I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 87: Jumping Prophet (1 more)


Market Trial Rules—

1. When the lights in the shopping mall hall are flashing, ghosts will randomly appear on a certain tester in the shopping mall.

Second, the tester who is possessed by the ghost retains consciousness, and has only two choices, either to be killed by the ghost or to kill other testers.

Three, after someone dies, the lights flicker again and the ghost disappears.

Fourth, it seems to be a dead end, but there may be a particularly simple way to crack it.

"This is the message our partner conveyed when he was possessed for the first time." Tong Yan, who was among the trainees, was still a little unfamiliar with this job.

"What happened to that person?" Zhou Chunqing, as a representative of the team behind him, asked Tong Yan, "The person who was first possessed by a ghost."

"He chose to kill his closest companion." Tong Yan said, pointing his finger at the corner of the hall, "The knife that suddenly appeared at that time has been thrown by us in the farthest corner."


"But he died generously in the end!" The believer standing next to him said in a particularly excited tone, "Because of Mr. Ye's teachings, he finally had an epiphany and sacrificed his life with that knife!"

"For Mr. Ye, even if we are possessed, we are willing to die as generously as our companions!"

"For Mr. Ye!"

"For Mr. Ye!"

"Hey, you bastard has so many believers in a blink of an eye. People in this world are really deaf and blind. Do you think you are a crayfish?!" Lian Hao, the scythe man, surrounded five or six Ye Fans. These persuaded practitioners believed that Lian Hao was a villain who wanted to hurt Ye Fan, so they kept a close eye on him, for fear that he would harm Ye Fan.

In Lian Hao's view, even if he slashed over with a sickle, those brainwashed guys would probably not take half a step back.

I'm afraid no one here knows Ye Fan's abilities better than Lian Hao.

In the same way, if Lian Hao were to say it, it is estimated that even children would only regard Lian Hao as a lunatic. But it was precisely because these words came from Ye Fan's mouth that so many believers could be harvested and so many people died to protect him.

This is Ye Fan's ability.


Lian Hao suddenly laughed out loud in the crowd, which made Su Qingxing feel that the man with the scythe, who seemed crazy at first, seemed to become more neurotic now.

"Hey, hey, Ye Fan, I feel so strange when I see you!" Lian Hao didn't care whether he would hurt anyone, and pointed at Ye Fan with a scythe, "Why? Why? Why? ?!! Why do I always feel that I have killed you bastard?!"'

"Is it strange? I think it's quite normal to see Xiao Lianhao here." Ye Fan still smiled with a holy light on his face, "It seems that Xiao Lianhao was expected to come from the beginning Same!"

The conversation between Lian Hao and Ye Fan was very strange, but in Su Qingxing's view, it was quite normal.

The two former veterans lost all their memories because they were eliminated, but these two people seem to have some abilities that ordinary testers don't have, so the memories in their minds are also very unstable.

Especially when Lian Hao met Ye Fan who had been killed by him, when Ye Fan saw Lian Hao who had killed him, the memories of the two collided, and the lost memory seemed to make them appear at this moment A lot of déjà vu!

"Oh, have you already seen it, you bastard?" Lian Hao looked at Ye Fan with wide eyes, the smile on his face was extremely excited, "Seeing me for the second time... no, maybe the third time to kill you screen!"

"Stop talking silly, Xiao Lianhao." Ye Fan was unmoved, and still said with a smile, "After all, you are my favorite student, why don't you come back to me?"

Saying that, Ye Fan stretched out his hand to Lian Hao.

"Hey, hey, do you think I'm just talking empty words when I want to kill you?!"

Under the gaze of Su Qingxing and the others, Lian Hao suddenly made a move that shocked and incomprehensible to everyone.

He even swung the sickle... just gritted his teeth and cut off the little finger of his left hand abruptly!

Lian Hao is a lunatic.

Totally insane.

"Ahhh!" Ye Fan's followers all around screamed, they couldn't imagine that someone would cut off a part of his body so simply and rudely for no reason.

"Hahahahahaha!" But Lian Hao still looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Mr. Ye, do you really know such a demon?" The believers who were persuaded by Ye Fan before seemed a little shaken by Lian Hao's appearance. After all, when Ye Fan and Lian Hao spoke just now, their tone was very close, and the two seemed to have a special relationship before.

"He used to be a believer, but now he sold his soul to the devil. It's a pity." Ye Fan nonsense nonsense, "He used to be devout, and listened to God's whisper like the most well-behaved child."

"And he's crazy now." Ye Fan's mouth suddenly showed a fleeting chuckle, "This is the end of giving up belief in gods, and betrayed believers will become more terrifying and crazy than demons!"

The effect of Ye Fan's words was very obvious. Those believers looked at Lian Hao as if they had seen the virus, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, bringing themselves closer to where Ye Fan was.

"That is to say, when the lights flicker, there will be ghosts possessing anyone?" Su Qingxing found that Ye Fan's existence changed the taste of the whole trial, as if no one cared about the trial anymore, so He had to work hard to bring the whole trial back on track.

"Yes." Tong Yan also nodded immediately.

"Then..." Su Qingxing suddenly cast his eyes on Ye Fan, "What if Mr. Ye is possessed? Will you die as generously as your believers? Then everyone will not be able to contact the gods?"

"Mr. Ye did say the word 'believer' just now, right? So did you admit that these people around you are your believers? Then for your believers, Mr. Ye will definitely choose to die generously, right?"

Su Qingxing's question was directed at Ye Fan, which was indeed sharp given the current situation. At least when Zhou Chunqing and the others heard a series of questions from the youngest who had been silent all this time, they all seemed surprised and surprised.

Su Qingxing didn't directly reveal his identity, it's not that he can't, but it's not necessary.

Imagine that in the middle of Ye Fan's passionate speech, Su Qingxing suddenly jumped out and shouted "I am the guide of the underworld"... Su Qingxing felt that sometimes it needed a suitable time to reveal his identity.

However, at least Su Qingxing no longer intends to keep a low profile, nor does he allow people with unknown origins to "recruit believers" in ghost town No. 666.

After Su Qingxing spoke, Ye Fan saw this young man who had been keeping a low profile in the crowd. After looking at the young man's face and the little snow wolf in his arms, Ye Fan's speech started again——

"Although it is rude to say this, when you have sinful karma, you become the target of being possessed. The more malicious you are, the easier it is to be possessed. I don't need an answer, I just hope that you will remember well Let’s see if I’ve ever done something wrong.”

"Who is innocent?" Su Qingxing chuckled, "If Mr. Ye is possessed, does it mean that Mr. Ye is also guilty of crimes? In this case, what should the believers who trust you do?"

"This... classmate misunderstood, everyone here is not a believer of Ye, but a believer of gods." Ye Fan's hands are still praying, "Ye just hopes that everyone can believe in gods more devoutly, that's all. You don’t need to pay fees, and you don’t need to receive inexplicable education, so this in itself will not cause loss or harm to you.”

"I just hope to be able to connect with the gods, and to send you back to the hometown you miss day and night, to meet your relatives and friends who are hard to part with. Even if some partners have died generously, his relatives will know that he is great here hero!"

"Besides, Ye has given his body and mind to the gods, and I have no evil thoughts or guilt in my mind. As the most devout believer of the gods, Ye will not be possessed!"

"So... join us! Give your body and mind to the gods, and become a heroic person who goes to the death. Maybe we can survive together with a pious heart! No matter whether we have sin karma or not, at least at this moment we have the opportunity to be equal to each other!"

When Ye Fan spoke to the end, the light from his hands suddenly spread out, like the purest holy light, making every trainee unable to help but close their eyes. That light was too dazzling, and it seemed to contain some kind of warm power!

"Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye!"

Ye Fan's language is actually qualified at best, but his tone, eyes, expression and even every smile seem to be pushing the people around him to become believers.

And the "holy light" of unknown origin in his hands is more like the last straw that overwhelms believers.

"The gods are fair to everyone, so even if you refuse to believe Ye, the gods will not blame you." Ye Fan said, and softened his tone, "Everyone can stay here or go to other places in the mall to rest , Whether it’s a change of clothes or missing food, the mall has everything.”

"Those who don't believe in Mr. Ye, just leave!" The believers around also looked at Su Qingxing and the others who had been silent for a long time with hostile eyes.

"Why do I find this group of people so annoying?" Pan Jingui actually said something that Su Qingxing agreed with.

Afterwards, Pan Jingui bravely walked to Lian Hao's side, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, how much does it cost to kill that magic stick, I can give it to you."

"I don't want to kill anyone anymore." Lian Hao looked at Pan Jingui with a sneer, "Suddenly I really want to see the scene when this person's true colors are revealed, hahahahaha!"

"But what if ghosts really won't possess him?" Su Qingxing also interjected and asked.

"Do you really believe his nonsense? That light is not a power to exorcise evil spirits, but... but..." Lian Hao seemed to want to say something, but because his memory had not been fully recovered, he hesitated for a while and still couldn't say why. , "Tch, anyway, what that guy is best at is delaying the attack, but when it comes to the real crisis... Hahahahaha, he is just a joke!"

As Lian Hao said, laughing loudly, he walked towards the interior of the mall alone.

The man with the scythe had said before that he wanted to go to the mall to find something, so he walked very fast now, as if he was eager to find that thing.

"There is a spare door lock over there, let's close the door first." Ye Fan told the other believers, "After all, apart from the ghost possessing him, there are often ghosts that can't even open the door wandering around the door."

"Leave it to me, Mr. Ye!"

On the other side, Su Qingxing just looked at the two older trainees in the team, Aunt Chen and Uncle Xu, and after smiling apologetically, they walked into the team of Ye Fan believers.

A-Long and A-Jian seemed to be struggling very much, but after struggling for a while, they gritted their teeth and followed Aunt Chen and Uncle Xu to Ye Fan's surroundings.

Contrary to these four trainees, some people in the crowd around Ye Fan were also walking out, and finally came to Su Qingxing and the others.

The three figures who walked over were clearly Tong Yan, Chu Bai, and Qin Guan who was separated from Murong for the first time after entering the ghost town.

As the examiner and examiner who knew all the truth, the three of them of course made a choice between Ye Fan and Su Qingxing without hesitation. A magic stick of unknown origin is nothing compared to the controller of No. 666 ghost town.

How can there be any reason to run to believe in the magic stick alone, leaving aside the guide of the underworld

"Tong Yan?" Ye Fan and Tong Yan have been in the same team for so long, so they naturally know Tong Yan a little bit, and they may have thought that Tong Yan was a member of the "believers".

So after seeing Tong Yan turning away without looking back at this moment, Ye Fan's face rarely showed some strangeness.

But Tong Yan didn't turn his head because of Ye Fan, he just nodded to the other auditors, and then walked to Su Qingxing's side.

All of a sudden, there seemed to be two more lineups in the mall, one was Ye Fan who led the believers to pray constantly, and the other was Su Qingxing who gathered some "weirds" around him.

"I didn't expect all three of you to be here."

After hearing Su Qingxing's words, Chu Bai and Qin Guan smiled awkwardly.

"Do you know each other?" Because Su Qingxing's words just now were not a conscious communication, but blurted out directly, Zhou Chunqing and Pan Jingui who were standing next to him could hear those words clearly.

But Su Qingxing just smiled and didn't respond.

After listening to the prayer next door in silence for a while, Su Qingxing turned to Tong Yan and asked, "Does this Mr. Ye really have special abilities?"

"It should be. After all, the white light in his hand looks weird, as if it can be dimmed and brightened under his control, but I don't know if it really has the ability to block ghosts."

"I don't think so." Chu Bai shook his head, "Essentially speaking, the tester is also a ghost, and there are no living humans in this mall hall. So if the light in his hand can really drive away ghosts, everyone around Those believers shouldn’t be able to get close either.”

Chubai's words were indeed rich in information for Zhou Chunqing and Pan Jingui, two trainees who knew nothing about ghost towns.

So after seeing Su Qingxing and the others talking freely, Zhou Chunqing and Pan Jingui, who were completely speechless, simply stepped aside. From their point of view, Ye Fan and the others might not be the only strange people in the mall hall.

"I think I can ask Master Zhu Sha." Qin Guan next to him touched his chin, "When I was working in the trial world, Master Zhu Sha prepared a weapon for me and Murong that can only be used in the trial world. , the two seem to have certain similarities."

Su Qingxing nodded, described the abilities of Lian Hao and Ye Fan to Zhu Sha in detail, and began to wait for the response from Zhu Sha.

The door lock of the shopping mall destroyed by the scythe man was closed again with a spare lock. After all, this is a shopping mall, and you can find all kinds of weird things.

The man with the sickle came back quickly, and seemed to be holding something in his hand.

And the prayers on the other side gradually stopped, maybe because no ghosts appeared for a long time, maybe because the sickle man had spoken badly to Ye Fan before, and those believers stared at the sickle man with terrifying eyes.

At this moment, the lights in the mall hall suddenly flickered.

This seems to herald the start of another game.

When the lights were flickering, Su Qingxing noticed the ghost lurking aside and ready to act. At that moment, Su Qingxing made eye contact with the ghost, and the other party cautiously nodded respectfully to Su Qingxing.

But Su Qingxing suddenly stretched out his finger, pointed directly in Ye Fan's direction, and said loudly: "Mr. Ye, I suddenly have an ominous premonition that the next person to be possessed seems to be you."

Ye Fan's hands are still shining, so even if the lights are flickering, people around can see the expression on his face clearly.

The ghost lurking over there also instantly understood what Su Qingxing meant, and rushed directly into Ye Fan's body!