I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish

Chapter 34: Stealing the storm


Afterwards, the two were entangled in scarves and could not be untied.

Song Zhihuai softened his hand as he solved it, stopping every now and then to take a breath to continue the solution: "Hey, you said, if the two of us were doing it and accidentally strangled each other to death, how would the next day's news report write about the two of us? ?"

Chi Song did not speak, but closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

Song Zhihuai thought he was too tired to fall asleep until he found Chi Song's auricle that was burning red.

Song Zhihuai was taken aback at first, thinking that it was cold weather, Chi Song couldn't stand the vigorous exercise and had a fever.

He reached out and touched Chi Song's face and found that his face was twice as hot as his forehead, so he felt relieved.

Song Zhihuai teased his chin deliberately: "Daughter-in-law, what's the matter?"

Chi Song arched over and turned over, hugged the small pillow on the passenger seat, and hummed: "...How did we do it here?"

Chi Song has been a good baby since he was a child, and he has never done anything outside the room. Just now, he was sobered by Song Zhihuai's teasing, and he was put on a horse when he was confused.

He covered his face with a scarf and was so ashamed that he wanted to hit the wall.

Song Zhihuai was sprouted by his daughter-in-law.

He went up to reveal Chi Song's scarf, and Chi Song protected it tightly, not letting him touch it.

Song Zhihuai put his arms around Chi Song's waist, and through a thin scarf, he kissed the bridge of his nose very carefully.

Chi Song's face blushed under the scarf, and he said in a lower voice, "...Go to wash the car."

... This is someone's car, I'm sorry if it gets dirty.

Song Zhihuai, who had been doing push-ups for almost an hour and a half, happily started the car and said, "Okay, listen to my daughter-in-law about everything."

Song Zhihuai drove the car to the car wash center to wash it.

Song Zhihuai put Chi Song at the door of a 24-hour convenience store. Chi Song went into the convenience store and bought two cans of juice. He was hungry because of the excess physical labor, so he bought a big bun.

When he was heating the buns, the little girl in the convenience store who had been staring at him finally confirmed who the little brother was in front of him: "... oops!"

Chi Song hurriedly pulled off his mask and snorted.

… Fortunately, there are very few customers in the convenience store at nine o'clock.

The little girl from the convenience store took a photo with Chi Song, took out a personal notebook, and said to Chi Song with great joy, "I like your Xue Yunyang, can you write on it 'Xue Yunyang loves you for 10,000 years'. ?"

Chi Song wrote it with great care, and drew a lot of careful attention.

The girl took it, took a photo cherishly, added a filter to the signature, and diligently gave a photo of the two of them together.

Song Zhihuai didn't come back until half an hour later. Chi Song simply didn't leave the convenience store. He was eating steamed buns while looking at the girl's P picture. When he saw half of it, he took the phone and put a no on top of himself and the girl's head. Silly filter.

Song Zhihuai originally planned to leave the car in the car wash, pick up Chi Song at the door of the convenience store by himself, and take him to have a hot drink and a late-night snack.

But he received a video from Zhou Yaming's WeChat.

Zhou Yaming said: "I have a friend who sent me this."

Before opening it, Song Zhihuai had a very bad premonition when he saw the dark mass in the thumbnail.

The video was simply edited, and the pixels were more touching, but Song Zhihuai still recognized it at a glance. It was the image of himself and Chi Song being frozen back to the car about two hours ago.

It can be seen from the shooting time in the upper right corner that the two people stayed in the car for more than an hour.

Song Zhihuai's buddies put film on all sides of the car windows, so it's impossible to take pictures of the inside from the outside. The confidentiality is OK, and the quality of the car is excellent, and it is basically impossible to see the car shaking from the outside.

But what can two people do in the car, staying motionless for an hour and a half

Flip the rope

Song Zhihuai's face darkened.

... Chi Song was indeed being watched.

He hid in a secluded place and called Zhou Yaming: "Which media took it?"

Zhou Yaming replied, "Xindu Entertainment."

After a quick selection in memory, Song Zhihuai confirmed to Zhou Yaming: "... a small studio that was just established, right?"

Zhou Yaming: "Well."

Song Zhihuai frowned fiercely.

Small studios like this one can be regarded as blooming everywhere in the entertainment industry.

—New junior Chi Song and the boss of the entertainment company were shocked by the car in the middle of the night, suspected of coming out of the closet.

The above material is, in every sense, a standard big material.

Although there are various tolerances for homosexuality on the Internet, in the domestic environment, people in the entertainment circle come out of the closet, which is equivalent to quitting the circle.

Even if Chi Song does not admit it, this material will be regarded as a sure stone hammer. When Chi Song has any possibility of emerging, this material will jump out, causing an immeasurable blow to Chi Song.

To put it bluntly, as soon as this material comes out, it will accompany Chi Song all his life.

Song Zhihuai took off his gold-rimmed glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose, and his expression changed to a businessman's indifference and sharpness: "Where did you get the video from?"

Zhou Yaming didn't say a word of nonsense: "A junior sister who works in Xindu Entertainment. She knows that Chi Song is an artist under my hands."

Song Zhihuai said: "It's up to your junior sister to contact Xindu Entertainment in a responsible manner, and bring their team in and incorporate it into Tianle Studio."

Zhou Yaming was a little surprised.

Tianle Studio is subordinate to Nebula Entertainment, and it is one of the best paparazzi studios in the entertainment industry. If the merger is successful, that small studio will change from a pheasant to a phoenix all at once.

Zhou Yaming asked: "Will this be too abrupt? After all, this small studio has no success, and suddenly brought him in. Other entertainment companies are not fools. Once they suspect..."

Song Zhihuai said without hesitation: "Chen Cunyun, who informed Tianle, sold the news of Lin Xun's derailment to Xindu Entertainment and asked them to follow suit. If they can photograph it, the fame and effect they will get will be better than when Chi Song and Che Zhen are photographed. bigger."

Zhou Yaming: "..."

Lin Xun is a middle-aged actor who has always had a good reputation, and his acting skills are also good. He likes to sell good man characters in public. He is a well-deserved first-class character in today's TV dramas, and he is also one of the pillars of Nebula Entertainment.

Tianle Studio had already taken pictures of Lin Xun's derailment, but due to the influence of all parties, they did not dare to reveal it easily, so they silently kept the information in case of emergency.

As far as Song Zhihuai knew, Lin Xun just bought a suite for his mistress not long ago, and the two should still be sticking together.

Pressing material with material is indeed a common method in the entertainment industry, but Zhou Yaming really did not expect that Song Zhihuai would use the black material of the first-tier star to suppress the material of the third-tier star Chi Song.

It stands to reason that there is no need for such a large hand to protect Chi Song.

But Zhou Yaming would never say anything more.

Maybe in Song Zhihuai's eyes, Chi Song shines brighter than anyone else.

Song Zhihuai put on the glasses again: "By the way, don't forget to take care of the source files and all copied files of the video that your schoolgirl wants."

Zhou Yaming said: "Of course I will, and I will also propose to sign a non-disclosure agreement with them. ... But I am not sure if they will hide it."

Song Zhihuai sneered and gave Zhou Yaming the last instruction: "Find someone to investigate the boss of Xindu Entertainment, and the photographer who shot Chi Song. I need to master the blemishes in their private lives, anything is fine."

The businessman Song Zhihuai has never been a good man and a woman. He knows that in this circle, interests are eternal.

A sudden rumor of Lin Xun's derailment will allow him to temporarily reach a partnership with Xindu Entertainment, but the partnership cannot be guaranteed not to collapse.

Then, he must have enough chips in his hand, so that Chi Song will not be threatened by any chips.

After listening to Song Zhihuai's arrangement, Zhou Yaming gave a rare laugh.

Song Zhihuai: "...What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Yaming replied, "Chi Song really found a treasure when he met you."

After speaking, she hung up the phone and went to work.

The phone is finished and the car is washed.

Song Zhihuai drove a brand new car and returned to the door of the convenience store where Chi Song had been put down half an hour ago.

In the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Song Zhihuai saw that Chi Songzheng and the cashier girl were chatting and laughing.

He honked his horn.

Chi Song heard the sound and raised his head, his eyes bright.

He turned his head and said something to the little sister, looking at his mouth, it should be: "The car I called is here, goodbye."

Song Zhihuai was lying on the steering wheel, looking at Chi Song from a distance, feeling that there was only the young man who pushed out the door of the convenience store and walked towards him with the sound of the bell in the whole world.

Getting into the car, Chi Song didn't have time to slap the palm of his hand, so he rustled out a big bun from the bag: "Zhi Huai, I just ate it in the store, this beef stuffed bun is especially delicious!"

Song Zhihuai started the car and said, "Are you full?... I was going to take you to supper."

Chi Song felt embarrassed: "...I'm not full."

Song Zhihuai: "Then why don't you buy more than two to eat?"

Chi Song said seriously: "There are only two beef buns left in the store, one for each of us, just right."

Song Zhihuai slammed on the brakes, pulled Chi Song's arm, hugged him, and kissed his lips that were still smelling of tomato juice.

Chi Song had just been made a little hairy by Song Zhihuai, and he struggled subconsciously when he was kissed, but he soon softened, letting Song Zhihuai linger between his lips and teeth.

He responded to Song Zhihuai tenderly, even if he couldn't breathe because of Song Zhihuai's kiss, he always endured it silently.

When Song Zhihuai let go of Chi Song, his cheeks were flushed with hypoxia, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

Song Zhihuai kissed his forehead again.

Chi Song was not afraid of Song Zhihuai kissing him on the mouth, but when Song Zhihuai kissed his forehead, he would always be very embarrassed: "Zhihuai... um~ don't make trouble, there are pedestrians here... What if I get caught?"

Song Zhihuai touched Chi Song's face and never mentioned the phone call he had just made.

Before coming, he even deleted the video sent by Zhou Yaming on his mobile phone.

He put his arm around Chi Song's shoulder and said succinctly, "... not afraid."

Zhou Yaming said that Chi Song found the treasure when he knew Song Zhihuai.

However, Song Zhihuai always believed that he was the one who found the treasure.