I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 39: Class meetings and new neighbors


Now the situation of Class 2 and 4 is very bad, because of the weather... The burning smell of the living dead is becoming more and more obvious, especially when the students of Class 2 and 4 gather together, the smell is very obvious .

Because of this, the classrooms of Class 2 and Class 4 of high school and the cafeteria where we gather for lunch can be said to be the places where the smell is most obvious.

When teaching in the classroom, because most of the students can't smell the burning smell, it only affects the teachers who enter the classroom.

But when the students of Class 4 entered the cafeteria together, everyone in the cafeteria was affected by the smell. Although they didn't know what the source of the smell was, the dining environment was obviously affected.

When other students in the school left the cafeteria because of the unusual smell, the students in the second and fourth grades of senior high school thought that they, like themselves, had no appetite due to various reasons due to the weather, and said with emotion, "ah, so everyone Same!" Then he left the cafeteria.

Su Qingxing, who was sitting in the classroom, had already attended seven self-study classes in a row. Except for Xie Meng, no teacher was willing to stay in the classroom. After throwing down a sentence of self-study hastily, all of them fled away, leaving only the students of Class 2 and Class 4 of Senior High They watched in amazement as this happened.

But for students, not having to go to class is also a good thing, so apart from laughing and chatting, few people will go out and take the initiative to ask the teacher to come back to class.

Under such circumstances, it is only a matter of time before Class 2 and Class 4 of Senior High School are exposed.

No, it should be said that it has not been exposed until now, which is already a miracle.

"Fortunately, it's already Friday." Su Qingxing looked at the sky outside the window, "and it's almost time for school to end."

While Su Qingxing was waiting for the bell to ring for the end of get out of class, a tall figure walked past him like a gust of wind. Xu Nuo, who had been sitting in the last row, walked to the podium for some reason, and gently picked up the metal pen holder on the podium. Replay, "pop" sounded!

"Scared me to death!" Ying Jiaojiao, who was lowering her head to apply nail polish to her hands, suddenly raised her head, and a whole bottle of red nail polish fell down, spilling on the table like blood, "Promise, I will never end with you! "

"Don't you think it's weird?!" Xu Nuo glanced at Su Qingxing first, and then faced straight ahead, "A class that is approaching the final exam has seven self-study classes a day, and there is no outsider who wants to be in our classroom. stay!"

The classroom fell silent.

Sometimes it is not the lack of truth, but the lack of people who tell the truth.

After hearing Xu Nuo's opening remarks, Su Qingxing felt that Xu Nuo had indeed believed what he said in the corridor just now.

So, is it time for the Underworld Guider to make an appearance

Because from the very beginning, Su Qingxing planned to settle this matter before the weekend came, so after seeing Xu Nuo's opening, he put his hands on the table and was ready to get up and explain the matter to the students in Class 2 and 4 of Senior High School. everything.

But before Su Qingxing got up, Xu Nuo seemed to have foreseen his work, and turned to Su Qingxing directly and said: "Transfer student, don't do anything, don't say anything, just listen quietly, this is Things to solve in our own class!"

Su Qingxing immediately let go of his hand.

"Xuannuo, what exactly are you trying to say?!" Ying Jiaojiao's nail polish fell all over the floor, and now she is getting worse and worse, and she is in a certain stage of annoyance, "It's almost the end of the period, the class that should be taken It’s all over, it’s normal for the teacher to ask us to study by ourselves!”

"Then is this also a normal thing?" Xu Nuo calmly took off the glove on his right hand, and showed the right hand that was so red and swollen that it was almost deformed in everyone's eyes.

When the people in the classroom saw the right hand, they all gasped.

"Oh my God, did you put your hands in the pot so desperately?" Ying Jiaojiao turned her head with a face full of fear, "I know you are a lunatic, but I never thought you would be so crazy!"

"No matter how crazy I am, it's impossible for me to boil my hands into broth." Xu Nuo took a deep breath, "The original burn was just a small piece on the back of the hand, but after a day, it became like this. "

Su Qingxing observed the burn on Xu Nuo's hand. At noon, the burn seemed to have just reached the top of the wrist. It's only been two or three hours, and the burn marks have covered the wrist and continue to extend up the arm.

At first glance, it looks like Xu Nuo is wearing an odd red glove.

"How did it become like this?" It was the boy in the class with a broken arm who was talking. I don't know if he had thought of something, but now he was holding his plastered arm, shaking his head with his head bowed.

"Don't you really feel something is wrong?" Xu Nuo really has a feeling of being the big sister of the class now, at least when she was talking, the classroom was quieter than Teacher Xie's class, "Ying Jiaojiao, the injury on your finger is now How does it feel? Does it hurt so much? If it's really just a small wound with a Band-Aid, it should be healed in a day, right?"

"Yes, maybe..."

"Do you dare to take off the band-aid and have a look?" Xu Nuo glared at Ying Jiaojiao before she could speak.

Ying Jiaojiao, who liked to talk to Xu Nuo from the beginning, fell silent now. She lowered her head and touched her finger with the Band-Aid on it, without any answer. Obviously, Ying Jiaojiao wasn't going to check her wounds here.

"And you, how does your arm feel now?" Xu Nuo looked at the broken boy again.

"..." The boy was silent for a while, and finally said, "I'm unconscious."

"Maybe, maybe it's numb hands?" The girl sitting next to the boy was also infected by the current atmosphere, and she hesitated a bit, "It's just a coincidence that everyone got hurt."

"No." The boy with the broken bone shook his head, and his voice started to whimper, "I haven't felt anything since just now, I can't feel anything anymore! I'm still afraid, I've had a broken bone once before, and that feeling doesn't exist at all. No way! I feel like... like the arm is gone!"

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Ying Jiaojiao hid her injured finger, "What can all this explain?"

"I want to say that our bodies have lost the ability to heal themselves, and it all started from the last car accident." Xu Nuo said almost word by word, "Although there are so many people who come to interview us, although Newspapers and magazines thought of us as the lucky ones in a century, although everyone was glad we weren't in the tour bus."

"But aren't we the ones who know this best?" Xu Nuo's voice increased little by little, and finally turned into a shout that overwhelmed everyone, "We have no memory of escaping from the bus at all! When the car accident happened, we Didn't leave the bus at all! Aren't we the ones who know this best?!"

"We just can't remember it. Although we don't have the memory of escaping, we also don't have the memory of dying in the bus." Some students began to refute.

"Then what's going on with us now?" Xu Nuo stretched out his scalded right hand, and looked at the classmate who retorted with a smile, "Why don't we do an experiment here, how about drawing a line on your hand?"

The classmate shrank back immediately.

"So you want to say that the reason why our injuries can't heal is because we died in a car accident?" Ying Jiaojiao laughed mockingly, "How could there be such a ridiculous thing?"

"But that's exactly what I want to say." Xu Nuo stood up straight and took a deep breath, "Maybe we really didn't escape from the car accident."

"Then what are we now?" Ying Jiaojiao still had a sneer on her face, "A corpse?"

But Xu Nuo didn't care about Ying Jiaojiao's expression, and just continued to say word by word: "That's right, a living corpse."

"Ahhh!" There was a scream in the classroom, and several vulnerable girls hugged each other instantly, and some covered their ears, hoping that they were just hallucinating.

"It's impossible to explain these things other than that." Xu Nuo seemed to be the calmest of them, but her voice was also trembling.

"We survived a car accident with no escape, we couldn't eat anything but raw food, our bodies lost their ability to heal, and just got hurt and got worse! Most importantly Yes, if what my brother said is true..."

"What did your brother say?"

"Smell." Xu Nuo walked to the door of the classroom and completely locked the closed classroom door, "I heard that there is a burning smell everywhere on us and in this classroom! Maybe that's why all the teachers Cover your nose and escape, that's why so many people escaped from the cafeteria after we entered the cafeteria!"

"We can't smell it, but others can, right?" When Xu Nuo asked this question, he walked all the way to Su Qingxing, "It's really perseverance that the transfer student can sit here for so long."

"I've always wanted to ask, what are the transfer students doing here?" Ying Jiaojiao glanced at Su Qingxing, "He shouldn't be here."

All the students in the second and fourth classes of senior high school also turned their heads to look at Su Qingxing, staring at him with eyes that were washed clean. Knowing the true identities of these students, they looked a bit scary.

Su Qingxing was glad that Xu Xu hadn't come back from the health care room yet, if he saw the current scene, he might not be able to help but cry.

"Even if the transfer student is kicked out now, he has already heard about what happened, hasn't he?" Xu Nuo vaguely perfunctory.

"This is what I should do." Su Qingxing nodded, "My task is to sit here, no matter how it smells."

Su Qingxing didn't like the promise, but he still expressed his gratitude here. Because when Su Qingxing didn't know how to start working, Xu Nuo became the best person to tell the truth.

"Thank you, then you don't need to say anything or do anything." Xu Nuo returned to the podium, "I think we need to hold a class meeting... Maybe it will be the last class meeting in this life."

Su Qingxing looked at Xu Nuo quietly. This was the second time she asked Su Qingxing not to say anything or do anything in an emphatic way. Although in the eyes of other students in the class, Xu Nuo is just warning the transfer students not to interfere in all this.

But in Su Qingxing's view, the promise seems to be to hope that he, the guide of the underworld, will not do anything for the time being.

"What about the theme of the class meeting?" Although it sounded like an absurd idea, Ying Jiaojiao and the others had no sneers on their faces this time, and they all acquiesced in the promised decision.

Even if the school bell is already ringing in the entire teaching building at this moment, even if there are noises and footsteps in the corridor of the school. The students in Class 2 and 4 of Senior High School still sat obediently in their seats, and no one wanted to get up and leave.

In the sight of all the students, Xu Nuo turned to face the blackboard, and wrote lines of words on the blackboard with chalk. Contrary to Xu Nuo's impression, her handwriting is very graceful, and it's hard to believe that it was written by Xu Nuo carelessly.

Su Qingxing also looked up at the words on the blackboard, and promised to write several things that he hoped everyone would discuss together—

First, can we be sure that our current state is different from that of living people

Second, can we guarantee that our bodies will not be injured, or will not deteriorate

The third, if our body continues to deteriorate, how can we live with our family

Article 4: Should family members be told the truth

Article 5, Should I leave

Article 6, Is there anything else we want to do

"Let's start with the first one. Students who can confirm that our current state is different from living people, please raise your hand." Xu Nuo said, and raised his hand first.

The classroom was quiet at first, and after two or three minutes, the boy with the broken bone was the first to raise his hand.

Then those students who had been physically injured raised their hands one by one.

Then, even Ying Jiaojiao stretched out her hand. Although she held it very low, everyone could see the blood dripping from the band-aid on her finger.

"The minority obeys the majority." Xu Nuo counted the number of people who raised their hands, "It is confirmed that the number of people in the first item is 23, more than half of the class, so let's continue to read the second item. Among the students who did not raise their hands just now, some Who can guarantee that their body will never be injured? Among the students who raised their hands just now, how many people can guarantee that their injuries will not continue to worsen?"

This time, no one raised their hands, only a few people sat there, shaking their heads helplessly.

"Okay, then let's move on to the third question." Xu Nuo smiled wryly, and sometimes she also hoped to hear some good news, "If our health continues to deteriorate, how should we continue to live with our family?"

"We don't have any appetite for ordinary meals now. Do we have to eat raw meat...even live small animals in front of them?" Xu Nuo couldn't help but raise his forehead, "Sorry, eating small animals is just my guess, but I always feel that if we continue like this, one day we will... "

"I want to go home and find my parents!" Suddenly a female student cried and stood up from her seat. "I'll tell my parents everything, and then let them take me to the doctor! There will be a solution!"

"Yes, see a doctor! The doctor will take care of it!"

"We can take medicine, and we'll be fine after taking the medicine!"

"Okay!" Xu Nuo suddenly shouted, "If you want to see a doctor, go now! Leave now!"

Although startled by the promised voice, several students who wanted to see a doctor got up from their seats and began to hesitate whether to leave early.

"It's useless. If you go to the hospital now, you may not be able to come back." Although he promised Su Qingxing not to talk, Su Qingxing can't let the students of this class leave the classroom now.

"Why is this transfer student still here!!" A student who was about to leave retorted loudly, "We are not rehearsing a drama now! Promise, you have said so many things, but let a transfer student stay here to watch a good show? And still sitting there saying some inexplicable things? If the doctors can't help, who else can we turn to?!"

As he said that, the student went straight to the door, opened the lock of the classroom door as soon as he stretched out his hand, and pulled the door inward.

"Sorry, I can't let you leave here yet." Su Qingxing, who was sitting on the seat, moved his fingers, and the classroom door closed again with a "snap"! This time, no matter how hard the student tried, the classroom door didn't move at all, and there was no sign that it could be pushed open.

Su Qingxing's move made most people in the classroom stare at him dumbfounded.

"who are you?"

"I'm just someone who wants to help you, but there's not much I can do to help you." Su Qingxing's tone was a little regretful. For the students in Class 2 and 4 of Senior High, there is probably no way to revive them. How can it help them.

However, among Su Qingxing's known abilities, there is no "resurrection".

"We can't go to the hospital?" The boy with the fracture was probably the one who accepted the matter the fastest in this classroom, except for the promise, "I just went to the hospital because of the fracture, and there didn't seem to be any abnormalities found there."

"What do human beings say? This moment, that moment." Su Qingxing sat on the chair without getting up, just like ordinary classmates chatting, turned and looked at the broken boy, "It's like a promise hand The wound on my face is no longer the size it was when I was scalded just yesterday."

"Your vital signs will slowly disappear with the passage of time, and the hot summer weather will accelerate this process." Su Qingxing looked at the thirty-three students in front of him with some embarrassment, "If you find it difficult to understand, you can imagine Let's take a look at the sun-baked corpse...that."


"I don't want to leave!" Ying Jiaojiao's eyeliner was a little dizzy, "What do you mean by the fifth item? Why do you want us to leave? Besides home, where else can we go? Do we have to line up to expose ourselves to the sun? Can't do it in the sun?!"

"We can skip Article 5 and go straight to Article 6." Su Qingxing finally stood up from his seat this time, standing next to the podium, "You don't have much time left. What must be done can be achieved in a limited time.”

"Transfer student, are you the God of Death?" A sudden inquiry came from the classroom.

"If you're talking about the legendary underworld workers who take away souls, then our job responsibilities should be similar." Su Qingxing knew that the God of Death in human legends was completely different from the God of Death he knew.

"Are we really dead?"


"Why are we resurrected in this way? To torture us? We didn't do anything wrong at all!"

"Sorry, the underworld will give compensation." Su Qingxing answered the students' questions one by one, "But what matters now is not my identity."

"Me!" A little girl raised her hand timidly, "I had a big fight with my mother yesterday about eating, I really want to go back and apologize to my mother, I really want to go out to watch a movie with them again Rice, woo woo woo woo, that's what we do every weekend!"

The little girl began to cry uncontrollably.

"I also want to go back and be with my parents. We haven't talked properly for a long time."

"Me too… "

"Me too!"

"I want to go home too!"


"I..." When it was Ying Jiaojiao's turn, she looked at the promise in front of the podium in a daze, "I promised to go to Teacher Xie's wedding with other students. If I don't go, Teacher Xie will be very sad, right?" ?”

"Jiaojiao, if we really die, then Teacher Xie..."

The promised words were not finished, but the students in the class obviously understood what she meant. Xie Meng sat in the bus with them. If something happened to their thirty-three students, then Xie Meng would not be spared.

"That's too pitiful!" There was a sobbing sound from the classroom, "Mr. Xie has been waiting for so long for the wedding, how could it be like this, it's like the worst joke!"

"On the weekend, besides the teacher's wedding, it's also my mother's birthday." Xu Nuo leaned weakly against the blackboard wall, "It was originally agreed, after attending the teacher's wedding at noon, I will go back to celebrate my mother's birthday at night. At that time, the relationship between our family was also very tense, and I wanted to take this opportunity to relax."

"How about, everyone use the last two days to do something you want to do." Su Qingxing made a decision, "If it's just these two days, as long as you don't take the initiative to expose yourself to the sun, you shouldn't have any big problems .”

"What about two days later?"

"Two days later, it's time to leave here completely." Su Qingxing looked around, "At that time, you can choose how to leave. This is the last thing I can do for everyone."

"What if we escaped in these two days?" Some students thought of other aspects.

"Originally, I planned to mobilize a group of ghosts to follow you day and night. But I thought you wouldn't like the feeling of being followed wherever you go, so I made a small mark for everyone, but everyone Can't see it."

In Su Qingxing's field of vision, there is a small blue light spot floating around every student in Class 2 and 4 of Senior High School. With these signs, Su Qingxing can find them immediately no matter where they go.

In this work, Su Qingxing is mainly responsible for these 33 students and the class teacher Xie Meng, and has marked the 34 goals.

As for the driver who died and came back to life with them, Su Qingxing handed it over to a ghost summoned from the underworld because of his lack of skills.

"Think about the good." Xu Nuo walked to the door of the classroom and opened the door smoothly. "Although this experience is terrible, if it weren't for this experience, maybe we would have died completely on the day of the car accident."

"Then we can no longer do the things we want to do, we can no longer see the people we want to see."

As soon as the promised words fell, all the students in the classroom who were still suppressed cried loudly or softly.

They hoped there would be a way to refute the promise.

They also hope to have evidence to prove that Su Qingxing is just a liar.

But in the end they prove nothing.

"I want to go home!!"

Many people rushed out of the classroom door with their schoolbags in their hands. Because they were marked on their bodies, they were not stopped.

And when they opened the door, Xu Nuo saw Xu Xu standing at the door of the classroom, and he didn't know how long the boy had been standing outside.

"School is over." When facing his younger brother, Xu Nuo still had the same cold tone, "Take your schoolbag and go home, and buy a gift for mom by the way."

"I..." Xu Xu seemed to be a little afraid of his sister. After taking a step aside, he looked at Su Qingxing in the classroom.

At noon, Xu Xu promised Su Qingxing to accompany him to the supermarket. But when he saw Xu Nuo leaving in a hurry with his schoolbag on his back, he finally returned to his seat to pick up the schoolbag, and said to Su Qingxing embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I forgot that I promised Xu Nuo to prepare for my mother with her." It's a birthday present."

"By the way, this is the map I drew. Follow the map and start from the school gate, and you should be able to find the supermarket!" Xu Xu handed Su Qingxing the hand-drawn map with a simple but clear route.

"You should be very afraid of her." Su Qingxing regretted that he couldn't go shopping with the only living person he knew.

"Suddenly... I don't want to be afraid anymore." Xu Xu just stood beside Su Qingxing, but the fear before was gone in those eyes, "This afternoon, Shen Kai...you may not know him, but the one with the broken arm The boys came to the health room to look for me and told me that if I was there on the day of the social practice, they would organize a class-wide pruning meeting, and the person being punished would be me alone."

"I heard about it from your sister." Su Qingxing nodded without hiding anything.

"So, is this really the reason why she hid the alarm clock and gave me sleeping pills?" Xu Xu shook his head, "I always feel that Xu Nuo is the scariest person in the world, but in the end she saved her One life."

"If one day, Xu Nuo doesn't appear by my side again." Xu Xu slowly picked up his schoolbag, "If one day, I encounter something more terrible after leaving this school, I should cry and expect someone to help me." And me?"


"So the only person in this world who can help me is myself." A firm expression appeared on Xu Xu's face for the first time, "In the future, I will no longer regard Xu Nuo as the most terrifying person."

"No matter where she is, whether she is alive or dead, I will not let her see a joke. Xu Xu is not a weak person who can only survive by relying on her sister's pity."

With that said, Xu Xu carried his schoolbag and left the classroom.

When he entered the classroom in the morning, the boy was still hiding behind Su Qingxing, bending over trying to prevent everyone from noticing him.

But when school was over at night, he straightened his body and rushed out of the corridor like a gust of wind.

Do all human beings come to their awakening so quickly

Su Qingxing didn't know what the classmate with the fracture had said to Xu Xu, but if Xu Xu really had such an awareness, if Xu Xu really made up his mind to change himself.

Then this is also the first good news that Su Qingxing heard after coming to the human world.

And another bad news that Su Qingxing is facing now is... because there is no one to help, he doesn't know what human food that can be cooked for Shen Si to bring tonight!

Revenants don't need to eat, and Su Qingxing doesn't need to eat either. So when there was no other way, Su Qingxing felt that he could actually sit face to face with Shen Si, and then perform for each other how to eat air.

But before, when Su Qingxing went out, he promised Shen Si that he would remember to buy things back home, so he didn't want to break the agreement.

On the way back to the luxury apartment after school, Su Qingxing recalled the human food that Zhu Sha had introduced to him while walking, hoping to find some normal food that humans use to fill their stomachs from the pile of non-nutritious junk food.

So, when Su Qingxing walked all the way into the supermarket according to the approved map, and walked out of the supermarket, he had an extra box in his hand...

instant noodles.

"This should meet the requirements, right?" Su Qingxing looked at a large box of human food in his hand, and suddenly found that human survival is actually quite simple. After all, he only spent a small amount of money to obtain such a large box of food.

Moreover, Su Qingxing remembered that Zhu Sha once said that this is the most delicious human food in his opinion, and that human beings are really a very creative nation.

So Su Qingxing walked all the way, first returned to the gate of Guizhu Senior High School according to the approved map, and then started to look for the way home again according to Zhu Sha's original map.

The traffic and streets in the human world are too complicated, so Su Qingxing has to go back to the original point to know how to go next!

Every time when he was looking for his way home in the human world, Su Qingxing especially missed the endless straight street of ghost town No. 666.

Su Qingxing knew that the human world also had buses and other means of transportation, but he felt that the buses in the human world were very different from the buses in the ghost town.

When you want to take a bus in a ghost town, you just have to walk up to the front of the bus, open your arms and ask the driver to stop.

But when Su Qingxing wanted to rush out of the road to intercept a bus, the human beings walking beside him grabbed him and educated him on traffic safety regulations for more than ten minutes.

So in the end, Su Qingxing, who was afraid of trouble, decided to go home on foot.

Because I was delayed in the classroom for some time before, I made a detour to the supermarket, and then detoured back to the school gate, and finally returned to the nail house luxury apartment standing among the ruins...

So when Su Qingxing returned to the door of the luxury apartment, it was already dark.

Su Qingxing could see that his room on the fourth floor was shining with gentle light, which made Su Qingxing almost see the white round lampshade in the room, as if a white cloud was inlaid on the ceiling.

But in the next second, Su Qingxing actually saw another room on the fourth floor...that is, the apartment 401 opposite him, where no one was there, lit up the lights!

And the lights in 401 are much brighter than Su Qingxing's room, it's like installing a small sun, so bright it makes people feel a little dazzling.


"Come back!" When Su Qingxing pushed open the iron door in the building, the old man's greeting came from the crack in the door on the first floor. "The building is really busy recently, but be careful, it's not very clean here."

"Thank you, old man." Su Qingxing nodded with a smile, "You should go to bed earlier, and no one will come again at night."

"Yeah, I won't be coming." The old man gently closed the door, making the corridor dark again.

Stepping on the stairs all the way up, Su Qingxing unexpectedly heard a burst of melodious music coming from upstairs.

When I walked to the fourth floor with Su Qing, I saw that the opposite 401 was open, and the sound of music came from there.

"Hello, we are new residents today, ahem." A young man with an ordinary appearance but very fashionable clothes is walking out of 401 with a box of things, maybe he saw a figure outside the door , so the other party introduced himself before even looking up.

When the young man raised his head and saw Su Qingxing's appearance clearly with the light of 401, he was slightly stunned.

But after the other party saw clearly the box of instant noodles Su Qingxing was holding in his arms, an expression of inexplicable relief appeared on his face again, and he said with a smile: "My name is Zuo Qian, and I just moved here with my boyfriend for a while."

"Hello." Facing the neighbor he met for the first time, Su Qingxing responded politely, "My name is Su Qingxing, and I live here with my family."

When standing face to face, Su Qingxing glanced at the room behind Zuo Qian. The layout of the house seemed to be no different from his, it was not a simple room in a boxy shape.


The other party seemed to have replaced the small light bulbs on the ceiling with a very exaggerated chandelier. The surrounding walls had all been painted, and there were many paintings on the walls that Su Qingxing could not understand.

But the strange thing is that Su Qingxing didn't smell the smell after painting.

"This is all done by my boyfriend, is it an exaggeration?" Zuo Qian smiled embarrassedly, "Because I am not in good health, so after he heard that I wanted to come to Huaiyu City, he made preparations a long time in advance, Cough cough."

Zuo Qian even moved his body aside so that Su Qingxing could better observe the whole room.

But Su Qingxing just glanced at it and found that the room was divided into left and right parts. On the left was a sofa and a TV playing music programs, and on the right was an oversized circular bed covered with red sheets and On the quilt, Su Qingxing seems to have seen a love heart made of petals on the bed...

What kind of idle person would arrange the simple apartment surrounded by bare walls into such a terrible appearance

In the morning, Su Qingxing chatted with the landlord, that is, the old man on the first floor. He knew that this apartment was something the old man wanted to leave to his children, so he would not sell any apartment separately, and all the residents were only temporarily For rent only.

But after looking at Zuo Qian's apartment, Su Qingxing felt that his mysterious boyfriend's money for renovating the apartment might be enough to buy it...

Why are you so free

"If you come to live in Huaiyu City, it should be better to live in the urban area." Su Qingxing didn't believe that the other party couldn't afford a house in the urban area.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, because I'm not in good health, so I can't live in the downtown area. There is a lot of smoke and dust exhaust, and the air quality is not very good." Zuo Qian smiled, and suddenly remembered something, and suddenly put his hand He handed over the box he was holding to Su Qingxing.

"By the way, I ordered two takeaways before, but my boyfriend hasn't come back yet. I can't eat two by myself, so I'm about to throw this one away."

"If student Su doesn't mind, how about taking it back for dinner?" Zuo Qian opened the box in his hand, and what appeared in front of Su Qingxing was a huge portion of raw fish dishes! !

The ice cubes in the basin did not start to melt, and against the light of 401, the whole dish seemed to be glistening!

There are all kinds of fish, shrimp and seafood in it. It's hard to imagine which store this is from.

"Seasoning such as mustard is also in it." Zuo Qian glanced at the box of instant noodles in Su Qingxing's hand again, "Although life is very difficult, if you have the opportunity to enjoy it, you must enjoy it."

As he said that, without waiting for Su Qingxing to refuse, Zuo Qian put the takeaway box directly on the box of instant noodles that Su Qingxing was holding, and warmly greeted him: "Ahem, tomorrow is the weekend, if classmate Su is free , you can come to my house as a guest!"

"Bye!" Zuo Qian waved his hand to greet Su Qingxing, and then closed the door of 401 in front of him, and the corridor returned to darkness.

Looking at the things in his arms, and at the tightly closed door of 402, Su Qingxing had no choice but to knock on the door with his elbow.

"Mr. Shen, will you open the door?" The young man outside the door asked cautiously.

"Squeak." Fortunately, opening the door was not difficult for Shen Si.

Su Qingxing, who entered the room, noticed that the wooden table in the middle had been unfolded, and the pot on the induction cooker had also been prepared. There are two large buckets of water beside the table, which Su Qingxing filled in the public place downstairs in the morning.

"This, it should be delicious when cooked?" Shen Si opened the top raw fish dish, looking at the seafood neatly arranged on the ice cubes, showing a thoughtful expression.

"It seems that there is no need to cook." Su Qingxing also replied with an expression like an academic discussion, "I just found out today that other than the living dead, there are other human beings who like to eat raw. It is said that this kind of thing is called sashimi. Even the living dead like to eat it."

"That is to say..." Shen Si suddenly opened his eyes wide, "No need to cook?"

"It's good to try human food." Su Qingxing nodded, "But I didn't buy it. It was given by the neighbor in 401 opposite. I bought that box of food."

Su Qingxing pointed to the box of instant noodles that he finally brought back.

"So that's how it is." Shen Si nodded understandingly, and immediately began to open the carton with the prepared knife, and took out a bucket of instant noodles from inside, "Looking at the name, this seems to be a kind of noodle, although it is a bit simple, but If you cook it carefully, it should be delicious."

"Zhu Sha said it was the best he had ever eaten." Su Qingxing nodded, "He also said that it is very convenient to just pour the water in and wait for five minutes to eat."

"..." Shensi was silent again, and it took a while before he said, "That is, no need to cook?"

"En." Su Qingxing nodded.

In the silent atmosphere, Shen Si silently closed the open table, hid the magnetic stove and pot, then opened two buckets of instant noodles and poured water into them.

Unboiled water, cold.

Although Shensi's current identity is a dead soul, Su Qingxing also wants to see if he can eat in the room since he can maintain his physical presence in the room.

The two masters of the underworld just sat facing each other, waiting to enjoy human food.

Three minutes later, Su Qingxing suddenly whispered "ah", pointed to a line of small words on the package of instant noodles and said, "This seems to need to be brewed with hot water."

As soon as Su Qingxing's voice fell, Shensi opened the wooden table as quickly as possible, turned on the induction cooker, opened the lid of the pot, and poured two buckets of instant noodles together with the water inside into the pot with a "swoosh".

The back and forth time was less than five seconds.

"Actually, cooking noodles requires a lot of skill." Shen Si sat upright without changing his expression.

"Well, before the noodles are cooked, we can try sashimi first." Su Qingxing actually wanted to try it, why some humans like to eat it raw.


Under the gentle light, Su Qingxing sat face to face with Shen Si, the pot that was being heated began to emit mist, and a large pot of human food was placed on the other side of the table.

The bowls and chopsticks used by the two were also prepared before meditation. There was a cute little white dog printed on the light blue bowl and chopsticks.

The whole dinner seemed peaceful and inexplicably warm.

"The neighbor next door is very strange." After Su Qingxing picked up a piece of fish, he looked for topics during meal time like a human being. "He has a big round bed in his house. It is estimated that two people will not fall off if they roll on it. There are many petals on the bed, why?"

Lord Reaper's chopsticks trembled, and he always felt that this operation was a bit familiar.

Su Qingxing's first meal in the human world finally ended in a stumbling situation. At this time, Su Qingxing and Shen Si heard the sound of the door opening and closing from the opposite side.

"I'm back." A strange man's voice came.

"Qin Cang, I miss you so much." Then came the voice that Su Qingxing had heard before, which was Zuo Qian, the new neighbor across the door.

Only this time, the new neighbor's tone sounded sweet and greasy.

"Hey, baby, isn't this back?"

"After finally coming to Huaiyu City, I really want to go out and play!" Zuo Qian continued to make a coquettish tone.

"Hey, you can't do it now." The strange man's tone was also a little doting, "Your body is a living dead, and it will be very troublesome if you are often exposed to sunlight."

"The living dead are so ugly, and they have to hide in such a messy place." Zuo Qian's feeling of speaking now is completely different from when he was face to face with Su Qingxing just now, "Honey, when will you be able to put Am I back alive?"

"Don't worry, it will be done soon." The man seemed to be comforting Zuo Qian who was a little angry, "It's just to bring you back to life, baby. I'm a genius outside preparing materials. Before that, baby, you can't hide here. Will be discovered by the guides of the underworld, won't you?"

"Understood, I will be obedient." Zuo Qian said, and added, "However, the environment here is really bad. The family just across from us relies on instant noodles for a living. It's so pitiful. gone."

"..." Shen Si and Su Qingxing were silent.

Don't blame them, who made Su Qingxing and these two restrained breaths the best in the underworld, one is stronger than the other, and there is nothing they can do when the king of the underworld comes.

It can only be blamed, the sound insulation effect of this dilapidated apartment is very poor, and the two people who live in 401 have very good hearing.