I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 70: Twins (second update)


"It doesn't matter who they choose in the end, if someone other than the candidate gives up voting, let him be the food."

Before starting the second round of voting, Su Qingxing made a special request to Manager Hao.

In addition, Su Qingxing also suggested that Manager Hao set aside an opportunity for the testers to escape in the restaurant. If the testers can find that opportunity, they may be able to find a way to escape.

Since it is a trial, the possibility of surviving cannot be designed to be zero. Especially after Su Qingxing came here, he couldn't just watch Manager Hao and other ghosts in the hotel eliminate all the testers.

Through the old man's matchmaking, manager Hao of the hotel also learned about Su Qingxing's true identity. Although Manager Hao was not willing to cooperate with Su Qingxing at first, but under the circumstances that make no sense...

Sometimes absolute power can also change the minds of some "people".

All in all, Manager Hao has now become Su Qingxing's second ally, and also the second person in the entire hotel who knows Su Qingxing's identity.

Deterring ghosts is also one of the basic duties of a guide in the underworld. If you can't make the ghosts in the ghost city you belong to obediently, the existence of the guide in the underworld will become as meaningless as the gray crane it used to be.

What happened in ghost town No. 665 will never happen to Su Qingxing!

After making up his mind, Su Qingxing turned his attention to the restaurant on the other side of the wall again. If what Bai Mao said before was true, then they should be looking for an opportunity to escape.

"To find another way?" The elder sister sitting beside her showed bitterness, "Boss, even your abilities have failed here, how can we find a way out?"

"It's useless, boss..." Curly said with a headache, "Although there are many people in the team, the reason why we can survive is because of your ability, boss. Now that we have become like this, we …”

"Even if we really escaped from the restaurant, how can we escape from the hotel?" Xiao Ba, who had just integrated into the team, was also very unconfident. The heat seems to be everywhere, and there is no escape."

"Not necessarily." The third child pushed his glasses habitually, "If we can leave the restaurant, maybe we can find a way to leave from somewhere in the hotel."

"Really?" Bai Mao hesitated.

"The layout of this restaurant is too simple now. There is only one exit and it cannot be opened. It is even more difficult to find another way." As Curly said, what the third child is good at is comparing Analyze affairs calmly, but it seems that the right and wrong of the analysis cannot be guaranteed.

"And there are many places in the hotel that we have never been to, and the real exit may be hidden there!" The third child gritted his teeth, "But if you want to leave here, I think the best way is to choose today's exit." ingredients!"

"Although it's a little cruel, I should still say it here." The third child looked around, "The people who were selected as ingredients today are all heroes who bought time for us!"


"What a pity." Su Qingxing couldn't help feeling sorry for the trainees who went back to the original path again. "Is that Mr. Ai's ability really that important to them?"

"We are not human beings, so it will be difficult to understand these things." The voice of the god of death sounded from the side, "These testers... should be used to using this power to keep themselves alive. It is not surprising that they will become like this."

"Not everyone has this idea." Su Qingxing's eyes fell on two of the testers, "I think there are still people in this team who survived by relying on their own strength."

"It seems that some lucky ones have been chosen by Lord Guide." The god of death guessed Su Qingxing's thoughts, "Among this group of people, those two are really outstanding."

"Lord Guider?" Su Qingxing suddenly looked away from the testers, "How many times have you called me Lord Guider?"


"I'm sorry, although it may be a bit rude to you, Your Highness..." Su Qingxing's words suddenly became respectful, making the little milk dog standing at his feet stiff, "But I have always wanted to ask, have you always been respectful, Your Highness?" Are you playing with me?"

"..." The little milk dog was silent for a while, and then asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because your Highness, you recognized my identity from the very beginning, right?" Su Qingxing smiled wryly, "It's just interesting to see me, a lowly guide in the underworld, dodging smartly? I don't know how this guide is Did the performance during this period of time please His Royal Highness Death?"

"..." The little milk dog's footsteps were completely chaotic, and when it was on the same hand, it even tripped itself by stepping on the right foot with its left foot.

When he saw the little milk dog's performance, Su Qingxing knew that his guess was not wrong at all. But what Su Qingxing couldn't understand was why the aloof Lord Reaper would show such a flustered expression at the moment when he was exposed by him.

The moment the little milk dog fell, Su Qingxing held the little milk dog's upper body, raised him directly to the height facing him, and then said seriously: "Does His Highness Death intend to arrest me, a vicious fugitive criminal?" Woolen cloth?"

Su Qingxing can be sure that the little Reaper in front of him knows that he is the "hateful" fiancé who let him dove at the engagement banquet and took the opportunity to escape.

However, Su Qingxing still didn't say half a word related to the "fiancee", but only said ambiguous words, and only said that he was a "criminal at large".

But if the Grim Reaper had been pretending all along, Su Qingxing's words might sound like a self-destruct to him.

"You are not a criminal." Death's voice was a little stiff, "No one would treat the fiancé they choose as a fugitive."

"Thank you." Su Qingxing breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and then gave another wry smile, "As long as His Highness the Death God doesn't take his anger out on ghost town No. 666, it doesn't matter if I go back to that place..."

"I'm sorry for causing you such a misunderstanding." The figure of the little milk dog suddenly disappeared from Su Qingxing's hands, "But everything I did was to get you out of that stone tower, the only thing I promised in this life The oath is... a promise of freedom for the rest of your life."

"Maybe one day you will recall the memory of our encounter... Master Aoyuki." At the end, the god of death called out the name with a long memory.

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember."

Once upon a time, the boy who worked as a handyman in the stone pagoda would call out this title with great joy, and then rush to the figure who had been looking at the hazy sky outside the stone pagoda.

Something seemed to flash in Su Qingxing's mind, but the flashing speed was so fast that Su Qingxing didn't even have time to see clearly what kind of memory it was. When he wanted to recall again, he felt that he had missed some important information.

While completely absent-minded, Su Qingxing continued to look at the restaurant on the other side of the wall.

In just a few minutes, those experimenters seemed to have completely given up on finding another route, and everyone's thoughts went back to the beginning—that is, to vote for today's ingredients.

"Anyway, I'm used to being the sinner in the team, so let me say what everyone wants to say." The third child sighed, "We have wasted a lot of time just now, so I think we can continue to use the last time." voting results."

"That's right." Xiao Ba's eyes also brightened, "The result of the last vote is already the second sister, isn't it? It's just because Xiao Jiu came out by himself in the end, so the result of the vote was put aside!"

"Hehe." As early as when the other testers agreed to vote to find a way out, the second sister knew that she would face such a result, so she just sneered at this moment, neither arguing nor getting angry, but just with a smile on her face. A cold expression looked over everyone's face, "I just want you to understand that each of you is a murderer! Each of you is a murderer who killed me!"

"Then the second person, choose him." Bai Mao pointed to someone standing opposite him who was still panting and sweating.

"I, I am useful to the team!" The skinny man selected by Bai Mao immediately trembled violently, "Did you forget? I, I said before, my abilities are useful to the team!"

"Then show the evidence." Now that the boss has spoken, the third child in the team also looked at the skinny man with a serious face, "You said before that you would organize what you learned, so you should have made some progress now, right? "

"I... I..." The skinny man kept stepping back, "Before I..."

"Is it true that you can't say a word? As long as it is related to metaphysics, as long as you can say a word, we will spare your life, how about it?" Bai Mao glanced at the things on the dining table. Meat eaters, their attitude became more and more ruthless.

"I... I..." The skinny man hesitated for a long time, but in the end he couldn't say a word, so he could only sit powerlessly on the ground and kowtow deeply in front of Baimao, "Please, please let me I live! Let me do anything!"

Bai Mao ignored the skinny man at all, but said the most cruel words to him—

"Those who agree with Second Sister and Xiao Ten as ingredients, raise their hands."

Without any hesitation, the elder sisters with curly hair, glasses and long hair all raised their hands like Bai Mao, and Xiao Ba also raised her hands above her head as quickly as possible. Because for them, if it's not the two people in front of them who make the ingredients, then it's their turn.

Facing the chance of survival, no one wants to give up.

"Fourth and fifth, do you want to abstain again?" Curly looked at the gloomy twins and "tsk", "During the last vote, you also abstained like Xiaojiu, right?"

"I'm sorry." One of the twins said these three words blankly, "If we do this, we will become the people we hate the most."

"Fourth and fifth." Bai Mao looked at the twins standing there holding hands with a fierce expression, "Didn't you say you were willing to do anything? I order you to raise your hands now!"

There were a total of nine people present, and five of them had already raised their hands at this moment, which meant that more than half of them had agreed to let the second sister and the skinny man make the ingredients for this time.

But even so, Bai Mao still hoped that the twins, fourth and fifth, would also raise their hands.

Or rather, they want to force them... to join the team of killers!

"Since I have done this, then I will not allow any bright and beautiful people to exist in this team!" Bai Mao looked at the gloomy twins fiercely, "Seeing that we are all becoming murderers, you two want to kill each other!" Are you alone? Then stand on the moral high ground and accuse me?"

"How about this?" Bai Mao laughed suddenly, "If you don't raise your hands, you will replace these two people to make ingredients!"

"Maybe I'll be very interested in tasting the delicacy made from the twins' meat!" Bai Mao's expression at the moment was completely swallowed up by ruthlessness, and he couldn't see the calm and confident look when he and Su Qingxing first met.

"Because I lost my strength, do I need to make myself more ruthless in another way?" Looking at Bai Mao in front of him, and remembering Bai Mao's relentless pursuit of him before, Su Qingxing felt for a moment that he had become The death of the little white dog is much more interesting than the white hair.

The next second, Su Qingxing shook his head again.

Even the ghost called Shen Si that I met before was more interesting than these two guys!

"Boss, we are not good people." The twins didn't seem to be irritated by Bai Mao's words, and still said in a flat tone, "If we were good people, we would replace Xiao Jiu to make ingredients yesterday."

"But after Xiaojiu left yesterday, my brother and I thought a lot." The other twin went on to say, "We have become more and more like the person I hated the most. Instead of going on like this, we want to go another way." road."

"Another way?" Bai Mao was a little puzzled.

The twins clasped their hands tightly and said nervously: "We are very grateful to the boss for taking in my brother and I who were once worthless, but after fighting these ghosts for so long, my brother and I have always had a very ridiculous idea."

"If my brother and I die here, can we also become ghosts?"

"We have encountered some ghosts that don't harm people before, and their lives seem to be a little more peaceful than ours now." The twins' thoughts were completely different from everyone else's, and all the testers present were stunned.

"If we become ghosts, we may be able to find a way for you to leave here, Boss. Just like you took us away in the first world, maybe we can also let Boss leave here without incident." The twins have obviously done made his own decision.

"Are you crazy?" Bai Mao's hands trembled a little, "So many of our teammates died in the horror world, which one of them turned into a ghost! Some people believe that they have lost their souls."

"I'm different from my brother!" The twins laughed for the first time, but they couldn't see their expressions clearly because their eyes were covered by bangs. Can be a ghost!"

"Even if we go back to the original world, we are just abandoned people."

"So, after the manager shows up, we will go with the second sister and the others." The twins, who have always been taciturn, said a lot this time, as if they were going to finish all the words in their lives, " In this way, even if we never come back, boss, you may be able to refuse to attend the dinner, so as to gain more opportunities to find an exit."


This was the first time that Su Qingxing heard the phrase "want to become a ghost" from a tester.

Su Qingxing, who was a little moved by the behavior of the twins outside the elevator, began to hesitate now. If they choose to give up their lives and become ghosts because they want to escape, what is the difference from those who have committed suicide

Most importantly, the original cause of death of the twins was suicide, but now they plan to choose the same method of death for the second time

Considering the current situation of the testers, Su Qingxing has no right to blame the fourth and fifth children for their choices. But if the twins are really hell-bent on helping the team find a way out of this world...

Su Qingxing at least wanted to chat with them.

Is it really worth sacrificing your life to save that Mr. Ai

Just because he had never experienced a similar decision, Su Qingxing was a little curious about it.