I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 54: Two female ghosts


In the eyes of the bald head, what he saw were two weak young women. Although they looked very embarrassed and even the makeup on their faces was a bit worn out, they could still be seen to have beautiful faces.

The most important thing is that these two women are wearing tight T-shirts and hot pants, where the material should be very special, and they look unusually hot!

When the upper bodies of the two women squeezed together intentionally or unintentionally, even Zhong Tian and Huang Mao, who were standing beside them, stared straight at their eyes, completely forgetting that the younger sister's arm was injured and was bleeding non-stop!

It wasn't until Zhou Rui walked over that she began to cover her sister's wound with a handkerchief that she carried with her to prevent her from continuing to lose blood.

For the time being, the bald head has the final say in the team, so since he has decided to bring the pair of sisters down the mountain together, no one will raise any objections. And no one had the heart to leave these two girls here alone.

Only one of the sisters was injured, and the injured part was still an arm that did not affect the action, so it was not considered a retreat that dragged the team forward.

The reason why the sisters called for help and were anxious just now was that they were shocked by what happened suddenly, and they were a little at a loss. They didn't know whether the attacker who appeared suddenly would appear again.

The elder sister's name is Axiang, and the younger sister's name is Ayu. They are both mountaineering enthusiasts nearby. They are usually very familiar with this place. I didn't expect to encounter such an outrageous thing as an attack this time.

"Are you also mountaineering enthusiasts? I didn't seem to see you when I went up the mountain before." The elder sister Axiang looked at the bald people with some strangeness. "Seeing that you are so close to here, you should go up the mountain at about the same time as us."

"We just came out of the villa on the mountain." Zhong Tian's mouth was not very firm, and he had already told the truth before he could understand the bald head's eyes.

"The villa on the mountain?" The pair of sisters took a step back in an instant, and looked at the bald men with a strange look, "You mean that haunted house?"

"Haunted house?"

"Yeah!" Sister Ah Xiang nodded, "I heard that the whole family here was killed, and then many people saw... ghosts around here."

When she said the last word, Ah Xiang lowered her voice. But even if they just saw Ah Xiang's mouth shape, everyone else knew what she wanted to say.

"Yes." Ayu, the younger sister next to her, seemed to be relieved, "Originally there were a lot of people who liked to go up the mountain in the evening, but because they encountered too many scary things on the mountain road, now many people choose to go up the mountain in the morning. Then you must be home before evening."

"How did you come out of that villa, could it be..." The two sisters took another step back.

"Courage training! It's courage training!" The bald head's mind was spinning fast at the moment, and he immediately said nonsense, "We just heard that this place is haunted, so we came here specially to practice courage."

After listening to the bald head's words, the two sisters were obviously relieved, and the elder sister Ah Xiang smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, we thought too much just now. But I didn't expect you to be so brave to come to this kind of ghost house to practice. Courage, we dare not even get close."

As they said that, the two looked at Brother Guang with some admiration in their expressions.

"Brother Guang, I am naturally courageous." Seeing the adoring eyes of the two sisters, Brother Guang stopped and puffed up his chest, looking more and more proud, "We didn't just go up the mountain, we have already lived in a ghost house for a night, By the way, I also hid from the rain."

"Stayed overnight?" The two sisters walked a few steps forward and reached the place closest to Brother Guang, "Oh my god, didn't you see anything weird?"

"It's okay!" Brother Guang patted his chest, "Don't people often say that ghosts are afraid of yang energy? A macho man like me is born with yang energy, and even if there are ghosts, he will hide by the side and dare not come out. Do you think so, God stick?"

In order to prove his words, Brother Guang even gave Xuan Yi next to him a look.

"Yes, yes!" Xuan Yi is worthy of being an old magic stick, he understood the meaning at the first second he saw the eyes, kept nodding his head and said, "Brother Guang is full of yang, strong ability, even a female ghost Scared, strong, strong."

"Ahem!" The bald head immediately glared at the old stick, not knowing what nonsense he was talking about.

"But your courageous team is too strange, isn't it?" Ah Xiang looked at the testers in front of her, "It doesn't matter if there are men or women of different ages, this old man is also participating in courageous training? A child? Is he also here to take part in the courage test?"

When Ayu and Axiang saw Su Qingxing, their eyes changed obviously, as if they noticed something strange.

At this moment, Su Qingxing remembered another bad thing! Zhu Sha turned him into a child, mainly to hide his identity as the guide of the underworld from the No. 665 ghost town intruders.

But if those intruders really knew anything about ghost towns, they'd know...

There are no children in the ghost town of the underworld!

Su Qingxing frowned, feeling that he and Zhu Sha had made a childish mistake because of their frequent contact with the little bear.

"And what about the clothes you are wearing? Maid clothes? Chef clothes? Tuxedos? It looks so strange!" Ayu also sighed with emotion.

After hearing the emotions of Ayu and Axiang, everyone remembered that they were still wearing the clothes prepared by the owner of the villa, that is, the clothes that the servants of the villa often wore.

So it is not surprising that the pair of sisters in front of them would be surprised when they suddenly saw the maids, cooks, gardeners and housekeepers standing here.

"Hahaha." The bald head also smiled awkwardly, "Isn't it strange? Actually, we met on the Internet. Everyone said that they wanted to practice courage, so we came together. But ordinary courage tests are a bit boring, so everyone Just pretend to be a staff member of the villa, this will make the atmosphere of testing courage stronger, hahaha!"

"It turned out to be like this. It's really interesting. It's like making a movie!" The two sisters seemed to have no doubts at all. One helped the other to press the wound, and by the way wrapped the climbing towel around Zhou Rui's handkerchief, and simply Bandaged the wound, "Then everyone will accompany us down the mountain together. It will be safer if there are more people."

It was only then that everyone remembered that the two sisters called for help just now because they were attacked by unknown persons.

And the person who attacked them was probably still lurking in the nearby forest!

Thinking about it this way, the few people who felt quite relaxed just now regained their sense of tension, Zhou Rui also walked to Su Qingxing's side, and continued to protect the only little brother in the team as she said.

Thinking that there might be enemies ambushing in the forest, everyone didn't dare to stay any longer, but followed the pair of sisters and rushed down the mountain at the fastest speed.

Going down the mountain means getting farther and farther away from the villa.

But at that time, all the testers felt that it was not a big deal. After all, their original purpose was to get away from the villa as quickly as possible and escape from the haunted house with three ghosts!

When Su Qingxing went out to investigate last night, Mingming quickly reached the edge of the fog from the top of the mountain.

But this time, the testers and the two sisters who suddenly appeared walked along the mountain road for a long time, but there was still no end in sight.

Every time you walk, a platform appears that looks exactly the same. Most of the time, everyone chose not to stay on the platform and continued to walk down.

But after walking for an unknown amount of time, everyone including Su Qingxing began to feel tired and weak, so they stopped decisively after seeing another platform appeared, and sat on the stone chair on the platform to rest.

"How high is this mountain? Why are you still on your body after walking for so long?" The bald head should have a good physique, but he is still sitting on a chair panting for breath.

Just going down the mountain makes them so tired, which shows how much time they have spent on the way down the mountain.

"Should be coming soon!" Elder sister Ah Xiang didn't seem very tired, "Mountain climbing is a sport that can't be rushed, but haven't you guys just gone up the mountain before? Why don't you get used to it when you go down the mountain?"

"us… "

"We came up by car last night." Huang Mao, who was sitting on the side, said, "But today we want to try the feeling of going down the mountain, so we didn't notify the driver to pick us up."

"So that's how it is." Ah Xiang glanced at the mountain again, and said to the sister next to her, "We seem to be far away from the castle now, don't we?"

"Yeah, it must be far away from the castle after walking for so long." My younger sister, Ayu, also nodded.

After the two sisters looked at each other, Ayu, whose blood on his arm had stopped, went to sit beside the bald head, and pressed his majestic upper body directly on the bald head's arm, and then said to the bald head in a very sweet tone: "Brother Guang, today is really thanks to you. If Brother Guang hadn't appeared suddenly, my sister and I would have been scared to death!"

"Where is there!" The bald head seemed a little distracted, and his eyes kept glancing at Ayu, "Aren't these all what I should do, brother?"

"Brother, you are so kind, I would like to ask you something." Then, the younger sister pressed her bald ear, and asked in a low voice while blowing, "Does anyone in your team look special?" weirdo?"

"A particularly strange person?" Under the "serving" of that younger sister, Ayu, Brother Guang has already been in a state of mind, and he doesn't care why the other party asks this question at all, "No, except that I am more timid and afraid of death than Brother Guang. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything strange about it."

"Where's that kid over there?" Elder sister Ah Xiang also sat on the other side of the bald head, and the two sisters squeezed the bald head with their upper bodies, "Is there anything wrong with that kid?"

"What's wrong?" Brother Guang looked at Xiao Su Qingxing who was following Zhou Rui with some doubts, "Isn't he just a kid?"

"..." Axiang and the others were silent for a while, as if they were organizing their words, and then they started talking one by one.

"I heard that some climbers will encounter little boys of unknown origin on the way!"

"That boy is a child who ran out of a haunted house, pretending to be an ordinary child, but actually a ghost who likes to eat people!"

"If you think about it, you know why there is such a clean and beautiful little boy on the mountain road? No one knows what kind of terrifying side is hidden under the delicate appearance!"

"Maybe bloody!"

"Maybe he looks ugly!"


"So it's really not strange?" After finishing speaking, the two sisters approached Brother Guang's ear together, almost whispering.

"Strange? It's a bit strange to think so..." I don't know if he was guided by a tendency, but the bald brother himself looked at Su Qingxing with strange eyes, "It is true that I have never seen this child in the horror world before. ...and he did disappear with that family at night."

"Brother Guang, what did you say?" The two sisters seemed not to hear clearly, and moved closer to the bald head, "Do you also think that child is abnormal?"

The bald head seemed a little hesitant at first, but when he glanced in Su Qingxing's direction, he found that the boy was staring straight at him.

The black eyes are as dull as obsidian under the shadow of the tree, but when staring at you, it makes people feel tense.

As soon as Brother Guang's heart beat a little faster, he saw Su Qingxing smiling gently again, and his narrowed eyes seemed to be more angry.

For a moment, it makes people feel a little guilty.

"Could it be... a ghost?" Ah Xiang blew into the bald head's ear, "We've walked for so long, but we still haven't reached the bottom of the mountain. Could it be this ghost child who is causing trouble?"

"Then, what should we do then?" The bald head has never been a person with a firm mind. With the two fragrant and soft bodies close together, even if he is asked to chop off someone immediately.

"If there are ghosts in the team, we will all be killed." Ayu's eyes turned red at some point, "Brother Bald, can you bear it?"

"How could you bear it!" Baldhead blurted out.

"Brother Bald, you are so handsome, if we can go down the mountain safely, how about introducing some beautiful women to you?" Ayu and Axiang smiled sweetly.

"What more beauties do you need?" The bald head stared at the sisters A Xiang and A Yu strangely, "In Brother Guang's eyes, you two are the prettiest!"

"I suddenly have a bad feeling." Huang Mao was originally sitting on a bench on the platform, but now he moved and moved all the way to the place where Zhou Rui and Xuan Yi were standing.

Zhou Rui saw that there was something wrong with Huang Mao's expression. Not only was there sweat on his forehead, but his body seemed to be shaking slightly, as if he had returned to the state of last night.

"Actually, I also think it's a bit evil." The old man Xuan Yi, who had long been considered a magic stick, stood beside Zhou Rui and said, "No matter how I look at it, I think the two girls next to the bald head are a bit evil, normal Would a girl from a good family really be so close to a guy with a bald head?"

"Mr. Xuan Yi, it's too arbitrary to say that!" Zhou Rui was more cautious.

But Zhou Rui could also tell that the two girls who appeared suddenly slipped into the arms of the bald head almost in a state of throwing themselves into their arms, as intimate as if they had known each other for most of their lives.

"What do you mean..." Although there is no evidence, after hearing what Huang Mao and Xuan Yi said, Zhou Rui also felt that the two girls were a little strange.

After all, Huang Mao and Xuan Yi, who sensed something was wrong, one could be regarded as an extraordinary talent, and the other was also a semi-professional.

"Those two girls seem to have ghosts." Xuan Yi stroked his beard professionally, "Don't you think it's weird? Ever since we met the two of them, we've been standing in place as if we've met a ghost hitting a wall Spin!"

"Yes!" Huang Mao also responded in a rare way, "Otherwise we have been walking for such a long time, how could we still see the villa on the top of the mountain?"

Following Huangmao's outstretched fingers, both Zhou Rui and Xuan Yi turned their heads to look at the mountain road behind, and the statue-like villa was still standing there, as if mocking them that they could not leave no matter what...

"Brother Guang!" On the other side, Ayu leaned intimately in Brother Guang's arms, pointing to a certain place on the platform with horror on his face and said, "Look, is there blood there?!"

Brother Guang looked over obediently, and sure enough, he saw a small pool of blood in the center of the platform.

"That's my blood!" The terrified expression on Ayu's face was perfect, "When I was cut, I was lying on the platform! That blood flowed from my arm!"

"How is it possible?" Elder sister Ah Xiang also immediately made a very exaggerated expression of surprise, "We have walked down the mountain road for so long, how could it be possible to return to the original platform?"

"Could it be a ghost hitting the wall?!"

The two sisters were on one side, tightly hugging the bald head's arms.

"It looks like we've been walking, but we may have been tricked by a ghost, so we've been going around the same place and never left!"

Hearing what the two sisters said, he looked around with his bald head, and seemed to feel that the tree shadows around him didn't look any different.

Did they really encounter ghosts hitting the wall

Zhou Rui and the others, as well as the bald head who was being hugged by the two sisters, had the same doubts in their minds.

Strangest of all, both of them thought they had found the real ghost. So Zhou Rui and the others stared closely at the pair of sisters, while the bald head and the pair of sisters stared closely at Xiao Su Qingxing standing beside Zhou Rui.

"It's getting dark." Just when a group of people doubted and doubted, Su Qingxing suddenly said in a childish voice, "If we can't go down the mountain, why don't we go back to the villa?"

"It's dark?" Everyone looked up at the sky inexplicably, "Let's not talk about lunch, we haven't even eaten breakfast, how could it be dark?"

What shocked everyone even more was that what Su Qingxing said was right, because the sky was clear and blue just now, but now it was covered with dark clouds, and the sky was obviously darker.

But such a situation is not so much dark, it is better to say that the rainstorm is approaching.

"Is it your fault?!" The moment he felt the weather change, Brother Guang's first reaction was to walk over and try to pull Su Qingxing's collar up.

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Rui immediately stood between Xiao Su Qingxing and the bald head, "He's just a child, how can he control the weather?"

"He's a ghost!" Brother Guang yelled resolutely, "Think about how he hugged that dog last night, and then disappeared like that family? Think about what happened at the dining table last night. What happened next time, after the lights went out, this little ghost and that family ghost disappeared, right?"

"That kid is not with us at all! He is a ghost who is in our team!" the bald head declared decisively.

"Nonsense, why don't you say that the two women with unknown origins beside you are ghosts?" Zhou Rui immediately retorted, "Since we met them on the road, they have been circling around this platform, obviously they trapped us In the ghost wall!"

Huang Mao also nodded in agreement. Compared with those two completely strange women, he still believed in Xiao Su Qingxing who had given him a peach before.

"This ghost hit the wall because of that brat! He just wanted us to go back to that villa!" The bald head didn't budge at all, instead he took out the watermelon knife he was carrying from the belt behind him!

"If you don't believe me, I'll chop this little devil right now. If we can get out of this place after this little devil is gone, it means that my opinion is right, how about it?"

"You scum, are you sick?" Zhou Rui looked at the bald head with a look of contempt, "It's a living child after all, can you cut it if you say it?"

"Why are you so nervous? It's not like I haven't cut people before!" After the bald head said that, the other trialists took a step back, trying to stay as far away from this murderer as possible.

On the contrary, the two little girls who claimed to be climbers were still close to the bald head at this moment, as if they hadn't heard what he just said at all.

"Su Qingxing is a good boy, this alone is much better than those two beside you!" Zhou Rui insisted on standing in front of Su Qingxing, preventing the bald head from approaching them.

"Big beauty, are you jealous?" The bald head looked at Zhou Rui in a dazed manner, "They are younger, more energetic than you, and more likable than you, so you are jealous, right?"

"Don't worry, if you also like Brother Guang, you can say it openly. At that time, the two of them will be the younger one, and you will be the bigger one! Haha, after all, my favorite type is the glasses maid." Brother Guang Looking up and down at Zhou Rui in maid outfit, that smile became more and more annoying.

Xiao Su Qingxing, who was following Zhou Rui, tilted his head. No matter how many times he had seen such scenes, he still couldn't understand human "feelings".

Su Qingxing remembered his mother once said that if two people have no feelings for each other, even if they barely live together, they will have to face more and more pain.

Xiao Su Qingxing didn't think that the bald head had feelings for Zhou Rui, let alone that Zhou Rui would have feelings for the bald head, so he couldn't understand why the bald head was a little attached to Zhou Rui from the beginning

If there is no relationship, why should we be together

Su Qingxing quietly watched the trialists in front of them arguing about the ghost hitting the wall. Because of his status as a guide, Su Qingxing couldn't tell the testers what he knew so quickly.

So it is even more impossible to tell the testers in front of them that this forest, which is not valid for the guides but effective for other people or non-humans at this moment, is actually one of the checkpoints in this trial world.

It was originally a level that was intended to embarrass the testers, but now it accidentally caught two big fish!

Su Qingxing looked at the two sisters who surrounded Brother Guang, and knew that they must have bewitched the bald head just now.

After all, the so-called vicious ghosts and ghosts don't necessarily have to kill them as soon as they appear on the stage. Some ghosts prefer to confuse people's hearts, or manipulate some unsteady human beings to kill them instead of them.

Yes, ghosts and ghosts.

As for the two sisters, what the other trainees saw were two young women with curvy figures, but what Su Qingxing saw were two wearing white skirts, with long hair covering their faces making it difficult to distinguish the front and back, like It's like crawling out of "Sadako", one of Zhu Sha's favorite horror movies.

What the other testers saw may be a beautiful young woman desperately throwing herself into Brother Guang's arms. But what Su Qingxing saw were two "Zhenzi" standing beside Brother Guang, one on the left and the other on the right. Those pictures were really not at all charming.

According to the script written by Zhu Sha, there are very few ghosts in this world, only the owner of the villa and his family of three.

So Su Qingxing can be sure that the two ghosts that appeared in front of him are foreigners!

That is, the invaders from Ghost Town 665.

Generally speaking, the ghosts registered in the ghost city can switch between normal and scary postures. Even guides are more used to seeing their normal and not scary appearances.

The only reason why Su Qingxing was able to see the real appearance of these intruder ghosts now was that the two female ghosts wanted Su Qingxing to see them!

"Look at you scaring the children." Just as Su Qingxing was observing the two female ghosts, the two female ghosts also floated towards Su Qingxing, "Let my sister comfort my little brother!"

Seeing that the two female ghosts were about to surround him, Su Qingxing turned his head and started running up the mountain. Because the sky had already darkened, and the sound of muffled thunder was faintly heard, so Su Qingxing knew that it would rain heavily here soon.

The endless mountain road, the dark sky, the muddy steps under the heavy rain, and the two female ghosts who invaded with unknown purpose, Su Qingxing knew that he had to let all the testers return to the villa on the top of the mountain as soon as possible !

"Qing Xing!" Seeing the little boy running away and turning back, Zhou Rui hurriedly followed, "Qing Xing, where are you going?"

"It's raining, go back to the villa!" Su Qingxing could feel the raindrops passing through the mountains and forests, falling on his forehead and the tip of his nose drop by drop. Because he didn't carry an umbrella with him, Su Qingxing put on the hat on the back of the bear sweater stand up.

"Go back to the villa!" When Xiao Su Qingxing turned around and said this to Zhou Rui, Su Qingxing, who was wearing a bear sweater, had already put on the hood with two bear ears, which also made his original serious suggestion, listen to it. It doesn't sound serious enough.

"Hahahaha, beauty, you can go back with that little ghost!" Brother Guang laughed a few times from behind, "The little guy you want to protect with all your heart, is going to take you back to that haunted house!"

The other testers also hesitated, after all, there are only two roads before them, one is to continue down the mountain, and the other is to turn back up the mountain.

"Don't go up the mountain!" The pair of sisters stopped beside the bald head, "It's a haunted house on the mountain! You should follow us down the mountain, only when you go down the mountain will you be safe!"

"After going down the mountain, can we go home?" Zhou Rui stopped suddenly, lowering her head and showing hesitation.

"Of course!" The two female ghosts smiled, "As long as you go down the mountain, you can go home."

"But I don't even know where this mountain is. My home is in Huanglin City, which is a municipality directly under the Central Government without mountains. Do you know how to get there?" Zhou Rui's expression was a little flustered, as if he was in trouble because of difficult choices, and urgently needed Someone else came up to give her a hand!

"Don't worry, although this is not Huanglin City, we know the way to Huanglin City, and we can take you to the station." The two female ghosts continued to lure, "Come with us, don't go to the ghost house."

"You are so kind." Zhou Rui showed an excited smile at first, but it turned into a sneer in an instant, "Unfortunately, I have never heard of the municipality called Huanglin City, how do you know? "


The trainees, including the bald head, were stunned by the transformation in front of them.

"We just wanted to comfort you, but we didn't..."

The two female ghosts looked at each other and wanted to make amends. But before they finished speaking, Zhou Rui had already brought Su Qingxing together, turned around and ran up the mountain.

After the old man Xuan Yi and Huang Mao came to their senses, they grabbed Zhong Tian, who was dazed, and rushed up the mountain.

"There are ghosts on the mountain!" Zhong Tian shouted belatedly.

"Did the ghost on the mountain lie to you?!" Xuan Yi said while running, turning around, "My master once said when he was alive that the ghost's lies will be eaten!"

"But… "

"Hey, don't you know if you look back yourself?" Xuan Yi suddenly saw something, his pupils shrank, and his vigorous pace, which was different from that of ordinary old people, subconsciously slowed down.

After Zhong Tian heard what Xuan Yi said, he looked backward subconsciously.


What kind of sisters are standing next to Brother Guang? They are clearly two female ghosts who are the same as Sadako!

Everyone immediately stopped hesitating and rushed up the mountain as if fleeing for their lives!

"It's really not fun! I finally found an interesting playground, but after playing for a while, all the toys ran away." I don't know whether it was Ayu or Axiang who spoke, "It's really annoying. play with the toys."

"It's all about that little ghost!" Another female ghost said in a cold tone, "What the hell is he? A ghost or a monster?"

"Human children don't enter ghost towns after they die. They should be monsters from ghost town No. 666, right?"

"Whether he is a ghost or a monster, apart from the guide, when have we sisters been afraid? Even if the guide from ghost town No. 666 comes in person, he can't do anything to us, hahaha!"

"Yeah, but..." one of the female ghosts looked around, "The builder of Ghost City No. 666 is really amazing, he can create such a fun place, it's almost like a resort!"

"Yeah, the trial world of our ghost town is desert and volcanoes. After watching it hundreds of times, I'm so tired of it!"

"We killed all the ghosts and monsters here! Then the hostess living in the villa will be the two of us, hahahaha!"

"After the trainees from ghost town No. 666 come in, we will kill one by one! It's so fun!"

The two female ghosts sang together, and both stretched out one hand to hold Brother Guang tightly, not letting go of the last toy beside them.

From the moment the female ghost showed her true face, the bald head had been struggling for a while like a fish caught in a fishing net, but because the female ghost's long nails had already dug into the flesh of his arm, he wanted to scream I also found that I couldn't even make a sound, so I could only turn my belly out like a dying fish, and opened my mouth wide to ask for help, but I could only watch the other trainees go further and further away.

"Brother Guang." The female ghost who couldn't see her face at all approached the bald head with that tiresome voice, but this time the bald head no longer thought it was a beauty's welfare, "How many ghosts are there in the villa? Good answer. We I won’t kill you, let you play with us all the time.”

"If there are a few ghosts, just blink a few times."

Brother Guang immediately blinked three times obediently, but he blinked again after realizing that Su Qingxing's identity was unknown, and then Brother Guang remembered the unknown voices and ghost screams on the third floor of the villa, so he blinked three more times uncertainly , After thinking about it, I felt that it might not be enough, so I blinked again...

"Are you ugly, do you want to punish my old lady?!" The two female ghosts pinched the bald head's nails and tightened them again, blood trickled out from his arms, but the bald head who couldn't speak could only cry out silently.

"Sister, leave him alone. The seniors have said before that the ghosts in Ghost City No. 666 are all pampered, and all of them are weak chickens with zero fighting power!"

The two sisters reached an agreement, and just dragged their fainted bald heads all the way up the mountain road.

There are many steps on the mountain road, but the two female ghosts don't seem to care much, just let the bald head bump into the steps, dragged up like a sandbag.

"It's almost there!" The rain on the mountain was getting heavier, but Su Qingxing, who was wearing a bear ear hood, quickly saw the gate of the villa.

"It's strange, we walked down for so long, but we finally reached the top of the mountain so soon?" Zhong Tian's physique seemed to be worse than that of Su Qingxing, and he was already out of breath, so he could only be dragged up by the yellow hair.

"The two female ghosts are following!" Xuan Yi just glanced back, and saw the two female ghosts standing on the platform closest to them, their white skirts were particularly conspicuous in the dark night!

And the bald head who was thrown on the ground looked even more miserable, with wounds all over his head, dripping with blood.

"You can't run away! Play with your sisters obediently, little preys!" In just a blink of an eye, those two female ghosts who looked like Sadako had already appeared in front of the trainees in an instant!

"Ah!" Zhong Tian, who had been staring at Sister Hua with the bald head just now, was so frightened that his legs trembled.

They have now reached the gate of the villa, behind them is a female ghost, but in front of them is a ghost house!

Just when all the testers didn't know what to do...

Just when the two female ghosts had stretched out their blood-red nails...

The very familiar figures of the two trainees suddenly appeared in front of them! ! !

One was wearing a white nightgown, with messy long hair, and blood and tears on his face.

One is wearing a suit and looks tall and straight, but has no head!

They are clearly the hostess and hostess of the villa!

"It's lunch time." The hostess and hostess of the villa stood between the trainee and the female ghost in such a ghostly manner, and said in a non-emotional voice, "Go back and cook."

At that moment, the trainees suddenly had the urge to burst into tears.

After finishing speaking, the hostess of the villa took a step forward. Unknowingly, she put on a pair of bright red high-heeled shoes under the white nightdress. The heels were pointed, and they seemed to be ready to become a murder weapon at any time.