I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 21: red paint


In the theater, His Royal Highness Death is thinking.

Maybe he should hide while his fiancée is still confused.

But what if Su Qingxing's power loses suppression, and the world built by the builder accidentally collapses

And on the screen in the theater, the story of the art classroom is not over yet. When Bai Hua with a bald head and Dewey with a slanted nose and a slanted mouth were sitting with their faces covered, another crisp female voice rang out in the classroom.

To Bai Hua and Dewey, that voice was more like a reminder.

"Teacher, may I add a hat for you? It must be very suitable." The ordinary-looking little girl poked her head out from behind the easel, and then a women's wide-brimmed hat with a lace bow appeared on Dewey's head on.

Still green.

The brim of the hat was pressed right over Dewey's dislocated eye, and everyone could see the pain on his face, but no one came to help.

After all, Bai Hua couldn't protect herself, while Murong and Qin Guan couldn't wait to stab De Wei directly.

"It's so beautiful!" There was a burst of echo in the art classroom for the green hat on Dewey's head.

Immediately afterwards, someone said: "The little brother over there is really good-looking, do you think it would look good in women's clothing?"

"Try it!"

"Try it!"

"It's very popular to wear women's clothing now! Hehehe!" There were many voices of approval in the classroom.

"Shut up, all of you!" Bai Hua stopped immediately.

But soon Bai Hua felt that her body became chilly, the original white shirt and jeans disappeared, and only a white dress was worn on Bai Hua's body.

"Hee hee hee, a person as beautiful as my little brother is really suitable for wearing white clothes." The girl who put on a dress for Bai Hua seemed very satisfied with her work.

"Do you know who I am?!" Whenever Bai Hua started to emphasize his identity, it meant that he couldn't bear it any longer. I!"

"Oh, I'm so scared." The girls' voices came immediately, but no matter how they sounded, they sounded like they were perfunctory Bai Hua.

"I think Bai Hua's facial features are still not perfect." Even Murong who was standing next to him couldn't help intervening, "Why don't you reorganize his facial features?"

"Actually, I think it's weird to look like this now." Qin Guan also spoke beside him, "Without hair, without a figure, and wearing a white dress without anything, it's easy to scare people when walking on the road."

"How about tearing up the current painting and starting over again?" Murong smiled coldly, "Let's see if the handsome Bai will disappear suddenly like Qing Xing."

"Murong, this time either you die or I die!" Bai Hua looked like a lunatic whose head had been shaved in a mental hospital, even her lip was already bitten by herself to bleed.

"I think there's something missing." Another person poked his head out from behind the easel, "Since you're already dressed so well, how can you forget to put on lipstick?"

"good idea!"

"Oops, the red paint seems to have been used up, what should I do?"

Hearing the rustling sounds in the classroom, Bai Hua couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, with his current appearance, he really couldn't bear other troubles.

"It's okay, I have red paint here." A boy who was much taller than Bai Hua stood up from behind the easel.

"Zhu Ting?!" When Bai Hua saw the boy clearly, it was as if she had seen a ghost, and immediately covered her mouth with her movable hands, "Uh! Uh!"

"Oh my god, this is..." Even Murong and Qin Guan couldn't help looking away.

The boy who stood up from the classroom was not very handsome, but he looked very upright. But... there was a wound on the boy's neck that was so deep that it was almost bone-deep. The blood that flowed out stained the entire white shirt on the boy's body red, but it was still flowing down.

"I have red paint here." The boy's neck was tilted, making the wound more hideous, "Is this enough?"

"You are fake, you are not Zhu Ting." The bald Bai Hua shook her head in disbelief, "You are not Zhu Ting, Zhu Ting has already..."

"It's already dead, you killed it." The boy's protruding eyes fixed on Bai Hua, "Bai Hua, why are you doing this to me!"

"We grew up together, and no one in this world loves you more than me! No matter what you do, I will accompany you, even if you go crazy and want to do blood sacrifices, I will accompany you! But why did you kill me?! "Bleeding tears flowed from Zhu Ting's eyes, and the red blood was already flowing on the floor of the art classroom.

"You are so hypocritical!" Although there was fear in Bai Hua's eyes, she restrained it very well, her voice trembled at most, "You said you would do anything for my happiness, you said you would risk your life for my happiness! If it weren't for the blood sacrifice that required virgin blood, I wouldn't have bothered to talk to you at the time! What's more, I didn't know that the blood sacrifice would require so much blood!"

"That's not right." Murong interrupted Bai Hua suddenly, "If you need a boy's blood, can't you do it yourself? You're going to commit suicide anyway, so wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone by shedding some blood?"

Hearing Murong's words, Bai Hua's face instantly turned blue, purple and white, which was extremely ugly.

"Oh my god, isn't handsome Bai a boy anymore?" From the moment he entered the art classroom, Murong felt that everything that happened here was so depressing!

"That was before meeting Lord Death!" Bai Hua immediately defended, "No, I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!"

"I'll draw lipstick for you." The ghost named Zhu Ting stained red with a paintbrush. Even though he looked hideous, he still carefully outlined the red lips for Bai Hua stroke by stroke.

"Hmm..." Bai Hua bit her lips desperately, but there was still a smear of blood red on his mouth, it was not red paint, but Zhu Ting's blood!

"Do you still have red paint over there?" The girl sitting in the corner of the first row asked suddenly, "Ms. Du's clothes are red, but I don't have any red paint here either. I feel like I need a lot..."

"Do you need it?" Zhu Ting tilted his neck and glanced at the girl's direction, "Don't you have a lot yourself?"

"Ah!" The girl suddenly jumped up from the chair in fright, and knocked down the easel in front of her as soon as she missed it, revealing her whole body in the eyes of Dewey and the others.

"Hmm..." Dewey clearly recognized the girl with his intact eye, and the loss of his mouth prevented Dewey from screaming even if he couldn't control himself for a while.

The girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was very cute.

But between the girl's legs, dirty blood continued to flow down.

"I forgot..." the girl said faintly, "I also have a lot of blood, I also have a lot of blood... Do you like this color, Teacher Du? Do you remember, Teacher Du? This is our baby..."

"Uh!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"

Harsh screams resounded throughout the classroom!

"What's going on?" Murong was also surprised, "Didn't Dewey's mouth disappear?"

"I forgot to draw it just now, so I just added it now." The girl who spoke first replied with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, everyone noticed that Dewey's neck was open with a bloody mouth!

"What did this scumbag Dewey do!" Murong couldn't help covering her eyes, "This kind of scumbag dares to call himself a teacher, it's really a shame to die!"

"It's really a good horror movie." Qin Guan sneered for a while, "Since Dewey has already yelled like this, it means he is out? This is really a good reincarnation."

"Teacher Du, look, this is our baby." The innocent girl only held bright red blood in her hands, but after hearing what she said, everyone couldn't bear to look directly at her.

"Scum!" Murong gritted her teeth again and said, "No wonder you hooked up with Bai Hua so quickly, even if you smile every day, you are just a scum! How many little girls, how many people have been harmed!"

In the eyes of everyone, Dewey's body really began to become transparent...

"Don't! Don't! I don't want to go!" Dewey shouted with all his might.

And off the screen, Lord Reaper, who was watching this "movie", also nodded and said: "It is indeed a good movie."

"Let me go!" Seeing Dewey's body become transparent, the power around Su Qingxing exploded completely!

It is impossible for Shen Si to bring his real body into the world of underworld trials, so the power that Su Qingxing erupted at this moment, even Shen Si, who has been trying to suppress, is powerless!

Even if the god of death tightly grasped the fiancé's hands and hugged that slightly slender figure into his arms recklessly, Su Qingxing's power still burst out to all directions!


Shen Si and Su Qingxing felt as if they were in a storm. The seats around them and all the arrangements in the theater were crushed by the force. Only the front screen was playing the scene where Dewey was gradually disappearing.

"Calm." Meditation tried hard to embed the fiancé in his arms.

But Su Qingxing just stared at Dewey who was about to disappear, then struggled to let go of his contemplative embrace, stretched out his hand in the direction of Dewey on the screen, and then...

Pinch hard!

The power that Su Qingxing emanated caused a gust of wind, blowing up the silver hair that was casually tied in a knot.

At that moment, His Highness the God of Death, who had been staring closely at the fiancée, seemed to be squinted, but he couldn't look away.

"Ah!" What was really strange was that at the moment when Su Qingxing made a move off the screen, Dewey on the screen suddenly stopped becoming transparent, and felt as painful as if someone had strangled his neck!

Dewey's bloody mouth that was transferred to his neck was also severely strangled, which looked terrifying and absurd!

"He's about to die." Shen Si stood beside Su Qingxing, "Why bother?"

"The responsibility of the guide is to send those who don't like him to hell, and bring the person he chooses back to the ghost town." Su Qingxing, who was confused, was also a good baby who answered all questions, "I hate Dewey, even if I let him Going to hell is too cheap for him!"

While speaking, Su Qingxing immediately clenched his outstretched hand.

Dewey on the screen turned into pieces of ashes amidst piercing screams.


"Revenant number MS8346, Dewey. Trial failed."

"You are undoubtedly the strongest one among all the guides." The God of Death looked at Dewey who was wiped out on the screen, but he didn't feel pity, but asked curiously, "If someone is killed in the trial, is there any?" To hell, not to ghost town, so where would he go?"

"It will be dealt with later." Su Qingxing finally calmed down after an outburst, "Maybe it's to clear the memory and start over in another ghost town. But Dewey, it's not worth wasting energy."

"Should only ghosts with good intentions go to ghost towns?"

"No." Su Qingxing's mood became more and more stable, and he leaned subconsciously on Shen Si's body, and his voice became more sleepy, "That's just my personal preference with Zhu Sha. Many ghost cities, in order to enhance their own strength, Will pick the most ferocious and cruel ghosts to join the ghost town, I don't like it... "

The god of death immediately hugged Su Qingxing who had fallen into his arms.

His fiancé is not exhausted, but just too tired to close his eyes and sleep for a while.

After confirming that Su Qingxing was fine, Death looked around, and found that the seats in the entire theater had been crushed by the power of his fiancé.

Therefore, the god of death could only hug Su Qingxing like this, looking at the comforting sleeping face of his fiancé, he couldn't help murmuring softly, "I'll tell you all the stories after I settle everything."

Then, the two just cuddled together, facing the only intact movie screen in front of them.

Although Dewey has been wiped out, Bai Hua on the screen still fearlessly looks at Zhu Ting who is walking towards him.

Even though the boy was covered in blood, Bai Hua said unmoved, "I won't be afraid. No matter how embarrassed I am now, as long as I can pass the customs smoothly, everything will return to the original state. If I can't even do this, I will And how to meet Lord Death God?"