I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish

Chapter 14: Weng son-in-law talking


There are hardware masters who can change lines everywhere, but this is the first time everyone has seen a star who can assemble machinery.

This additional skill point is really too conspicuous, coupled with Chi Song's outstanding execution during the game, the search volume and index of Chi Song's name on major websites have risen rapidly, and many passers-by instantly turned fans. The nympho Chi Song on their respective Weibo.

A good person posted on Doubanjiang and asked, "There is a newcomer named Chi Song who seems to be very popular recently, and I am looking for some material."

As soon as the post came out, in addition to the AI "little yellow duck" who automatically replied to the top post, the second person who replied to the post laughed at the landlord: "The landlord was born after 2000, right? When Chi Song was popular more than ten years ago, you I'm afraid I'm still breastfeeding."

With this reply setting the tone, the following replies are not serious. A group of post-00s refused to admit that the landlord was my race, and there were several post-00s who came forward and said that the first TV series they watched when they were children was "Coming and Going", and they also watched the two films of Chi Song.

The landlord played gg in the midst of laughter and laughter, even if he sneered at "I'm sorry I don't know about your world's most popular Chi Song", "This place is controlled by Chi Song's fans, I can't afford to provoke it", I didn't receive anything. The results have aroused the rebellious psychology of many people.

"Damn, the landlord is brainless, who is his nc fan? The first time I replied to his post, I was an nc fan? Is this a professional black? Is it a small fan, afraid that Chi Songhong will block his way? , came to explosion-proof?"

"The onlookers are going crazy."

"I went to watch the broadcast of the landlord, hahaha, it turned out to be Yu Xufan [screenshot.jpg][screenshot.jpg][screenshot.jpg]"

"No wonder, "Bright Stars" was released by the male third, and the whole network called for Xue Yunyang to be turned into a regular. It is also the first time that Yu Xu is the male protagonist."

"Damn, is Xue Yunyang played by Chi Song?"

"I can't tell, Yang Yang looks so melancholy."

"Yu Xuzhen's fans pass by, which means that he personally dislikes the landlord. The fans we spent money on are not like this."

"Yu Xu has been flopping for how long, it's hard to make a fool of him, but he still has fans."

"It's a building, it's a building, does Chi Song have a backstage, please."

"There is an egg, if he has a backstage, he can be unknown for so many years?"

The power of mass gossip is powerful. In the discussion of various questions about "is there a flop in Yu Xu" and "is the landlord a fan or a sunspot", something has really been picked up.

Someone went to check Chi Song's poor content on Baidu Encyclopedia, and then went to find Chi Song's manuscript of Xiying's year, and learned that he was going to study in the UK, so he climbed the wall and went to the Internet, looking for it from one school to another, following the vines, I actually found Chi Song's graduation photo on the website of Chi Song University.

As soon as the graduation photos came out, everyone was bursting with enthusiasm.

... It turns out to be a scholar, no wonder he can crush others in the game, and his education is displayed here!

It didn't take long for Chi Song to even get the title of "Little Opera Elite" back then, including the Lei Operas that he performed diligently in recent years, all surfaced one by one.

Within a day, the old drama "Coming and Going" was turned out again, and the click rate was soaring.

On Weibo, the number of Chi Song's fans also skyrocketed at the speed of a rocket.

Chi Song has never seen such a fast increase in fans in his life, so he quickly called Song Zhihuai to watch God with himself.

After a while, Liu Che's phone called: "Yo, not bad."

Chi Song asked, "Have you watched my variety show?"

Liu Che: "I haven't had time yet. I just browsed Douban when I had nothing to do, and saw a post saying that you are a newcomer. Isn't that fucking funny, so I clicked in and told the landlord that he was still there when you were popular. milk."

Chi Song: "… "

Liu Che was a little excited: "I replied to your post before, and it didn't take a while to sink in. Today I refreshed it, my dear, I have replied dozens of pages, and I have read it and it is still positive, not bad, it looks like you It's really on fire."

Listening to the joy in his voice, Chi Song also laughed heartily: "Have you not swiped Weibo? I've been on the hot search for a long time today... I didn't buy it this time!"

Liu Che paused for a few seconds: "...Oh, Weibo is too spicy, I'll unload it."

Chi Song: "Huh?"

Liu Che said with a smile: "Since there is news about you, I will pretend to be back later."

Chi Song: "Why did you take it off? You applied for the account when Weibo first came out. It's been several years."

Liu Che: "Mom was scolding Sabie on Weibo last time, but I couldn't get angry, so I let it go, out of sight and out of mind."

Chi Song smiled and said, "How old are you?"

Liu Che: "He insists that sweet beancurd is better than salted beancurd, isn't that heresy?"

Chi Song was planning to chat with Liu Che for a while, but Song Zhihuai next to him was no longer happy.

He said, "Chi Song, the water is boiling."

Chi Song snorted and said, "Zhi Huai called me, I'll hang up first."

Liu Che pouted, "Go go go."

After putting off the phone, Liu Che lay on the soft sofa, a little irritated, opened the app market and downloaded the Weibo app.

Staring at the download progress bar on Weibo, Liu Che fell into deep thought.

The last time he scolded someone was because that person was blind after watching "Bright Stars", saying that Chi Song must have had his nose corrected.

Liu Che thought, what a fucking nonsense, Chi Song's nose has been pinched every day since he met him when he was studying abroad, and it was definitely imported. These people are jealous.

He covered his eyes irritably.

... Fuck, I'm so jealous.

On the other side, Chi Song pointed his ears, but he couldn't hear the sound of boiling water in the kitchen: "Zhi Huai, have you boiled the water?"

Song Zhihuai took Chi Song's hand as it should, and covered his spirited Xiao Song: "Well, the water here is boiling."

Chi Song suddenly opened his eyes.

... Playing hooligans in broad daylight is really exciting.

Every time Chi Song called Liu Che, Song Zhihuai felt unhappy in his heart.

Maybe he was more sensitive. No matter how he looked at Liu Che, he looked like a legendary bamboo horse hanging on a bamboo horse, sticking with people in the name of friendship.

If Song Zhihuai is not happy, it will be easier to stop the car.

After a while, Chi Song began to cry, sobbing and twitching. While twitching, he hugged Song Zhihuai's shoulder aggrievedly, and explained, "It's physiological... Physiological."

Chi Song thought while crying, Song Zhihuai's newly bought small umbrella is really annoying, and it will be secretly thrown away in a while, and this brand must not be used next time.

After the two of them were satisfied, Song Zhihuai ran to pick up a pot of water, ready to boil it for Chi Song to drink.

Chi Song slept on the bed in a daze, taking a nap with Song Zhihuai's arm in his arms. After a while, the water boiled.

Song Zhihuai wanted to get up, but Chi Song grabbed his arm firmly and didn't allow him to go.

Song Zhihuai laughed and rubbed Chi Song's fluffy head: "The water is boiling."

Hearing these three words, Chi Song shuddered and shrank back, honestly not wanting it.

Song Zhihuai couldn't help laughing.

Going to pour a glass of boiling water, Song Zhihuai just entered the bedroom when he heard Chi Song's cell phone ringing on the bedside.

Song Zhihuai walked over, it was an unremarked phone number.

Chi Song frowned slightly at the noise of the phone ringing, and his body was still in a deep sleep, unable to extricate himself.

Song Zhihuai didn't think much about it, and pressed the phone off.

After a while, the phone rang again.

Song Zhihuai pressed it down again and called in again.

Song Zhihuai simply picked up Chi Song's cell phone and walked outside. When answering the call, he deliberately lowered his voice, for fear of disturbing the already tired Chi Song: "Hello, who is it?"

The voice on the other end of the phone paused for a few seconds, then asked, "...Who are you?"

Song Zhihuai's throat tightened when he heard the somewhat familiar middle-aged female voice.

Mama Chi asked anxiously on the other end of the phone, "Isn't this Chi Song's call? Who are you?"

President Song responded quickly: "Hello, Auntie, Chi Song is asleep."

Mama Chi: "Who are you? This night... "

Song Zhihuai looked in the direction of the bedroom and said softly, "I'm his life assistant."

… the assistant who manages every aspect of his life.

Mama Chi believed a little: "Why didn't he tell me?"

Assistant Song said, "I'm new here and I'm still on probation."

... If you want to live a lifetime, you may have to be investigated by Chi Song for a while.

Only then did Mother Chi let down her guard and began to ask questions: "It's hard for you, and I trouble you to take care of Xiao Song so late."

Assistant Song said with a smile, "It should be."

"what's your name?"

Song Zhihuai said, "My surname is Song, you can call me Xiao Song."

Chi's mother was also happy: "I call Chi Song Xiao Song, and I call you Xiao Song, isn't this called a jerk?"

Song Zhihuai thought, don't say it, this is really a problem.

As he thought about it, he asked, "Aunt Chi, what are you calling?"

Mama Chi paused for a while before answering: "When I went shopping, a thief touched my phone, and I lost my card. There are some auspicious activities going on in the mobile business hall. I bought a pretty number, and it is said that this number is good for children. No, I will call Xiao Song and let him remember my number. "

The two exchanged a few more words before Song Zhihuai hung up the phone.

He didn't know, the mother Chi on the other end of the phone stared at the phone for a long time.

Father Chi, who was carrying a flower pot, came over. When he saw the phone hang up, his face became ugly: "Why did you hang up? You didn't let me say a word after chatting for so long?"

Mama Chi frowned and said, "... It wasn't Xiao Song who answered the phone. He said it was Xiao Song's life assistant."

Dad Chi's brows stretched out: "Life assistant, you don't know, there are all the star dolls now, we Xiao Song should have one, anyway, they are reimbursed by their unit."

But Mama Chi still looked solemn.

Dad Chi saw something and asked, "What's the matter?"

Mother Chi hesitated for a while before whispering: "... When that person answered the phone just now, he didn't ask me who I was from the beginning to the end, and called me 'Aunt Chi'.... How did he know that I was mother Chi Song? "

Dad Chi thought for a while and asked, "Is it a man or a woman?"

Mama Chi said, "Boy doll."

Dad Chi breathed a sigh of relief: "Man, what are you afraid of?"

Mama Chi didn't speak, she thought for a while, and called into the inner room, "Xiao Yang!"

Chi Yang rubbed his eyes and walked out: "Mom?"

Chi's mother said, "Book a high-speed rail ticket, I want to see your brother."