for a few seconds before realizing what Su Hanying was asking, and shook her head embarrassingly. Suddenly, he felt the silent cell phone in his trouser pocket vibrating constantly. When he took it out, he saw that it was Yan Jiaqi calling.

"Cub!!! Did you i do??"

Shen Yang was startled by the passionate high-pitched voice from the receiver, "What?"

"It's said on the Internet that you and Brother Su are wearing the same ring!"

Shen Yang was surprised, there was news on the Internet so soon? Could it be that there are spies in the magazine

"Cub! Give Ma Ma an accurate word! Ma Ma won't blame you for privately deciding life!"

Shen Yang took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Jia Qi, have you forgotten one thing, Brother Su is only 19 years old..."

"Do you dislike Brother Su for being young? But Brother Su has a 29-year-old soul!"

"19 years old, you can't get married, the law prohibits it."


After hanging up the phone, Shen Yang immediately searched the Internet, and sure enough, he saw a tag in the hot search, the literal meaning of which was particularly disharmonious—#planting seedling ring#.

He clicked on the tag, and saw a blogger with the ID "Yang Yang's Wife" post a blog post: I saw Zai and Brother Su by chance today, my son is really super beautiful and cute, a hundred times better than in the camera times! Brother Su is also very handsome, the key is that he is so white, so white that I am humble... But that's not the point! The point is that my cub and Brother Su are wearing the same ring! And it's on the ring finger! The variety show hasn't finished yet, are we going to win HE when we transplant rice seedlings

This blog does not have a picture, so the comments are divided into two groups, one group is screaming "ahhh", and the other group is questioning the authenticity of the blog post.

Shen Yang brushed quietly for a while, then suddenly pulled Su Hanying's left hand, put his own left hand aside, took a picture with his mobile phone, and clicked on the "Sao Shi" group to upload the picture.

After showing off the photos, he calmly locked his phone, regardless of the excited howls in the group.

On the way, the manager led the two of them to finish dinner, and it was getting dark when they returned to the club.

Shen Yang went to the bathroom to take a shower first, and when he came out, he saw Su Hanying lying on his bed and staring at the phone intently, so he asked, "Why are you looking so serious?"

Su Hanying: "You and my fellow humanities."

Shen Yang choked, and sat down uncomfortably, "What's so interesting about those."

Su Hanying pulled Shen Yang and lay beside him, with a half-smile and said: "I probably searched, and all the articles that you call my wife ended up being me..." The rest of the words he stuck to Shen Yang The ear said, and finally smiled lightly: "Should I try?"

Shen Yang's face was flushed, and his whole body was tense: "No! I, I still have a little pain."

Su Hanying couldn't stop laughing, turned over and pressed Shen Yang halfway, "Then you can try it when the pain is gone?"

Shen Yang nodded indiscriminately, as long as he can get through tonight safely!

The corner of Su Hanying's mouth curled up, "You promised, you will wear a skirt next time."

Shen Yang: "..."

Su Hanying only felt that teasing Shen Yang was fun for a while, and it was always fun to tease Shen Yang all the time. He smiled for a while before restraining his expression, and said seriously: "What are you thinking about this afternoon?"


"What did Li Chengzhao tell you?"

Shen Yang was stunned for a moment, knowing that Su Hanying saw that he was not in the right state for a while in the afternoon, and the other party knew him very well.

"When you went to get the fruit at noon, he told me that he didn't come to help me the day the accident happened in the bar, because he was stopped by confusion." Shen Yang confessed very simply, and said: "But he is quite annoying. No, I don't believe him."

Su Hanying was silent for a moment, "Can you tell me what happened that day?"

Although Shen Yang mentioned the fight to him before, but there was only a rough idea, he didn't ask much about Shen Yang's mood at that time, but now he feels that it is necessary to understand clearly.

"Of course." Shen Yang said without hesitation: "At that time we had just returned to China..."

As the past unfolded, Shen Yang's memory gradually returned to that chaotic night.

The colorful spotlights in the bar were flickering on and off, and the loud music was causing headaches. Shen Yang and the coach were playing billiards not far from the bar. Although he was a beginner, he played better than the half-baked coach.

Suddenly, the sound of arguing faintly came from the front, even overshadowing the deafening music. Shen Yang looked up and saw the ice in the team guarding Xu Yunrong behind him, glaring at a short and fat man.

Before Shen Yang could react, the short and fat man suddenly pushed ice. The latter couldn't stand still and almost fell down. After stabilizing his body, he pushed back. What was waiting for him was the short and fat man's angry fist.

The two quickly wrestled together, screaming and booing in the bar one after another, and the short and fat man's companions also rushed forward, while Shen Yang and the coach rushed over anxiously to try to fight, but they suffered disaster.

In the chaos, Shen Yang didn't know how many times he had been hit, he couldn't even see where the ice was, he could only helplessly protect his head - because he didn't dare to fight back, he couldn't bear the consequences of fighting back.

Suddenly, he felt a strong impact, knocking him away from the crowd in the melee, and fell to the ground not far from the pool table.

Shen Yang's knees and jaw were burning hot, but he couldn't take care of it at this moment. He struggled to stand up, but when he turned over, he saw a ferocious man rushing towards him. He subconsciously raised his hand to block it. It didn't take long before he felt a heart-piercing pain in his right hand—the man took out a knife at some point and pierced his palm directly.

"I didn't pay much attention to what happened afterwards. At that time, I was already terrified and in pain. I just remembered that Wei Fengmian rushed up to protect me, and sunshine also subdued that man." Shen Yang murmured: "After the bar The security guard here came, and I was sent to the hospital. Before I left, I heard the sound of a police car, and someone should have called the police.” He paused, and added the ending: “Two days later, the police came to me to take notes. , I heard from them that the group of people were quite gangsters, and with the addition of alcohol... the person who hurt me was sentenced to three years in prison."

After finishing speaking, seeing Su Hanying's ugly face, he smiled and held up his boyfriend's inhumanly handsome face, "It's all fine anyway, I'm super happy now!"

Su Hanying pulled Shen Yang's injured hand and kissed it carefully, and asked, "Why did Ice quarrel with that person at that time?"

"Because of Xu Yunrong." Shen Yang said helplessly: "That man was drunk, his mouth was not clean, and Ice had a bad temper, so in order to protect Yunrong, he clashed with him."

Su Hanying: "I remember ice was permanently suspended?"

"Well, he was also stabbed in the thigh, and the club terminated his contract with him before the injury healed, and the coach was also fired." Shen Yang said with a wry smile: "But you know, everyone was staring at me at that time .”

Su Hanying was in a bad mood thinking of that gloomy memory, even if he was like this, let alone Shen Yang who was in the center of the storm? He kissed the person under him distressedly, and asked again: "Didn't Miluan and Daokou come to persuade the fight? I remember Daokou replaced Tik and joined the first team at that time."

Shen Yang: "I guess I didn't realize it, they sat a little far away."

Su Hanying: "Did you see what they were doing at that time?"

Shen Yang thought for a while, "It seemed like I was playing cards at first, but then I didn't know..."

Su Hanying: "I see."

The author has something to say: Why do you still think that brother Su wants sister Rishen at night? He is so considerate and tolerant, how could he be willing to do so!