I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 91: Ghost town conference (one more)



Just one second after the Lava Hell closed, a Shamat-style young man with colorfully dyed hair fell directly on the ground, and finally did not see Lian Hao and Ye Fan for the last time.

"Why! Why did you leave me! Why did you break my heart so much!"

"Why do you have to die? Do you know how many people in this world are thinking about you?! Even if you feel that life is meaningless, there are always people in this world who desperately need you and want to see you!"

"Ah, my sweetheart, I really want to see you!"

This person was lying on the ground in pain, as if he had lost his beloved relative, beating the ground of the ghost town street in great pain, and crying so hard that people couldn't move.

"Why! Why do you take them away from me, why do you always take away my favorite things!" Saying that, the young man who killed Matt looked at Su Qingxing with tears on his face, "You devil!"


"Clothed beast!"

"How can you bear to let such a cute child go to hell!"



"Lord Guide, what's going on?" Tong Yan was completely at a loss when he saw this strange guy who appeared suddenly.

"Ah!" Su Qingxing didn't recognize his identity until the other party raised his head to question him, so he immediately introduced to the people around him, "This is Mr. Pisa, the guide of the underworld in ghost town No. 444."

Guide to the Underworld

Both Tong Yan and Qin Guan looked at Pisa with shocked eyes. If it wasn't for Su Qingxing's introduction, they even thought that this guy was Ye Fan and Lian Hao's rescuer, at least he was an acquaintance who wanted to seek revenge on Su Qingxing.

But I didn't expect that the other party was also a guide of the underworld! !

"Mr. Pisa, long time no see." Su Qingxing nodded to Pizza, "Are you here for Lian Hao and Ye Fan?"

"You bastard, you really make people hate it." When Pisa looked at Su Qingxing, his eyes were almost on fire, "Why do you always get good seedlings in your hands, and you have another one? Throwing nothing left into hell?! Do you really understand how other people love their talents!"

Only eager to love

The two people around Su Qingxing suddenly realized that the reason why this big brother was so excited was not because he was very familiar with those two trainees, but because he wanted to steal from Su Qingxing, but he didn't expect that Su Qingxing had already killed them first. Sent to lava hell.

"Mr. Pisa, did you come here specifically to meet Lian Hao and Ye Fan?" Ever since the incident with Bai Chu last time, Su Qingxing had already understood the character of this colleague, knowing that ghost town No. 444 was considered powerful. Paradise of ghosts.

In that ghost town of No. 444, it seems that there are only strong and weak points, and there is no difference between good and evil.

"Yeah, it's one step too late." Pisa said, and then looked at the two people beside Su Qingxing, "The guide of No. 666, I have something to tell you in private."

Su Qingxing nodded, and told Tong Yan and Qin Guan to deal with Pan Jingui and Zhou Chunqing who had been brought over by the god of death first, while he and the god of death transformed into a snow wolf stood face to face with Pisa on the street.

Although Pisa wanted Su Qingxing to dismiss the two people around him, he didn't seem to notice the special features of Snow Wolf, so he didn't object to Snow Wolf staying at the scene during this private conversation.

"No. 666." After all the insignificant people left, Pisa's expression changed, from exaggerated regret just now to suddenly angry, "What criteria do you use to select the residents of the ghost town? ?!"

"..." Su Qingxing didn't know how to answer for a while.

"I know you don't like my selection method, nor do you like the selection method of some other guides, but at least our selection method is completely fair, how about you?" Pisa almost walked up to Su Qingxing, "You What is the selection criteria? Good people? Kindness? Or the aura of the Virgin? Ignorant junior, do you think you are doing things for the heavens? Did you go to the wrong place when you applied for the job? Maybe you should turn left and lead the way to the heavens The test room for the tester!"

Before Su Qingxing could answer, Pisa continued on his own: "We guides are often said to be too much. But what can we do? We are just a group of soldiers, how can we judge the good and evil of the dead? Besides , this is the underworld, and the distance from hell is only one floor away, why do we choose good people here?"

"..." Su Qingxing still didn't find a chance to interrupt.

"So we can only make some rules that don't require judgment at all." Pisa seemed ready to brainwash Su Qingxing, "I like to choose the strongest, some people like to choose beautiful women, and some people like to choose to carry heavy karma and be innocent The kind of forgiveness, some people like the youngest, some like doctors, some like murderers... These standards don’t need to be judged by the guides at all, when they enter the trial world, it has already decided whether they can enter the ghost town.”

"So, junior, remember! Don't regard yourself as a god, and don't try to judge the practitioners!" Pisa's eyes were extremely serious, "You can never judge people's good and evil, and you can't capture a moment The good and the evil in a moment. Human dead souls are not dolls. Their good and evil are changing all the time, so judging is meaningless. We are gatekeepers, and we are not gods. Constant judgment will only make us more indebted, It's even more painful, isn't it good to think of yourself as a small employee with a dead salary?!"

"I'm not judging." Facing the oppressive feeling conveyed by Pizza, Su Qingxing said seriously, "My standards are as clear as yours."

"Oh, tell me?" Pisa finally took a step back.

"Don't harbor ill intentions towards your companions." Su Qingxing really expressed his thoughts for the first time, "Under the premise of not being eliminated, you must not harbor ill intentions towards your companions before entering Ghost Town No. 666."

Those who have malicious intentions towards their companions are not allowed to enter Ghost Town No. 666.

"What a... very 666-style standard."

"It's just a temporary standard." The light spots around Su Qingxing's body glowed a faint blue light on the dark streets of the ghost town, "If one day, the ghost town and the trials of the underworld no longer exist, these standards will no longer be necessary .”

"Are you stupid? It was precisely because the people of the underworld wanted to kill all the dead souls from the world that so many ghost cities were built and so many builders and guides were hired. If the ghost cities and trials were abolished, all People will face those underworld people who hate humans, and if they want to live then, they can only... "

"You can only rely on yourself, can't you?" Su Qingxing suddenly smiled, "Don't underestimate the people of the underworld, and don't underestimate the souls of the dead. At least in Mr. Pisa's ghost town, there are many people who can confront the people of the underworld head-on Revenant, aren't we? And we folks at Ghost Town 666 are no slouch in that regard."

"Absurd, you want the newborn souls to fight against the people of the underworld? Then what should we guides do? Unemployed and laid off?" Pisa obviously felt that Su Qingxing was a little whimsical.

"Maybe we can change jobs to become mysterious businessmen." Su Qingxing said half-jokingly at the moment, "We can sell weapons and props to the dead, and builders can also change jobs to weapon manufacturers. There will be no trial, no trials , without the test of human nature from the guide, all the future is in the hands of the dead, and they can truly live on their own. Isn't this way of living really unfair to Mr. Pisa?"

"..." Pisa couldn't refute, and finally he could only swallow a bit and said, "No. 666, who do you think you are? We can't change anything with our identities. The guide of the underworld is probably smaller than sand in the eyes of those bosses." , can't do anything."

Su Qingxing just looked at Pisa like this, and after being silent for a while, he suddenly squinted his eyes and smiled, saying, "Yeah, it's just a joke with Mr. Pisa, and it may not be able to change anything in a short time."

"Forget it, I've said everything I need to say. It's not that there are no guides in the ghost town who want to be gods or good people. Anyway, basically none of these guides will end well." Pisa said, putting a The black envelope was handed to Su Qingxing, "The main reason for my coming this time is the invitation letter for this ghost town conference. Here are the specific rules of the conference. You and the team members who are going to participate can prepare well."

Saying that, Pisa turned around directly, ready to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Pisa." Su Qingxing thanked the other party behind him.

But Pisa didn't look back, just waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, anyway, when we meet next time, everyone will be enemies, bye!"

Su Qingxing actually knew very clearly why the work of the guides in the underworld was so difficult. No matter what the criteria for judging, each guide's decision would ultimately affect the fate of the tester.

And judging a person is actually a very difficult thing. For human beings... just like Lian Hao, Su Qingxing believes that he has various images in the eyes of his parents, friends, teachers and even passers-by.

But with so many testers, how could the guide analyze a person thoroughly? In fact, human beings may be one of the most incomprehensible beings in the world, and even human beings themselves may not be able to judge their own good and evil.

How do the testers judge

So Pisa is right, the main reason why the guides have so many strange standards is to avoid the "judgment" of the dead souls.

They are just staff who open the gate of the ghost town, and have no right or responsibility to "judge" the dead. The only thing that gave them relief was that the eliminated souls did not disappear forever, but just changed to another examination room as Su Qingxing said and started again.

But now the most important thing for Su Qingxing is the thing that Pisa gave him just now——

Invitation to Ghost Town Convention.

It is said to be an invitation letter, but as long as the ghost town who receives this card must participate, there is no right to refuse. And in this invitation letter, there is also a copy of the rules of the conference.

Because it is a big event once every two hundred years, almost none of the existing guides have experienced the last ghost town meeting, and no one knows what the rules of the ghost town meeting are, so it is very important to be familiar with the manual.

According to the rules of the conference, each ghost town needs to send six ghosts and guides from the underworld to participate in the competition.

The format of the game is a mode that every player is very familiar with - Trial World. In other words, all players will enter the trial world specially constructed by the Ghost Town Conference, and the winner will be the one who defeats the ghost town with the highest number of enemy teams.

In order to make the ghost town conference different from those ordinary trials, the organizer of the conference specially invited Wen Shenjun, the most powerful builder among the three realms, to construct the venue needed for the competition.

Because the builder this time has an extraordinary background, and the party in charge of the conference has provided sufficient resources and space, the conference has ensured that this trial world has the largest map and the most realistic and exquisite design.

At the same time, even the background scripts and script characters of each game world are unprecedented lineups.

When Zhu Sha knew that the builder of the competition world was Wen Shenjun, she eagerly wanted to join the competition team organized by Su Qingxing, but in the end, considering the management of the ghost town, Zhu Sha gave up the proposal by herself, and just hoped that Su Qingxing would use his mobile phone to take more pictures Photos and videos are transmitted to him.

Such a happy performance made Zhu Sha look like a little fan chasing idols.

However, no matter how big the map is, it is impossible to accommodate all the contestants to compete on the same map. After all, there are too many people in the competition, which can easily lead to disorderly melee, and it will also make it more difficult for the judges to select strong players.

Therefore, according to the rules of the game, there will be many game worlds open at the same time, and each game world can accommodate up to four teams. The team with the highest number of enemies destroyed within the game time will be the winner of the group stage and successfully enter the next round.

The weapons used by the participating teams are not limited, and the means are not limited. It is only necessary to determine the final winner.

The winner of the competition is more than one ghost town, and the specific selection method will be handed over to the review committee of the ghost town conference.

As for the reward for the final winner, the rule book of the Ghost Town Conference did not mention it. But the rules do point out the penalties for all losing teams.

First of all, unless the decision of the judging committee is passed, all players who die in the game will be dissipated and cannot be resurrected.

What's more, all the ghost towns that lose the game will bring disasters, destructive acid rain, fires that cannot be extinguished, deadly lightning strikes everywhere, ground collapse that destroys half of the city...

No one is quite sure what the final punishment will be, but all contestants know that if they lose, the ghost town faces terrible disaster. And this kind of disaster will continue until the next ghost town in two hundred years.

Looking at this rule, Su Qingxing suddenly understood what happened to Ghost Town No. 665 two hundred years ago, and why Gray Crane, the guide, recruited so many vicious ghosts.

Maybe Gray Crane wants to win the ghost town meeting this time and save the ghost town from disaster. But it is a pity that he failed to lead the ghost city to this moment after all.

"That is to say, if you lose...not only the contestants will not be able to return, but the entire ghost town will face disaster." This is the first time Zhu Sha has heard of the punishment of the ghost town conference. It is really hard to imagine that the always peaceful ghost town No. 666 is facing What will become of these disasters.

"So this time, the candidates to participate in the ghost town meeting are mainly voluntary." Su Qingxing sat there and used Qiao Lv's ability to help other companions who were still working. After the end, he got up from the sofa and said to his friend, "Zhu Sha , although I know it’s not what you are good at, but I still hope that you can build suitable weapons for everyone participating in the ghost town conference.”

"Don't worry, I've been thinking about this matter since three months ago. Although building weapons is not something I'm good at, so-called builders can always face difficulties, can't they?"

Seeing the confident expression on Zhu Sha's face, Su Qingxing, as always, was thankful that there was such a builder's companion standing behind him.

After all, for every guide, fighting alone is the most painful thing. For Su Qingxing, there is always cinnabar behind him who can help solve all this. Including the issue of weapon construction that Cinnabar had never seriously considered before.

This time the competition does not limit the use of weapons, so Su Qingxing can already foresee the emergence of various weapons that disrupt the balance. Although Su Qingxing is not afraid of this, the players participating in the competition with him really need the help of weapons.

But before that, Su Qingxing still has one very important thing to do.

Just now, the irresponsible guy Reaper sent Su Qingxing the invitation letter for the judging meeting and the way to participate in the projection meeting.

If he participated in this meeting, it would be the first time that Su Qingxing admitted that he was another master of the Temple of Death.