I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 8: Su Qingxing died


He clearly felt the bus was bumping, but Su Qingxing seemed to have fallen into a dream.

Surrounded by cold and dark stone walls, the heavy stone locks locked his feet and hands, and he might not be able to escape for a lifetime.

Through the only stone window, you can see nothing but the hazy sky.

"Ah!" A small figure came over, the boy in ragged clothes and gray head accidentally staggered, almost dropped the food in his hand to the ground.

"Are you okay?" He tried to reach out his hand, but the heavy stone lock made him put it down helplessly. His long silver hair dragged to the ground, intertwined with the rough and ugly stone lock.

"It's okay, Master Qingxing!" The boy's eyes are very beautiful, and they can still appear in his mind to this day.

"Master Qingxing, I have been working as a handyman here since I was a child, and I have never been anywhere." The boy sat in front of him and asked curiously, "Is there any beautiful and beautiful place in the underworld?"

"Everywhere in the underworld is the same."

"Then, is there any place Master Qingxing wants to go?"

"Me?" He was a little dazed. "If it was me, I should want to go back to the entrance of the underworld and be an ordinary guide like my ancestors. That might be a happy thing."

"After that, I will accompany Lord Qingxing to the entrance of the underworld!" The boy's eyes seemed to have hope and purpose, and they became more beautiful than before.

"Don't be stupid." Shisuo dragged across the cold ground, and he reached out to caress the boy's dusty cheek, "We are sealed here like a rare animal, a little guy who can't even walk..."

"Yes! I will definitely!" The boy's eyes just looked at him like this, "I will definitely take Mr. Qingxing out of here!"

He stared blankly at those eyes, like obsidian, but with a light he had never seen before.

"Okay." Finally, he nodded slightly with a smile.

Since then, Su Qingxing has never seen the boy with the beautiful eyes again...

no more.

no more…

"Dumb! Dumb! Wake up!"

Liu Hai's croaking voice awakened Su Qingxing from a rare dream and returned to the "reality" in front of him.

There was still a seemingly calm bus compartment in front of me, the lights were on, and there was nothing unusual except for the bumps again and again.

The bus is still going.

Before the bus arrives for the fifth time, as long as Liu Hai and the others don't leave the last four rows of the bus compartment, everything will be fine.

Perhaps because of knowing this, Liu Hai is still in the mood to sit there and talk.


It's strange, why do I suddenly dream about things that happened so long ago

Su Qingxing was still sitting in the last row, and Mr. Chen Xiongbing was still sitting beside him. Everything was as it was when he just entered this world.

It's just that now there is a little white dog Sisi in Su Qingxing's arms who is sleeping with his eyes closed, and the people sitting in the front row of him have become Liu Hai and Xu Yun, and Chen Fangfang is sitting alone in the third row from the bottom. , very far away from them.

"Mute, if you sleep now, you will miss the most exciting part." Liu Hai looked at Su Qingxing with a smug smile, then turned to Xu Yun and said, "Yunyun, do you want to hear my old story? It's the two horror worlds I've been through."

Liu Hai specially woke up Su Qingxing to ensure that everyone became his audience.

It's not just about killing time.

In fact, it is also for courage.

"I was just an ordinary company employee in the beginning. I was over 30 years old but I didn't achieve anything, and I didn't even have a girlfriend." Liu Hai smiled self-deprecatingly, "But one second I was still in the company's printing room, and the next second But it has traveled to an ancient small town, and there are zombies in that town... "

"A group of veterans taught us many ways to survive in the horror world, and even led us to find the legendary zombie Taoist, let him teach us how not to be afraid of ghosts and zombies, and how to find life in a desperate situation."

"Later, we and Zombie Daoist took over all the zombies in the town. The whole process was as easy as a playground themed event, and we learned a lot of interesting things." Liu Hai said, regretfully saying, " It's a pity that the zombie priest said that I had no talent, so I couldn't learn that cool spells and spells."

"Ah..." After listening to what Liu Hai said, Su Qingxing suddenly wanted to ask something, but because of his current status, he stopped talking.

"Then has anyone learned it?" Chen Xiongbing who was sitting next to Su Qingxing asked suddenly.

And this is what Su Qingxing wanted to ask.

"Yes." Liu Hai glanced at Mr. Chen, then nodded with certainty, "It's a pity that he studied for too short a time, and he died in the second world before he could learn anything."

"What did you encounter in the second world?" Old Mr. Chen seemed to be listening to a book in a teahouse, enjoying it.

"The end of the world, Resident Evil." Liu Hai didn't seem to want to talk about the second world, "Chen Fangfang and I survived by relying on the methods taught by the seniors, but they all died in that world."

"Isn't it good now?" Liu Hai put his arms around Xu Yun naturally, "No one would believe that the once humble clerk can now sit next to the pure little queen and wrap her arms around her waist, hahahahaha !"

"Liu, Liu Hai!" Xu Yun still seemed unaccustomed to the approach of people around her, so she couldn't help but move a little to the side, and changed the subject by the way, "The bus has been driving for a long time, after the next stop, we will Get off?"

"Let me think..."

"I'm afraid I don't have much time to think about it." Chen Xiongbing's leading crutch tapped on the floor of the car, and then pointed to the window in a certain direction.

Not far in front of the bus, a street light and a station have appeared in everyone's sight.

"Aww." Sisi woke up slowly in Su Qingxing's arms, poked her head out together with Su Qingxing, and looked at the station outside the window.

The station seemed a little different from before. The street lights that had given them a sense of security kept flickering, and even the vending machine under the street lights kept turning on and off, as if there was a malfunction inside the machine.

And on a certain bench at the station, a little boy in beige casual clothes sat there.

As the lights flicker, it can be seen that the little boy actually... has no head.

The broken part of the neck was still bleeding, and the pale head was held in the arms of the little boy, combing the hair on the head one by one as if petting a small animal.

When the lights of the bus illuminated the entire station, the headless little boy stood up from the bench and stood outside the bus arriving at the station. His pale head suddenly grinned, the corners of his mouth cracked to the roots of his ears, as if he was waiting New friends get off.


The familiar sound of brakes came, and then the bus door creaked open.

The bus has arrived.

Someone has to get off.

But looking outside the bus, everyone, including Su Qingxing, did not move the ghost holding his head and showing a pervasive smile.

"get off."

That neither male nor female voice came from the front of the car again.

"When the vehicle arrives at the station, passengers must get off!"

"Bah, we won't get off the car! Find a ghost to get off the car yourself!" Liu Hai sprayed his mouth in the direction of the sound, "Could it be possible that you can still force the passengers to get off the car?!"


As soon as Liu Hai's words fell, there was a muffled thunder outside the car, and all the lights in the car went out instantly!

With the flickering light from the street lights outside the car, Su Qingxing and the others saw all the paper-wrapped people standing up from their seats, turning over their bodies, and staring at everyone in the back row with faces with strange makeup.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee… "

"Don't worry, as long as we sit in the last four rows, everything will be fine!" Liu Hai immediately got up from his seat and shouted loudly, trying to calm people down.

"Ah!" Chen Fangfang, who was sitting in the third-to-last row, suddenly exclaimed.

In the fourth-to-last row, four new paper figurines appeared out of nowhere on the originally empty seats, and they also folded their bodies together with the other paper figurines, making terrible laughter.

"The fourth-to-last row doesn't look safe anymore." Mr. Chen took a deep breath, "If this continues, the third-to-last row will also..."

"Ah—" Chen Fangfang panicked and ran back to Liu Hai's side, not daring to continue sitting in the third row from the bottom.

"Someone must go down." Liu Hai turned around and looked at Su Qingxing and Mr. Chen who were sitting in the last row, "I have brought you burdens with me for so long, it's time for you to play a role!"

Liu Hai's eyes went back and forth between Su Qingxing and Chen Xiongbing several times, and finally fell on Chen Xiongbing.

"you… "

Liu Hai stretched out his finger to Mr. Chen, but before he finished speaking, Su Qingxing had already stood up from his seat.

"Ah!" Su Qingxing pointed at himself, and the meaning was already clear even if he didn't say it.

"My child..." Old Mr. Chen subconsciously grabbed Su Qingxing's arm.

But Su Qingxing just shook his head at Mr. Chen with a smile, then pulled out his arms and walked along the aisle of the carriage.

"You did it voluntarily. If you go to hell after you die, don't say that I, Liu Hai, turn my face and deny people." Seeing Su Qingxing walking forward step by step, Liu Hai seemed relieved, and fell back on his seat directly.

"Hey, my old bones should go down too." After thinking for a while, Mr. Chen got up on crutches, ready to leave behind Su Qingxing.

"You can't." Liu Hai stretched out his hand to stop Mr. Chen, "Get off the bus one at a time, so we have more time to think about the way out, and it will be your turn when the bus stops next time, so don't worry."

After that, Liu Hai kept paying attention to Su Qingxing and all the paper-wrapped people in front of the carriage.

As Su Qingxing moved forward, all the paper piercers kept turning their bodies like sunflowers facing the sun, staring closely at where Su Qingxing was.

Some paper piercers even lay on the back of the chair, poking their heads out to look at Su Qingxing.

Right behind Su Qingxing, the expression on Liu Hai's face suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something very important, he got up very lightly.


Xu Yun wanted to say something, just now Liu Hai clearly objected to getting off the car with Mr. Chen, why is he secretly following Su Qingxing now

"Hush." Liu Hai took out the utility knife from his pocket, stretched out the blade lightly, and made a booing motion at Xu Yun.

"Qingxing!" But Chen Xiongbing shouted in the next second, and leaned forward leaning on crutches, but staggered and fell to his knees on the ground!

Su Qingxing had already walked to the door of the car with Sisi in his arms, and turned around when he heard movement behind him.

"Well… "

The moment Su Qingxing turned around, the utility knife had already pierced his neck!

Su Qingxing's eyes widened in disbelief. Even as a guide, it was difficult for him to understand why Liu Hai attacked him when he got out of the car voluntarily.

So, so slack!

"Aww!!" Sisi bit Liu Hai's arm, and her black eyes instantly turned crimson. But the pup's bite seems to just make bangs feel pain, without any other effect.

"Don't worry, I won't let you go on the road alone." Su Qingxing's blood splashed on Liu Hai's face, making this man who was already evil-minded look even more ferocious.


When Su Qingxing guessed what Liu Hai was going to do, he yelled, but the pain in his neck made him really unable to make a sound, so he could only hug Sisi's body with his hands and fall back.

But Liu Hai's utility knife had already pierced Xiaobai "dog" Sisi's body, and blood spattered out!

"Goodbye." The bloody demon just looked at the weakening Su Qingxing.

Because of inertia, Su Qingxing finally fell backwards holding Sisi's body, left the bus directly, and fell on the concrete floor of the station.

At that moment, blood flowed, bloody.

Whether it was the paper man in the carriage, the big paper man on the driver's seat, or the headless ghost waiting at the station, they all frantically flocked towards Su Qingxing who was lying on the ground and bleeding, as if swept by a storm!

All the paper piercers rushed out of the bus at this moment, like floating and swaying kites, sniffing the smell of blood, and rushed towards the food in front of them—that is, Su Qingxing and Sisi who were attacked by Liu Hai!

"Liu Hai! Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no reward, the time has not come! You remember!!" A cold voice came into Liu Hai's ears. If he distinguishes carefully, he may guess that it is Su Qingxing's sound.



The door was closed in front of Liu Hai, even though the paper man on the driver's seat had disappeared, the bus was still moving forward slowly.

"Ha..." Liu Hai's body was splattered with blood, and he turned around with a blood-stained utility knife in such a terrifying posture, and looked at the other people in the back row of the bus who hadn't recovered yet, "Haha Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Liu Hai laughed crazily and couldn't stop laughing until he was almost out of breath, then he looked at the others with a nervous smile and said, "Aren't you happy? There are no more ghosts in the car, There is no paper piercing anymore! I drove everyone out of the car! Aren’t you happy? Laugh with me! Laugh!! Laugh!”

In Liu Hai's almost threatening tone, Chen Fangfang and Xu Yun forced themselves to show ugly smiles. Until now, how dare they disobey what this man said.

"You killed him, you killed that child!" Only Mr. Chen got up from the ground with a cane full of anger, "You killed that child!"

"I just make the best use of everything." Liu Hai's face was covered with blood, but when he looked at Mr. Chen, his face was innocent, "Then he will be killed by that headless guy when he gets out of the car. Why not let the mute do something more? Huh?"

"He's not dumb, he's Su Qingxing!" Old Mr. Chen kept beating the floor of the carriage with his cane angrily, "If he dies, you will die too, and everyone will die!!"

"It doesn't matter, there is no need to remember such a name." Liu Hai chuckled, "It doesn't matter now, he is dead anyway."

In the dark night, the bumpy mountain road and the rickety bus move forward.

The crow flew over the mountain road, leaving behind a series of desolate sounds.

The bus station under the flashing street lights was left far behind by the bus. The station that Liu Hai and the others used to use as a refuge is now full of terrifying paper-stitched people and dead souls without heads.

When the bus walked away, several faint blue spots of light floated out of the paper figurines, and all the paper figurines separated as quickly as possible and lined up neatly as if they had received an order instantly. Round, lowered eyebrows, very obedient.

Even the headless ghost who had been laughing just now put his head back on his neck in his hand, his eyeballs were dripping, and he looked much more pleasing to the eye than before.

In the open space in the middle, "Su Qingxing" was lying there covered in blood. Except for the excessive blood loss from the wound on his neck, he was not harmed by the paper piercer and the headless ghost.

"Su Qingxing" still hugged Sisi's small body tightly in his arms, lifeless.


A translucent figure floated out of the body of "Su Qingxing", surrounded by faint blue lanterns, slowly floated into the air, watching the back of the bus gradually disappearing.

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't do anything to Sisi."

His blue eyes were full of determination.

The figure floated back to the side of "Su Qingxing", and stretched out a translucent finger to lightly touch Sisi's body.

"Wow!" A translucent little white dog floated out of Sisi's body, and floated into the arms of that same translucent figure, just like Su Qingxing and Sisi before.

"Let's go, let's get revenge."

The author has something to say: The full text is over (hahahahaha, of course it is impossible!!)

Sisi, who is astonishing but has zero fighting power, is getting a bento! !