I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 78: The power of language (one more)


"Tong Yan, I like you."

The young and timid MA2222 seemed to muster up the courage of half his life to stand in front of that sunny and handsome boy and express his long-held love in his heart.

But when MA2222 raised his head, he found that the big boy in front of him was full of surprise, and his expression could even be described as "overwhelmed".

Immediately, MA2222 clenched her fists and said naturally: "Sorry, of course I want to hear your affirmative answer, but if this matter has caused you trouble, I..."

"I like you too, Qiao Li!"

Just when Qiao Lv, No. MA2222, thought he was completely hopeless, the boy in front of him gave a dreamlike response with a smile on his face.

At that moment, Qiao Li was ecstatic.

"That happened when I was a freshman." Under the light of the blue paper lantern, Qiao Li, who was possessed in Tong Yan's body, watched the changing scenes around him. Forgotten picture.

"It seems like a good story for two people who are in love to be able to understand each other." Just because he saw the smiles of Qiao Lv and Tong Yan in his memory, Su Qingxing couldn't understand why Qiao Lv wanted to control Tong Yan's body now.

"But the next day I found that I could control other people's bodies and wills." Qiao Lv's tone in Tong Yan's body became cold, "So Tong Yan and I are not in love at all, but just subconsciously attracted by me. It's just under control! He doesn't love me at all, and he will say that he loves me, just because he is controlled by me!"

The blue light of the paper lantern was brilliant, and the scenes around Su Qingxing and the others played like a revolving lantern. They saw Qiao Lu making all kinds of excessive demands on Tong Yan, but whether it was a rainy night or a snowy day, whether it was sick or busy, Tong Yan would always be happy. They will all smile to meet Qiao Lv's request.

Especially when Qiao Li fell into a breakdown because of his inability to control his power, Tong Yan was always by his side, trying his best to calm Qiao Li down.

"I know that Tong Yan is under control, but I don't want him to leave anyway. Even if it's just a dream I manipulated, I still selfishly want him to be with me forever." Qiao Li wrapped her arms around herself, as if she was also Hug Tong Yan's body.

"The feeling of worrying about gains and losses is too scary. I dream that Tong Yan is out of my control almost every night, and then leaves with a look of contempt and hatred!" Qiao Lv who was possessed in Tong Yan's body was trembling, " I want to see Tong Yan, but I'm afraid of seeing Tong Yan. I want to get along with Tong Yan, but I can't help but control him to do this and that... "

The last scene that Su Qingxing saw in Qiao Lv's memory was that he was killing himself in his own room.

"I'm really a heinous villain." Qiao Lv lowered his hands and smiled wryly, "When I met Tong Yan again in the ghost town, I still controlled him desperately."

"After all, he probably hates me..."

After Qiao Li finished speaking, the memory images around them dissipated, and the blue paper lanterns also floated away from Qiao Li's body and went to the other trainees.

"It's so strange that I would tell you so much." Qiao Lu looked at Su Qingxing and Death God, "Maybe it's because I met someone who couldn't be controlled by me for the first time."

"The play is over, go back wherever you came from." Qiao Li glanced around again, "In order to control everyone here, I even gave up my body and infiltrated every soul with my ability. So just release One, all the people here must be released, including Tong Yan."

"Unless I die, you..."

"Do you really think that Tong Yan is with you because of being controlled?" The god of death suddenly said at this time, "Then who is crying now?"


Qiao Li stretched out his hand to caress his eyes, only to find that tears had already flowed down his cheeks.

"How is it possible?" Qiao Lu was stunned, "I obviously didn't..."

"Others can't see it, but I can see that Tong Yan's soul has been struggling." The reason why the God of Death has the title "God of Death" is precisely because his power and responsibility are related to the soul. Among them, only he has the ability to struggle."

"so what?"

"Tong Yan can resist your ability to a certain extent." Death said his thoughts expressionlessly, "Now you can resist part of it, even more so when you first awakened your ability."

"You mean, Tong Yan was not controlled by me when he was alive?" Qiao Lv smiled half-smile, "How is this possible? If Tong Yan was not controlled by me, he would never be able to say that he likes me. If Tong Yan was not controlled by me I control, and it is impossible for him to obey me."

"I have done so many things to torture him and forced him to do so many things. If he is not under my control, why didn't he resist?!" Qiao Li didn't believe what the god of death said at all.

"I don't know Tong Yan." Death glanced at Su Qingxing beside him, "But if you really like someone, you will be willing to do anything for him."

"Do you think I will believe what you said?" Qiao Lv seemed unable to hear anything he didn't want to hear, "How could I let Tong Yan go back to that ghost town where there is no daylight? Let Tong Yan live in this world all the time, It is the best choice!"

"There are daylight, sunshine, students, teachers, Tong Yan's favorite basketball, and the cheers and cheers that he was used to before he was alive!" Qiao Li opened his hand to let Su Qingxing and the others pay attention to all this, " Tong Yan deserves to live in such a wonderful place, so we won't leave at all."

"Cough cough... cough cough... cough cough..."

At this moment, everyone, including Qiao Li, coughed in pain, and even Qiao Li, who was lying on the ground, began to twitch slightly in pain.

"It has reached its limit." Su Qingxing waved his hand, and all the blue paper lanterns floating in the campus gradually disappeared, "Qiao Lv's ability is too exhausting for him, and he has been persisting at the critical point. But when he is controlled More and more of the testers began to resist and struggle because of memories, and Qiao Li was even more unable to control this power."

"Don't hold on any longer." Su Qingxing squatted down next to Qiao Lu's body, "If this continues, Tong Yan and other practitioners will be affected, and even lose their souls. Is this really what you want to see?"

Su Qingxing believes in one thing, that is, Qiao Lv himself has no intention of harming others.

"Ahem cough cough... If the number of people I control decreases, then I can continue to persevere." Qiao Lv still possessed Tong Yan.

As soon as Qiao Lu finished speaking, Su Qingxing saw that all the controlled practitioners except Tong Yan were choking on his neck amid painful coughing.

It seems that as long as there is an order, all the testers will end themselves here!

But Su Qingxing didn't answer, just looked at Qiao Lv quietly with Death God, as if no matter what he did, he wouldn't do anything.

"Won't you stop me?"

Qiao Li also seemed a little dazed. The purpose of these two guys who may be the guides of the underworld came here was not to let him release the tester

Under the watchful eyes of the two people, Qiao Li didn't really make a move after all, but helplessly asked all the controlled people to put their hands down.

"If you wanted these testers to commit suicide, you would have already done so."

"There's no turning back..." Qiao Li whispered in pain.

"I can't turn back... It's because of these four words that Qiao Lv is what he is today, right?" Su Qingxing knew that the situation in front of him could not be solved perfectly by relying on strength, at least he needed to let Qiao Lv know that in this world There is not only one way to go.

"You think you have controlled Tong Yan, so you feel that things can't be turned back, and you force yourself to go all the way to the end, until everything comes to naught."

"You think that creating a perfect campus is compensation for Tong Yan, so after controlling so many people, you feel that things are irreversible, and you can only force yourself to exhaust all your strength to control more and more testers until Facing final collapse."

"You have never tried to look back, maybe there will be another road waiting for you there." Su Qingxing put his hand on Qiao Li's forehead, "Let it go! Maybe you have never tried to let go, but since there is no The road can go, why not let it go and give it a try.”

There seemed to be a kind of power in Su Qingxing's words, which instantly relieved Qiao Li from his tense state.

"Let it go?" Qiao Lu who was possessed in Tong Yan's body murmured these two words.

"Yeah, why don't you let go and give it a try?" Su Qingxing felt that Qiao Li was not as determined as he was at the beginning, so he had to comfort him, "Letting go doesn't mean giving up, I just hope you can look back and see if there are other ways to go. Walk."

Su Qingxing thought it was what he said that moved Qiao Lv.

But he didn't see Death looking at him nervously, and even his hands on both sides tightened a little.

Many, many years later, when Qiao Li and others discovered Su Qingxing's true identity, recalling what happened at this moment... Qiao Li suddenly remembered that at this moment, he seemed to be the same as those under his control, unable to defy the time. The voice that was heard.

let it go!

In an instant, all the people being manipulated, including Tong Yan, fell to their knees powerlessly on the ground like a puppet toy whose string was cut, and then fell completely to the ground.

At this moment, the entire campus seemed to have lost all sound, leaving only thousands of "puppets" lying on the ground, and it was unknown when they would be able to recover from the long-term controlled state.

Maybe it was because he really had the power to resist control, so the first one among thousands of people to wake up was Tong Yan who had been possessed by Qiao Lv before.

"It's all my fault." Maybe it's been too long since I haven't relied on my own consciousness to speak, so the same tone and voice are a bit weird, appearing very light, and the breath is also very unstable. recovered.

"I always thought that I was special, but I didn't expect that I was also one of the controlled ones in his heart." Because of the sequelae, Tong Yan was temporarily unable to get up, and he seemed breathless when speaking, "I haven't even had time to tell He, the first time we met was not on a college campus, but in an orphanage that we probably don't even want to recall... "

"From the moment we reunited on the college campus, this chump has been the only thing that matters in my life."

After finishing speaking, Tong Yan also fell down again powerlessly. What he said just now should be what he wanted to say all the time during the decades of being controlled.

"Are you okay?" The God of Death suddenly grabbed Su Qingxing's hand at this moment.

"Huh?" Su Qingxing looked a little dazed, and didn't understand why the god of death would ask such a question. It should be those who fainted and couldn't get up, right

Thinking this way, Su Qingxing didn't break free from the hands of the god of death.

"It's fine." Death quietly breathed a sigh of relief.