I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish

Chapter 44: The hearts of parents


Chi Song, who followed the whole process of brother Harry's show of affection, was happier than accepting the proposal himself. If Song Zhihuai hadn't pulled it, Bacheng would have gone to Brother Harry's Weibo to give a like.

Zhou Yaming really did his due diligence, and he didn't forget to call Song Zhihuai in the middle of the night to remind him: "I saw what happened on Weibo. Control Chi Song, don't ask him to post Weibo or like, and we will talk about it tomorrow. "

For this matter, Chi Song is not a melon eater who stays out of the way.

He and Brother Harry are good friends, and not long ago, he and Brother Harry sold rot in the play.

The onlookers are now stunned by the huge amount of information from Lianzhupao. When they recover, they will definitely catch Chi Song and question Sanlian:

What about Chi Song

Does Chi Song know about Brother Harry's sexuality

Chi Song and Harry are so close, are they gay

Chi Song, who is in the rising stage of his career, under the background of today's society, if there is no plan to quit the circle, it is best not to really get involved with homosexuality.

No matter how tolerant of homosexuality on the Internet, in reality, there will be a large number of people who think that making homosexuals a public figure is a matter of corrupting the good morals of society.

This is cruel to say, but it is an unavoidable reality.

Zhou Yaming sighed: "Don't look at it so lively now, Harry is probably going to retire."

Song Zhihuai, who hid in the toilet to answer the phone, was silent for a moment, and then said, "Retiring in middle age and having an RV, it's already very good. But don't tell Chi Song that, he's happy for the two of them now. "

Zhou Yaming smiled and said, "It's not that Chi Song doesn't understand anything. You don't need to protect him like a child."

Song Zhihuai said, "We probably won't have any children in our lives, and Chi Song is the youngest in the family. Who can I protect if I don't protect him?"

Zhou Yaming is worthy of being a battle-hardened man. He was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food out of thin air during the Chinese New Year, but his face was still not blushing and his heart was not beating. For interviews with Harry."

After hanging up the phone, Song Zhihuai walked out of the toilet, startled by a figure standing in the dark: "...Aunt Chi?"

Mama Chi's expression was a little subtle: "Have you not slept yet?"

Song Zhihuai: "Well, you..."

Mama Chi said, "I wake up at night."

Song Zhihuai immediately gave way.

Mother Chi took two steps forward, then turned back and asked, "Who did you call just now?"

Song Zhihuai replied obediently, "Colleague."

Mother Chi snorted, and without asking any more questions, she shut Song Zhihuai outside the toilet door.

Mama Chi sits on the uncovered toilet.

Song Zhihuai's voice was in her ears, "... Chi Song is the youngest in the family, who can I protect if I don't protect him?"

Mother Chi held her face and sobbed silently.

When Song Zhihuai returned to the bedroom, Chi Song excitedly got up from the bed, knelt on the bed, and said to Song Zhihuai, "Zhihuai Zhihuai, I sent a red envelope of 520 yuan to Zhirong, wishing them a happy engagement! "

... He has a small admiration expression of "I control myself and didn't like it, am I great", which can be said to be very cute.

Song Zhihuai sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed his hair gently, "It's great."

Chi Song also kissed back: "Zhi Huai, when we announce it in the future, I will publicly propose to you like this in the future."

Song Zhihuai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I also asked for marriage."

Chi Song said unconvinced: "You confessed first, of course it's my turn to propose."

After saying this, Chi Song was overwhelmed by President Song unexpectedly.

Chi Song knew that he wouldn't do anything to himself at home, so he continued to reassure himself and said, "I want to save all the dowry like Brother Harry."

Song Zhihuai did not correct him in a good-natured manner: "What do I want the dowry for?"

Chi Song said: "The two of us spend time together. We are going to travel around the world, go to Milan to watch the show, go to Northern Europe to see the scenery, go to Russia to see the snow, and then we will have a house by the sea. When we are tired, we will go back. Home, in front of the fireplace, I'll play Hamlet for you."

Song Zhihuai asked, "Why "Hamlet"?"

Chi Song raised his chest proudly: "When I was an undergraduate student in the corrupt country, I would be scolded by the teacher for everything I played, but when I played Hamlet, the teacher praised me. I played Hamlet very well."

As he said that, he turned around, looking at Song Zhihuai with burning eyes under the weak warm light of the small night light, and said earnestly, word by word, "At that time, you will be the only audience, and I will Only for you."

Song Zhihuai said softly, "Then I really made a profit."

Chi Song thought he would lose sleep all night, but lying in Song Zhihuai's arms, he fell asleep unconsciously.

The next day, he woke up earlier than Song Zhihuai.

Nestled in Song Zhihuai's arms, he woke up for a while, then took out his mobile phone, boarded the newly applied trumpet, and squinted his eyes and swiped Weibo for a while.

Someone on the Internet has summed up the coming out incident last night, calling it "the New Year's drama".

Chi Song learned to be smart, and didn't read those heart-wrenching comments any more.

He put down his phone, and went out quietly, intending to wake Song Zhihuai up after dinner.

Who would have thought that as soon as he went out, Chi Song found that Chi Yang was squatting at the door with a bitter face.

Seeing Chi Song, Chi Yang is like a savior: "Brother, you finally got up. Mom is crying in the room."

Chi Song was taken aback: "... what's wrong with Mom?"

Chi Yang was chagrined: "... I blame me for being cheap. I just got up early to check my mobile phone, and what happened last night. When my mother asked me what I was doing, I gave her my mobile phone, and I didn't know what she saw. I started crying after a while…”

Chi Song was in a hurry and walked quickly to his parents' room. As soon as he pushed the door, Dad Chi was sitting beside Mama Chi, Meimei hugged the child and kept persuading: "Mom, don't think too much..."

As soon as she saw Chi Song, Meimei took the initiative to back away, and blocked Chi Yang who was about to enter the door: "Go, let's go out."

Chi Yang was a little puzzled at first, but as soon as he met his wife's eyes, he understood, and before leaving, he carefully closed the door for the old couple.

Now Chi Song is completely sure that her mother was sad because she saw something related to her.

He quickly went through the cause and effect of all the events of last night in his mind.

... there is no own play in it.

Could it be that there was new material early in the morning? related to yourself

When Chi Song was guessing flustered, Chi's mother waved at him: "Xiao Song, come here."

Holding the fearless spirit of "go in water in water, go in fire in fire", Chi Song took a deep breath and sat down beside the bed.

A pair of warm hands wrapped around his shoulders, caressed him, and patted him a few times.

Mama Chi wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "...I saw the Henry thing."

Mama Chi couldn't tell Brother Harry's name since she was a child, and the head manager Harry's brother was called Henry. Chi Song also corrected her several times, but found hopeless, so he simply gave up the treatment. Following his mother's accent, he called Brother Harry Henry in front of his parents.

Mother Chi looked at Chi Song with tears in her eyes and said, "That's a good boy. He even came to our house to play, but I saw a lot of people scolding him."

Chi Song bit his lip, carefully choosing the words, trying to comfort Mama Chi: "Mom, homosexuality is not acceptable to everyone."

Chi's mother patted Chi Song's shoulder, and there was a strong cry in her voice: "... I feel uncomfortable watching it... I think, if these words are scolding my son, I can't stand it... "

Chi Song was shocked.

Chi's mother gritted her teeth: "Why do they scold you, my son is the best child in the world, just because he likes men, he will be scolded by them in the spine like this? What's wrong with homosexuality? Can't homosexuality be a good boy? "

Chi Song's eyes were hot, and he whispered, "...Mom."

Mama Chi held Chi Song in her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks: "Mom has checked a lot of information these days, and the more I check, the more uncomfortable it is... Xiao Song, how hard you are, how hard it is... "

Chi Song gritted his teeth, but didn't cry: "It's alright, Mom, it's over after one hit."

Mother Chi rubbed Chi Song's hair and said, "Mom has thought about it. No matter how difficult this road is, Mom has to walk with you."

Dad Chi remained silent the whole time. After hearing her say this, he weakly added a sentence beside him: "...and me."

Chi Song laughed, but tears also poured out.

He crouched in Mama Chi's arms, crying like a child.

Chi Yang and Meimei went to make breakfast.

Half an hour later, Song Zhihuai got up, washed briefly, then went to serve Chi Yang's meal, and asked Meimei, "Where's Chi Song?"

Meimei seemed to be in a good mood: "Brother, he is talking to his parents, we will eat after they come out."

Song Zhihuai was very puzzled.

After the meal was served, following the principle that the elders could not use chopsticks unless they were on the table, Song Zhihuai, Meimei and Chi Yang waited for another ten minutes before Chi Songcai and the second elder came out of the room together.

Song Zhihuai noticed that Chi Song's eyes were red from crying, like a little white rabbit.

He suddenly pumped in his heart: This is what he was trained for

Mama Chi looked like she had just cried, but her momentum was still as strong as ever.

She put the phone in Chi Yang and said, "I couldn't be more angry just now. I asked a person who scolds Henry to comment less on other people's family affairs. He actually scolds me. Give you the phone, and you scold me back."

Chi Yang innocently said, "I can't scold people."

Mother Chi complained, "What's the use of giving birth to you?"

Chi Yang, who was stunned, looked up at Chi Song.

Mama Chi sensed his motive: "don't look at your brother. He doesn't scold people."

Song Zhihuai asked Chi Song if there was anything wrong with his eyes. Chi Song shook his head, and there was a look of joy in his slightly red and swollen eyes that Song Zhihuai couldn't understand.

Mama Chi naturally had a panoramic view of this kind of expression.

She frowned and turned to Song Zhihuai: "Zhihuai, can you curse?"

It was the first time that Song Zhihuai was so intimately called by name, and Song Zhihuai was shocked and replied, "... Let me try it?"

Mama Chi finally showed a satisfied smile: "Eat dinner, I'll leave it to you after eating."

Although he didn't know what happened, Song Zhihuai instinctively realized that something good had happened.

Everyone took their seats, and Song Zhihuai sat directly opposite Chi Song.

After a while, Song Zhihuai felt that across a table, Chi Song's feet lightly covered his instep, and he massaged his toes with his toes a little playfully.

Those soft toes were quickly captured and brought to justice, Song Zhihuai turned against the guest and tickled Chi Song's warm feet.

They held their rice bowls and smiled at each other amid the steaming heat of the food.