I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 73: A new beginning (one update)


"What an embarrassing reunion!" The three ghost claws pinched the necks of the three testers. As long as the three arsonists used a little force, Baimao and the other two testers would be killed immediately. disuse.

"Except for us, all the companions were devoured by those two dogs just now!" The companions mentioned by the arsonist are naturally the culprit who started the fire with them in the hotel and caused all the tragic stories in this hotel.

"Guide, we have all stayed in this hotel for decades, and we didn't go out to make trouble because of your face, but now you want to catch us all?" Those arsonists now look like victims coerced by villains Those who read it felt that Su Qingxing's relentless pursuit was a bit unreasonable.

"It would be great if you were so peaceful." Manager Hao, who was standing next to Su Qingxing, couldn't stand it any longer. "If it wasn't because Fengshang locked the exit of the entire hotel, making it impossible for you to leave the hotel, I'm afraid decades ago You just ran out and messed around because you regretted coming here!"

On the way here, manager Hao introduced some things about other people in the hotel to Su Qingxing.

For example, the computer guy who is always holding the computer, he was an individual guest staying in the hotel before his death, because he usually needs to find inspiration in a quiet environment, so he is a regular guest of the hotel.

I heard that Mr. Feng had a good relationship with Zhusha when he was in Guicheng, and the two often communicated on computers and even construction.

Decades ago, when all of them coaxed those arsonists into the trial space of the hotel, because Manager Hao and the others had no special abilities, they were not afraid of the flames on the arsonists, so on the surface it seemed that Manager Hao and the others were restrained. For arsonists, and even provide them with various ways of recreation.

But from another perspective, Manager Hao and the others also allowed the arsonists to stay in this space and not go out to harm other weak ghosts.

However, those who have mastered some building concepts can control various equipment and organs in the hotel, and firmly lock the exit of the hotel. Neither those arsonists nor those who have tried for so many years can find a way to leave the hotel. …

Unless Fengshang reopens the exit, this place will always be a cage that can only be entered.

The most important reason for doing this is because, in the view of Manager Hao and the others, the manager of No. 666 ghost town is too weak. But they didn't expect that in just a few decades, ghost town No. 666 would welcome such a guide as Su Qingxing.

This also made Manager Hao and the others see the hope of leaving this hotel.

"Guide, you shouldn't just watch these guys get killed by us..." The arsonists who held the tester hostage actually didn't have much confidence in their hearts, but happened to meet the tester who was wandering around looking for an exit on the way to escape. , Subconsciously held it hostage.

At the beginning, when the arsonists were counted together, they felt that the new guide looked young and tried every means to save those who were tested, so he must be a very kind-hearted old man with little experience and probably no ability.

But those two ferocious fire wolves were really terrifying. Dozens of ghosts with special abilities were crushed along the way, and all the flames on their bodies were sucked away by those few fire wolves.

They just watched those fire wolves grow bigger and bigger, devouring all the companions behind, and finally only the three of them remained.

So now they can't be sure... Is the guide of the underworld in front of him really the kind of good old man with little experience, weak ability and kind heart

Is it really useful to hold a tester hostage

"If you want to do it, do it." Su Qingxing smiled in the expectant eyes of the three arsonists.

"Xiao Jiu, what's going on here?" The kidnapped practitioners still don't know what happened.

But Su Qingxing didn't answer their questions immediately, but manipulated the blue light spots that were still floating around him, and let them float over to block the ears of the testers.

After confirming that the testers couldn't hear anything, Su Qingxing looked at the three remaining arsonists and asked curiously, "Why did you burn down the entire hotel?"

"..." The arsonists were silent for a while, and the fact that Su Qingxing didn't kill them immediately gave them some hope.

So after a while, one of the arsonists said honestly, "That's the result of voting."

"We originally planned to play big votes. It doesn't matter whether the people in the hotel are dead or alive, and even we ourselves are dead or alive. There are many hotels that are remote and have no business, so we finally voted for This hotel, and then came.”


Su Qingxing couldn't help showing a wry smile. Now he finally understood why this hotel likes to lock the trainees in the restaurant to choose "ingredients".

One is because the restaurant is the place where Manager Hao and the others died. The doors that cannot be opened, the unbearable high temperature, and all kinds of food and cakes covered with dust and cobwebs on the dining table... are still the same as when they died.

The second reason is that Manager Hao and his innocent victims, as well as the hotel itself, were the victims voted by these arsonists.

The difference is... the selected "ingredients" at least know why they were abandoned by their compatriots, but this selected hotel is facing an unwarranted disaster.

These arsonists, like this group of testers, gathered together to talk and discuss in a tone that had nothing to do with them, completely ignoring what fate the chosen one would face in the end.

"So, we are the same." The long nails on the arsonist's ghost claws scratched Baimao's cheek, "After entering this hotel, they became our accomplices!"

The arsonist had finished explaining, Su Qingxing waved his hand lightly, and the flame power that had not been exhausted began to burn again in the blue light spots. Before the arsonists could react, two reappearing fire wolves descended from the sky and killed the last three An arsonist devoured them all.


After the trainees regained their freedom, Su Qingxing moved his fingers to restore the trainees' hearing.

Although they didn't hear the conversation between Su Qingxing and those ghosts just now, after all the ghosts around them were eaten, everyone looked at Su Qingxing tremblingly, as if they didn't understand why the newcomer in the team turned into a... BOSS

"Xiao Jiu, are you here to save us?" Because Su Qingxing eliminated the ghost that kidnapped them just now, Bai Mao seemed to have a similar misunderstanding, and stared at Su Qingxing with a look that resembled fanaticism.

"Maybe yes if you didn't vote." Su Qingxing also felt regretful.

Bai Mao immediately shouted: "We were forced, if we were not forced, how could we do such a thing!"

"But at that time, did you really think about it that way?" Su Qingxing also said aside, "Anyway, I must not be the one who is useful to the team in the end, so it doesn't matter if you vote."

"..." Bai Mao and the others couldn't refute.

"When facing a real desperate situation, many people will burst out with unexpected power." Su Qingxing said and looked at the ponytail girl Xiaoba. This girl burst out with a strong desire to survive when she voted for the first time. Because she is stronger than the testers, but because she saw her own death in the eyes of the testers.

Su Qingxing always felt a little pity, because he believed that the team in front of him, who had passed through the world of trials many times, was able to persist until today, there must be something brilliant about it.

It's just that Su Qingxing today can't see this.

"Xiao Jiu, who are you?" Bai Mao asked again, if he couldn't get the answer to this question, he might not feel at ease no matter what.

"My identity?" Su Qingxing finally looked at Baimao, "I am not a human being, I am the real manager of this hotel, and also the manager of those horrible worlds you have experienced, and I am the manager of all the ghosts within your eyes. manager."

"Are you... God?" In the eyes of Baimao and his team, the mastermind behind the creation of so many trial worlds must have power beyond their imagination, and that power is undoubtedly like a god to them!

"God?" Su Qingxing was stunned as if he had thought of something, but soon he said with a gentle smile, "No, it should be regarded as a troublesome villain king?"

"Manager Hao." Su Qingxing turned around immediately after finishing speaking, "Let that Mr. Feng open the exit of the hotel and the door of the office upstairs, and then send these Mr. Ai to pass the customs."


Yes, the reason why Su Qingxing didn't tell Bai Mao their true identity was because Su Qingxing decided to let the team go on to the next trial world.

Originally, Su Qingxing planned to eliminate everyone, but after communicating with the twins, Su Qingxing changed his mind.

"Let's make a bet." Su Qingxing turned his head, "If you are still alive when we meet next time and become a different team, I will take you out of the world of terror."

After explaining, Su Qingxing left without looking back. He didn't intend to take away the twins in the office upstairs, but just used the authority to mark them. If one day they were eliminated from the horror world, they would also have the opportunity to go to ghost town No. 666.

Su Qingxing wants to see how far this team can go, and whether this team will get worse as it advances, or will it develop into other aspects that he doesn't know.

After leaving the trial world of the hotel, Bai Mao and the others will not know Su Qingxing's name, nor will they know the true identity of the guide in the underworld. They will only remember that the mastermind behind these horrific worlds is a scary big devil who looks like a little sheep.

The remaining ghosts in the hotel have been suffocating in this space for decades. After hearing that Su Qingxing can take them away and go back to the ghost town for vacation, none of them are willing to stay in the hotel any longer. They all pack up their things and follow Su Qingxing. Running outside the hotel.

I don't know, I thought the hotel was on fire again.

The hotel has become an empty city, and this trial space is naturally temporarily blocked. It may not be until after the ghost town conference that no ghosts are willing to come back here.

The only thing Su Qingxing regrets is that he didn't bring back the fighting ghost as Zhu Sha hoped. At least the rest of the ghosts in the hotel were carrying pots and pans and computer blankets, and they really didn't look like the type to participate in the battle.

Although Zhu Sha had told Su Qingxing before departure that there was a ghost in that hotel that could be of great help, Su Qingxing was not sure whether the ghost that Zhu Sha mentioned was swallowed by the burning fire wolf.

But what surprised Su Qingxing was that when Zhu Sha saw the people in the hotel brought back by him, he showed an expression of ecstasy!

"Qingxing!! You actually brought Fengshang back!" Zhu Sha immediately noticed the man holding the computer in the group of ghosts, "The evil ghosts in that hotel are too powerful, I'm worried that if you know After the matter of Fengshang, I will recklessly fight against those evil spirits, so I didn't explain much."

"I didn't expect you, Qingxing, to be so powerful that you were able to bypass those evil spirits and bring Fengshang back!" Zhu Sha seemed to be greatly relieved, "Although it was agreed to rebuild the ghost city in a short period of time." build, but I can't do it alone."

Bypass those evil spirits? All the ghosts in the hotel looked at the overly naive ghost city builder with complicated expressions, and thought to themselves, how could the Lord Guide have bypassed those evil spirits? The soul flies away!

"Reconstruction of the ghost town?" Mr. Feng who was holding the computer, his eyes lit up, "That is a big project that has never been thought of, Mr. Constructor, do you have any ideas? Do you have a plan? Do you have a draft?!"

"Let's not talk about anything else." Zhu Sha stopped Fengshang to ask endlessly, "I have to give you a computer that is not so outdated first, my God... For people like us, what else is better than using an obsolete computer?" Something more terrifying?!"

After finishing speaking, the two guys rushed into the management office like brothers, completely leaving Su Qingxing and Manager Hao out of the door.

"I'm really sorry." Su Qingxing smiled a little embarrassedly.

"We're all used to Fengshang." Perhaps because he returned to the ghost town, Manager Hao smiled very rarely, "Then he should be the one among us who wants to leave the most. It's a pity , fashion is an important part of maintaining the stability of the hotel, so I can’t go anywhere.”

"By the way!" Zhu Sha poked his head out of the door again at this time, "Before Shapi came over and said that a new guide came to the ghost town next door at No. 665. Because it is now in ruins and there is nothing, so he Our two ghost towns opened a unilateral temporary passage, let us go and take a look when we have nothing to do."

The new leader of No. 665

After Su Qingxing asked Murong and the others to help take care of Manager Hao and the others, he immediately crossed the temporary passage hidden inside the management office.

Compared with Su Qingxing's last impression, the No. 665 ghost town in front of him seems to have become calmer.

There is no sound, no buildings, but the moment the wind blows, you can feel that the whole ghost town is still alive.

"Are you the new guide of Ghost Town No. 665?" Su Qingxing saw a young man in a cloak in a desolate corner. He was squatting there, drawing a stick figure house on the ground with his fingers.

There are roofs, windows, doors, and even small flowers and grass.

"What are you doing?" Su Qingxing couldn't understand the young guide in front of him. I feel that the other party may not know what to do next because they have no clue, so I can only sit here and graffiti.

But what the new guide said next, made Su Qingxing completely change his first impression of this guide.

"There is nothing here." The boy's voice was clear and powerful, "So, I drew a ghost town management office."

"Now that I have a guide in the underworld and a ghost town management office, I can start working." The young man looked up at Su Qingxing, his eyes seemed to be bright, "One day, I will make this a great ghost town !"

"Why do you want to be the guide of the underworld?" Su Qingxing felt that his voice was a little hoarse.

"Because my father is in this business." The young man scratched his head with a smile, stood up and looked at Su Qingxing, "The old man often said that this job is very interesting. You should be the senior from the ghost town next door, right? Although this ghost town looks similar to What Mr. Gray Crane said is a little different, but I always feel that starting from scratch seems to be more motivating!"

Su Qingxing thought again of Gray Crane, the guide who died with ghost town No. 665 and brought rebirth here at the end of his life.

"No matter what Gray Crane said, you must believe... This is already the best start he can leave you."

Su Qingxing tried to smile at the young man in front of him.

"And I believe that this ghost town will definitely become better and better in the future!"

"Of course!" The boy nodded with a smile, "I will definitely be a great guide!"