I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 47: Circus City Premiere


"Death Circus Observation Diary"

first time:

Time: June 17, 2018, the second day after the opening of Death Circus City.


The number of survivors of the trial: five.

Main events of the day:

At 10:00, the five testers learned the real name and appearance of the fortuneteller in the circus city, and reasonably suspected that the fortuneteller in the circus city had a deeper unknown identity that had yet to be discovered. Change of plans, Fortune Teller will be dressed up for the Circus City premiere tonight at 8:00.

At 11:00, the five testers had a meal in the rest center. The recipes were healthy tomato porridge and healthy tomato drink. The humanized healthy diet was well received by the testers. The specific evaluation is as follows-

Lin Zexue: "My body has become accustomed to the taste of tomatoes and may have lost the ability to taste other foods."

Zhang Ai: "Even if I have forgotten the taste of other foods, I will always remember the taste of tomato."

Ouyi: "Next time, should we mix some human blood into it for seasoning? Maybe it will taste better."

Wang Peng: "When I fainted just now, I dreamed that the Headless Horseman had a tomato head, and rushed up to blow him up."

Cheng Xiao: "Not bad."

The headless tutor of Universal Speeding also expressed a high opinion of the tomato meal. The specific evaluation is as follows—

Headless: "This is the first time I've heard that a timid apprentice is willing to try acts of force in his dreams. I think this is the magic of the tomato meal."

At 12:00, the punitive body cutting experiment was carried out on time, and the number of subjects accepted for the experiment was four.

There was a change in the middle, and Ouyi, the winner of the first place in the ranking, voluntarily conducted the human body cutting experiment, so all the above five experimenters participated in the experiment and entered the magician's rehearsal room. Upholding the spirit of humanitarianism, the five testers have a chance to choose freely.

The results of this experiment are as follows-

Ouyet: The wings of an eagle.

Lin Zexue: Chimpanzee Arms.

Zhang Ai: The lower body of the python.

Wang Peng: The nose of a pig.

Cheng Xiao: The lower limbs of an ostrich.

No rejection reaction has been seen for the time being.

At 13:00, the human body cutting experiment had a little impact on the first individual training of the testers. Here is a brief introduction to the training of each tester.

Ouyi: Mastered the use of wings in the shortest time, and showed more skill than the teacher in the trapeze project. The trapeze hoped that Ouyi could keep his wings forever, but his resignation proposal was rejected by him.

Lin Zexue: On the basis of the human body cutting operation, further experiments were carried out, and the head exchange test with chimpanzees in the veterinary was successfully carried out. After the experiment was over, the subject fell into confusion about life for a while.

Zhang Ai: The brand-new half-human half-snake shape was highly praised by the escape masters, and it showed excellent visual effects in the water village escape training. Focusing on the key points, Zhang Ai's experiment mutated, his eyes began to change to vertical pupils, and showed snake-like characteristics in the underwater experiment.

Wang Peng: Human body cutting has not affected Wang Peng's training, but the trainee has no driving experience, it is difficult to get started, and he is not yet able to perform stunt training.

Cheng Xiao: Body cutting did not affect Cheng Xiao's training, and it was the first time he experienced the god-level make-up technique of the instructor clown. Other clowns use heavy makeup to cover up their original expressions, while the clowns in Death Circus erase all the original features on their faces and repaint them!

At 17:00, the five testers had a meal in the rest center. The recipes were healthy tomato porridge and healthy tomato drink. The experimenter looked exhausted, swept away all the tomato set meals and strongly demanded another one, which was appreciated by the exclusive chef "Escape Master" of the Circus City.

At 17:30, during the break, the five testers all went to the divination room to visit the fortune teller in the Circus City. The fortune teller came out in full costume, and each tester got a chance to ask questions. The specific questions are recorded as follows—

Ouyi: "Mr. Su, I feel that I can't find anything more exciting in the circus city. How can I break through this increasingly boring situation?"

Lin Zexue: "Mr. Su, when one-fifth of my body is an animal, I still feel like a human being. But when my body is only a human head, am I a human or an animal?"

Zhang Ai: "Mr. Su, I think death is a good thing, but whenever I escape from the water tank, what's the matter with the joy of narrow escape?"

Cheng Xiao: "Mr. Su, what breed is your dog?"

Wang Peng: "Su... Mr. Su, can you drive a motorcycle?"

After a period of psychological counseling by Mr. Fortune Teller, the mood of the five testers improved. Among them, the tester Ouyi decided to create exciting things in the boring world by himself, and began to devote himself to in-depth research on the prosthetic technology created by the trapeze.

The experimenter Lin Zexue began to study philosophical issues in depth, obsessed with thinking about which is more important, the body or the soul, hoping to continue to study the combination of body and soul with the help of magicians.

The experimenter Zhang Ai felt that psychological counseling could not provide much help, and hoped that through more escape experiments, he could figure out where the pleasure came from.

Cheng Xiao, the tester, learned that the little animal under the care of the fortune-teller was a young snow wolf, and left contentedly.

The tester, Wang Peng, with the encouragement of the fortune teller, believes that he, who has studied hard for more than ten years in Han Chuang, should be better than the headless horseman in driving a motorcycle, and is determined to learn motorcycles well.

On the second day of the opening of Death Circus City, work summary—

In the past, 100% of the testers were eliminated on the second day of opening, but all the testers of this year survived. Based on the analysis of multiple trial reports, the reason for this result is related to the personalities of each trialer and the decision of Mr. Fortune Teller.

Specific personality analysis—

Ouyi: I am not afraid of anything, I pursue stimuli.

Lin Zexue: I have a strong desire to survive, but there is a tendency to mutate. I am currently exploring the mysteries of the human body and soul.

Zhang Ai: After all, I just don’t want to die.

Cheng Xiao: Living a day is a typical day.

Wang Peng: According to the survey, this high school student belongs to the herd personality of "since everyone is alive, so must I."

Based on the above inferences, it can be concluded that there is a high probability that there will be a trial passer in this trial, and it is worth looking forward to.

Recorder on Duty: Clown.


In front of the clown, Su Qingxing closed the one-page "Death Circus City Observation Diary". After carefully recalling the contents of the observation diary, Su Qingxing held his forehead with a helpless expression, and the slightly wide sleeves of his coat drew an arc on his side, which was enough to cover up Su Qingxing's headache expression.

"They..." Su Qingxing sighed, "Sure enough, they only regard me as a psychological counselor?"

"Yes, Mr. Fortune Teller."

"Even if they know my identity, not many people seem to be surprised, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Fortune Teller."

"Why?" Su Qingxing couldn't understand.

"Maybe it's because when Mr. Fortune Teller first appeared on the stage, everyone already felt that you are different." The clown put on a grinning makeup this time, "I asked my little apprentice just now, Although the child was surprised that Qingxing and Mr. Su were the same person, but this made him even more sure that Mr. Fortune Teller is a good person to get along with."

"Easy to get along with?" Su Qingxing tilted his head.

"Yes." The clown said with a smile, "When we first met, you answered their questions patiently, right?"

"That's right." Su Qingxing rubbed his chin, not sure if he was patient at the time.

"When we met for the second time, did you help Cheng Xiao pick up the balloon?"

"It's just a little bit of effort."

"When we met for the third time, that is, this morning, you brought them peaches, right?" The clown took back the "Death Circus City Observation Diary" on the table, "At least we teachers don't know about these things. made."

"..." Su Qingxing paused, still a little puzzled, "In this case, why didn't they directly ask me about the exit of the Circus City when they came to the divination room to find me, instead they regarded me as a psychological counselor? "

Su Qingxing remembered that he told the testers yesterday that the fortune teller of the Circus City knew where the real exit of the Circus City was.

"I also asked Cheng Cheng to laugh. The child said that he is not in a hurry. Even if he asked, he might not get an answer." The clown stepped back and respectfully knelt on the ground on one knee. It may be rude to say something with a smile, please forgive me."

"What did he say?" Su Qingxing got up from the seat.

"Cheng Xiao said..." The clown paused, "Mr. Fortune Teller hides his identity and comes to see us because he is too lonely and boring, right? Then let's have a good chat with Mr. Fortune Teller as a friend."

"In addition, if there is a chance, he would also like to eat fresh peaches. It is said that that is his new life goal."

"I once said that you can't decide your life goals so hastily, and it turns out that nothing has changed." Su Qingxing shook his head, and then smiled helplessly, "Is there going to be a performance soon?"

"Yes, at eight o'clock in the evening, the apprentices will perform for the first time." The clown still knelt there on one knee and lowered his head to answer Su Qingxing's words, "I also hope that the guide can attend the first performance, the apprentices should be very happy. "

"I will definitely attend. Mr. Clown also needs to prepare first, right?" Su Qingxing came out from behind the table, the long pendant on his left ear swayed with Su Qingxing's steps, and his light purple lips showed a mysterious color in the candlelight. "In addition, can I trouble Mr. Clown to prepare a few peaches in advance, as a gift for the apprentices' successful performances."

"Get up now."

"As ordered."

The clown stood up straight and looked at the soft couch beside Su Qingxing. The little snow wolf who had been sleeping all day opened his eyes at some point and was staring at Su Qingxing's direction.

"Mr. Fortune Teller, pets are always allowed in our circus, so your snow wolf..."

"No need." Before Mr. Clown finished speaking, Su Qingxing shook his head, hugged the crystal ball the size of a watermelon in his arms, then flicked his sleeves and walked towards the curtain of the divination room, "Let him cool down It's fine where it is."

Snow Wolf: "..."? ?

After finishing speaking, Su Qingxing opened the curtain of the divination room and walked out.

"Yes." The clown followed immediately.

Last night, Su Qingxing heard the movement of the little snow wolf, heard him pulling the curtain of the divination room, and heard rustling voices outside the curtain. Someone outside the door curtain seemed to have used some tricks to make Su Qingxing unable to hear what they were talking about.

But relying on these weird behaviors, Su Qingxing had reason to deal with this snow wolf of unknown origin in an instant.

If it weren't for Su Qingxing's reluctance to do so because of the same appearance as Sisi, maybe that snow wolf would not have had the opportunity to continue sleeping in the divination room for a day and a night. Thinking of this, Su Qingxing felt that the snow wolf was completely different from his Sisi.

That snow wolf is completely different from Sisi!

After taking a deep breath, Su Qingxing walked in the direction of the biggest tent in the circus city - the circus. Because the big tent is very conspicuous, even if Su Qingxing doesn't have a map in his hand, he can easily find the route there.

This was the first time that Su Qingxing left the divination room as a fortune teller. His long purple coat was billowing in the wind, and all kinds of crystal pendants shone brightly under the night lights of the Circus City. Although Su Qingxing's short black hair looks a little everyday, but the heavy and luxurious pendant on his left ear adds a bit of seriousness.

Just walking under the illumination of various lights in the Circus City, the crystal ball held by Su Qingxing seemed to have a little more solemnity.

It was already eight o'clock at night, and the tourists who were wandering around like the living dead in the circus city had all disappeared! Of course, those tourists didn't really disappear, but they all gathered in the tents of the circus!

The first performance after the opening of the Circus City is about to begin, and those "tourists" wandering in the Circus City are the audience of the performance!

"Really... they're all here!" At the backstage of the circus, Wang Peng, who took off his high school uniform for the first time and put on a performance costume and a helmet, poked his head out from behind the performance curtain and looked tremblingly at the people in the circus. auditorium.

The auditorium was packed with "people", but those people's bodies were covered with mud. Even though their bodies were full of injuries, even if their limbs were mutilated, they still sat upright in the auditorium, with their eyes fixed on each other. Looking at the circus.

"I don't even have a normal audience, it's really not exciting." Ouyi flapped his own wings, because these animal parts can only be removed tomorrow, so all the testers will use this method tonight Performed in a half-human, half-animal state.

"However, Wang Peng, you should be relieved, right?" Ouyi couldn't help teasing the nervous Wang Peng, and tipped Wang Peng's motorcycle helmet with his wings, "In this case, even if someone notices the spot on your head Pig nose, no one will make a fuss."

"Hmph!" Wang Peng snorted, turning his head and ignoring it.

"Will that person really come?" As soon as Zhang Ai, whose lower body was in the form of a snake, made Wang Peng run away in fright, Ouyi stared at Zhang Ai's lower body fascinatedly until Zhang Ai moved his tail and pulled Ou Yi away. Yi flung it to the side, only to feel the surrounding air freshen up.

"It will come." The blond escape master was still wearing a tight vest and hot pants, his wheat-colored skin showed a honey-colored luster under the light, "I can't say too much, but whether the performance is successful or not and Mr. Your evaluation is very important, and you cannot relax for a second!"


"By the way, where are Lin Zexue and Cheng Xiao?" Zhang Ai remembered that he hadn't seen these two companions for a while.

"Cheng Xiao's job is to act as a clown, so he has already started work. Lin Zexue seems to be still researching whether he is an orangutan or a human in the background." The escape master shrugged as he said.

As the only woman among all the circus teachers, the escape master not only has to prepare three meals a day for all the new apprentices, but also needs to arrange the clothes of the apprentices before going on stage.

Life is not easy.

"Here we come!" With the signal from the escape master, everyone looked out from behind the curtain.

Black clothes, black trousers, short black hair, a purple coat, pendants made of various crystals, and a heavy embellishment on the left ear... This is the first time the testers have seen Su Qingxing in the state of a fortune-teller .

Especially when the trainees noticed that Su Qingxing was holding a crystal ball the size of a watermelon in his arms, they had to admire the professionalism of this fortune-teller.

"I didn't expect this child to be a fortune teller." From Ou Yi's point of view, Su Qingxing was about the same age as his middle school junior, so he used the title "child".

But just as Ouyi finished speaking, the escape master's voice came from next to his ears: "There are some things that cannot be seen from the outside, just like the age of Mr. Fortune Teller, you can't judge by the appearance."

In the eyes of the trainees, Su Qingxing walked to the front row of the auditorium step by step. There was a row of seven seats there, which were separated from the rear audience seats like the judges' seats.

Su Qingxing was sitting on the far left, placing the crystal ball directly on the table, while the other six seats beside him were all empty.

No audience was disturbed by Su Qingxing's arrival. After all, it was only part of the program that those audiences would enter the circus. The premiere was postponed yesterday due to rain, which also made tourists wander outside for more than a day.

"It's about to start!" The escape master lowered his voice, "Everyone is ready to enter the arena. The teachers of the first premiere will participate in the whole process. There will be no such good things in the future."

"What will happen if the performance fails?" Zhang Ai actually didn't understand why the escape master was so worried.

"Did you see the auditorium?" The escape master glanced in that direction, "If the audience were not satisfied with the performance, what you saw would not be such a group of obediently sitting audience."

Although the escape master didn't make it very clear, when the testers looked at the auditorium again, they felt that the audience who were all dirty and missing arms and legs began to look even more creepy.

All the testers began to leave behind the curtain, and then there will be the first circus premiere in their lives. For the testers, the turning point of fate and life is so miraculous. Not long ago, they were just ordinary employees and students, but they were going to perform a circus show in the circus city in the blink of an eye

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The clown who was temporarily acting as a simple announcer appeared in the middle of the circus, "And respected Mr. Fortune Teller, welcome to the premiere of teachers and students in Death Circus City. Without further ado, let's all join in Follow Mr. Clown, welcome to…”

Before the clown could finish speaking, the sound of a huge motorcycle came from the sound system at the scene. Su Qingxing subconsciously looked towards the entrance of the stage, and guessed that the first one to appear would be the Universal Trapeze show.

But what makes Su Qingxing a little curious is that Wang Peng obviously didn't learn to ride a motorcycle within a few hours, so how will the next performance be carried out

As the sound of the motorcycle got closer and closer, Su Qingxing saw the curtain of the Circus City opened, and Wang Peng, who was wearing a black car suit and a black motorcycle helmet, came out from behind the curtain pushing the car.

In terms of clothing, Su Qingxing felt Wang Peng's gradual progress.

But the problem is, what Wang Peng is pushing... is a bicycle! It's not a road bike or a mountain bike, it's a pink lady bike with a bell and a basket!

After arriving on the stage, Wang Peng, who was pushing a bicycle, staggered and revealed the word "nervous" all over his body. When he tried to sit in a lady's car for the first time, he even failed because his limbs were too stiff.

After two attempts, Wang Peng finally got on the lady's car wobbly, lowered his back, stomped hard, and "flyed" towards the clown in the middle of the field amidst the completely unsuitable sound effects of the motorcycle!

"Ahhh!" Today's clown is still in charge of acting. When the bicycle wobbled towards him, the clown acted as if he was being chased by a great white shark, rushing desperately towards the curtain.

"Ah, Mr. Clown is going to be eaten!" He yelled while running.

So what Su Qingxing saw was like this, the clown with colorful clothes and hair rushed forward in an exaggerated slow motion, while the motorcyclist behind was riding a lady's car and followed behind the clown , the picture does not have the excitement of the global speeder at all, but it looks like a funny opening show of a clown.

The audience was silent and there was no reaction.

Just when Su Qingxing felt that all the performances today would turn into farces, an all-black motorcycle sped up from the side, and almost instantly overtook Wang Peng and the clown who were walking in the forest there, at a lightning speed Rush towards the slides placed in the acrobatic arena.

The moment the motorcycle took advantage of the slope and flew directly into the air, Su Qingxing heard thunderous applause coming from behind him. After entering the acrobatic arena, these otherwise self-aware audiences seem to have improved some IQs, at least knowing that they should applaud when the performance is wonderful.

This time, it was naturally Wang Peng's mentor, the Headless Horseman, who drove a motorcycle into the arena. When the headless motorcycle landed safely from mid-air, without the slightest pause, he rushed directly into the performance venue of the global speeder—and the huge spherical iron cage!

From the initial warm-up to a little bit of entering the state, the time required for headless is much shorter than that of ordinary circus performances.

When the performance officially started, Su Qingxing could only see the afterimage of the black motorcycle, the neon lights transformed on the wheels, and the sparks generated when the body rubbed against the iron cage. It was like a spherical fireworks show, visual and auditory at the same time. sparks.

The lights in the circus were also turned off in due course, leaving only the lights in the area of the global speeder, so that everyone could clearly see the various stunts performed by the headless in the iron cage, even riding a lady station in the iron cage Wang Peng on the outside also seemed to be attracted by the performance, staring intently and motionless.

After the performance in the ball was over, the headless motorcycle swooped out at a perfect angle again, flew into the sky through the landslide behind, and flew right above Wang Peng's head!

When the motorcycle flew to the highest point, Headless took off his hat to pay tribute like every previous performance, blood flowed from the empty neck, and burst out everywhere because of the performance and excitement, and even rushed into the auditorium in an instant!

All the auditorium behind Su Qingxing suffered disaster, but he didn't have a drop of blood on his body, and he still quietly watched the headless retreat from the field and disappeared behind the curtain.

"Need a balloon?"

While Su Qingxing was admiring the clown's intermission performance, a voice without emotion suddenly came from Su Qingxing's side.

As soon as he turned his head, Su Qingxing saw Cheng Xiao, who was wearing a giant yellow chicken doll costume, standing there with a bitter face, looking unhappy at all.

Under the chicken doll costume, the lower limbs of the ostrich are exposed, which seems to have no sense of disobedience.

"Thank you, you have worked hard." Su Qingxing took the balloon from Cheng Xiao with a smile, "I thought I would see you in a clown costume here."

"I'm angry because of that terrible clown." Cheng Xiao, who was wearing a chicken doll costume, shook his body and said with a bitter face, "Last time, he wiped off all the heavy makeup on his face in order to scare me."

"Then did you reveal your true colors?" Su Qingxing looked curiously at the clown who was performing a silly funny show, "It must be very exciting, right?"

"Yes." Cheng Xiao also looked at the clown in the arena, "His real face has nothing, no eyes, no nose, no mouth, and no hair, just like an egg that has been shelled."

"He is a monster, just like the legendary painted skin character, he needs to paint his face to show his facial features like now." Cheng Xiao frowned when he said this, "I actually envy him very much. If you have facial features, you don't have to bother to make expressions, and others won't say this and that every day because you have a miserable face all day long."

"So what did you do to make the clown angry?"

"I..." Cheng Xiao paused, "I took off his makeup while he was asleep, and then changed into a Japanese manga face, the kind where a pair of eyes occupy half of the face, and the nose is too small to see I don't see, the kind of face that Cherry's small mouth can't open..."

"So now, he asked me to rest after delivering all the balloons." Cheng Xiao said, and sat down directly on the seat next to Su Qingxing, "There should be no one here, right?"

It is difficult for the fat doll costume to sit properly on the chair, so now it is only a corner of the buttocks.

"It's true, but Mr. Clown will be even angrier if he doesn't distribute the balloons?" Su Qingxing pointed to the auditorium behind him, "Maybe the children behind will also be looking forward to the moment when they receive the balloons."

"I tried it just now, even if I hand the balloon over, there is no response at all." Cheng Xiao has about a dozen balloons in his hand, and there are many balloons that have not been blown up in the other hand, "Anyway It’s definitely not going to be finished, just find an open space to sleep at night, it should feel similar to the bunk in the resting place.”

Losing all his family members, Cheng Xiao is like a black shadow wandering in this world, without care, without any worries, life is like this, and death is just a matter of closing your eyes.

Because of this, Cheng Xiao's initial state was negative like a dead person.

"Then sit here and watch the show. The second show has begun." Su Qingxing turned to look in the direction of the Circus City. The curtain that had always existed at the end suddenly pulled up, and a huge water tank appeared in everyone's eyes.

Blue LED lights illuminated the huge water tank in an azure color, and after that, a giant boa constrictor began to sway in the water tank.

A close-up image of a boa constrictor appeared on the screen directly above the Circus City, which made everyone realize that it was not a snake at all, but a half-human, half-snake existence.

A cylinder is placed in the middle of the water tank, so that Zhang Ai, who has the lower body of the snake, can use his tail to wrap around the cylinder and climb up little by little.

"Zhang Ai seems to like this model very much." Cheng Xiao explained from the side, "It's like discovering a new world suddenly, and said that he wants to try some fresher models in the next performance."

"But this kind of performance shouldn't be considered a water tank escape, right?" Su Qingxing wiped the crystal ball with his hand, "After all, the performers seem to be enjoying themselves."

"Yes, so the escape master asked Zhang Ai to act as the background board for the performance temporarily. It is said that this is also a very good performance feature."

Just as Cheng Xiao finished speaking, Su Qingxing saw a magician in a formal tuxedo, pushing two huge vertical boxes and coming out from the side.

The two boxes were divided into upper and lower parts like a refrigerator at home, the upper part was small, the middle part and the lower part were relatively larger, and each was equipped with a handle that could be opened.

"Next, let's welcome the greatest magician in the circus city. His wonderful performance tonight is... body cutting!"

Following the clown's announcement, the magician saluted the auditorium, and walked over to open the small doors above the two boxes.

Partially protruding from the top of the box are two completely different heads, one belonging to the human tester Lin Zexue, and the other belonging to the chimpanzee.

The magician didn't pause, and directly opened the third part of the box in the next second. Under Lin Zexue's box appeared the legs of a chimpanzee covered with black hair, while under the box of the chimpanzee appeared the lower limbs of a human!

The sound of applause immediately appeared on the field, and even Su Qingxing couldn't help clapping his hands. No matter how powerful they are, the five people from the clown to the escape master were once residents of the ghost town, which means they were once human beings.

But the clown has mastered some kind of strange make-up technique, the prosthesis created by the flying man, and the magician has studied the human body cutting technique. The comprehension ability of the three is really amazing.

"As you can see, I have successfully exchanged the assistant's head with the orangutan. Next, my assistant will talk about his current experience."

Lin Zexue had a microphone in his ear, so when the magician finished his opening remarks, Lin Zexue coughed a few times to test the sound.

"It's coming again." Cheng Xiao sighed exaggeratedly, "Since receiving training as a magician, Lin Zexue's mental state is very strange, especially before the performance tonight, we have already suffered some kind of mental damage."

"Understandable." When Su Qingxing was sitting in the divination room today, he also received Lin Zexue who was visiting. This uncle who looked very ordinary at first, asked very philosophical questions after he came to the divination room.

Facing the questions about soul and body, man and nature, soul and universe, Su Qingxing himself didn't know how to answer them.

However, Lin Zexue didn't seem to intend to really discuss it with Su Qingxing at the time, but he was immersed in entanglements and contradictions and couldn't extricate himself, constantly sitting opposite Su Qingxing asking and answering himself.

Although Su Qingxing didn't find a chance to interrupt the whole process, Lin Zexue seemed to have thought of a breakthrough, and after thanking Su Qingxing loudly, he turned his head and left.

So strictly speaking, Su Qingxing, like Cheng Xiao and the others, was a member of the group who experienced mental torture.

And now Lin Zexue, who was standing on the circus city, also started to speak—

"Thank you Mr. Magician for giving me the opportunity to speak this time."


"I used to think that the greatest meaning of life is to live well, so I am willing to pay any price to let myself live, as long as I can live, no matter what I am asked to do."

"But one day, when my right leg was replaced with a lamb's calf, I suddenly started thinking... Is some part of my body dead?"

"Then my lower body became a chimpanzee, and the chimpanzee's lower body became me. So I started thinking, am I half alive or half dead?"

"If I die and the chimpanzee lives, does my other half live too?"

"If I live and the chimpanzee dies, does that mean my other half dies too?"

"Now, when my whole body becomes a chimpanzee, and the chimpanzee's head becomes me, am I me or a chimpanzee?"



The audience was silent. After all, those "tourists" who acted according to the script could not understand these "philosophical" questions raised by Lin Zexue. But the clown who had been on the field couldn't help but cut off Lin Zexue's mic, which made Su Qingxing and the others finally free from Lin Zexue's chatter.

"Now we all call Lin Zexue a 'philosopher'." Cheng Xiao smiled wryly, "If we continue to stay in this circus city, everyone will go crazy, right?"

"If you can see a wonderful show, maybe I will tell you where the exit of the circus city is." Su Qingxing no longer concealed his purpose, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was no longer formal, but with a hint of joy, "The actors of the circus That's how they are, and you can only be successful if you really please the audience."

"At that time, will there be peaches to eat?" Cheng Xiao, who was tortured by the tomato meal for two days, seems to have really made eating peaches his life goal.

"Do not worry."

Su Qingxing turned his eyes back to the circus. At this moment, the magician was ready and opened the two vertical boxes completely, so that they could see what Lin Zexue and the chimpanzee looked like now.

"Then now, I will use magic to make them return to their original appearance in an instant!" The magician snapped his fingers after speaking, and red silk cloth fell from the sky, covering the two opened boxes.

At the same time, Zhang Ai, who is half human and half snake, suddenly jumped out of the water with the help of the column. At the top of the tent, Ouyi with eagle wings suddenly appeared and flew directly through the air.

In the next second, the escape master, whose whole body was bound with chains, jumped directly from the diving platform above, sinking into the water tank. And the trapeze man, who uses prosthetics to extend his arms and legs, also grabs the ropes in mid-air and swings high...

The first performance in the Death Circus City was in full swing. Although the apprentices were not skilled, their unique performances and the help of the instructors also made Su Qingxing look forward to the final performance.

At the same time, Su Qingxing's right hand was placed on the watermelon-sized crystal ball. He bent his index finger and tapped the crystal ball lightly, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The five testers in the Circus City may not know that the exit of the Circus City may not necessarily be a door, but may also be a crystal ball that is always dangling in front of them.

It's just... Su Qingxing knocked on the crystal ball while looking at Cheng Xiao beside him and several other practitioners on the field.

Su Qingxing suddenly felt a little strange, because none of the testers he met recently actually had much sin karma, and some of them shouldn't even come to the underworld!

Su Qingxing discovered this when he was on a business trip in the human world. For example, there are thirty-three students and teachers in class two and four of high school. Even if those students really did something wrong, what did teacher Xie Meng do wrong

Su Qingxing could clearly see the crimes and causes of death of everyone here, so he was even more confused about what happened to bring these almost innocent dead souls to this trial place of the underworld

And in the empty divination room, the little snow wolf who had changed the core was lying on the ground in grievance.

"Aww!!" After Xiao Xuelang let out a long howl, he looked at the exit of the divination house with some sadness, wondering why he fell out of favor so quickly