I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 33: Miracles have happened


On the second floor, everyone heard that old voice say... Niu Yong killed his mirror image.

But after all, they were in an abandoned hospital full of ghosts, so Chu Bai and the others also felt that the voice might be bewitching them and make them fight among themselves for some reason. In addition, every time one floor went up, a survivor was inexplicably "eaten by the hospital", and everyone was under a lot of pressure.

But now, Niu Yong's mirrored soul and the two survivors who died in the blood bank appeared together in the first checkpoint on the fifth floor, staring straight at Niu Yong who appeared in front of him.

When starting from the first floor, Chu Bai's team included himself, Niu Yong, Bai Chu, Dodo, Xiao Xiong and five survivors from the hospital.

But now, of the five survivors, there is only one, the female nurse who cried because of Niu Yong.

"Hahahahahaha!" Just when everyone didn't know how to pass the checkpoint in front of them, Niu Yong, who was trembling for a while because of the appearance of the mirror ghost, suddenly laughed.



Seeing Niu Yong laughing like crazy in the room, everyone couldn't help but took a step back, even Su Qingxing who was standing invisible by the side didn't understand why Niu Yong suddenly went crazy.

"Hahaha, don't you understand?" Niu Yong laughed until tears fell, "Only one of the deity and the mirror image can pass the level, but I am already dead? Hahahahaha, I am different from you. I'm the only one left, if I don't pass the level? Who else can pass the level? It can't be the dead ghost opposite me, right? Hahahahahahaha!"

Indeed, the old voice said just now that the next test is about "choosing", unless a miracle happens, only one of the deity and the mirror image can reach the sixth floor.

"So this is not sending me to pass the level?" Niu Yong was still smiling, his steps forward were a little crooked, and his voice began to pant with laughter, "Have you seen it now? Who dares to say that I am wrong to kill people?" ? This game has to be played like this, kill your own mirror image, and you can pass the level! Hahahaha! Although my old cow is not well educated, my luck has always been very good! Hahahaha!"

But in the next second, what Niu Yong mirrored said stopped the bursts of smiles, and the whole expression became stiff and distorted.

"If you had helped me at that time, maybe you would have been able to leave here." Niu Yong's mirror image was standing next to the door. He died because he couldn't bear the poisonous gas, so his face was extremely pale and even blue.

"I thought you were here to save me." Niu Yong's mirror image showed sadness, "The lock of the blood bank was only a little bit open. I thought you were here to help me, but you just wanted to kill me."

"You will die if I don't go, it's none of my business!! The people in the blood bank may have died long ago, so what does it matter if you can't open the lock?!" Niu Yong may have sensed something was wrong, so he immediately refuted stand up.

"Yeah, if you don't come, we will die too, so why do you have to do something extra?" Niu Yong mirrored a wry smile on his simple and honest face, "You just want to make sure I'm dead, make sure I'm not There would be a chance to tell anyone you were a murderer on the run, wouldn't you?"

On the second floor, Su Qingxing once mentioned something about Niu Yong. But now that Niu Yong's mirror image mentions these things again, it confirms Niu Yong's identity that has been hidden all along.

Niu Yong wanted to cover up this point wholeheartedly, but in the end he presented it in a more explicit way in front of everyone, which was even more contemptible.

"What a pity." Niu Yong's mirror image suddenly felt emotional, "It would be great if I could get out of here alive."

"In fact, our mirror images are also very pitiful." Niu Yong looked at Chubai, and then glanced between Dodo and Xiaoxiong several times, "We were in this hospital when we just woke up, and we didn't have any memories at that time. I don’t even know what I am.”

"But gradually, we began to clearly realize that we are just a mirror image of someone, and slowly began to have the memory of that person, knowing all the things he did, even if those memories are disgusting, I have to accept it .”

Niu Yong's mirror image looked at the two children holding hands, and said with a wry smile: "As a child's mirror image, it is actually a happy thing. There are not so many troubles and memories that I don't want to accept. But I and Chubai is different, I don’t know how many times I wake up in the middle of the night because of nightmares, and the dreams are all about the unsightly ugliness of my deity!”

"I am your mirror image, so your life has become mine. It's disgusting, the life that was ruined by you." When the mirror image was speaking, Niu Yong himself had already rushed to his side to open the door , but the ordinary-looking wooden door seemed to be made of iron. Even though Niu Yong exerted all his strength and blushed, he still didn't move.

And the mirror image standing on the side also continued to say—

"You were born in a rural area. Although your parents are only farmers, your family is honest and honest. The neighbors are harmonious. All you eat and eat are hard-earned, and you leave the best for your children. But when your children grow up, they don't want to go to school. , did not learn crafts, and only when he was about to get married did he worship a locksmith as a master, and he started a business as a stall." Niu Yong mirrored his words as if he was telling a story about a stranger, but his expression contained an inexplicable sadness.

"Although my wife is not beautiful, she is hardworking and virtuous. She gave birth to two sensible children, and she would help her father squeeze her shoulders and beat her legs since she was a child. If it were me, I would be satisfied. I would improve my skills and open a small grocery store. Spend your life in peace with your family…”

Su Qingxing stood in the middle of the room, watching Niu Yong's mirror image and shed tears.

This is the sadness of the mirror image. They have the memory of the deity, experienced the life of the deity in another way, and got to know the relatives and lovers of the deity... But the mirror image is just a mirror image, no matter how beautiful the deity has, for them It is also impossible to say.

"But you are not satisfied. Although you have improved your technology, you have used the lock-picking technology in the way of stealing. After a few times, you have become a habitual thief." Weeping, "What I saw in my dream is that you get happiness time and time again by getting something for nothing. The more you go into heresy ways, the more dissatisfied you are with your family, your wife, and even your own children..."

"Walk along the river, and there will be a day when your shoes will get wet, but you don't seem to understand this truth at all. In the end, you were discovered while stealing, and after a dispute, you accidentally killed someone and fled in a hurry."

Niu Yong's mirror image was standing beside Niu Yong, he seemed unable to touch his body, so he could only desperately shout in his ear—

"Have you ever wondered what will happen to your family? Will the elderly parents get sick from it?! Will the wife who loves you cry all night and look for you?! Two children without a father, no family Do you really know what will happen if you lose your pillar? You lazy bastard! Irresponsible coward! You don't deserve your life!"

"If it was me...if it was me... none of this would have happened!" Niu Yong's mirror image stared at the deity bitterly, "If possible, I really want to do it all over again for you!!!! "

"You bastard!!!!!"

Amid the hoarse shouts of the mirror image, Niu Yong stopped all his movements, stared blankly at his mirror image, and did not speak for a long time.

"Why am I just a mirror image..." Niu Yong's mirror image just squatted on the ground, crying bitterly.

Su Qingxing has been witnessing all this. He doesn't know when Zhusha built this world, nor how many times this world has received testers. But at this moment, Su Qingxing both admired Zhu Sha and blamed Zhu Sha.

I admire it because cinnabar can actually construct a mirror image with self-consciousness, which really makes Su Qingxing look at him with admiration.

Blame, because...every time cinnabar creates a mirror image, this world seems to have an extra tragic life. Whether the mirror image is good or bad, no matter whether the memory of the mirror image is sad or happy, they bear what they cannot have, and the last May Day will become a tragedy.

Unable to make this trial world mirror again, Su Qingxing couldn't help clenching his right hand. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, if he hadn't touched it in person, maybe even Su Qingxing wouldn't be able to understand this feeling.


"Yes, I'm sorry." After being stunned for a while, Niu Yong knelt down in front of his mirror image. After another "boom", Niu Yong kowtowed to the mirror image, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me I!"

"As long as, as long as you let me pass the level, I will be a new man when I go back!" Niu Yong kowtowed desperately at the feet of the mirror image, his forehead kept hitting the tile floor, and the blood from the knocking was mixed with the tears on his face. Especially embarrassed, "As long as I pass the customs, I will definitely... I will take good care of my wife and children, I will behave honestly, and I will never be a thief again!"

"I, I steal things to make my family's life better. I really think about my family!" Niu Yong may feel that his mirror image attaches great importance to his family, so he knelt down and confessed while wiping his tears. "Please, give me a chance to be a man again!"

"I've given it." The mirror image squatted on the ground, looking at the deity who was crying, "but when you grabbed my neck, the opportunity flew away."

"I… "

"And why do you want to confess to me?" Mirror mirror looked puzzled, "Even if you go out now, you will be arrested soon, and then you may be locked in prison for the rest of your life. At that time, your wife can only Go see you in jail and everyone around will tell your kids that their father is a shameless thief and murderer."

"Maybe..." The mirror image suddenly smiled, "It's better to let you never go back than to let you go back to them and let them continue to suffer."

"What do you want to do..." Niu Yong stared at his mirror image with wide eyes, and suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Don't worry, you will like that place, the basement floor full of poisonous gas." Mirror mirror said, got up from Niu Yong, turned and walked to Su Qingxing.

The mirror image of Niu Yong who has become a dead soul can always see Su Qingxing. He has already known Su Qingxing's identity from other dead souls, so now he comes to the guide of the underworld respectfully, bows his head slightly before asking for instructions: "My lord, I hope to get your permission."

But in the eyes of Chu Bai and others who couldn't see Su Qingxing, Niu Yong's mirror image suddenly bowed to the air, and said all kinds of strange things, as if there was an invisible person who could decide everything standing in this room Same.

"Niu Yong, who are you talking to?" Chu Bai couldn't help asking.

But Niu Yong's mirror image still lowered his head, waiting for Su Qingxing's response.

"Yes." Su Qingxing's voice was still disguised as old and indifferent, "It's not difficult."

After Su Qingxing finished speaking, he raised his right hand slightly, and then several gaps suddenly appeared under the feet of Niu Yong himself and the mirror image, and the ceiling collapsed instantly!


After talking with Zhu Sha on the phone, Su Qingxing obtained some special permission, and now it's just a small favor for Niu Yong's mirror image.

When the ceiling under two Niu Yong's feet cracked a big hole, the three dead souls and Niu Yong himself fell through the hole. Niu Yong, who didn't react for a while, could only let out a cry of surprise during the fall—

"Ahhhhhhh! Help!!! The mirror image has killed people!!!"

When Chu Bai and the others looked at the hole, they found that the hole seemed to run through the entire hospital. Niu Yong and the others fell all the way from the fifth floor to the fourth floor... the third floor... the second floor... the first floor... and finally fell into the ground together. On the second floor, the poisonous gas with a strong color enveloped Niu Yong's figure, and the ear-piercing screams gradually disappeared.

Although he didn't know what happened, Niu Yong, who was in the poison gas now, probably didn't have so much leisure to yell.

Su Qingxing then flipped his wrist, and the cracked floor began to recover as if time had flowed backwards. It took only a few seconds for the room with the big hole to return to its original appearance.

It's just that Niu Yong's mirror image and his real figure are gone.

"The first level is over." An old voice rang in Chu Bai's ears, "Others, please go to the second level."

As soon as the words fell, the tightly closed door in the room opened with a "snap", revealing the second ordinary-looking room in front of Chu Bai and the others.

Facing what happened just now, Chu Bai seemed to feel extremely heavy. He couldn't help leaning against the wall of the room, covering his face with his hands, thinking that he should be the worst team leader in the world.

"Brother Chubai, are you okay?" Little Xiong and Dodo surrounded Chubai, and both children raised their heads worriedly to Chubai who had been taking care of them. Although Dodo loves to cry, but because the little bear has always been by his side to take care of them, the two children are standing here right now, grabbing Chubai's sleeves from left to right.

"It's okay." Seeing the two children, Chu Bai cheered up a little, and said to them seriously, "Su Qingxing promised you that he would definitely take you out, right?"

"Hmm..." Hearing Su Qingxing's name, the eyes of the two children turned red again.

"Brother Chubai will do it for him." Chubai touched the tops of the two children's heads, then stood up straight and said loudly in mid-air, "No matter who you are, you promised before that I would let the two children The child made it to the sixth floor safely, didn't he?"

The old voice had said before that as long as Chu Bai told Bai Chu's story, Xiao Xiong and Dodo could walk to the sixth floor safely.

"I said that unless a miracle happens, only one of the deity and the mirror image can leave the fifth floor." Su Qingxing just repeated the rules of the fifth floor, as if he had completely forgotten his promise to Chu Bai.

However, as a reminder, Su Qingxing still emphasized the pronunciation of the word "miracle", and I don't know if Chubai and the others can catch this information.

"Mr. Chubai, will I die when we leave the fifth floor?" The only survivor in the team was speaking, a female nurse whose name Su Qingxing still does not know. will die too, right?"

I just remember that this nurse once cried for Niu Yong's mirror image.

"Li Hao..." Chu Bai remembered everyone's names, even the names of the survivors who died the first time. Sometimes a memory that is too good will make it difficult to leave the sadness in the memory with time.

Chu Bai couldn't give an affirmative answer to the female nurse's fear.

"It's okay, Mr. Chubai." Nurse Li felt Chubai's hesitation and smiled through tears, "Actually, I have already prepared. Actually, when we knew that we were trapped here and could not leave, the few of us The nurse once thought of committing suicide together. But it is because Mr. Chubai has always encouraged us and protected us that we can persist until now."

After speaking, Nurse Li wiped away her tears, continued to smile and said to Chubai: "Maybe we are like the key to the upstairs, if you think so, then I will be very happy to be... the one who can help Mr. Chubai." That most important key."

"So, please be sure to leave well, Mr. Chubai, hold on!"

Everyone present remembered that the nurse's name was "Li Hao".

Su Qingxing couldn't imagine that the crying and laughing nurse was just a part of Zhu Sha's script, but at the same time, it was not difficult to understand that the nurse was playing the role of "encouragement" and "support".

In such a trial, there will inevitably be moments of despair and wanting to give up, and there will inevitably be characters who inspire everyone to persevere, and Nurse Li is one of them.

"It seems that these levels are set corresponding to each deity and mirror image, that is to say, there are at least two levels ahead." The voice came. Although Bai Chu was full of bad things, he was considered a smart person after all, otherwise No. 444 Pisa, the guide of the ghost town, would not insist on asking Su Qingxing for someone.

"It is said that only one of the mirror image and the main body can pass the level. Even if both of them die, will it not affect the others to pass the level?" Walking to the door, "It seems that you can pass the level without your blood, Great Holy Mother."

The "Great Holy Mother" that Bai Chu said, of course, refers to the mirror image Bai Chu who sacrifices himself for others in everything he does.

The second room still looks very ordinary, but it is much smaller than the first room, and there is an extra round table with a piece of white paper and two sharp-looking knives on the round table.

Bai Chu was the first to arrive in the room, so now he is standing in front of the round table, looking at the white paper on the round table with a very troubled expression.

"Crack!" The door behind them closed directly, leaving no way for everyone to retreat. They could only continue to complete the level and move forward.

"What is written on the paper?" Chu Bai believed that there must be something written on the paper, otherwise Bai Chu would not have shown such an expression. But no matter how Chu Bai asked, Bai Chu still didn't say a word, just staring at the piece of paper on the round table.

Because Bai Chu didn't answer, Chu Bai could only lead the two children to the round table, and looked down at the blank paper.

There is only one sentence written on the white paper——

[Let blood flow all over the room to pass the level. ]

Fill the room

Chu Bai looked around, this room is very small, only about three or four square meters, but if you want to let the blood flow here, you need more than just a little blood!

Chu Bai glanced at Bai Qi who was standing opposite.


Both of them clapped their hands on the table at the same time. Both Chu Bai and Bai Chu wanted to pick up the two knives on the round table together, but in the end, each of them only grabbed one knife and held it tightly in their hands.

The one who knows himself best is his own mirror image. Chu Bai only saw through Bai Chu's thoughts before he took the lead in wanting to hold the weapon in his hands.

"Everyone already knows the rules. Whether you can pass the level depends on your own choice." The old voice appeared again, and the only people in the room with mirror images were Bai Chu and Dodo, but there was no information about it. Who is this trial for

"Obviously, this is for us." Chu Bai played with the dagger in his hand, "Children are not suitable for playing this game."

"Ha ha." Holding another knife, Bai Chu sneered twice, his eyes fell on Nurse Li and the two children.

Maybe it was because Bai Chu's gaze was too red-hot, Chu Bai directly handed over the two children to Nurse Li behind him for protection, and Nurse Li also hugged the two children tightly and retreated to the corner behind Chu Bai .

"Why are you so afraid?" Bai Chu squinted his eyes and smiled after a long absence, "Are you afraid that I will kill people and let blood?"

"..." Chu Bai was silent for a moment, then suddenly took a step forward with a knife in his hand, "No, you won't kill people."

"Oh?" Bai Chu's eyes opened a little, as if a little surprised, "I heard that I am a demon who should go to hell. Shouldn't a demon like me kill people after hearing such a simple clearance condition?"

"Don't forget that I am your mirror image." Chu Bai tested the sharpness of the dagger with his fingers, "Because you are very smart, you won't do this."


Bai Chu showed a surprised expression, and even Su Qingxing leaned against the wall curiously, wanting to see who is more powerful than the "talent" valued by Pisa, the guide of ghost town No. 444, and his mirror image Some.

"Because you can see a lot of things from the first level." Chu Bai kept a certain distance from the deity, and when the other party was pacing in the room, Chu Bai also moved his footsteps.

"If these levels only care about winning or losing, you only need to kill a few people and let their blood flow all over the room to win."

"But if these levels are really that simple, Niu Yong won't lose in the last level. After all, his mirror image is dead, so he can be regarded as the winner." Chu Bai glanced at the room on the wall, "But Niu Yong Yong lost because of all the wrong things he did."

"Although it's a little strange to say that, that invisible ghost... seems to prefer to be on the right side." Chu Bai looked at his own deity with some amusement, "If you really killed someone here, maybe you will A direct death sentence, and you know that very well, don't you?"

Bai Chu didn't speak for a long time, obviously the mirror image in front of him saw through his thoughts first.

After a long time, Bai Chu smiled again and said, "Yes, according to my inference, if I kill someone here, then I will lose in this level."

"In addition, you are a person who will not hurt yourself no matter what happens, let alone damage your own interests, so it is even more impossible for you to pass the level with your own blood." The knife in Chu Bai's hand is very sharp , just lightly slid over the finger, leaving a bleeding wound.

"Of course, no matter how small the room is, it's impossible for there to be accidents with so much blood." Bai Chu played with the dagger in his hand, "If I lose too much blood and die, won't the one who passes the level become your mirror image?"

"It seems that you already have a plan." Chu Bai's hand holding the knife trembled, and he looked at his own deity, "You are waiting for me to die."

"That's right." Bai Chu smiled, "My mirror image, you are a great person, so in order to pass the level, you can only sacrifice yourself. Only when your blood fills this room, the door to the next level will open , those trash you have been protecting all the time can move on, can’t you?”

"It seems that we both know each other very well." Chu Bai's tone was so calm that no fluctuations could be heard, "Then the most important thing now may be to find a part that bleeds a lot but is not so easy to die."

"If such a place really exists." Bai Chu was still smiling.

At this time, Nurse Li behind her had already turned around with the two children, as if she didn't want Dodo and Xiaoxiong to see the next scene.

"Bai Chu, you devil." Somewhat strangely, Chu Bai, who had always been very calm, took a few steps towards the deity with an excited expression, "Just watching the opponent struggle with how to die, yes It should be a kind of enjoyment for you, right?"

"It seems that you are not as generous as I imagined." Bai Chu looked at his mirror image with some complacency, "If you are really the Holy Mother, you should start bleeding now."

"Do you know? It doesn't matter whether I die or not. I just feel a little pity. I can't see you, a demon, going to hell with my own eyes!" Chu Bai was so angry that his whole body was shaking. What has been shown is not only a little strange.

At the same time, Chu Bai took a few steps towards Bai Chu. The room itself is very small, so the distance between the two of them is already very small.

"Do you know? When Niu Yong and I were just born, our minds went blank, we didn't know what we were, but everyone lived a relaxed and happy life!"

"But when your vicious thoughts and memories flood my brain, every second I pass is like a nightmare! I'm afraid I'll be sleepwalking, driven by the ugliness in my head, to do something Horrible thing so I can't sleep, can't bring myself to rest, and keep fighting with demons in my head all day and all night!"

"You won, you still won!" Chu Bai gritted his teeth and looked at Bai Chu in front of him.

And Bai Chu just looked at Chu Bai with a smug smile, watching Chu Bai reverse the hand holding the knife, and stab the knife into Chu Bai's own body.

"Hahahahaha, you just lost because you were too kind. This level is really interesting... Mmm!"

Before Bai Chu finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain!

He lowered his head with an expression of disbelief, and saw Chu Bai... Chu Bai actually stabbed a knife into the body of his true self!

"You..." Bai Chu bent down in pain, but he didn't forget to stab the short knife in his hand towards Chu Bai.

But before Bai Chu succeeded, Chu Bai withdrew the dagger and immediately slashed at the deity's hand. After Bai Chu's dagger fell to the ground due to pain, he stabbed Bai Chu again.

"You... how could you..." Bai Chu stared wide-eyed at his mirror image, which was always dedicated to everyone like the Virgin Mary.

Bai Chu now understands that just now Chu Bai purposely appeared so excited and said so many weak words, just to be able to stand at the closest place to him at this moment, everything was designed from the beginning!

"If you let you leave the room alive, Dodo and Xiaoxiong will have no way to survive to the end, they will definitely die in your hands." Chu Bai's hand holding the knife was trembling, "You should be very clear, the reason why I persisted until Now, it is for these two children to leave here alive! In order to achieve this goal, I can do anything... "

"Not only can I sacrifice myself, but I can also learn to slay demons!" Chu Bai just watched his real body fall down, and made another stab at the bleeding part, "If both of us lose, At least two children still have a chance to go on."

"Now I have become a demon like you, if I lose too, I will go to hell with you!"

"Chu... Bai..." The blood in his body flowed quickly, and Bai Chu gradually lost consciousness amidst the pain and weakness.

"The door opened..."

"I won't say I'm sorry. Walk slowly on the way to hell. Maybe I'll be there soon." As Chu Bai said, he asked Nurse Li to continue to cover the eyes of the two children, and went to the third place through the opened door. room.

When all four people walked out of the second room, only Bai Chu who lost consciousness due to excessive blood loss remained in that room.

But the door of the room was closed.

Su Qingxing did not follow to the third room, but stayed in the second room, watching Bai Chu's translucent body coming out of his shell.

But now, Bai Chu could already see Su Qingxing standing in front of him.

"Am I dead?" Bai Chu was stunned for a long time when he saw Su Qingxing, and finally understood this situation as the meeting of the deceased.

"You've already died." Su Qingxing deliberately spoke with the old voice he pretended, "I told you when I was on the third floor that only the dead can come into this world."

"So it was you, you did all of this?!" Bai Chu laughed at himself, "You thought I was a smart person, but you didn't expect that the really powerful people were always hiding by our side, and they were the ones who made me laugh. A boy who thinks of his younger brother."

"I am a guide in the underworld, responsible for guiding the dead souls to re-understand themselves and go to where they should go." Su Qingxing introduced himself very calmly once, and after speaking briefly, he turned to say, "Last time When I was working, I happened to meet your younger brother Bai Hua, and I saw clearly the so-called 'love' you have for your younger brother. So I'm sorry, but I really can't understand how much you love your younger brother in your words."

"So, from the first time we met... you know what kind of person I am?" Bai Chu's face was full of self-mockery, "I thought I hid it well, but I was first exposed by the so-called mirror image, and then Became a clown jumping around in the eyes of your boss."

"You said that you are the guide of the underworld, and you will send the dead souls where they should go. Then where should I go?" Bai Chu looked very calm, calmer than most of the dead souls Su Qingxing had seen.

Sometimes, Su Qingxing couldn't see what this person was thinking, and this might be one of the reasons why Pisa took a fancy to Bai Chu.

"Mr. Bai Chu, your life principle should be to live gracefully, and die to attract attention, right?" Su Qingxing chatted with the dead soul in front of him when it was the most critical moment.

"So when you had to accept that you were dying, you sealed off the entire floor, set a fire on it, and watched all the familiar people flee around you, and finally died with you. "

"So, the soul number MS9004... Bai Chu, I will send you to your brother's final destination, which is the real hell lava."

The floor of the room began to crack again, but this time it was not the road leading to the basement level, but the golden-red lava.

"Mr. Bai Chu, there is actually one more troublesome thing that I have to tell you." Su Qingxing did not send Bai Chu off immediately, but said with a smile, "One of my colleagues appreciates you very much, so he took the initiative to thank you At the price of the next favor, I hope I can let you out."

After hearing what Su Qingxing said, Bai Chu's face was moved again, and the change in expression was even more obvious than when he was stabbed by Chu Bai.

Perhaps it was because he saw the hope of life.

"Later I refused." Su Qingxing said with a smile again.

And Bai Chu was also stunned there.

"But I thought about it later. Although I don't need that favor, another friend of mine seems to dislike him, but he may really need that favor." Su Qingxing's friend was naturally Zhu Sha.

Although when Pisa proposed the exchange, Zhu Sha disliked the guide of Ghost Town No. 444 and the Wenshenjun he mentioned.

But if you think about it carefully, Pisa would not propose such a deal for no reason, and that Wenshenjun must have something worthy of Zhu Sha's attention.

Zhu Sha would immediately refuse at that time, perhaps because of Su Qingxing's choice.

"After thinking about it carefully, I'm still going to agree to that colleague's deal, and I'm going to rescue 'Bai Chu'."

The light of hope appeared in Bai Chu's eyes again, but it was completely destroyed in the next second.

"So I'm very glad to have met Mr. Bai Chu in this world." Su Qingxing stepped on the ground with his foot, causing the cracks on the ground to accelerate, "Even if I send you to hell, I can also take the other you out, although the other party doesn't like you. I will definitely accept it, but my task is considered complete."

"Chu... Bai..."

"That's right." Su Qingxing nodded with a smile, "Mr. Bai Chu doesn't need to slow down on the way to hell. After all, there is your brother waiting for you there, and there is no need for other fellow travelers."

"The world you have always wanted to see, your mirror image will continue to see it for you..."

The ground completely cracked, and Bai Chu's figure fell directly into the lava without leaving a last word.

When the whole room returned to calm again, Su Qingxing, who was floating, crossed the whole room without touching the ground, passed through the wall, and came to the third room.

The third room is very ordinary, just pasted some cute cartoon wallpapers, with various naive teddy bears on it.

And there is a TV hanging on a certain wall, which can play some videos.

The protagonist of the video is Dodo, and the parents Dodo has always missed. The content of the video is about Dodo's growth, every birthday of hers, her first dancing, singing for the first time, going to the playground for the first time, swimming for the first time...

Dodo has no sin karma on her body, she is just an ordinary person who accidentally entered the underworld for trials, so there is nothing special about these images, what can be seen is an ordinary and harmonious family, ordinary and lovely parents.

But when Su Qingxing reached the third room, both children were crying. Dodo will cry because she misses her father and mother very much.

Little Bear will cry...just because she made a choice when she was sensible.

"There may be some mechanism in this room, otherwise how should we clear the level?" Chu Bai actually thought of something, but he was unwilling to accept that fact, so he tried to find other ways out in the room.

"Brother Chubai, Xiao Xiong knows... there is only one person between Xiao Xiong and Dodo who can leave here." Xiao Xiong hugged the white bear that Shen Si gave her tightly, tears came out drop by drop, no matter how hard he wiped them off, "Little Xiong is the elder sister. Little Xiong said that he would let Dodo go home... So, Xiaoxiong will stay here. Brother Chubai, can you send Dodo home?"

After speaking, the little bear squatted on the ground with the white bear in his arms and began to cry for a long time, even Su Qingxing couldn't help but turn red-eyed.

From the beginning to the present, Su Qingxing has experienced the growth of the little bear, from the little girl who was lawless for her own happiness at the beginning, to the little sister who protected Duoduo along the way.

And now, Little Bear is willing to stay in the room forever for Duo Duo's freedom. If Little Bear does this, maybe the only thing that will accompany her forever is the TV that loops various images on the wall.

"Wow wow wow... Dodo no! Dodo wants little bear!" Dodo seemed to have discovered something sensitively, so she just hugged little bear's body and burst into tears together.

"Little Xiong, don't worry, Brother Chubai will definitely take you out together!" Maybe Chubai's hands were still trembling because he hadn't recovered from what happened just now, "We won't leave Little Xiong alone here."

"Little Bear doesn't cry!" Little Bear wiped away his tears, and hugged the white bear in his arms tightly, "But Little Bear must stay! Little Bear misses Mom and Dad, but what Mom and Dad miss is not Little Bear, but Dodo... Dad What mother is looking for is also Dodo... Little Bear is a bad child, Little Bear is an extra child, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Little bear is not a bad boy." Chubai knelt down and hugged the little bear together with Dodo, "Little bear is the most obedient and cutest child in the world."

"But... but the little bear is just a mirror image. Whether it's the things in his mind, or his parents, they all belong to Dodo. Wuwuwu, the only thing that the little bear has is the name, the name, and the name given by Brother Qingxing. Uncle Shen gave it raging, woo woo woo... "

"You go away! You go away!" Little Xiong broke away from Duoduo and Chubai's arms, and shrank directly into the corner, "Little Xiong wants to stay here, you go away!! You go away! Little Xiong hates it the most You guys!"

The little bear yelled loudly, but the tears couldn't stop streaming down.

Everyone was also a little at a loss, only felt that such a checkpoint was really ruthless and cruel.

"Little Bear will be fine." At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the room, and immediately hugged Xiaoxiong who was huddled in the corner, "Brother once said that he will definitely take you out of here, isn't it ?"

When Chu Bai saw that figure, Chu Bai seemed a little stunned.

"Su...Su Qingxing?"

Su Qingxing turned around holding the little bear, and said with a smile: "Sorry, because I have to deal with some things, so I came a little late, otherwise I wouldn't let the little bear cry like this."

Su Qingxing didn't set up any checkpoints in the third room, but when he dealt with Bai Chu, the clever little bear understood the meaning of the checkpoints by himself.

The door to the third room opened.

"What I said can also be understood in this way... as long as a miracle happens, the deity and the mirror image can leave here at the same time." Su Qingxing helped the little bear in his arms wipe away his tears.

"Next we will go to meet that person, that... the mirror image that belongs to me."