I’m Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 96: Children's Park


"Cannibalism may also be a hobby." Qin Guan lowered his head and said.

When Qin Guan raised his head after saying this, he saw the partners around him staring at him in surprise.

"What's the matter?" Qin Guan didn't know what he said wrong.

"How can anyone have such hobbies!" Murong looked at Qin Guan a little unbearably, "Do you think you are watching a horror movie Ogre?"

"Why not?" Qin Guan spread his hands, "We have experienced so many trials of horror movies, and seen all kinds of people in ghost towns, maybe there really is someone with special interests in this underworld. "

"Considering the nature and rules of this world, I think we can put aside the possibility of hobbies." Chu Bai also interrupted Qin Guan's imagination, "The one published in the newspaper should be a young woman. We came to another part of this world at the same time, so we should feel hungry at about the same time as us. Thinking about it this way... the speed of printing and delivering newspapers in this world is really fast!"

"That's not the point!" Tong Yan suddenly felt that only he and Miss Murong over there were normal people, and said helplessly, "Shouldn't we find this person and get rid of her quickly?"

"Brother Tong Yan, did you dream of becoming a superhero when you were young?" Although Murong knew that Tong Yan was much older than herself, the other party's thoughts were indeed similar to those of a sunny and innocent boy in his twenties, " There are four teams in this world, and I think whoever goes first loses."


At this moment, the door of the private room of the dessert shop opened, and Su Qingxing, who still felt a little dizzy after a hangover, walked out with his hands on the wall, and then a fluffy newspaper flew on his face.

"Huh?" Su Qingxing took down the newspaper and read it carefully for a while, but he couldn't connect the writing chairs because of the still drunkenness. It was only after Su Qingxing leaned against the wall and sat down in an empty seat that he realized what the newspaper had written.

"So... if the aborigines are her staple food, why did she gnaw on the aborigines in the first place?" Su Qingxing tried hard to activate his brain again, "There are only two possibilities, one is that she attacked there at the reception The other is that after knowing the rules of the trial, she deliberately ran to the street and attacked innocent aborigines. No matter which one is, the temper of this contestant is probably not good."

"That's right." After sitting down opposite Su Qingxing, the cold air around Death God subsided again, "And the latter is more dangerous than the former."

It is even more incomprehensible for such a guy to eat the aborigines even though he knows that he must keep eating after the first bite.

Chu Bai originally wanted to say that there was a third chance possibility, which would cause a similar situation. But after seeing the intact Grim Reaper and Su Qingxing who didn't feel anything, he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"Is this little girl's hair color a little light?" Chu Bai found another sign at this moment. Although the photos in the newspaper were black and white, the young woman in the lace tutu skirt had an almost Big white waves, "Is it dyed or..."

"If it's not dyed hair, the other party might be from a western country in the human world." Su Qingxing obviously guessed what Chu Bai wanted to say, "The hair color in eastern countries is mostly very dark brown or black, and there are almost no such extremely light hair colors. Hair color. However, the possibility of wigs and hair dyes is also very high.”

"Do you want to find it?" Chu Bai took another bite of the plate, because he eats slower than others, so he is still relying on eating slowly to fill his stomach.

But at least Chu Bai didn't make a mistake with his staple food, so although the speed was slow, his body didn't feel any discomfort.

"People around us seem to have strange expressions on our faces." Su Qingxing rubbed his temples and said belatedly.

"This is a historic moment for them." The Grim Reaper turned to look at the aborigines in clothes that looked like sugar wrappers. "It was the first time they knew that certain things could be swallowed."

"They don't think we are the companions of that guy in the newspaper, do they?" Tong Yan couldn't help lowering his voice.

"Everyone, be careful." A somewhat sudden voice came from the ears of each of Su Qingxing and the others.

That was Qiao Li's voice.

"Qiao Lv?" Because Qiao Lv didn't speak from the beginning, Su Qingxing thought that the person sleeping in the wheelchair hadn't regained consciousness for the time being.

"Sorry, everyone." Qiao Li himself was still sitting in the wheelchair next to him with his eyes closed, but the voice had already passed into everyone's ears, or rather into everyone's brain, "I always wanted to rely on my ability to explore this The world, but the difficulty of accomplishing this task is much greater than I imagined, and the size of this world does not seem like a place constructed by people."

Su Qingxing nodded in agreement, after all, it is indeed not humans who built this place, but gods.

"So I just gave up on this adventure, and instead monitored the area within a kilometer of us." Qiao Lu's voice was relieved, "I finally have the strength to talk to everyone."

"Qiao Lu, when will you wake up?" Tong Yan's voice was also aggrieved, "It seems that I haven't seen you open your eyes for a long time."

"..." Qiao Li was silent for a moment before softening his tone, "Decades of energy overdraft cannot be recovered overnight, and now it is thanks to the help of Lord Guide and Mr. Chubai that we can enter the trial with everyone .”

Although Qiao Lv himself hasn't woken up yet, his physical condition has obviously improved. He doesn't look as thin as before, and there is a little blood on his face, which is why everyone concluded that he will wake up soon.

Compared with Qiao Lu, Tong Yan, who is now alive and well, is even more impressive. You must know that many of the testers who were controlled in the campus world before are still in a state of rest and cannot participate in any trials for the time being.

According to Chu Bai's research, the reason why Tong Yan recovers so quickly is that apart from his strong recovery ability, he is indeed immune to Qiao Lv's control to a certain extent, and may even be immune to other strange special abilities .

This is also the main reason why Tong Yan was allowed to participate in this ghost town conference.

"Just now you said to be careful? Did you notice some special situation?" Su Qingxing was not distracted by other conversations, and continued to ask directly.

"Yes." Qiao Li's tone became serious, "There are two teams appearing within a kilometer around us."

"How can we be sure that the opponent is a team from another ghost town, not an aborigine of this planet." Chu Bai was a little curious about this.

"I have been observing this planet for a long time, so I also have a certain understanding of the habits of the aborigines here. Most of them go in and out, and even if they finally go out, they seldom go together. So the seven-member team gathered together It's obvious when you're at it." Qiao Li's mental detection ability is actually just an accessory to the control ability, but he has already used this ability to a great extent at this moment.

Coupled with the ability to control like a surprise soldier at a critical moment, Qiao Li can be said to be the most ideal player.

"The most important thing is that I feel that I have no way to possess them." Qiao Lv continued, "It is very difficult to even detect the content of their conversations. They should be some powerful ghosts."

"It was expected."

Su Qingxing knew that Qiao Li's ability to control only works on people who are weaker than him, so only Qiao Li can make his own ability stronger in order to maximize the potential of this ability. However, for No. 666 ghost town, which has always been developing steadily and harmoniously, it is also expected that they will meet stronger players than them in the ghost town tournament.

After all, compared with Ghost Town No. 666, the enemies they encounter will be the best selected from all kinds of evil spirits!

"But I saw the girl in the photo." Qiao Lu told Su Qingxing what they most wanted to hear, "Pink skirt, golden hair, that girl and her companions don't look like Orientals .”

"It seems that I really met friends from the West."

"I also heard a name from them, which is the only useful information I heard." Qiao Li said, seeming to think about it for a moment, "Ford Tout."

"Most of the dialogue was vague, but the name was repeated so many times that it sounded familiar to me. At first I thought it might be the name of one of their players, but I always felt that it was a bit strange to say so many times with the first and last name. I'm sorry, I couldn't help you much." After saying the name, Qiao Li became quiet again.

"No, thanks to you, Qiao Lu, we can get so much useful information." Su Qingxing said, and then looked at the other people present, "I can say that I know nothing about Western affairs, so some of you don't know anything about this. Do you remember the name?"

Su Qingxing really didn't know anything about the West, after all, the stories his mother told were all related to the East since he was a child. So even if Su Qingxing heard Qiao Lv pronounce the name, he still had no memory of that thing, and he couldn't remember it at all in the next second.

"Ogre FT." Chu Bai suddenly read out a word that Su Qingxing also couldn't understand, but then Chu Bai explained, "The translation is 'Ogre FT', and FT is the initials of the name Ford Tauter Shorthand. Although I am only a mirror image, my body that has already been in hell is very interested in these things, and I have read related materials. "

"Is that a person with special abilities among human beings?" As soon as the content of the West is involved, Su Qingxing becomes a curious baby.

"There is no special ability, that guy's behavior is just like what Qin Guan said, it's just a hobby. Generally speaking, he should be regarded as a serial murderer who has been dead for decades, because the way of killing is too He is terrifying, so he is very famous, and there are also some followers in the West who hide in the dark and respect and even worship him quietly."

Chu Bai told all the information he knew, and analyzed: "However, FT is a man who has been dead for decades, and the photo and what Qiao Li saw should be a woman, so we have reason to suspect that The ladies in tutus are followers of Ogre FT, and this gastronomic planet has become their paradise."

"It makes sense in this way." Su Qingxing tried his best to digest some information about this Ogre, "The reason why they called this murderer by his first name and last name should be some kind of respect."

"Let's get out of here first." As a woman, Murong always feels more delicate than other companions, so she has already lowered her voice and urged her companions, "The people in the dessert shop are really weird, they seem to be on guard. It's too much."

"Strange things are always easy to cause panic." Su Qingxing said, the drunkenness caused by the wine chocolate seems to have dissipated. After smiling apologetically at the god of death, he got up from the seat first and went to the dessert shop. Go outside.

For what happened in the private room before, Su Qingxing did not leave too many clear memories.

He only remembered that he had a dream when he was resting in the private room. In the dream, he pressed a huge bonbon under his body, and desperately tried to find the little white dog from the bonbon.

In short, it was a very absurd dream. After all, when he was awake, it was absolutely impossible for Su Qingxing to do anything to such a large piece of liqueur chocolate. However, through the feeling of fullness at this moment and the drunkenness that had just dissipated, Su Qingxing could still guess that the god of death should have fed him during this time.

And judging from the current state of death, he seems to have complete hands and feet, and there is no visible injury on his body, which also makes Su Qingxing breathe a sigh of relief. As for the feeding method that Reaper chose... Su Qingxing felt that in the face of competition from the ghost town conference, his personal affairs could be discussed later.

After leaving the dessert shop, Su Qingxing and the others, with the help of Qiao Lv, chose a route that could avoid all enemy teams. After all, they hope that Qiao Lv can have more time to investigate the teams in these places and get more information that is beneficial to ghost town No. 666.

As for killing the Quartet at the beginning of the ghost town meeting... Unless Su Qingxing doesn't plan to stay in ghost town No. 666, otherwise, it's better to restrain his behavior temporarily.

Qiao Lv said before that the size of this planet is beyond his imagination, so the place where Su Qingxing and the others can move is definitely not just near this crossroad. The farther they walked, the more unique the scenery Su Qingxing and the others saw, worthy of the name of the gourmet planet.

For example, after Su Qingxing and the others crossed two intersections, they saw a park in the middle of the street full of fairytale atmosphere on the left side of the street.

Maybe it's because the surrounding houses are all in three colors of white, brown and black. Even if there are various colored candy embellishments, the tones are very harmonious and unified. So when a street park with rich colors like a fairytale candy house appeared in front of everyone, they immediately caught their attention and even wanted to go for a walk.

In fact, everyone in Tour Group No. 666 did go in and walk around.

There is a beautiful lake in the middle of the park. It looks as clear as the lemonade that Murong drank. At a glance, you can see the water plants in the bottom of the water that are like jellybeans, which should not even appear in ordinary lakes. Beautiful corals of various colors.

Whether it is aquatic plants or corals, they are as round and lovely as fished out of cartoons, making the whole lake also full of fairy tale atmosphere.

Su Qingxing and the others also saw a lot of colorful small fish in the water, and the aquatic plants and corals also had a springy and soft feeling.

"It's almost like the fish-shaped gummy candy I bought when I was a child. The bright orange one is a clownfish!" Murong just squatted by the lake, watching all kinds of small fish swimming in it, and she seemed to recall A lot of childhood memories.

Perhaps it is to prevent the Ooao debris in the park from being affected by the lake water, so relatively waterproof hard candy substances are used around the lake to block them, but even those hard candy substances are very thick, and now it seems that they have melted away. On the slope, there is a different kind of beauty under the reflection of the sunset.

There is also a red runway around the lake. Su Qingxing stepped on the runway a few times curiously. It felt like a thin layer of soft candy was laid on the stiff ground. The old Murong will not find it difficult to walk.

There are also various landscapes with different themes in the park, such as snowmen and snow castles made of sugar, and a super-large Go board made of brown chocolate, on which there are black and white chess pieces about the same height as Su Qingxing and others, and those chess pieces are of course made of Made of black and white chocolate.

There is also a farm estate on the other side, the soil is subdivided into dozens of grids, and there are mini-labels on it to mark what is planted inside. The most powerful thing is that there is a chocolate sign next to the land, which says - experience the fun of picking for free.

Su Qingxing scanned it casually, and found that there were watermelons, peanuts, carrots, potatoes and even Chinese cabbage and other vegetables and fruits in the field.

And being able to see vegetables and fruits on the sweet planet is also an exciting thing for everyone in No. 666. It's just that when Tong Yan tried to pull out the radish, it seemed as if he heard the sound of "biu", and the big radish jumped out of the ground.

"Sure enough, it's still fudge." Tong Yan lowered his head in frustration.

The carrot held by Tong Yan looked very real, and it was stained with a lot of black soil. It's just that on this gourmet planet, what Tong Yan is holding in his hand is just a piece of carrot-flavored jellybean with oooo crumbs.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan took a big bite on the tip of the carrot, and couldn't help but burst into tears and said: "The taste of carrots is also good, but I really want to eat salty things! Next time someone will ask me about sweet tofu nao and sweet tofu. I will never hesitate about the question of salty tofu brain!"

"I kind of miss the ketchup in the ghost town. The sourness and saltiness are just right, which is a plus when making tomato sauce steak." Murong also squatted there, handing out the peanut-shaped chocolate in his hand, "Would you like it?" Try it, the peanut-flavored chocolate is not as greasy as imagined, and it seems a little salty after self-hypnosis... "

Before Murong finished speaking, the peanut chocolate in her hand was snatched away.

"Hey! Save some for me!"

"Young people nowadays..." Chu Bai, who was obviously very young himself, sat there and shook his head. He took out a small silver knife from the white coat on his body, and cut the big watermelon in front of him into two instantly. Cut into strips.

The shell of the watermelon is very crispy, it should be watermelon colored chocolate. As for the inside of the watermelon…

"That's right, it's watermelon-flavored jelly. It's not greasy, and it's still a little sweet." After Chu Bai finished speaking, all the watermelon in front of him had been snatched up, and the remaining peanuts and watermelon in the field were also taken away. The companions who were in a state of starvation all dug out.

"Tong Yan, are you stockpiling grain?" Su Qingxing held two pieces of watermelon in his hand. After he handed one of the watermelons to the god of death, he saw Tong Yan picking up peanuts, potatoes, and cherry tomatoes from the field. Put something like that into a small bag, and stuff it back behind the wheelchair Qiao Lv was sitting on.

"No, I just want to save some for Qiao Lv." Tong Yan scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Qiao Lv hasn't eaten well for decades, although Sweet Food Planet seems a little tired to us, But it should be a great food for Qiao Lv, right? So I want to save some for Qiao Lv."

"You guys really have a heart." Mu Rong patted Tong Yan's shoulder with her feet on her feet, "But can you put things under this wheelchair?"

"It should be possible." Tong Yan didn't realize why Murong asked such a question for a while, and then he saw Murong and Qin Guan holding a watermelon and stuffing it directly under Qiao Lu's wheelchair.

"Bring a few more carrots. After leaving here, there may not be such greasy things." Adhering to the principle of stuffing as much as you can, everyone hoarded a lot of spare materials without affecting the mobility of the wheelchair, and then Only then happily left the mopped up Happy Farm.

Well, because it really is a very happy farm.

In addition to these large themed projects, the details in the park are also full of childishness. For example, the chairs for people to rest in the park are oversized donuts, which feel soft and comfortable when sitting on them.

A tree will be planted in the middle of the oversized donut, but the tree in the park is not a green mint, but a big cotton candy! Especially when Su Qingxing and the others saw the super-giant pink cotton candy on the trunk, it was like seeing a cherry tree in a fairy tale book. It would even sway when the wind blows, which was very cute.

"Oh my God, how can this park be so cute!" Murong also found a marshmallow trampoline next to her. When she was lying on it, she felt like she was floating in the clouds, which was very wonderful. This kind of paradise seems to make everyone forget that this is a trial world for a period of time, and once again regard this place as a treasured place for leisure and vacation.

Seeing the friends of No. 666 playing on the marshmallow trampoline, Su Qingxing did not stop him, but sat on the nearby donuts with Death, watching a group of adults jumping around like children.

"Don't you need to stop it?" The god of death turned to look at the fiancé beside him, the black hair reflected in the red glow looked warmer than usual.

"Let them have fun first, coming to the gourmet planet seems to be a scene that every human being has dreamed about." Su Qingxing first showed a smile on his face, and then calmed down, "When they find out the situation When it is more severe than expected, it may not be possible to play as well as now."

"It's a good thing that they haven't had much contact with the aborigines, even if they saw pictures like that, they didn't leave much of an impression."

"Speaking of the aborigines, their way of acting and thinking seems to be very complete." Su Qingxing recalled the aborigines he had contacted before, "It's not like the script characters with fixed lines that Zhu Sha once constructed."

"After all, it is a world created by Wenshenjun with the resources of the underworld, and the quality must be high." The god of death seems to be very confident in this Wenshenjun, and also told a secret that Su Qingxing did not know, "I heard that the underworld decided to build a ghost city back then. At that time, Wenshenjun was also specially invited to take charge of the construction work."

"The ghost city was also built by Wen Shenjun?" Su Qingxing's eyes widened.

"I only took part of the work, but it really improved the perfection of the ghost town." Death looked around, "So in terms of street layout, you may feel that this place is somewhat similar to a ghost town. After all, that Wenshenjun hates intricate roads. So many times the streets built are very simple.”

"Indeed." After Su Qingxing nodded, he finally heard what he had promised Zhu Sha, and quickly picked up his mobile phone to record the surrounding scenery, and immediately transmitted it to the builder who "guarded the empty boudoir alone" at the ghost town management office grown ups.

Just a few seconds later, Su Qingxing received a transmission from Zhusha... hundreds of hearts and urgings to "update" and "add more". In Zhu Sha's words, if Su Qingxing doesn't update and add more quickly, he will secretly give the little bear several lollipops, and then live-stream eating steak in tomato sauce and braised pork in front of Su Qingxing!

Zhu Sha's move was too ruthless, like pampering the little bears' desire for sweets, and live-streaming eating meat when they were tired of sweets... Su Qingxing suddenly felt his shoulders feel a little heavier.

After Su Qingxing chatted with the god of death for a while, the sky became darker and darker, and the others could only reluctantly get off the trampoline and gather in front of Su Qingxing again.

"Then it's time for us to set off to find a place to stay tonight." Su Qingxing said, then looked at Qiao Lu who was in the wheelchair and asked, "Qiao Lu, where are those two teams now?"

"The team related to OgreFT is approaching the dessert shop where we stayed before, and the distance between us is also shortening." Qiao Lv's voice sounded, "There may also be people with special abilities in the other team. I can't find out where they are, but they should be approaching, sorry."

"Don't keep saying sorry, your ability is a gift to us, a gift that fell from the sky, not a responsibility imposed on you." Mu Rong and the others only think that Qiao Li is very powerful, and it seems that only Qiao Li has always treated him. Express dissatisfaction with your own abilities.

"After the body recovers, the ability should improve." Qiao Lv still secretly made up his mind.

"Don't human beings often say things like 'it's a disaster that can't be avoided'?" Su Qingxing smiled, "If we really met other teams, with the weapons provided by Zhu Sha and me as the guide, we would definitely not Allow our team to lose!"

The god of death also stood behind Su Qingxing and nodded silently.

From Su Qingxing's point of view, this world really left some beautiful memories. If possible, I really don't want to kill and kill in such a world.

Before night fell, Su Qingxing and his party left Tongqu Park and began to look for a place to stay. After walking through several intersections, Su Qingxing and the others finally saw a place called "Rest Station". The building looked very large, and judging from the name, it seemed to be a place where people could settle down.

Because the night was dark, Su Qingxing and the others had no other choice. Even without the planet's currency, Su Qingxing and the others resolutely walked in. The door of the rest station is still open. Although I don't know how the electricity in this world works, the lights in the store are indeed on.

Just when the group of people walked under the eaves of the inn, a gust of wind suddenly blew past.

"Look!" Murong turned around inadvertently, and then was surprised by a certain unexpected situation outside, "Oh my God, it seems that I haven't seen this for a long time... I didn't expect to see it again in the Food Planet."

Su Qingxing also turned around following Murong, and then saw white..."snowflakes" floating in the sky outside.
