I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 67: For fun (one more)


Although Su Qingxing was "selected" as an ingredient, he was finally "probated" with the help of the old ghost in the attic. In the old ghost's words, as long as Su Qingxing doesn't leave his side, he won't be in danger for the time being.

Su Qingxing just took this opportunity to observe the ghosts stationed in this trial world, and see why these ghosts give Zhusha such a headache.

The old ghost's legs and feet were indeed very inconvenient, but the manager Hao prepared a wheelchair at the door, and when the old ghost sat in the wheelchair, Su Qingxing could push him all the way forward.

It seems that the hotel has been opened up into two spaces from the very beginning, one is a space where ghosts can walk freely, and the other is a space where testers live.

So when Su Qingxing pushed the wheelchair and accompanied the old man along the slightly distorted road, he could see Baimao and the others walking on the other side of the transparent wall.

But even if the wall is transparent in front of Su Qingxing, it is impossible for Baimao and the others to see Su Qingxing on the other side of the wall.

This is the privilege of the ghost side.

"Go this way." After Su Qingxing pushed for a while, the old man pointed in a certain direction, "That's where some of my old friends rest."

Su Qingxing walked in the direction pointed by the old man, the passage along the road twisted strangely, it really looked like a different space from the outside world.

After walking for a while, Su Qingxing saw a gate. And the door opened automatically when Su Qingxing approached, revealing the brightly lit hall inside.

Except for the slightly distorted space, this hall looks exactly the same as the one Su Qingxing and the others have been to, but there have never been so many ghosts in the hall that Su Qingxing and the others saw...

The hotel receptionist I saw when I first came to this world was staying at the reception desk obediently. No matter how noisy the other ghosts in the lobby were, the receptionist stood there motionless, looking very dedicated.

The ghosts I saw in the restaurant before are all gathered in this hall at this moment, no longer staring straight at a certain direction or someone like in the restaurant, but chatting and communicating with each other as they did when they were alive.

Some of the ghosts are easy to identify, some are wearing the uniforms of the logistics service, some are wearing chef hats, and some are wearing the clothes of the bartenders. They all seem to be the original employees of this hotel, that is, they set themselves on fire And the culprit that this hotel was buried in the flames.

But what surprised Su Qingxing was that there were some other people in this hall, not to mention the female ghost in red in the elevator, and there were many ghosts who didn't look like hotel guests, but were also staying there. Chatting and joking with the hotel staff here.

Seeing such a scene, Su Qingxing felt a little strange, because according to the information he knew, when the hotel staff set fire to the hotel, the last guests of these hotels were still sleeping in their rooms, and they couldn't get out of the hotel until the end. He escaped and died innocently in the hotel.

In other words, these guests and employees should be enemies of each other, how could they chat happily together


Su Qingxing suddenly discovered a blind spot. If these dead guests were really innocent, why did they all follow the staff to the underworld

These ghosts have been in the underworld for at least fifty years. At that time, the requirements of the underworld for the souls of the dead did not seem to be as "harsh" as they are now.

In other words, the guests of these hotels must have done something that left them with a sinful karma.

"Old ghost, is this the child you picked? He looks pretty good, but unfortunately he is destined to be eliminated from our place, and it is impossible to stay here any longer." The old man wearing a chef's hat First, the old ghost said hello.

"It's okay, it's just that I feel bored recently, so I just raised a newcomer for fun. I usually take a walk with me for a while, and it can be regarded as a companion." The old ghost chuckled, and asked Su Qingxing to push himself close to the chef.

Maybe Su Qingxing was really regarded as a decoration, so when Su Qingxing stood there, no one paid attention to him, and they all said something to themselves that they thought Su Qingxing could not understand.

"The testers who came this time are quite interesting, and sometimes I really want to keep one or two of them to stay with us to continue entertaining."

"Give up, the only one who can keep people behind is the guide of the underworld." The man wearing the waiter's costume was a man with his hair dyed purple, and the lip gloss of the same color on his mouth, which looked exactly like the guide's skin. Sa is a non-mainstream of the same road.

"And our place is a well-known three-way zone. There have been no testers to pass the level for decades, and we haven't seen a guide for decades. In the end, we old guys are the only ones staying here." The non-mainstream waiter scoffed at that.

"Do you think we will offend the people in the ghost town if we don't let the testers pass the customs for decades?" The person in the logistics clothes on the side looked a little honest and honest, "I think some are very good, like the old man selected Isn't this child of mine very good?"

"So what if you clear the level?" Manager Hao suddenly appeared from behind, "After clearing the level from us, they may enter the next even more terrifying world and continue this desperate and endless trial. Instead, Might as well let them stop here."

"But I remember you once said, manager, that these testers will continue to test after they are eliminated. Isn't that making no difference?"

"There is still a difference." Sitting next to them seemed to be a hotel guest, who was holding a laptop computer that definitely would not have Internet access, sitting beside them and kept typing.

"If these testers pass the level, they will go on along the current path. Then one day, they will encounter three different futures, one is to be eliminated in a certain trial world, and the other is to be eliminated in a certain trial world. It was thrown into the lava hell after meeting the guide, and the last one was chosen by the guide to take into the ghost town."

"But if the testers are eliminated, then they will be cleared of all memory like the data in the computer, and sent to another ghost town to continue to undergo trials." The computer man stopped typing on the keyboard, "When they restart When you start the trial, you won't remember all your experiences in the trial, you will only feel that it has just begun."

"Why do you have to do such a troublesome thing?"

"It may be a simple computer algorithm." The computer man closed the computer, "When the tester is eliminated, this algorithm determines that the tester is not suitable for the current route, so it starts to arrange another route for him. Route. According to this algorithm, maybe the tester will meet a certain guide in a certain ghost town one day, and then start to choose between going to hell or entering the ghost town."

"But what if you haven't met a guide?"

Computer Man: "Then this cycle algorithm will go on forever and ever, and all the testers will always be like data wandering in various trial spaces, even if they wait for ten, twenty or even hundreds of years, they are still waiting The moment you meet your guide."

"Suddenly I feel that we are quite lucky." The logistics person said with special emotion, "But I didn't expect you to know so much."

"It's just that some words came out of the mouth of the builder when I was in the ghost town." The computer man smiled, "That kid is still too young."

"The most important thing is that even if you meet the guides in the underworld, the ending may not be good." Manager Hao interjected, "You have all seen the virtues of those guides in the underworld. I met a good old man, as long as he saw something alive, he would bring it all back to the ghost town."

"But some guides only like fierce ghosts and evil ghosts who are eager to win and do all kinds of evil, and some guides even like to throw those who dare not resist and don't like fighting into hell... This kind of judgment is based on the guide's subjective judgment , It’s really ridiculous and ridiculous.” Manager Hao’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses, “If this continues, the souls of the dead will not be able to settle down after death, and all the ghost towns will be full of vicious garbage, so it’s better to just stay in this small world of ours and be free and happy .”

"We've mentioned these things a hundred or eighty times, and it's just that you, Liu, who likes to sleep in the tool room, don't know." It’s so profound that it almost confuses the children I brought.”

Su Qingxing smiled a little confusedly, but he understood very well in his heart.

He never expected that the trainees in these hotels would see things so clearly.

Most of the ghosts that Su Qingxing came into contact with in the ghost town before were kind, and most of them had relatively low qualifications. They belonged to the type of managers who do what they say, just like children in ghost towns.

As for the ghosts standing in front of Su Qingxing now, it can be seen that they have deep qualifications and even have their own understanding of ghost towns.

For these ghosts, staying in this trial space is not a punishment and isolation, but it seems to them the best choice for themselves.

What the computer guy and Manager Hao said were right, the testers who didn't have time to see the guide could only wander in the sea of data in the ghost town.

As for the guides of the underworld in the thousands of ghost cities, a large part of them are lazy at work, and a large part of them are paranoid and eccentric.

It is actually a very unreliable thing for them to be the judges of the testers. But the underworld is not a paradise, and most of the guides are monsters rather than angels, and they cannot empathize with the dead souls of humans.

Although the entrance to the underworld has become a bit strange now, people who entered the ghost town before that had obvious sin karma.

It's like Bai Gu who was dragged into the lava hell by Su Qingxing in the ghost campus, and Liu Hai encountered on the ghost bus. One of them killed his teammate on the way to climb the mountain, and the other threw sulfuric acid on innocent women because they failed in courtship.

Even the female experimenter Su Qingxing, who was eliminated by Bai Gu as a scapegoat in the ghost school, once poured abortion pills into a friend's cup out of jealousy.

Compared with the pain of the 18th hell in the legend of the human world, it seems that constantly wandering in the trial space is not a more painful thing.

But now, judging by the testers that Su Qingxing has come into contact with, the dead souls who entered the underworld became more and more strange, and the crimes they carried on their bodies became lighter and lighter, and more and more people were brought by Su Qingxing to the ghost city .

What's going on here

There are more and more innocent dead souls, the ghost town conference held every two hundred years is just around the corner, and the high-ranking god of death suddenly hides in the small trial world...

All this information, in Su Qingxing's view, is like the prelude to a storm.

"Although they know a lot, after all, they have been hiding here for decades, and they don't know many changes that have taken place in the underworld. It is inevitable that they will be sitting on the sidelines just to discuss here."

The voice belonging to the god of death suddenly reached Su Qingxing's ears.

But when Su Qingxing looked around, he couldn't find any figure belonging to the god of death or the little milk dog at all.

The ghosts around didn't seem to have heard what Death said just now, and they were still chatting on their own.

"Don't worry, only you can hear my voice, no need to speak." Death's voice came again.

"Things in the underworld are very complicated, and you must have noticed some small changes. But before things are fully understood, you only need to do your own job well, and do what a guide should do."

"At least until you have a complete strategy and sufficient strength, you must not initiate changes easily. The ghost town No. 666 is too small, and nothing can be done with the power of a ghost town."

After the god of death said this sentence, he never made a sound again. However, Su Qingxing remembered a word that the god of death said——


The so-called change, of course, is to change one thing.

Generally speaking, change refers to the abolition of an old system and the establishment of a new system.

Su Qingxing, who is essentially a monster, never thought of initiating changes in the ghost town, and he also knew the insignificance of No. 666 ghost town, so he didn't know why the god of death suddenly brought up this matter.

Even if we really want to change, at least someone must know what the change should look like

It's impossible to transform into a monster, and then do everything possible to beat up and down the underworld, and then the transformation is successful

Su Qingxing smiled wryly, and didn't think about it any more.

"Have all the testers returned to their rooms?" Manager Hao asked suddenly from the side, "Is everyone ready? It's time for us to start the night game again."

Game of the night

Just when Su Qingxing was a little puzzled, the big screen in the hotel lobby that was playing movies and advertisements suddenly restarted, and then an ordinary hotel room appeared on the big screen.

There was another person on the bed in the room, it was the skinny man who said that he was proficient in metaphysics.

Maybe it was a real drug addiction attack, so the person who was struggling before was struggling and rolling on the bed.

The excellent acoustics in the hotel lobby allow everyone to hear the groans of the drug addict in the picture.

"Fengshang, Nihong, I'll leave it to you." Manager Hao told the computer guy sitting next to him, and the red-clothed female ghost in the elevator room before.

In the next second, the female ghost in red disappeared directly from the hall, and the computer guy also turned on the computer and continued typing on the keyboard.

Immediately afterwards, the picture on the big screen began to change.

The lights in the hotel room were turned off suddenly, and the screen instantly went dark.

I don't know which brand of audio equipment the hotel uses, Su Qingxing can even hear the heavy panting of the skinny man.

"here we go!"

The moment the computer guy pressed Enter, the TV in the room that was turned off suddenly turned on, lighting up the dark room a bit, and allowing Su Qingxing to see the skinny man curled up on the bed with some fear.

The angle of the picture on the big screen began to move, and then Su Qingxing saw the elevator of the hotel and the female ghost in red standing at the door of the elevator appeared on the TV.

"Ahh!" the skinny man started to scream.

And the red-clothed female ghost in the TV turned her head to stare at the drug addict outside the TV as if she heard a scream, and then directly stretched her ghost claws out of the TV...

"There's a ghost! Help!" The junkie yelled, rolled all the way off the bed, and fled to the door of the room.

But no matter how the addict opened the door, the door lock of the room did not respond and could not be opened at all.

"Help!" The addict desperately slammed on the door, hoping that others nearby would notice his plea for help.

And behind the addict, the female ghost in red is about to crawl out of the TV!


"Hahahaha!" Compared to the fear of the drug addict on the screen, the hall was full of cheers, as if watching a very funny horror movie.

These ghosts seem to take pleasure in this.

"Son, how about letting you try it next time?" The old man in the wheelchair also looked very happy, "It will definitely surprise them!"