I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 23: Mischief of fate


"I remembered too." Looking at the scene of Qin Guan and herself chasing after each other on the screen, Murong smiled wryly, "Because of disagreements, I always wanted to break up with that bastard, but because I foolishly missed the old relationship , so I don’t know how to speak.”

"Until one night, that bastard secretly called me and told me to break up." Murong stomped on the carpet of the movie theater with his heels angrily, "It's fine to get ahead of me, but the reason for breaking up is because his wife suddenly walked out of the house." When he came back from abroad, he found a bunch of paparazzi and detectives to investigate his affair!"

"I, Murong, thought I was smart, but I didn't expect to be cheated by a bastard with a wife, and that bastard planned to make me a mistress for the rest of my life! Pooh!" The more Murong thought about it, the more angry he became.

The lost memories of Murong and Qin Guan slowly emerged.

Murong is the "affair partner" that she didn't even realize. Qin Guan is the detective Mrs. Liu invited to investigate the affair.

So when Murong ran out of the community angrily, she happened to meet Qin Guan who was holding a bottle of white wine and was about to sober up.

Two people in very bad situations collided with each other like this, which can be regarded as some kind of evil fate.

"I brought alcohol with me even when I went out to work, so I am really a drunk." Murong glared at Qin Guan in displeasure, "First I met that bastard surnamed Liu, and then I met you, a drunk. of!"

"Mr. Qin, how much wine did you drink that day?" Su Qingxing yawned. Although he didn't know why and took a rest for a while, he was still a little tired now.

"Two catties." Qin Guan narrowed his eyes, "Fifty-two degree white wine!"

"Are you going to drink yourself to death?!" Murong glared at Qin Guan fiercely, this amount of white wine is enough to cause alcohol poisoning!

"It's better than being fooled by someone!" Qin Guan snapped back, "If it were me, I'd beat that bastard hard."

"How do you know that I didn't do anything?" Murong raised her chin, "Why do you think I went to find that bastard that day? I specially picked out these shoes with the tallest and thinnest heels. Kicked him by the very root of his life!"

Everyone subconsciously glanced at the pair of high-heeled shoes on Murong's feet, which could be called a "murder weapon". Even a ghost could be stepped on and cry. As an adult male, Qin Guan took a step back with a little fear.

"Maybe I was too angry at the time, so my movements were indeed a lot heavier." Murong sighed, "After I found out that bastard had passed out, I called an ambulance for my help, and when I ran outside, I bumped into you, a drunk again. .”

"Then… "

Murong looked at the big screen in front of him. Qin Guan, who was in a daze because of drunkenness, and Murong, who was full of anger and urgently needed to vent, pushed back and forth. Arguing like they did when they first met in the theater.

Murong used the bag in his hand to shake off the wine bottle in Qin Guan's hand, and Qin Guan pushed Murong back as before.

But at this moment, an accident happened!

Murong's high-heeled shoes stepped on the wine bottle that fell on the ground, and after the sudden sprain, her body fell straight backwards!

And directly behind Murong, the iron fence set up outside the community to protect the flower garden was somewhat indistinguishable in the darkness. That is, these seemingly innocuous little facilities, the moment Murong fell down... pierced directly into the back of her head!

"What an absurd result." Murong couldn't bear to look directly at her and turned her head. She walked to the wall of the movie hall in a daze, and barely fell down under the support of the wall.

And Qin Guan was still staring blankly at the curtain in front of him.

Even though Qin Guan on the screen was drunk and unconscious, he knew that something was wrong at this moment. But the most helpless thing is that even if he knew something big happened, Qin Guan didn't know what to do, and he didn't dare to move Murong's body at will.

The two chased and fought all the way just now, and they had already run to a place far away from the gatepost of the community.

Qin Guan immediately called an ambulance and even called the police, but he still didn't know what to do next.

Under the street lamp in the middle of the night, Qin Guan finally knelt beside Murong like this, holding the strange girl's hand tightly, holding it tightly, and weeping bitterly...

The suppressed cries that belonged to men lingered in the theater.

Everyone, including Su Qingxing, was silent. No one knew that in such a peaceful night, because of an event that was insignificant compared with life, it would cause the final tragedy.

"My consciousness was really fuzzy at the time." In the silence, Qin Guan's voice was a little dry, "I should find someone to help, but even if I did, would they really know what to do?"

"If I leave, will this girl who doesn't know her name spend the most painful time at the end of her life alone?" Qin Guan crouched down helplessly, "I just grabbed her hand and held it tightly. Stop, can't say anything."

The picture on the screen didn't stop, Su Qingxing saw Qin Guan holding Murong's hand, waiting until the sound of an ambulance came from afar.

At that moment, Qin Guan got up anxiously, but his body shook at the moment when he got up, and fell back to the ground with a "bang". Qin Guan's expression twitched in pain for a long time, and finally closed his eyes beside Murong...

A dark story that makes people can't help but smile bitterly.

"I'm dead." Qin Guan smiled helplessly, "Either he was struck by lightning because of a mistake in drinking, or he was poisoned because of a mistake in drinking..."

"Hahahahahahaha!" A wild laugh came from behind.

Su Qingxing turned his head and saw Bai Hua laughing so wildly that he almost convulsed, and then said with a distorted smile: "You two, hahahahaha, you two performed so well, and it turns out... hahahaha, it turns out …”

"In the end, you actually killed her. It's so funny, hahahaha?" Bai Hua seemed to be crazy, "You actually killed her, you actually killed her, hahahaha!"

Bai Hua laughed so hard that she almost shed tears.

And at the back of the theater, the ghost whose neck was still bleeding was also smiling, his gaze was always fixed on Bai Hua's direction.

While alive, an admirer without any dignity.

Even after death, ghosts remain inseparable.

"Do you think it's funny?" Mu Rong leaned against the wall, and suddenly said to Bai Hua with a strange smile, "Didn't you find anything wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Bai Hua spread her hands, "Does it mean that the way you two died was too funny?"

"Yeah, Qin Guan and I are both dead." After going through so many things, Murong's ability to adapt seems to be much better, and she can still look at Bai Hua with a smile at this moment, "I remember you said before... because you Is it the Bride of the God of Death that was able to come back from the dead?"

The smile on Bai Hua's face gradually disappeared.

"But now, it seems that we have all died once." Murong spread her hands, "So, there is nothing special about you, Bai Hua, you are just like us from beginning to end."

Qin Guan looked at Murong with a complicated expression. Murong seemed to have recovered, and turned her head to Su Qingxing with a smile.

"Same?!" Bai Hua seemed completely unable to accept the answer, and said with a dry laugh, "How could I be the same as you? It was the God of Death who brought me back from the dead!"

"We've come back from the dead, haven't we?" On the screen behind Murong, police cars and ambulances surrounded the two dead people, and several young nurses approached there, sobbing softly because of the scene in front of them.

"So in the final analysis, there is nothing special about you, Bai Hua." Murong emphasized again.

"We are different!" Bai Hua suddenly roared, "It's different!!!"

"no the same!!!!!"

Seeing Bai Hua go crazy, Su Qingxing walked to Murong and Qin Guan with Sisi in his arms, and asked softly, "Will you regret mentioning these things?"

From the first moment he saw Murong and Qin Guan, Su Qingxing saw the cause of their deaths.

So when Su Qingxing saw Murong and Qin Guan confronting each other again and again, he was not surprised at all. I just feel that although the two of them lost the memory of death, the feeling of life and death as enemies has remained.

But what Su Qingxing didn't expect was that the relationship between Murong and Qin Guan became more and more harmonious. Even if they often quarreled, they could always stand together at the most critical moment.

What a special person these two are.

They didn't know each other before, but because of some accidental things, they collided and even died together.

Su Qingxing couldn't help but imagine, if Murong and Qin Guan could get to know each other earlier, would this story have a great unity ending

"I don't regret it." Murong chuckled lightly, "If I hadn't thought of this incident, I really wouldn't know that Qin Guan is really a hopeless alcoholic. Next time I see him, would he dare to target me? !"

"And it's not just that drunkard's fault..." Murong said, after a long silence, she continued to say to Su Qingxing—

"Brother Qingxing, if you meet someone you like in the future, don't be fooled by appearances. It's best to take out his heart and see if he really loves you wholeheartedly..."

"Aww!" Hearing what Murong said, Snow Wolf, who was held in Su Qingxing's arms, let out a low howl.

"I shouldn't fall in love with others." Su Qingxing looked a little confused, "I've lived alone for too long, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like to have another person around me."

"Don't be discouraged, how old are you!" Murong patted Su Qingxing on the shoulder, and said half-jokingly, "Maybe you can find someone who is as cute and single-minded as Sisi."

"Same as Sisi?" Su Qingxing thought about the possibility carefully, and finally came to a conclusion, "It feels a bit difficult, maybe it would be easier to directly transform Sisi into a human form."

"Wow!" Sisi wagged her tail very energetically, wishing she could raise her head to the sky and let out a long roar.

"If the partner is not suitable, it is very likely that a bad relationship will be formed." Qin Guan who was next to him seemed to have recovered a little bit, and said to Su Qingxing in a more normal tone, "Maybe he will be like me, even if he dies, he will die." There is no way to get rid of this bad relationship."

"Say it again?!" Murong half-closed her eyes, and folded her arms imposingly, "Who do you say is Nie Yuan? Have you ever seen such a beautiful Nie Yuan?"

"Headache!" Qin Guan couldn't help but support his forehead, "I need alcohol to anesthetize me."

"How dare you!" Murong opened her eyes wide, "If you dare to drink again, I will sew your mouth shut, understand?!"


After Murong and Qin Guan finished speaking, they looked at each other quietly, their moods seemed a little complicated.

"I'm relieved to see you all recovered." Su Qingxing said, turning to look at Bai Hua who was still mad on the other side, "there is one more thing that must be resolved."

"Baihua." Su Qingxing approached the boy still wearing a white dress step by step, "I think you must know one thing."

The blood red on Bai Hua's lips couldn't be wiped off at all, but it gradually faded due to the passage of time, making her look a bit hideous.

Bai Hua just watched the boy in school uniform walking towards him step by step, she didn't know if it was Bai Hua's illusion, as if she saw a trace of blue in those ordinary black eyes.

"What are you going to say?" Bai Hua took a step back involuntarily, "Don't tell me you want to tell me that I am not the bride of death, but you are?"


Su Qingxing paused, then shook his head and said, "No, I just want to tell you that death is death, and no one in this world can die and come back to life."

The moment Su Qingxing finished speaking, a blue paper lantern appeared in the midair of the theater.

With the blue lantern as the center, the theater where Su Qingxing and the others were located began to change.

The red carpet underfoot turned to rough concrete.

The surrounding exquisitely decorated walls also turned into dirty concrete walls.

The big screen at the front disappeared, and there were many more boxes around Su Qingxing and the others. The originally quiet theater instantly turned into a dilapidated warehouse.

The door of the warehouse was closed, but only the cold wind came in from the high window, making Murong and the others who had been indoors shivering uncontrollably.

Especially for Bai Hua, who was wearing a sleeveless dress, such a temperature made him unable to hold his arms tightly.

However, Bai Hua couldn't help shivering not only because of the temperature, but also because of the warehouse.

"here it is… "

Su Qingxing took a few steps to the side so that everyone could clearly see the scene on the warehouse floor behind him.

On the dusty concrete floor, a very large and delicate magic circle was drawn with blood, and there were many mysterious and incomprehensible words on it.

There were two cold corpses lying on the formation.

One of the corpses was Zhu Ting, and the wound on his neck was exactly the same as that ghost in the distance.

Another corpse... is Bai Hua!

The boy in the white shirt was lying in the center of the magic circle like this, tightly holding a dagger that looked like silver in his hand, and directly pierced Bai Hua's heart!

Without a doubt, that was the blood sacrifice that Bai Hua was talking about!

"If you really came back from the dead, why would you leave a corpse behind?" Su Qing walked close to the magic circle of the blood sacrifice, "Brother Bai, you must have been in pain at that time, right?"


"Actually, Murong should understand this truth very well." Su Qingxing continued, "If the god of death really chose you, how could he have the heart to let you suffer such pain?"

"Su Qingxing... who are you?" Bai Hua's face had lost all smiles, and even her self-confidence began to crumble.

Bai Hua just looked at Senior Su in front of her.

The boy whose voice trembled in fear at first, the boy who couldn't help but close his eyes in the red corridor.

After reuniting with Sisi, the young man who gradually smiled and gradually became confident.

Locked up in the office after he conspired with Dewey, the teenager who disappeared as if out of the game.

These images gradually merged in Bai Hua's mind, and finally turned into this... Su Qingxing standing beside the blood sacrifice with a calm expression.