I’m Afraid I’m Now a Salted Fish

Chapter 46: happy Birthday


Song Zhihuai was a day late and returned to the Song family villa with two chubby cats that had gained a few pounds after the new year.

As soon as he entered the house, he found Chi Song lying on the ground, his limbs twitching very realistically.

Song Zhihuai's heart tightened, but when he saw the new script thrown on the coffee table, he suddenly realized.

... Chi Song's chronic drama addiction may have flared up again.

Chi Song was addicted to the new script of the second season of "Kong Ming Suo" just now. He had been practicing on the spot for a while, and he didn't hear the door opening. He didn't deliberately tilt his head and lie down until he heard footsteps approaching. Plain clothes die.

Song Zhihuai was not surprised by this for a long time.

This is the legendary "every day I go home and see my wife pretending to be dead".

Anyway, the floor was burning, so there was no need to worry that Chi Song would freeze, so Song Zhihuai first unzipped the cat bag, let out the two fat ancestors, and simply placed the luggage before returning to Chi Song.

Chi Song closed his eyes for a while, and found that no one cared about him, so he quietly opened his eyes a little.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Song Zhihuai, who had been squatting beside him for a long time, leaned down and kissed him gently: "My princess, are you awake?"

Chi Song wrapped his neck around him: "Your script is too old-fashioned."

Song Zhihuai slapped Chi Song up from the ground, and deliberately showed off his strength, turning the person upside down in his arms: "Then update me."

After finishing speaking, Song Zhihuai took Chi Song to update and upgrade the script, and the content changed from "Sleeping Beauty" to "Sleeping Daughter-in-law".

This time, the two of them played a little crazy. They didn't even wear a small umbrella. After eating and wiping their daughter-in-law, Song Zhihuai took Chi Song, who was screaming hoarse, into the bathroom and helped him clean up carefully to avoid getting sick.

Both of them are still young, and their bodies have long been used to and adapted to each other, just like tenon and mortise.

As a result, after washing, Song Zhihuai climbed from outside the bathtub into the bathtub.

That night, Chi Song unexpectedly had a fever.

Due to overwork, Chi Song was drowsy and didn't wake up at all, but Song Zhihuai had been worrying about Chi Song's body and couldn't sleep well in the middle of the night.

Song Zhihuai woke up immediately, got up to find antipyretic medicine, boiled hot water, helped Chi Song up, fed him medicine, and opened the refrigerator to chisel ice cubes to cool him down. The temperature on his forehead receded a little, and he fell asleep with his clothes.

Chi Song slept quite soundly and didn't wake up the whole time. He only felt in a daze that he was being held around.

Fortunately, he was in good health. When he woke up the next morning, except for a little dizziness, he felt pretty good overall.

On the other hand, Song Zhihuai, who always woke up early, rolled up the quilt and slept until eight o'clock before getting up.

Chi Song still had a vague impression of what happened last night, so he wasn't willing to disturb Song Zhihuai to sleep.

He first fed the cat, then fry the sausages, warmed the milk, and after a brief breakfast, he put the rest of the dishes in the microwave, wrote a note for Song Zhihuai, and ran into the bedroom uncontrollably to be intimate. After rubbing his face with the sleeping Song Zhihuai, he went out and caught the nanny car that Liu Shu had come to pick him up.

Chi Song is going to rehearse for his birthday party today.

The process of the birthday party is quite fixed, singing, lottery, singing, playing games, lottery, singing, fan interaction, lottery, media quiz, wait until zero o'clock to bless the VCR, cut the cake, make a wish and blow out the candle, and then give a small gift to the fans. gifts, and then you can call it a day and go home.

After all, people's energy is limited. Compared with the birthday party, Chi Song wants to focus more on the right path.

In the car, he continued what he had done yesterday: reading the script.

"Kong Mingsuo" should only have two seasons, and Lu Yuan obviously intends to make this online drama a high-quality product. As usual, he only gave Chi Song the script for the first five episodes. As for the follow-up script, it should be given after entering the group.

He had read through the script yesterday, and found a few paragraphs to rehearse by himself, and had a great time.

When Chi Song was reading the script, he enjoyed the immersive experience, so when he arrived at his destination and was about to be dragged out of the car by Liu Shu, he was very aggrieved and pulled the door and refused to get off: "Let me watch it for another five minutes. , I'll finish it right away, I promise not to be late."

Liu Shu was very good at talking, but when he saw Chi Song's pitiful appearance, his heart softened: "Okay, I'll wait here."

Five minutes later, Chi Song got out of the car with a satisfied face.

He was wearing a thick scarf, covering most of his face, and his peach blossom eyes couldn't help but crookedly smile. At first glance, the work was completed, and he was in a very good mood.

Liu Shu looked at him and felt like two furry dog ears had popped out of his head, which looked very easy to touch.

Liu Shu sighed that he had been in the entertainment industry for two years and had seen many stars. Chi Song is indeed a rare outlier who "work makes me happy".

The birthday party rehearsal was not difficult, except for the singing which made Chi Song a little nervous, everything else was very familiar.

Soon, his birthday will come.

Chi Song told his fans on Weibo in advance that he should not send expensive gifts, just greeting cards. Therefore, on his birthday, he received a mountain of small cards, and almost every card wrote a sincere article. A small composition, thank Chi Song for the two excellent roles he contributed to them last year, and hope that he will work harder and harder at work.

On the greeting card, there is also a carefully crafted Q-version small picture book.

This small picture book was made into a simple VCR and played at the beginning of the birthday party.

There are Xiao Luoluo played by Chi Song in "Coming and Going", Xiao Bai Yao in "The Quick Water Murder Case", Jian Ning, Xue Yunyang, and even "The Devil's Ode" in "God's Law" , including many Lei Opera roles that even Chi Song himself can't remember clearly.

All the characters Chi Song played from childhood to adulthood were drawn into Q-version characters with round faces and cute faces, condensed in a thin booklet.

The last page of the collection is a line of beautiful cursive characters: "Chi Song, we will always be by your side".

Chi Song's tears were about to come out, but at this moment, the lights came on, and the fans below pulled out a homemade banner.

Everyone shouted in unison: "'The carols are sung together, the voices are echoing', the 'carols' wish Chi Song a happy birthday!"

Chi Song stayed for a long time before realizing that "Carol" was the code name of his fans.

Chi Song: "… "

… He got caught up in thinking about life.

very strange.

Chi Song clearly remembers that when he was still a salted fish, didn't fans call him "blessing"

Why did his fan code change, but he didn't know it

Chi Song's information is out of date, so he can't be completely blamed.

Since the trumpet was exposed, he has not dared to go on Weibo, and the newly applied trumpet did not dare to be too rude. He himself is not an internet addict, so he simply put the trumpet to play, and occasionally wants to brush up on gossip, I just went to Weibo secretly, and I was cautious, not daring to search for news related to myself.

Chi Song has been thinking about this question when he sang. After the three songs were sung, it was his turn to interact with fans. He asked the fans weakly: "Didn't you call it 'Blessing' before? When will it be changed to 'Carol'? 'Yeah."

Fans roared with laughter.

The girl in the front row smiled and said, "That name is too dirty. We changed it after we discussed it."

Chi Song, who was in charge of setting the fan code name: "… "

Obviously this code name is very auspicious, and he also asked his mother's opinion...

Chi Song struggled in vain, trying to justify the code name: "Is it very dirty?"

Laughing at the bottom.

"Hahaha, you're as dirty as Song Yingjun."

"Haha and Li Dazhong."

"Song Song is really a waste of name hahaha."

Chi Song: "… "

The fans are too big and it's hard to manage, Chi Song is very sad.

Another climax of the day happened at the end of the Q&A session with the media, nearing twelve o'clock.

Chi Song's friends in the circle, including Zhu Ziqi and Li Qiuli, all recorded VCRs as birthday wishes and played them on the big screen.

Chi Song listened carefully to their blessings, occasionally giggling twice.

He didn't notice that the birthday party hall was quietly pushed open from the outside.

He didn't turn his head until the fans exclaimed.

—Li Qiuli, Zhu Ziqi, Chen Yi, who were still in the video just now, as well as six or seven friends in the circle, including Brother Harry, who hadn’t been seen in public for half a month, enthusiastically pushed a The three-tiered big cake walked into the birthday hall.

Chi Song was horrified: "You..."

Zhu Ziqi winked at him: "Brother Chi Song, happy birthday!"

Brother Harry pushed the cake cart to the front of the stage: "Chi Song, I made this cake myself..."

But before he finished speaking, a media reporter jumped up: "Harry, I want to ask you about your public coming out on Weibo a few days ago..."

Chi Song got away from being moved, frowned and said to the reporter: "The question and answer session has ended just now, Brother Harry won't talk about this issue."

Perhaps the reporter was too eager to make a big news, and even led the question to Chi Song: "Can I ask you to talk about it..."

Chi Song said calmly, "I won't talk about it either."

The reporter blushed and had a thick neck from choking, and was dragged and pulled back to his original position by the camera colleague behind him.

The other entertainment reporters looked like they were watching the show, and a few with a keen sense of smell had already started drafting, ready to write a story about Chi Song angering reporters at the birthday party.

Brother Harry looked at Chi Song, and suddenly there was a sense of relief that the child of the year had finally grown up.

The clock struck exactly zero.

With the support of friends and the unanimous "Happy Birthday" wishes from fans, Chi Song made the first knife on the cake.

His heart was filled to the brim, but it seemed that there was always a part missing, like a puzzle of a thousand pieces, all filled, but the most important piece was left behind.

At the end of the birthday party, all the fans were sent away, and the friends who came to wish Chi Song a happy birthday were also sent away one by one. Chi Song wore a big scarf and walked out of the venue alone.

Today's weather is good, no haze, and two or three stars can still be seen in the sky.

Chi Song breathed in the rare fresh cold air, took a few steps, but saw a figure in the distance.

As the figure approached, Chi Song's heart pounded.

... the last piece of the puzzle, put together.

Since playing crazy with Song Zhihuai that day, Chi Song left early and returned late, and he didn't even have time to sit at the same table as Song Zhihuai for dinner. Often when he came home, Song Zhihuai fell asleep.

Seeing Song Zhihuai now, his whole heart has calmed down.

Chi Song looked left and right, turned around and walked back to the empty birthday party hall.

The people inside were all gone, leaving only balloons, streamers, greetings, and a bench that had not been cleaned up in time.

In a short while, the staff will come to take care of the aftermath.

Chi Song hid himself in the shadow, until a taller shadow of nearly 1.9 meters covered him, and he asked in a low voice, "...Why are you here?"

The feather-like kiss fell on Chi Song's lips, restrained and gentle.

Song Zhihuai replied, "...I'll kiss you."

In the empty carnival scene, Song Zhihuai took out a small boxy box, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Chi Song, happy birthday."

Chi Song's heart beat wildly.

Song Zhihuai held Chi Song's left hand, took out a silver diamond ring from the small box, and slowly pushed it on Chi Song's left middle finger.

Song Zhihuai held Chi Song's hand and said slowly, "This is just an engagement ring. I promise that when the real proposal is made, the ring will be twice as big as this."