I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 2: scapegoat


In the dilapidated classroom that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, the incandescent lamps began to flicker again.

There was a strong wind outside the window. The storm and the blown branches hit the seemingly fragile glass window hard, one sound after another, as if hitting several people's skulls, which made people both headache and irritable.

Su Qingxing didn't ask Bai Gu why the three of them came back to "rescue" him, but said to them in a tone of rejoicing that they escaped from death: "Although that female ghost looks scary, it didn't hurt us. Maybe we can really Stay here until dawn."

Although he didn't know what happened to Bai Gu and the others after they left the classroom, after Su Qingxing looked at the expressions of the three people, he felt that they seemed to care about what he said just now, and they were still immersed in some kind of fear and couldn't extricate themselves.

"Have you noticed something?" Bai Gu was already sitting with Su Qingxing, holding his forehead looking tired at the moment, "From the height of the windows and trees, this should be the second floor."

"How is it possible!" Zhang Biao was the first to jump out to retort, "Just now we walked down the stairs for ten minutes without talking, why..."

Su Qingxing saw that Bai Gu, Zhang Biao and the woman whose name was not known fell silent at the same time, as if they were immersed in some kind of memory again.

It seems that there is something even more terrifying guarding outside the classroom.

Su Qingxing couldn't help but think of what the half-body girl told him just now - if you leave the classroom, you will definitely die! It is necessary to find vitality in the classroom!

Just when Su Qingxing was thinking about this sentence, he saw Zhang Biao who was sitting next to him couldn't help but beat his shoulder, and moved his upper body from time to time, as if his whole body was uncomfortable.

"Brother, are you okay?" When Su Qingxing looked at Zhang Biao, he blinked his eyes, his tone was concerned, and he seemed a bit obedient, "Is it because of a sore shoulder?"

"Yes." Zhang Biao continued to rub his shoulders, "Maybe I hit it when I fell down the stairs just now. I always feel that my shoulders are very sore and heavy."

After hearing Zhang Biao's words, Su Qingxing glanced at Zhang Biao's shoulder, but the others didn't seem to care.

"Okay, let's get to know each other first." In the flickering lights, Su Qingxing saw Bai Gu taking a deep breath while talking, "Maybe it's just like what this child said, as long as we stay in the daytime, everything will pass."

Hearing that he was called by name, Su Qingxing nodded and said, "It will always be dawn."

"My name is Bai Gu, and I may be the only one here who understands the situation." Bai Gu showed a reluctantly ugly smile, "Have you all read novels? Our current situation... should be traveling to a world similar to horror movies It's just that I've never seen a horror movie this bad."

Su Qingxing sat upright like a well-behaved student, his beautiful and delicate appearance gave people a very comfortable feeling, but there was no expression on his face, he just listened carefully to what Bai Gu said.

From time to time, he glanced at Zhang Biao who was still rubbing his shoulders.

"Horror movie world?" When Zhang Biao said this, a flash of lightning struck outside the classroom window, and the sound of the rain seemed to grow louder. Half-length female ghost! Bah! What a bad luck!"

While talking, Zhang Biao rubbed his shoulders and kept aiming at the beautiful woman behind Bai Gu, causing her to hide behind Bai Gu again.

"You may not be so lucky." Bai Gu glanced at the stormy weather outside, "The place we are in now is called the Endless Horror World."

"Endless horror world?" Su Qingxing repeated the word thoughtfully, then lowered his head and turned on the phone again, "The name is quite interesting."

Maybe it was because Su Qingxing's performance was too calm, and he soon felt that several people's eyes were focused on him. So in the next second, the frail-looking boy wiped the screen of his phone, lowered his head and said, "There is no place to charge the phone here, it's scarier to me than a ghost."

"Cut, it really is the young master who doesn't know how to live or die." After Zhang Biao muttered, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Why is it so stuffy?"

"This name was given by someone I knew before." Bai Gu continued with a serious expression, "But that person has already died in the last horror world."

"Have you experienced many horror worlds like this?" Su Qingxing put down his phone and looked up at Baigu curiously.

"No, this is just the second one I've experienced." Bai Gu shook his head, "I'm a lover of wild adventures. I just slept in a tent, and when I woke up, I found myself in a world with scary legends. In the mountain village. At that time, I was surrounded by a few people who claimed to be seniors and had experienced several horrible worlds."

"What about those people?"

"They're all dead." Looking at the young man in front of him, Bai Gu felt that he must have grown up in a greenhouse. "The blood on my clothes belonged to them. I was the only one who escaped."

"So, are you a strong boy?" Zhang Biao crossed his arms, looking aggressive, but more like emboldening himself, "Those who dare to call themselves senior seem to become stronger and stronger?"

"Sorry." Bai Gu spread his hands, "I just left that mountain village, and I appeared in this classroom in the blink of an eye. I didn't even have a chance to catch my breath, let alone become stronger."

To end one world and enter another without any respite.

Everyone seemed to understand why those veterans called this "endless" horror world. No matter how many times you escape, you may only gain courage and coping ability. No one knows what will happen in the next world.

It's as hopeless as the endless night, the endless corridors, and the endless stairs.

Even Su Qingxing fell silent.

"Will we be like this in the future?" The woman sitting next to Bai Gu lowered her head and cried, "Are we going to be trapped here too, and we can never leave?"

"No." Su Qingxing, who was sitting opposite, smiled at the woman, "My dad always said that I am a lucky star, so we will definitely be able to leave soon."

"Okay, let's introduce yourselves too." Bai Gu ignored the crying woman beside him, but continued to look at Zhang Biao and the others and said.

"My name is Zhang Biao. You can call me Brother Biao or Lord Biao. The whole Longhu Street is my site. Before I came here, I was going to grab the site in the next street with my brothers. I don't know if I succeeded." Zhang Biao said Then, he also showed off his tattooed arms and muscular muscles.

But in the next second, Zhang Biao bent down and couldn't help muttering: "Why are you getting more and more tired? Are you sleepy?"

"You may be able to fight, but I guess you can't do anything about ghosts. I only heard that ghosts are afraid of wicked people, but you seem to be a little afraid of ghosts, a wicked person." Bai Gu shook his head, and looked at the boy opposite him again.

"My name is Su Qingxing."


As soon as Su Qingxing introduced something, there was a thunder outside the window, and he shrank almost immediately, showing a somewhat scared expression.

"Sure enough, no matter how calm you are, you're just a child." Bai Gu didn't miss Su Qingxing's frightened look, and there was some disdain in his eyes, but he still comforted him like a big brother: "It's okay, female ghosts are scarier than Lei, don't you all Did you survive?"

"Yeah." Su Qingxing nodded, lowering his head to hide his expression, "I'm just an ordinary high school student, I accidentally fell asleep during class, and when I woke up, I found myself in this crappy classroom. I have been sleeping for decades."

"A kid is just a kid." Zhang Biao seemed to regain some courage.

"My name is Li Juan." The crying woman wiped her tears, "I just remember that I was shopping with my friends, and I was already here when I came to my senses. Why, why did I come here, It's not fair!"

After the self-introduction, the classroom fell into silence again, only the flickering incandescent lights, Li Juan's soft sobs, and the sound of the storm outside the window.

After a while, Li Juan's weak voice suddenly rang out: "Mr. Bai, what did you see in the mirror at the stairs?"

Bai Gu's face suddenly turned pale, and he was silent for a long time before he said: "Sometimes, it is a kind of luck not to see. The former senior person said that sometimes mirrors can reflect things that ordinary people can't see."

"For example, maybe we think that the companion standing next to us may be a human being, but in the reflection of the mirror, it may be a life-threatening ghost." Bai Gu lowered his voice unknowingly, "In our eyes, there is no one in the corridor. , it may also be full of dead souls staring at us."

As soon as Bai Gu finished speaking, there was a dead silence in the old classroom.

"It's so cold." After a long time, Li Juan, who was already wearing very thin clothes, curled up, trying to pull down the skirt that was too short, "It seems to be getting colder and colder in the classroom."

There seemed to be a chill in the closed classroom, Su Qingxing also rubbed his hands and exhaled.

But under such circumstances, Zhang Biao, who was sitting beside him, was sweating all over his body, and his only vest was already soaked in sweat. He was lying on the table, as if he was being pressed down by a mountain.

"Brother Biao, are you okay?" Su Qingxing said seemingly casually, "It's been strange since just now, first my shoulder hurts, and then I feel overwhelmed, it's almost like...

"It's like someone's been riding on your shoulders the whole time."

The second after Su Qingxing finished speaking, both Bai Gu and Li Juan opened their eyes wide, and Zhang Biao stared at his bloodshot eyes, gasping for breath and at the same time there was a moan from deep in his throat.

"Don't look at Zhang Biao, just stare at the window." Bai Gu lowered his voice, "The effect of glass in the middle of the night should be similar to that of a mirror."

Everyone, including Zhang Biao, looked at the classroom windows, which were slammed by the storm and branches.

Su Qingxing saw his own reflection, appearing and disappearing in the mirror with the flickering of the incandescent lamp. Then came the figures of Bai Gu and Li Juan, and finally the figure of Zhang Biao lying on the table...

On Zhang Biao's back, there was only half of the female ghost's body lying there, with a ferocious smile on the bloody half of her face.

"Ahh! Baigu, save me!" Zhang Biao screamed in fear, his eyes almost protruding from their sockets, "Get the fuck out of here, I killed someone before, do you know that? !"

No matter how Zhang Biao yelled, the female ghost lying on his back was like a lingering "lover", getting tighter and tighter, just strangling his neck so tightly, sticking only half of his head to Zhang Biao's. cheek.

"Hahahaha… "

Penetrating laughter appeared out of thin air in the classroom.

Su Qingxing just looked at the reflection in the window, and then saw Bai Gu's flickering reflection move.

Bai Gu took out a saber from the hidden pocket of the camouflage uniform, and mercilessly... stabbed Li Juan's exposed thigh with her backhand!

"Ah! Baigu, what are you doing!" Li Juan looked at the wound on her leg in disbelief, and the severe pain that followed made her almost lose consciousness and fell to the ground.

"The senior person I met said that if you want to rescue a person who is haunted by a ghost, the best way is to find a scapegoat." On Bai Gu's normally upright face, a slightly hideous expression suddenly appeared, " Ghosts are attracted to blood at all times."

Su Qingxing watched helplessly as Bai Gu pulled the helpless Li Juan from the chair and threw her directly behind Zhang Biao. Her thigh, which Zhang Biao couldn't move his eyes, kept bleeding from the wound, all the way along the classroom floor. The cracks flow...

"Woo..." The female ghost lying on Zhang Biao's body appeared in the flickering of the incandescent lamp. It was no longer an effect that could only be seen through the glass, but actually appeared in front of Su Qingxing and the others again.

The female ghost glanced at Su Qingxing's direction imperceptibly, and then jumped onto Li Juan's body like a pounce on food and entangled her tightly. The harsher Li Juan's screams became, the more permeating the female ghost's laughter...

"Bai Gu! You scum!! Devil!!"

Half of the long hair entangled Li Juan like seaweed, and the sharp scream became weaker and weaker in an instant, and it seemed that it would disappear completely at any time.

Human fear, for these ghosts, may be the best tonic.

"Go!" Bai Gu didn't wait for Zhang Biao to recover, grabbed him with one hand and Su Qingxing with the other, kicked open the classroom door and rushed into the dark corridor!

Zhang Biao, who was light on his body, had no doubts anymore, and rushed all the way with Bai Gu, and after a while he shouted: "Little white face, you are too fucking loyal, to sacrifice such a beautiful woman in order to save me!"

"Bah!" Bai Gu said without turning his head, "I only spared your life because I saw that you were useful. The only function of a woman who can only cry is to be a scapegoat!"

Su Qingxing followed behind Baigu with his head down, and said softly in a voice that others could not hear clearly: "Revenant number MS7458, Li Juan, died on May 9, 2018, was pushed into the fast lane by a friend, and died in a car accident. Shan Jealousy, cheating, drugging a friend to cause a miscarriage, the dead soul has been wiped out in the trial of the underworld."

"What are you talking about?" Bai Gu barely heard Su Qingxing seem to be talking.

"It's nothing, Mr. Bai." Su Qingxing followed Bai Gu's pace all the way, and the voice of the young man with a slightly inferior physique was panting, "You escaped from the last horror world, could it be because..."

"Hehehe, that's right." Baigu's laughter sounded more permeating than that female ghost's laughter in the dark corridor, "I asked those senior people to die for me! It's like Li Juan Zhang Biao is going to die! Su Qingxing, why do you think I want to save you?"

"If we can't escape together in the end, then I will trouble you to die for me!"